Creating a New World

In thinking about OPs vis a vis an STO reality, consider this: if the awake and aware individuals are in alignment with 4 D STO, then, in a sense, they become the STO interface between OPs and 4 D. In other words, they become the shepherds of a flock, so to say, responsible in a sense, for the spiritual growth of such individuals. It might even be thought that OPs constitute the muscles and bones of the "social body."

Does anybody know what percentage of a body is organ tissue, what percentage is muscle tissues, what percentage is bone, etc? I wonder if there would be analogies that could be drawn from such? After all, we understand that about 50 percent of humanity may be OPs and a small percentage of those may be pathological, i.e. psychopaths. The other 50% of potentially souled humanity is still another spectrum ...

Also, ya'll stop being obsessed with the idea of the 200 people in the forest and surviving some global infrastructure discontinuity. That was brought in just to get you to think in very basic terms, to try to look at and understand social structure in an organic way, to REALLY think outside of the box. For all we know, progression to 4 D STO will occur with no visible/apparent discontinuity.

I also suggested the watching of "The Trap" to get you to think about certain concepts such as "freedom" and "democracy" in a new way by observing what these ideas ultimately lead to. (Or can lead to if not modulated.)

Clearly, Free Will in the esoteric sense is NOT the same as "freedom and democracy" in the worldly sense. Recall Gurdjieff's description of the circles of humanity and the description of the inner, or esoteric circle. Freedom and democracy without Knowledge and Being is little more than bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator resulting in: Babel.

I asked you to look at SkaraBrae because I hoped it would suggest where some answers might be found - in very ancient societies that managed to live for thousands of years without war or internal conflict. We need to ask: what were they doing?

From the modern point of view, the first recorded civilization in history appeared sometime between 30,000 and 40,000 years ago and spread throughout Europe and Asia. As it moved across this great expanse, the civilization preserved a basic unity and therefore must have had a network of communication and trade. Goods that were considered precious during the Ice Age – obsidian or certain seashells – show up in archaeological sites hundreds of miles from their place of origin. There was art everywhere in the form of statuettes or engravings on stone, ivory, or antlers - and Cave Art.

This ancient culture, though broadly similar, evolved differently in different places, developing distinct local customs, styles and traditions. Except for a few widely scattered instances, the only people who painted in caves lived in what is now southern France and northern Spain. Of course, in places like the steppes of Russia there were no caves to paint. But elsewhere, in Germany for example, there were plenty of caves, yet the people who lived nearby apparently neither explored nor painted them. It was the people who lived among the caves on either side of the Pyrenees who developed this powerful and enduring means of expression. One gets the impression that these caves were "cult centers" or initiatory centers for that entire civilization.

Having burst at once into full flower at Chauvet, cave painting remained much the same until it died out about 10,000 years ago. The changes that did occur were subtle. Lions and bears appear frequently in the paintings at Chauvet but are rare in the caves painted thousands of years later. Perhaps that means that those predators had been reduced in population, or were less of a threat. Styles changed subtly. Chauvet and Lascaux were painted by different artists who had different visions but these differences were so subtle that they only emphasize the essential similarity.

Horses, bison, human hands, reindeer, and various repeated and consistent geometric signs appear again and again in cave after cave. Horses are common at Chauvet and appear throughout the cave. At Lascaux, which was created 15,000 years later, horses are the dominant animal in the cave and constitute over half of the one thousand or so paintings and engravings.

There is also a strict consistency for 20,000 years in what is NOT pictured. Fish are rare. With one or two exceptions, there are no insects. There are no rodents, no reptiles and no birds except for a few owls. Also many species of mammals were excluded such as bats and common animals such as hyenas. The cave painters were not creating a bestiary or a zoological catalog. Nor were they attempting to re-create and record the world they saw around them in detail. The work portrays animals that the culture valued – and not in a practical way, but in an aesthetic or mythological or spiritual way.

There is never a tree or a bush or a flower. There are no rivers, lakes, cliffs, rocks, caves. There’s no sky either – no stars, no moon, and no sun. That’s a peculiar omission.

The caves are also very chaste. There are pictures of vulvas, penises that are occasionally erect, pregnant women and a variety of geometric shapes that suggest male or female genitals, but the animals are never actually mating and neither are the humans. One small, flat rock has an engraving of a man and woman having sex, but that is the only such representation ever found from these prehistoric times. Nor are there any animals giving birth. Fawns, cubs, or other young are extremely rare. So we think it was not a fertility thing.

The colors are consistent, too. The painters had a wide range of colors available to them, but the two that dominated were black and red.

The artistic techniques remained identical during the many millennia that cave painting lasted. This immutable similarity in themes, colors, and techniques, shows that the cave paintings were the creation of artists working in a cultural tradition that survived for more than 20,000 years. For that tradition to have endured essentially unchanged for so long, it must have been passed from generation to generation in a precise, clear, and memorable way since this expanse of time was before the invention of writing.

With painting being taught, it is also likely that, to preserve the culture itself, other skills were taught. Knowledge and beliefs were transmitted down the generations in a way that was more formal and rigorous than just telling stories around the campfire.

Musical instruments have been found, so it is also likely that music was taught, there was dancing, singing and chanting.

But because there was no writing, the undoubtedly elaborate mythology, the songs, the stories, are lost to us. The beautiful – amazing – carvings of animals on bone, ivory and stone, and the paintings in the caves, are all that remain from this cultural tradition that was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years.

When they painted or engraved images of people, they did so with very little care or effort – stick figures and/or crude faces that look like cartoons or caricatures. The contrast between these types of images and the realism of the animal paintings suggests that, for some reason, images of human beings were just “not done” for some reason. Some scholars have proposed that there was a religious or social ban on human images as there is in Islam today.

We know from observing hunter-gatherer societies that still survive that no matter where they live, whether in the desert or tropical forests or in the arctic, they have family groups of 10 to 20, then associated groups of 150 to 175, and then larger regional groups of about 500 individuals. It’s reasonable to assume that the first modern humans lived in a similar family and social organization of about the same size.

Let me repeat that all-important idea: this cultural tradition was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years.

I've written about the possible shamanic use of the caves in Secret History, as well as the original role of the shaman as the protector of the psychic integrity of the community AND the possibility that certain songs and dances performed by individuals in harmony with one another and being of the "shamanic" ilk, could conceivably have provided all the needs of the community in various ways.

We have had a few clues about Stonehenge, but a recent session provided a bit more insight:

28 July 2009

Q: (A***) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference center."

Q: (A***) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".

Q: (Al***) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A***l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.

Then, it was referenced again:

5 August 2008

Q: (L) Okay. So the next question is: The putative Nostratic speakers in East Asia include the Asians that I think were the original shamans which I've discussed in Secret History and elsewhere, Altaic speakers in particular. So if this is the case, and if Nostratic as a linguistic group can be correlated with an original population from Kantek, does that mean that both the early shamans of East Asia and the circle-people of Europe (with the pyramid people further south) have their origins on Kantek?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And does the difference in phenotype between the two groups indicate admixture of the East Asian Kantekkians with a more native group that was already on Earth?

A: Yes. And notice the ongoing dispute over the "out of Africa" versus the "out of Asia" groups. It is an improper assumption. Out of Kantek vs out of Earth is a better formulation.

Q: (L) Okay, next question: Who built the Hypogeum in Malta?

A: Ancient "circle people".

Q: (L) And for what purpose?

A: Rebirth, healing, manifestation. See answers previously given about Chaco Canyon.

So, we have an idea that a cultural tradition that was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years with few signs of tribal aggression (no defensive fortifications), may very well have been one that was aligned with 4 D STO to some extent. We don't even know the real dates of these things because we know that, with repeated cometary bombardments, the dates have all been reset numerous times. We also don't know what other processes can reset organic clocks and if any of those processes may have been in play (they likely were over such a vast period of time.)

So, trying to figure out what was going on then, what was "normal society", might be very useful.

Of course, we might think that certain pathologies did not exist back then, they were mutations... and so, whatever we figure out will have to be adjusted with the knowledge of psychopathy and that it has infiltrated the genetics of many normal people and could pop up at any time.

Or, perhaps there were psychopaths back then, but far fewer of them and they were "handled" when detected. And perhaps that was part of the job of the tribal shaman - to detect pathology and either cure it, contain it, or deal with it.

After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?
Laura said:
After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?

On reading this I am reminded of the inner/esoteric circle of which Gurdjieff spoke. Macrobiologically perhaps the pituitary/pineal section of the "brain" (Cs mentioned the pituitary being the link to 4D, if I remember correctly). If this analogy holds, the shaman/bard would be the 'regulator of the "hormones"' of the body/group. Hormones in this case of the body/group would be certain ideas perhaps? Shared in the form of stories/songs (Bard! :)) The image keeps coming up in my head of an 'elder'/group of elders.

::::muses to self - 'how would it be decided who is to be the shaman/bard? Certainly not by politic-king'::::

Laura said:
After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?

I thought that he/she could be like the moral compass for the group, maybe like a tuning fork, in the sense of "knowing" what's right because he/she has access to a deeper understanding of whatever the situation really is ?

Also he/she would be the memory of the group and also the messenger from higher realms to the group ?
Maybe more simply to gather knowledge from the other groups around the world (teletransportation), sharing their the groups could be connected together in this way they would not need any means of communications as we know today ?

Sorry if I am off base and stuck in 3d thinking with this though.
Joan said:
there was also a short programme on Radio 4 recently but have been unable to find it. I thought I had it saved.

Hi Joan,

Was this it?

There's also this page that came up after I did a search:
Laura said:
After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?

Here's an extract from Eliade's Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (quoted in the Wave), which might give clues about one of the Shaman's (many) roles:

The principal function of the shaman in Central and North Asia is magical healing. Several conceptions of the cause of illness are found in the area, but that of the ‘rape of the soul’ is by far the most widespread. Disease is attributed to the soul’s having strayed away or been stolen, and treatment is in principle reduced to finding it, capturing it, and obliging it to resume its place in the patient’s body. In some part of Asia the cause of illness can be the intrusion of a magical object into the patient’s body or his ‘possession’ by evil spirits; in this case, cure consists in extracting the harmful object or expelling the demons. Sometimes disease has a twofold cause - theft of the soul aggravated by ‘possession’ by evil spirits - and the shamanic cure includes both searching for the soul and expelling the demons.
Only the shaman can undertake a cure of this kind. For only he ‘sees’ the spirits and knows how to exorcise them; only he recognizes that the soul has fled, and is able to overtake it, in ecstasy, and return it to its body.
...Everything that concerns the soul and its adventure, here on earth and in the beyond, is the exclusive province of the shaman. Through his own preinitiatory and initiatory experiences, he knows the drama of the human soul, its instability, and its precariousness; in addition, he knows the forces that threaten it and the regions to which it can be carried away. If shamanic cure involves ecstasy, it is precisely because illness is regarded as a corruption or alienation of the soul.
...The struggle against the evil spirits is dangerous and finally exhausts the shaman. ‘We are all destined to fall before the power of the spirits,’ the shaman Tusput told Sieroszewski, ‘The spirits hate us because we defend men...’ And in fact, in order to extract the evil spirits from the patient, the shaman is often obliged to take them into his own body; in doing so, he struggles and suffers more than the patient himself.
...Aside from the rare cases of ‘infernal specialization’ (confined to descents to the underworld), the Siberian shamans are equally capable of celestial ascents and descents to the nether regions... This two-fold technique derives in a manner from their initiation itself, and for the initiatory dreams of future shamans include both descents (ritual sufferings and death) and ascents (resurrection). In this context we can understand that, after battling the evil spirits or descending to the underworld to recover the patient’s soul, the shaman feels the need to reestablish his own spiritual equilibrium by repeating the ascent to the sky.
...The shaman’s power and prestige derive exclusively from his capacity for ecstasy. It is to his mystical capacities that the shaman owes his ability to discover and combat the evil spirits that have seized the patient’s soul; he does not confine himself to exorcising them, he takes them into his own body, ‘possesses’ them, tortures and expels them.
[...Shamanism today has deteriorated and lost its focus]... We observe a certain decadence of shamanism, a condition attested almost everywhere. The Tungus compare especially the strength and courage of the ‘old shamans’ with the cowardice of shamans today, who in some districts no longer dare to undertake the dangerous journey to the underworld.
[Eliade, 1964]
it has been mentioned before, but i think one of the most elemental things for a functioning society of any size is to find a way to deal with GREED.

i don't really have solutions to this problem, but i feel that the issue of greed must be seriously considered
Laura wrote: Horses are common at Chauvet and appear throughout the cave. At Lascaux, which was created 15,000 years later, horses are the dominant animal in the cave and constitute over half of the one thousand or so paintings and engravings.

There is also a strict consistency for 20,000 years in what is NOT pictured. . . . The cave painters were not creating a bestiary or a zoological catalog. Nor were they attempting to re-create and record the world they saw around them in detail. The work portrays animals that the culture valued–and not in a practical way, but in an aesthetic or mythological or spiritual way

Fascinating--I knew that there were horses pictured in these caves but not that they were the dominate images, nor that they were significant beyond the ritual hunting magic done with images to draw (draw!) the game to the hunters. And people shake their heads and smile when I tell them I belong to the Church of Equus. ;)

Quote from RflctnOfU:
'how would it be decided who is to be the shaman/bard? Certainly not by politic-king'::::
Clearly this position needs to be filled by someone with "special powers" psychic and/or knowledge based, who is able to see objective reality and possibly "travel" between densities Such a person would have to demonstrate their willingness to use their powers by doing for the common good and then be appointed/elected or "volunteered" by the ruling council of elders, that I also picture as the governing body of an STO group.
Laura reply# 315
So, we have an idea that a cultural tradition that was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years with few signs of tribal aggression (no defensive fortifications), may very well have been one that was aligned with 4 D STO to some extent. . . . So, trying to figure out what was going on then, what was "normal society", might be very useful.

For a culture to have existed intact for over 20,000 years without significant evidence of either offensive or defensive aggression then it must have been able to meet the needs of its people, physical, mental, and emotional, in ways that created a desire for stability and continuity that was stronger than an urge for “growth” (read increase of territory and wealth) and change. According to the Cs humans have been inflicted with the predator mind by their 4D STS handlers for over 70,000 years, so these people must have experienced some level of psychopathy and found a way to deal with it and still maintain the integrity of their culture. They must have figured out ways to handle individuals with psychopathic behaviors, and have dealt with issues like greed, as Iconoclast mentioned, and the susceptibilities of OPs to STS forces.

In small (50-100?) tribal family groups where everyone knows each other, it would seem that potential leaders could be observed for many years for their STO behaviors and lack of psychopathy. A Shaman/leader may then have been chosen/elected by a ruling minority of already trusted governors—people who demonstrated the willingness to be of service to others and control of their egos & emotions, and who over the years built impeccable reputations and earned the sacred trust of the people. With enough trust and stability perhaps this would carry over and allow the culture to be maintained in progressively larger groups.

This trust would be a kind of social glue that bonded the leaders and followers to each other and allowed them to maintain a path of living that would be of benefit to all—maybe not all, but all who were human and not psychopaths. The psychopaths, I can only imagine would have to have been exiled, and in a time when there were so few humans and a group was needed to survive, exile was likely to mean death. Perhaps over twenty thousand years enough of the exiled psychopaths managed to band together, sell out to the STS devils, so to speak, and began preying on the STO aligned groups. Or perhaps the family tribal groups eventually got so large that people were not able to continue the one-on-one knowledge and awareness of each other that seems necessary to sustain the kind of trust needed to maintain a healthy, non-psychopathic dominated, society. Or both scenarios evolved, and once psychopaths came to power and were backed by STS powers that be, then humans were no longer able to maintain their trust of each other. It seems that creating a new world without psychopathy would require a start-up STO oriented group screened for psychopathy, and maintained small enough so that awareness of psychopathic behaviors would not go unnoticed and could be dealt with promptly.
Tigersoap said:
Laura said:
After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?

I thought that he/she could be like the moral compass for the group, maybe like a tuning fork, in the sense of "knowing" what's right because he/she has access to a deeper understanding of whatever the situation really is ?

Also he/she would be the memory of the group and also the messenger from higher realms to the group ?
Maybe more simply to gather knowledge from the other groups around the world (teletransportation), sharing their the groups could be connected together in this way they would not need any means of communications as we know today ?

Sorry if I am off base and stuck in 3d thinking with this though.

I was thinking why would just shamans have the deeper knowledge, and come to the conclusion that maybe that was the safe way, the knowledge have been more protected from distortion. But if that was the case, then the shamans would be very special people. Of course dedicating whole their life and self to the job they were doing, from the born to the death, something that modern western civilization people couldn’t even think of.

But were they special because of their education or were they special by the born? (so to say in that way). That is interesting thought.
Maybe the shaman can be compared to the eyes(or senses) of the society/group.

The shaman seems to be the one who has away from itself all attachment and own needs, he/she is able to see/perceive the real needs of the group, maybe it is like a direct conexion to the group consciousness wich enable him/her to have a whole view of every situation, and as he/she is also open to the stream of the higher realms is able to provide what is needed drawing it out from the inexhaustible well.
Wow! Trying to figure out what was "normal society" with a "cultural tradition was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years" is a tall order, indeed, but is obviously a worthy goal!

It seems to me, the very fact of it is strong enough to suggest that, at least someone, had access to higher density consciousness.

Laura said:
After writing all of the above, it occurs to me that we might want to consider the role of the shaman/bard in an STO society?

After reading some other posts questioning 'who' is to be this shaman/bard, I don't think the question is meant in that manner, but rather, what did, or does, the shaman/bard DO in this kind of society. (Of course, I could be wrong)

This person would voluntarily take on the job of staying healty and possibly isolated from STS influences, as much as possible, in the interests of purity and accuracy of contact with higher realms - at least, while being in such contact.

Really, I don't know, other than to say that this person(s) would fill the role of leader and holder of the vision and knowledge needed to guide guide the group in a long term direction of safe growth and BEing.

The more I try to say, the more I realize I've got nuthin'( :)) here, but I do think it will be a useful exercise to try and define this role for the group.
Quote from shellycheval:
In small (50-100?) tribal family groups where everyone knows each other, it would seem that potential leaders could be observed for many years for their STO behaviors and lack of psychopathy. A Shaman/leader may then have been chosen/elected by a ruling minority of already trusted governors—people who demonstrated the willingness to be of service to others and control of their egos & emotions, and who over the years built impeccable reputations and earned the sacred trust of the people. With enough trust and stability perhaps this would carry over and allow the culture to be maintained in progressively larger groups.

This trust would be a kind of social glue that bonded the leaders and followers to each other and allowed them to maintain a path of living that would be of benefit to all—maybe not all, but all who were human and not psychopaths.

This really stands out to me. I get the feeling, too, that in these smaller groups it would be less a matter of "voting/election" per se and more like an ongoing process where it would almost become obvious who would be best suited for what roles. With so few people in a group it is possible to know everyone fairly well (I only had 60 people in my graduating high school class and around 300 people in the whole school and there were few secrets it seemed.) Having small groups leads to more knowledge of individual people and of how they all function together as a group. Also, the idea of many smaller groups feels more in tune with the idea of being like a "body". If the body were too big, it would be hard to know all the parts intimately. Which brings me to the idea that the shaman/bard would be a big part of the body's immune system, kind of going along with Luthien's quote from Eliade's Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (quoted in the Wave). The Shaman, I think, would have a more objective outlook and help us to see any disease/cancers forming in our "body" and help us to deal with the issue in the most effective way for all involved.

Quote from buddy:
Wow! Trying to figure out what was "normal society" with a "cultural tradition was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years" is a tall order, indeed, but is obviously a worthy goal!

It seems to me, the very fact of it is strong enough to suggest that, at least someone, had access to higher density consciousness.

I think I agree with this, as well. Part of what I've been thinking a lot about as we've discussed this other kind of society is that when trying to think of a more ideal way to live, I always wander back to the idea that the groups can't get too large. Of course the population will grow, but functional groups would not be able to grow too large or it would get harder and harder to know and trust everyone. Something I see as a huge problem in our current society - how detached everyone is from each other. There are so many of us in a "group" once you get outside of the family unit that we could never know everyone intimately. Which also leads me to an idea that was brought up somewhere recently on the forum with the regards to technology... I think we would have to be very weary of any technology that would be a stumbling block to human interaction.

With that said, I think I'll stop here for now until I get these thoughts a little more developed. :)
The indigenous people of the islands of Hawaii are called the Huna people. They have the Tahuna's. The elder wiseones that have specific duties to the community. My husband introduced me to his experience with one of these Tahuna's a man named Tahuna George. He was the Tahuna of the Hula. Yes, the dance we all know from tourism ads and movies. But in reality it was the history of these people. They spoke their history through their dance. There were other forms of Tahuna's. For further info there is a book called Children of the Rainbow by Leinani Melville. (not wanting to go off topic with more on this book).

In reference to the Shaman/Bard

Ana said:
Maybe the shaman can be compared to the eyes(or senses) of the society/group.

The shaman seems to be the one who has away from itself all attachment and own needs, he/she is able to see/perceive the real needs of the group, maybe it is like a direct conexion to the group consciousness wich enable him/her to have a whole view of every situation, and as he/she is also open to the stream of the higher realms is able to provide what is needed drawing it out from the inexhaustible well.

From my experiences and study this is what the Shaman's potential is. The eye's of the community's (tribe/band) people. Seeing what the rest can not. Usually from a near death experience called "The Shamans Death". Using their "gifts" in an ideal impeccable way. There is potential for a lot of corruption with this kind of gift. Having meet in my travels many proclaimed "Shamans and Medicine people" I have became very weary of self proclaimed titles. I have come across only two who I may discern are actually Shaman's and not shame-ans. Experiencing a soul retrieval from one of them which was a profound and wonderful experience for me.

The Bard for me is the heart, the historian. The person/persons who tells the story of the people through music, dance and song.

In my travels I sat around many Bardic Circles around a camp fire and it is truly wonderful. Hearing others song, music, poetry and stories. I trust that someday we may all sit around a fire and sing and dance with the bards.
Laura said:
I asked you to look at SkaraBrae because I hoped it would suggest where some answers might be found - in very ancient societies that managed to live for thousands of years without war or internal conflict. We need to ask: what were they doing?

Considering that pathologies might have been in existence and known about at the time that Skara Brae was occupied, this web page (from the site linked by Laura recently) has some very interesting remarks about one of the houses in the settlement:

Orkneyjar said:
Despite the similarities to the other houses in the settlement, House 7 has some clear differences.

Perhaps the most obvious is the fact that it is “detached” from its neighbours. Access to the structure was by a dedicated side-passage – a passage that only served House 7. [...]

Add to this the fact that the door could only be bolted from the outside – whoever went into [House 7] had no physical control over when they got out. Because it was specifically designed to be sealed off from the outside, it has been suggested that House 7 was used to exclude people from the rest of the community.

The question is, why? [...]

Archaeologists have figured out which side a door could be locked from because bar holes have been found in the walls.

Skara Brae was occupied during the approximate period 3000BC – 2400BC.

In Origins of Violence: Climate Change in the Sahara 7,000 Years Ago:
DeMeo writes that after 4000 BCE the climate of the Sahara began to get drier and the ecosystem shifted to savannah and then increasingly to arid desert. Famines changed the physiology of people through a change in their anatomy. Infants born into a struggle for survival failed to develop normally. With the onset of starvation the anatomy of the brain began to change resulting in changed function of the brain. The result most probably effected a change in personality.

Did the genetic mutation spawned in the Sahara slowly spread northwards, eventually affecting the Neolithic populations of the Orkneys? And is that why the door to house 7 at Skara Brae can only be locked from the outside? Were the occupants of Skara Brae aware of pathology and dealt with their pathological people by keeping them separate from the rest of the community? Perhaps most especially at night, when it might have been easier for the pathological to interact with people without the oversight of the group (or elders)? Perhaps the pathological types were put to work as the ‘muscles’ of the community?

Reading Laura’s recent post, another thing struck me:

Laura said:
Let me repeat that all-important idea: this cultural tradition was so fulfilling and profound that it lasted more than 20,000 years.

The cometary bombardment cycle is 3600 years. Either that cycle was very different in those days, or it didn't exist, or the people had some way of dealing with comets. If the cometary cycle was in existence at the time of the 20,000-year society, theoretically that society should have been decimated five times (3600 x 5 = 18000). So how did the people avoid the comets? Were they able to somehow alter the outcome? Or even deflect the comets? The thought that the people might have been able to alter the outcome of the cometary bombardment cycle is profound in its implications.

Considering the comets and possible alteration or avoidance of the cyclical bombardment, it would be helpful to know when the current cometary cycle of 3600 years began. I searched through the Cs sessions and found the following:

941005 said:
Q: (L) Now, this cluster of comets, when was the last time it came into the solar system?
A: 3582 yrs ago?
Q: (L) What is the cycle?
A: 3600 yrs.
Q: (L) So, when is this cluster expected to hit the plane of the ecliptic again?
A: 12 to 18 years.

941007 said:
Q: (L) What killed off the major dinosaurs?
A: Comet impact.
Q: (L) What was the source of this comet?
A: Cluster.
Q: (L) How long has this comet cluster been with us in our solar system?
A: 890 million years.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this comet cluster? Was it originally a large planet?
A: No.

So, it seems that the cometary cluster cycle has been ongoing for a very long time indeed, certainly longer than 30-40,000 years.

Then I found this:

010705 said:
VB: Take a deep breath, stay on this side of the mirror... looking through. Keep looking;
look through the mirror. Would you show Laura, so that she can describe for us, the
situation concerning Percival, Percival Three.

A: The previously mentioned time machine, placed precisely at a specific location - and it's
not exactly clear whether the action - there's a choice at that point in time, you know...

VB: What kind of choice?

A: A group can leave with the machine, or a group can bond their awareness, and utilize
the device to shift the earth out of the path of destruction. It's not a shift in material
terms, it's a shift in time.

VB: So that the comet will hit where the earth isn't anymore?

A: Right.

VB: How, much of a jump does this require?

A: Oh! Well, in terms of time, a miss is as good as a mile!

VB: How much of a jump in time is required?

A: A day.

VB: The space that the earth travels during one revolution on its axis, is enough to avoid a
direct hit?

A: Yes.

VB: What would the effects be of moving the planet and everyone on it back or forward a

A: If you can do it, most people, after the shift, will forget that there was ever a danger.

Well, after reading that I have to wonder if the people of the cave-art period had figured out how to do just what Laura describes. A group of 200 people dancing in a certain way at a certain time?

Laura said:
I've written about the possible shamanic use of the caves in Secret History, as well as the original role of the shaman as the protector of the psychic integrity of the community AND the possibility that certain songs and dances performed by individuals in harmony with one another and being of the "shamanic" ilk, could conceivably have provided all the needs of the community in various ways.

Without the shaman/bard, the society heads down the road of entropy. With the shaman/bard and/or council of elders, the society walks the path of creativity.

If the time travel scenario described by Laura is possible, then the shaman/bard and the esoteric circle can literally save the world. What a thought!!!
Thinking back to how to solve the pathology problem, I recalled about a quote I came across in one the threads where pathology was discussed. In my opinion, it described the root causes of pathologies:
(L) Okay. What is the most essential thing for us to know about Paleochristianity, about what people need to know?

A: People need to know about pathology as you call it. In former times it was often referred to as demonic possession. In some cases, they were right.

Q: (L) But clearly not in all cases, and that needs to made absolutely clear because there are some people who are just sick.

A: Yes. Hyperdimensional influences are often the cause of pathology. This can be due to influences at this level of reality including dietary and nurture.

Q: (L) Okay, what else?

A: Just as detoxing the body can lead to abundant health, so can detoxing the mind and environment lead to abundant life and happiness for all. But as was the "fall", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

Q: (L) For example?

A: Stay tuned. Next time. Goodbye.

From the above, I understood that hyperdimensional influences are the most important causes of pathologies. So eliminating (assuming it is possible) them will result in a subtantial reduction of new types of pathologies and should reduce also opportunities for STS attacks. We'll thus just remain with the psychopaths resulting of genes of already present in the Community. But how to eliminate (assuming it is only possible) hyperdimensional influences? Another quote, from session 16 July 2009 came to mind:

Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?

A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Q: (L) Well that's crazy. (Ark) How can it happen that they are cut off from their power supply? I don't understand.

A: Mental blocking.
So perhaps learning these techniques will be beneficial in this case?

There is also in the same session a discussion about shamans and what struck me was that Cs said it was initially a group activity.

Q: (Ark) So it's much like these shamans dancing to get the rain, yes?

A: That was corrupted. They had already lost the knowledge that this is a group thing and no one individual has the "being" to stand alone in 3D {against 4D}.

Q: (L) But the Indians would do rain dances together, wouldn't they? I mean the Native Americans, excuse me. (A***) Feathers, not dots! (laughter)

A: Yes. But they too had lost much knowledge.

This session of 16 July 2009 is also interesting as the Cs brought up the idea of 200 people with some knowledge and skills gathered somewhere for a given purpose. And they could determine how our planet will interact with the wave! They could just save the world as said in the above post from mada85. Think it is worth rereading as it can shed some lights in this discussion or osit. ;) fwiw
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