Creating a New World

Let's establish a survival-blueprint for our community. Try relate to a macro-cosmic body, if it works, everybody can use it, when need arises. There were reports of functioning communities after Katrina. So here are my ideas:

What is of greatest importance for survival?

1. Water and food and fire: be warm, can cook, keeps predators away
2. shelter for winter: protection from cold

Once short term survival is more or less ensured, what about long-term? People age. Young women, capable of child bearing might be of greatest importance. In case of a serious pandemic or prolonged starvation children will probably go first as they have weaker, undeveloped immune systems. Young women and those older capable of good child care are the Heart of the community. If there is enough women and childbirth an advanced soul can chose to incarnate, so i say, protect the Womb and keep it away from psychopatic influence.

Shaman, psychic and exceptionally intelligent persons are the Brain of our community for strategic planning [no pun intended as shown in The Trap]. The Blood-brain barrier and White blood cells, Kidneys and Liver is composed of close friends, who are also protectors of the Womb and the Heart. Legs, Feet, Lungs can be normal and pathological people, hunting, scouting, building, etc.

Everything goes smooth [let's suppose], what's next?
Once people are more or less stable psychologically and there is enough food and water and nobody freezes to death in winter and there is enough childbirth, it's time for expansion and serious education. The isolation of pathologicals*could begin in a form like
Approaching Infinity's ultimatum
. The macrocosmic body isolates Toxins*, pushes them away from the important inner organs, outward, to the perimeter: skin, fatty tissues for example. White blood cells take care of invaders. Then we should do a community-Detox program.

Our macro-cosmic body here is however composed of minds of members and must be aware that it contains toxins and probably some of these toxins cannot be removed [deviant child of a good friend] and must be tolerated. This is only useful - i think - for teaching the children and pointing them out actions of deviant individuals, so the children can protect themselves: young women probably won't accept sexual approach of pathologicals and won't plan for children with them.

Good intentions, good-mood and positive approach should govern our planning.

Always expect attack, know modes of same:
The community can end in various ways, i think calculating scenarios is good for protection: like no more water and food, bear or wolf attack, too harsh winter, pandemic, psychopath aggression, encountering a second community that heartily invites us for dinner (cannibalism), influence from space [meteor hits carrying deadly organisms] or 4th density STS decides it's time for wipeout.
Citation de: Laura
Can society be structured like a family? Like a macrocosmic human body?

Here is what come to my mind: after the first intervention is done, let start building our body.

First we need arms but we need those arm to work in the right direction so let divide it. People whit knowledge like engineering, architect etc. i.e. specialist can be the upper arm. Then, people with trade like carpenter, mechanic, tool maker etc. can be the forearm.The hand will be like a project manager depending on the project, he will be chosen because of is general knowledge of the most urgent project. He can be from the upper arm or the forearm i.e. the engineer design plan, present it to the forearm and together they decide who will be the hand for that particular project. Then the arm need finger, worker with basic skill, knowledge or with physical and intellectual capability to work on that specific project. So the hand can estimate what he need for the realization of the project ex: material, number of peoples, skill etc. There will be many arm that can work on one project ex. building a house, you need material that can be prepare or transform from one hand then past to another hand who will build the structure, then the structure is past to another hand that can do the wall etc. etc... Again the finger may come from the forearm or above or selected from volunteer ready to get to work, who thing that they have sufficient capability and to whom this particular project appeal.

We need leg to go collecting and gathering food but before sending every one out let send a few eyes, scout, who will evaluate the surrounding and report back. They will send the hunter where animal are and they can send gatherer where vegetable or fruit or nut can be found. Maybe they will discover pond or a river where they can send fisher man. Of course hunter need tool for there trade so they may need a hand working for making these assuming that we don't have any fire arm, we need spear or wire for snare or fishing line etc.

We need a brain to take collective decision, this can be the elected elders from the different part of the body who form a council,

we need to form a heart (art, historian etc.) and digesting system ( food production and transformation) , a immune system (psychologist, doctor, etc.)

This is what I see for the moment, we can elaborate more if you think that it goes along the general idea of the group.
Wow this is a great topic, I only wish I had noticed it sooner! Lots of great ideas presented especially concerning meeting of the basic physical needs.

Considering the following quote:

Laura said:
Can society be structured like a family? Like a macrocosmic human body?

Ideally yes society can be structured like a family, each helping the other using their strengths and working together to survive and grow. Coming from the standpoint of the human body being one, composed of many parts who work together for survival and learning. Each plays its part and no one part is more important than another. An analogy (maybe not the best) that comes to mind is scaling a cliff where hands, fingers, feet, arms, legs, back, eyes and mind are all used to accomplish this task, if you leave out one of these, attempting to scale a cliff would be difficult indeed. If all of the members of society realize they play an equally important role in the survival of the community/family/body and each does their part then the whole will grow. The hunter is as important as the cook who is as important as the builder... as in a family, all are important and each person will contribute what they can for the families overall growth.

If several generations lived under the same roof all could pitch in where needed for cooking, caring for the children, gathering food or the many chores needed to keep the family functioning, taking turns as needed to best help. Expand this idea to a whole community/society where everyone helps and shares in the responsibilities for the enrichment of all. The needs of the community body can be met quicker when all work together as one whole unit.

Just my thoughts fwiw.
This is a continuation of my post on the possible scenario's in the first hour(s) after the group of 200 is ´left to survive in the woods´.

Three things are going on while the immediate violence in the environment has stopped. Some members of the group are trying to find out if it safe to move and how to do it, others are searching for critical elements that are lacking in order to guarantee the survival of the group and the group itself has made an inventory of the emotional status of its members, the skills and the material available. When all three groups are back together leadership should gather all this information and synthesize it into several options with attached to these clear objective statements of the risks of each. The best option might be have become obvious due to the information gathered, but it is likely that it still will be a risky endeavour. The their might be several options that have several advantages and disadvantages and the decision might not be so clear.

Now a difficult and decisive moment has come: should the group decide on what to do or should leadership do it? If their is time for consultation and discussion it should be done, but ultimately it should be the leaderships responsibility to decide. People in the group should be allowed to express their disagreement with it, but, according the principle of ´nobody left behind´, should accept the decision of the leadership. Security is still the priority. The group is not settling yet, not even trying to gather food. The objective is to get to a safer place and/or a place that is longer safe in order to give care and rest to the most vulnerable in the group. This might take several days if not weeks.

If the decision is to move all material not necessary for survival and all material that will probably not function any longer should be left behind. The focus should be on traveling as light as possible. Therefor rations of food and water should be agreed upon. The group should not carry more then a few days of rations. This can mean that food and water need to be left behind. (it is probably not a wise idea to travel into a direction of which the gathered information indicates that there will be no food and water for more then a few days; this kind of expedition will need much more preparation and a group that is well rested and more coherent) Everybody should carry and have a equal part of the essential survival material so that in case the person is loosing the group, (s)he still has a chance. Everybody should carry water. Specialised material should be carried by the specialists. It will be of no use for the group and might be useful for the specialist in case he looses the group.

The speed and the duration of the movements, again according to the principle of nobody left behind, should be adapted to the slowest: wounded, pregnant women, elderly, children, people that need to carry others on stretchers or on the shoulders. Some of the most physical men can be send out as scouts to make sure the road is safe, locate suitable places to rest, locate just enough water to replenish the amount the group is carrying, find more items that increase the survival of the group and cover traces. The traveling will most likely have to be done during the night. During the day the group most camouflage itself, while a guarding system need to be set up. No fire, no light, no sound, most likely only some basic coverage against the elements of nature that can be discarded when the group leaves the next night.

When arrived at a safer place (after traveling or not) security will remain for a while still priority number one and be the guiding principle. This means that everybody should be able to leave within a few hours with everything the group possesses. Water and food are still rationed and still distributed among the different members of the group. No permanent structures are made. hunting and gathering done based on needs, not for storage. Objective is still to get to a more safer place. To achieve this more extensive search parties are organised to get a better grip on the environment. In the meantime the sick and wounded can heal and recover. The pregnant women are now becoming a priority in decision making (the group should not move when one off the women is about to deliver.) Women should be suggested not to become pregnant for the moment.

It is only when a sense of security is established that security is becoming one of the elements in the decision process. As the decision process of the group will change with this new feeling, it will be good for the ´emergency´leadership to resign from its duties and hand over to the group the responsibility to create a new and more suitable form of governance. the emergency leadership might still be involved, but its capacities are probably too focused on critical situation in order to have the scope to guide the complexity of a society with a safer feeling. Now other members with other capacities will start playing a important role to insure a STO community.
RflctnOfU said:
1) ages 3-13 foundational education - including fundamentals such as language, mathematics (music as extension of mathematics), psychology (including the psychology of language), arts and crafts (carpentry, mechanics, etc.) , homeopathy/medicine, etc.

2) ages 13-23 supporting education - extending individuality/creativity and going further in depth in the basics beginning to touch upon philosophy extending to the philosophy of the various subjects already learned and also philology, cosmology, sociology, and various other -ologies. This period will begin to recognize natural inclinations/strengths for 'career' path to follow as well as strengthening weaknesses observed.

I think rethinking language would be a big part of forming a better word (I mean "world" - notice the one-letter difference ;). Much research is needed. Just understanding how certain sounds and words effect the human organism in an objective way maybe be a good place to start. Aligning the meaning of words closer to their objective psychological effect on humans might help people communicate better.

Structuring language and word meaning around the concept of evolution would also be necessary, I think. Since that would be the utmost aim of the individual as well as society. I think this is the idea that Lobacezewski mentions.

Of course, I'm assuming there would have to be one common language used worldwide by all so as to minimize communication errors and prejudice.

The problem is that language does evolve over time, especially given social isolation. In that sense, a robust worldwide communication network would also seem vital to such a project. Vernaculars do develop and eventually evolve into completely different languages themselves if given the chance. The natural tenancy for language to evolve over time is a fact, so maybe the solution would be to protect an overall core structure of the language and then allow for local variations of the same given language with different "flavors" of words? This would make sense since many localities have their own language needs (think of Eskimo's and their many variations of the word "snow"). I think the worse changes to language are those of a poneric nature.

There would have to be active groups or organizations dedicated to rooting out poneric influences on such a language itself. People would have to be taught at an early age how to identify a paramoralism and view them with the utmost contempt, much like people do today with "cuss" words.

I'm no expert in this, I'm just brainstorming. I think there does need to be much more research into language as a sort of "atom" of overall human psychology. Structuring language in a different way may have the effect of unlocking new mind potentials in humans too, but it's hard to say without more research.
Building on Jeremy F Kreus’ first post and getting back to the practical basics of survival, some facts, ref:

John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman in SAS Survival Handbook said:
A healthy, well-nourished person can physically tolerate a great deal, provided that he or she has self-confidence. Even if sick or injured, a determined person can win through and recover from seemingly impossible situations. To do so there are many stresses that must be overcome
Fear and insecurity
Pain, illness, and injury
Cold and/or heat
Thirst, Hunger and fatigue
Sleep deprivation
Loneliness and isolation

To reiterate, the main elements required for survival are FOOD, FIRE, SHELTER and WATER. Their order of importance will depend on where you happen to be. […] Ordering your priorities is one of the first steps in survival.
It takes a healthy person a long time to die of starvation, for the body can use up its stored resources, but exposure to wind, rain and cold can be fatal even in temperate climates and death come sin minutes in the icy waters of the poles (my notes - survival in water – 30 mins, Artic – 30 secs). Food is rarely the first priority. Even in these places where it is difficult to find there are usually other problems to face first. Shelter will often be the prime necessity in extremes of climate and temperature – […] The need for fire is closely linked.
Water is essential to life. All life depends upon it and all living creatures contain it. The average person can survive for three weeks without food but only three days without water. […]
Water loss
The average person loses 2-3 litres (4-6pt) of water each day – even someone resting in the shade loses about 1 litre (2pt). Just breathing loses fluids, and loss through respiration and perspiration increase with work rate and temperature. […] This must all be replaced to preserve the critical water balance, either by actual water or water contained in food.

From Secrets of Warmth by Hal Weisss: a winter day walk in cold dry air will incur a two litre loss of fluid. Also, wet and wind equals loss of heat faster. For mental survival the will to survive – ‘I choose to survive.’ Observe thoughts only. Tell yourself the truth about the situation – specific and objective in the now.

Both authors go to give practical ideas about getting physical resources, such as water, food and using insulation from everyday items, such as newspaper, etc.

All of the above will need to be considered in the first hour of the group meeting.

I'll now read Jeremy's second post.
This is a little bit of rumbling, perhaps falls into "swamp" category. So, please let me know if I am off anywhere and if something is not in sync with the group.

As C's said : "You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny. "

Been reflecting on the topic as far as how to live along with pathological. Then started to remember a TV show about monkeys. Where one child monkey fell behind & got confronted by a tiger.
Some monkeys chose not to run, but gathered in a group & started to throw rocks, sticks and what not, making a predator retreat.

One on one situation, single monkey does not have a chance against predator. They did what was needed to protect individual monkey as a group. Tiger due to his predator nature will keep showing up, yet monkey can chose defense when situation arises (as long as they remain the group), rather then running away, or going to hunt on tiger to eliminate the threat. (they do not have the need to hunt, it's not in their nature)

Where I am going with this.... We, as humans, are not much different in terms of survival, just extra layer on the level of psychology is added, along with evolved mode of operation of predators. What has changed, is that predators now are less noticeable directly, they speak like us, talk like us, walk like us. Besides that, they are completely different species.

As long as group recognizes existence of these other species, realizes the strength of the group, where individual survival depends on the group, and thus survival of the group depends on each individual participating in the group, than predator won't have enough weight (6%) against the whole group.

Predator unlike us, seems to know well, that if group operates as a whole, united by same purpose, he (predator) does not stand a chance succeeding in attacking the group. Thus it seeks ways to break us up so people can fall as pray, food and eventually fall to enslavement. If people constantly keep in mind that to avoid any of that, group must act as a whole whether it's on physical or psychological.

Question is, would a group be able to put well being of the group in front of personal needs/interest to avoid enslavement ? That's perhaps whole other story :)
agni said:
This is a little bit of rumbling, perhaps falls into "swamp" category. So, please let me know if I am off anywhere and if something is not in sync with the group.

As C's said : "You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny. "

Been reflecting on the topic as far as how to live along with pathological. Then started to remember a TV show about monkeys. Where one child monkey fell behind & got confronted by a tiger.
Some monkeys chose not to run, but gathered in a group & started to throw rocks, sticks and what not, making a predator retreat.

One on one situation, single monkey does not have a chance against predator. They did what was needed to protect individual monkey as a group. Tiger due to his predator nature will keep showing up, yet monkey can chose defense when situation arises (as long as they remain the group), rather then running away, or going to hunt on tiger to eliminate the threat. (they do not have the need to hunt, it's not in their nature)

Where I am going with this.... We, as humans, are not much different in terms of survival, just extra layer on the level of psychology is added, along with evolved mode of operation of predators. What has changed, is that predators now are less noticeable directly, they speak like us, talk like us, walk like us. Besides that, they are completely different species.

As long as group recognizes existence of these other species, realizes the strength of the group, where individual survival depends on the group, and thus survival of the group depends on each individual participating in the group, than predator won't have enough weight (6%) against the whole group.

Predator unlike us, seems to know well, that if group operates as a whole, united by same purpose, he (predator) does not stand a chance succeeding in attacking the group. Thus it seeks ways to break us up so people can fall as pray, food and eventually fall to enslavement. If people constantly keep in mind that to avoid any of that, group must act as a whole whether it's on physical or psychological.

Question is, would a group be able to put well being of the group in front of personal needs/interest to avoid enslavement ? That's perhaps whole other story :)

I like that idea agni!

I've done a little thinking/meditating about the subject and something came to my mind which relates to what you say. Maybe the key is to create some kind of ''toxic environment'' for the psychopaths. Just like candida ''hates'' an anti-candida environment, perhaps psychos hate an environment in which they can not feed themselves.

But if a group wants to succeed in that kind of thing the group should work together, as you say: act as a whole. I don't think it'll work if some of the group members do fall in the traps of the psycho.. the psycho might stay cause it would seem that there is some food available. Just like adding a little sugar into the tummy when you're on a anti-candida diet, ...the candida feeds itself and decides to stay anyways.
forge seems to have expressed the "group as larger human body" concept pretty well, from my limited viewpoint.

I like the idea of the tribe...each person thinking and contributing to the group within a group mindset.

I also like the idea of an inner circle consisting of those with the capacity and ability to teach, to really SEE and who can function in a shamanic/oracle kind of way for the benefit of the group.

The idea of hunting, gathering, fishing, and building during the day and learning spiritual truths at night (perhaps around a campfire), while knowing that there are those who are psychically, spiritually and in other ways, 'watching our back' and teaching us how to do the same appealing to me. Of course, this comes, not from experiencing this setting, but the pleasure I got from reading about and tracking three generations of the Lakhóta people many years ago.

[quote author=_]
"-khóta" means "friends" or Allies, which is the name of all 3 (Da, La,and Na).
In general, Dakhóta/Nakhóta (easterly) are the woodland and Lakhóta the Plains peoples, so just as there are big differences in those environments and life there, there are big differences in culture and lifeways.[/quote]

Having said all that, I'm still wondering if we are doing what we've been asked to do (at least, as I perceive it). Are we supposed to be imagining this situation from the beginning, and attempting to APPLY our knowledge to the situation as presented, to be able to predict and prepare for possible courses of group evolution along dynamics that we are, supposedly, already familiar with?
So as not to hijack this thread with a very long posting, I've created a new thread in 'What's on your mind', called Creating communication and community. It relates to the interpersonal dynamics, etc, that typically take place in community/team/small group building, it may be helpful to this thread, or not.

If possible, I'd appreciate feedback on this new thread from either go2 or Jeremy F Kreuz, in terms of its practicability in real life from their experiences. Thank you in advance.
I came pretty late into this thread, alot of good things have been said, but I'll try to give it a brief go about some basic stuff I know.
I guess it all depends on what time of year this is, needs seem to be different for each season.

[quote author=John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman in SAS Survival Handbook]
To reiterate, the main elements required for survival are FOOD, FIRE, SHELTER and WATER. Their order of importance will depend on where you happen to be.

Back when I was in the army (in Norway military service was mandatory in my day) I learned a couple of outdoor lessons (don't worry, following pathological orders was not one of them :) ).
In the wintertime, the first thing to do would be to create some kind of shelter. This could be digging out piles of snow into an igloo-like enviroment or
cut brances from threes and make little huts and put snow over the brances on the bottom to prevent wind etc. This is something
almost anybody can join in on, and at the same time keep people warm. When that is done, get a fire going and have a team out getting firewood at all times. Let me tell ya, when you are out in the cold like that, water comes second and food further down the line. Water can of course come from snow (if a fire gets going), if not a team should go out searching for a watersource. This is of course only the first hour or so of what to do during winter. FWIW.
I had the following thoughts about this after reading the threads. It seems to me that the group should determine the needs of the group, provide for the needs of the group & individual, and members should willingly submit to the needs of the group in various ways in order to be health and flourish. We would need to be self-correcting as we learn. We need an approach that we would try to apply regardless of circumstances (whether we are near a river or not, food easily available or not, etc.).

For determining needs, it seems to me to boil down to a dimensional grid to fill in, maybe along the lines of:


We need an aim or aims, and to constantly check against that aim to see if we have deviated, why, and if it is a good thing or a bad thing. We need to keep in mind that we are working for the universe.

We need some group functionality that works like the forums do to provide objective feedback and to collect and organize useful data and information.

I think roles need to revolve between people to continually promote understanding of the other's contribution, difficulties, etc. Talents and wisdom need to be recognized and respected and trusted.

We must be open for the group dynamic to change, or at least for aspects of it or individual members to change so that we foster growth and allow for setbacks (which may not really be setbacks).

It seems almost impossible to tactically plan for how STS intrusions will manifest and how to deal with them so our detection abilities need to be strong and we need to be open to creative ideas at the time. Planning in detail beyond a level of basic preparedness seems counter-productive.

As an aside, a question that came to my mind is "Is there a healthy group size, where growing much beyond that would tend to increase greatly the likelihood of developing hierarchical STS type structures?".

So, in the model above:

  • [o] We use the resources of the group to flesh out the array (or maybe some better interpretation) of needs.
    [o] We recognize the talents and elders applicable to each area and they "lead" for a time because their knowledge, experience, and ability is superior in that area.
    [o] We self-correct by having several measuring sticks (physical, mental, spiritual) that were objectively determined and agreed upon. We also evaluate the measuring sticks based on knew knowledge.
    [o] We foster understanding and growth by progressively taking on different roles.
    [o] We record our experiences, feedback/mirroring (of both the group as a whole and the individual), and knowledge gained.
    [o] We continually educate to protect ourselves from STS influences.

Most of this post is algorithmic in nature but to me that seems to be what would be good -- a self-correcting algorithm designed for the aim because we can't know the specific circumstances.
Perhaps interesting. Apologies if this is too off-topic.

P's (from Bringers of the Dawn) said:

Those of you who understand the higher realms have many times felt very
alone here upon the planet. There are millions like you here at this
time, forming a tremendous support group. You are beginning to meet and
find one another, and you are beginning to thread your consciousness-one
fine silk strand with other strands of consciousness. You will see a
most beautiful creation come together without great effort because it is
part of a plan and you are moved to do certain things.

Not everyone wants to be free. You, as members of the Family of Light,
are going to create a new Earth that is going to be free. Those who do
not wish to be free will have their Earth as well. There will be a
splitting and a time of separation.
Members of the Family of Light know
that there is no need to force anything. You are simply to work together
in harmony, to support one another, and to seek one another out so that
you feel comfort in what you do because some of the things that you do
will be very outrageous

In the next few years, a connectedness and communal cooperation will
begin to run through this country so that you will stop separating
yourselves with respect to political ideology. That separation was
designed. Whenever a people are separated, and they focus on what they
do not have in common or label themselves different from others, it is a
perfect disguise to keep them from discovering what they do have in
common. This separation keeps people from banding together and becoming
very strong

Much of the political maneuvering going on, particularly in the United
States, is purposely designed to separate you. Look at the New Age. Do
you see how the New Age is separated? All kinds of things are said to
keep you from discovering what you have in common. When people discover
this, they will begin to get angry. As more and more of the methods of
control and separation are revealed to you, the anger will build in the
United States. Events will occur that may look as if the country is
falling apart, yet they will serve the purpose of bringing people
together. A new pride and a new sense of integrity will come about,
because this is what is designed for the times.

Hmm, perhaps that is an important reason why psychopaths are ruling the world? Because we see each other as different (on some level), rather than recognizing that we all have something in common, ..perhaps what we have in common is conscience ?

Could emotion also play a role here as well? :

As we have mentioned, what is occurring on Earth is going to affect
things in many places. Energy is being sent here at this time to
redirect certain universal forces so that they will come into alignment
and bring this universe into simultaneous awareness of its identity.
What is in Earth is like a locked-away secret in the chronicles of time,
and it has to do with emotion. In this gift of emotion there is wealth
and richness; there is incredible ability to transcend many different
realities and to move through and experience many different states of
awareness. Emotion allows certain energies to coalesce, fuse, bond, and
come together in realization of themselves. Without emotion, that bond
could not be.
Trevrizent said:
So as not to hijack this thread with a very long posting, I've created a new thread in 'What's on your mind', called Creating communication and community. It relates to the interpersonal dynamics, etc, that typically take place in community/team/small group building, it may be helpful to this thread, or not.

If possible, I'd appreciate feedback on this new thread from either go2 or Jeremy F Kreuz, in terms of its practicability in real life from their experiences. Thank you in advance.

Hello Trevrizent,
No offense but I would like to know what is your real motivations here.

I got a 'warning' sign because I think what easily can happen in a 200 people society is to start forming 'sects' through mechanical likes and dislikes. So a great challenge will be how to keep 'whole body' being 'united' OSIT.

I just don't know what was motivating in your deep psychology so I would like to hear your self-observations, if it is possible. I saw the thread you created and yes, it is long and understand your external consideration point but the BOLD sentence above made me wonder (sensed a kind of 'fishing'). I will read the thread though. ;)

Edit: clarification
Laura said:
Can society be structured like a family? Like a macrocosmic human body?

I think that it is possible and that there exist not one natural (so to speak) obstacle for that. If each person would except another as excepts himself, and care for another just how cares for self, and truly understand that he lives among people which are just equal important to universe like him/she.

But problem is that we complicate everything too much, except to speak of complex things with simple terms and language, we speak of trivial things with very complicated and esteemed language, and that also reflects how we think of everything, which blocks us very much.

Probably everyone knows how modern armies throughout the world are organized. Imagine army which is united free willingly, where all people are of the same rank and doing work of same importance, where all soldiers works for one goal and are prepared do give everything for the goal and for another soldiers. Not because they must but because they understand the goal and why to do it. That would be one very mighty army.

Maybe army analogy is not good, but that can be any group of people or the whole humanity.

I think that all is not so hard to do, but requires clean person (so to speak) without any mental or emotional programming garbage, because I think that only such person (without obstacle in form of programming and fears and thus blocking him/herself) can understand why to do it and then how to do it. Unite in one family or one body for instance, and structure and type of that family would come naturally (so to speak again)

Just my 2 dinars (well, there is no cents in my country :))
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