Creating a New World

Leo40 said:
Considering the given, i.e. we are the 200, the difficulty is the fact that we are not physically in the
same location. Therefore may I suggest that forum members practise community creation in their locality.
One can practise discernment when dealing with "others". There is almost always a point of connection,
common interests in selfsufficiency, ecology, permaculture, CSA (community supported agriculture),
creation of food co-ops and in general promoting the idea of co-operation.

How do the forum members feel about creating a "skills exchange" in a closed forum; just a brief listing
of skills available to us. <snip>

How do we begin to disconnect from our dependence on the current pathological civilisation we live in, and to defend ourselves against it at the same time?

By creating local community and bypassing as much as possible the existing system.

How do we care for and defend this family in its current 'foetal' state, from the highly dangerous and toxic external conditions, to give it a chance to grow?

We are still a virtual family and I feel the forum is well defended.

All good ideas, but we must keep in mind that we may not have the forum forever. And that's not just a concern about the PTB acting nasty... the planet itself may go through things that will make our mass communication media inactive. So, as you say, creating local community is the way to go. But that needs some sort of guidance and structure on a local basis that can preserve the values and, at the same time, adjust to the local needs and growth.

Let me just say that we have an idea/plan that we will be unveiling very soon that we think will serve very well. It's actually something that is so obvious that it took a lot of concerted "attack" effort from "outside" to block it from our view (mine, in particular).

Joan said:
But then I got to thinking although we have knowledge of the past and can possibly learn from the past in creating a new reality, that maybe we are already in the process of creating a new reality. Maybe we just haven't got all the details together yet, let me try and explain.

I was thinking about Shamans and there role in the community, they were intermediaries between human and the world of spirit, they were capable of entering into supernatural realms to obtain answers to the problems of the community, they were bards/storytellers etc.. I also thought about the role in megalithic cultures, they were active participants in the culture, they had a partner had children (I think that this was a family lineage) that they lived in the world but at times were not part of it in a sense.

When looking at images of megaliths or dolmens there are some structures that have been identified as burial chambers, but I just can't get that idea because as far as I know there have been no human remains found (I could very well be wrong about that, I just don't really know for sure). I think they may possibly have been meditation chambers, so the shaman could communicate with a divine cosmic mind. I will post a link below to give examples of what I am talking about. <snip>

So back to why I think that we are already in the process of creating our own reality and what the role of shamanism is in the community/group. After lurking the forum and now becoming a participant and also since the EE programme has begun, (forming our own meditation chambers). I have noticed that there is an explosion of new information, it seems more intelligent, focused and creative <snip>

So my thought is that each member is in a way becoming there own shaman in an individual way through connecting with the divine within themselves, sharing there knowledge and experiences with the group, but also creating part of a larger whole organic body of consciousness that could also be called Shaman. Which in turn is creating a new reality. How we get to the physical reality of getting 200 people together and actually experience this reality as a workable and functional group, that are all on the same page so to speak needs great work on the individual personality OSIT, so that no one personality dominates the group, this in turn could form what I think would be the personality of the group, each one being separate but part of the whole group. <snip>

As an end note I am still pondering the question of psychopathy and how to deal with the issue.

I think you are going in the right direction. Obviously, the shamanic role is not open to everyone (they don't want it, aren't constituted for it), but I would think that there would be a higher percentage of those who are of the shamanic type here on this forum who would then become the intermediaries for their local communities at some point in the future. Sort of like this is a "college that teaches teachers". That then prepares them for their local roles at the point in time when the global connection may be lost (at least the technical connection, though by that time, we might get to the point where direct communication is possible without consideration of space/time).

As I just mentioned, we have a plan to give a bit more structure to the process AND provide protection to those who wish to pursue community/family building. This thread has given us a lot of ideas/material to work with and we'll unveil soon.

Buddy said:
Thanks, Nomad. I appreciate your straightforward summary and questions.

I'm glad to consider the scenario in terms that WE ARE the 200, and that is, of course, assuming that I could be one of them.

I agree 100% with everything you have suggested. In fact, we already have the roles of Shaman and inner circle occupied, obviously, by Laura, Ark, the QFG. Who else would have more knowledge, DO-ability and RESPONSE-ability?

Just keep in mind that a single "shaman/inner circle" that exists in a virtual environment is kind of like putting all your eggs in one basket. As noted above, I think that local, community shamans will emerge from this forum and if they have a structure to work with initially, the process of community building on the local scale will be greatly facilitated. It can start in a virtual environment, but eventually will need to move to the local, real world.

Buddy said:
Perhaps one of the general, yet main ideas is to build our own self-supporting economy (exchange system)? Somehow, I think it's more complicated than that, but I'm not sure.

Yes and no. As I said, we are working on a structure that can be utilized on the local level.

Just consider that what we must face in defending ourselves from pathology are the following:

Detoxing our bodies and environment in preparation for detoxing our minds/souls
-freedom of diet and medical choices
-exemption from vaccination
-exemption from military service
-freedom of movement
-exclusion of psychopathy
-method of "diagnosis" (after all, only psychiatrists are "allowed" to diagnose...)
-communal living
-raising/care of children
-council of "elders"
-nature of elders' authority
-forum for grievances (i.e. to settle disputes)
-legality of "family" status (can we create our own family status and get benefits that relatives have?)
-structure of society/family
-transmission of tradition/teaching
-restriction of false teaching via tiered initiations/titles based on level of Being (mandatory periods of learning)

Can anyone think of other areas that we need to consider and include in a framework?
Agriculture is also a big issue.
How to use, share, fertilize the available land. In West Africa, there often was a guardian of the arable land. He was the one in charge of sharing/distributing the land, taking care that the local trees would be use properly and that regeneration would be well managed.
Spirulina is also a very important ally, it can even grow for months in the western areas and can be fertilized with our own urine, ashes... It is a powerful detoxifier. One of my best friend has written a handbook on how to grow it artisanally...

Family should also be redefined. As Mr Tafari used to say, in modern times we are all family members. I think that the dad and mom and kids cell is a dead end, comunity/familly may have to broaden it's definition...
Big respect
regarding the psychopathy problem:

i think that women should be put in charge of the group, since they have a much lower incidence of psychopathy.
this could significantly cut down the possibility of a psychopath assuming control of the group.
Iconoclast said:
regarding the psychopathy problem:

i think that women should be put in charge of the group, since they have a much lower incidence of psychopathy.
this could significantly cut down the possibility of a psychopath assuming control of the group.

We now have enaugh datas to identified psychopatic behaviours, so there is not need to descriminate and a group of elders should be composed of both genders identified as balanced character. We are dealing about conscious souls, not gender war.
sankara said:
Family should also be redefined. As Mr Tafari used to say, in modern times we are all family members. I think that the dad and mom and kids cell is a dead end, comunity/familly may have to broaden it's definition...
Big respect

Hmm I'm not sure if i agree with the idea of mom, dad and kids being a "dead end". The reason I say this, is because most of what children learn is through interactions with their mothers (feminine roll-model) and the person they made connection with since inside the womb and the father who has been there to support from day 1 and is the child's masculine roll model. Imo the needs of children can't be met if they are not part of a stable family. At the same time I'm not so sure about
Laura said:
-legality of "family" status (can we create our own family status and get benefits that relatives have?)
Meaning, I'm not really crazy about the idea of having "family status", which would merit more 'benefits'. Maybe I'm looking at it very '3D' but it reeks of "family names/honor" system. Like the idea of a family crest, which constitutes members of the family to "honor it" in name etc.. Or maybe I’m not understanding correctly what you meant Laura.

Laura said:
-forum for grievances (i.e. to settle disputes)

Who would be the ‘judge’ and ‘jury’ to this forum?
Perhaps some members of the “council of elders” can be judges? (More than one judge) and the people of the community based on volunteering can be the ‘jury’? And of course I know the judicial system we have currently is very corrupt so I'm not really sure how this would go. So the idea definitely needs to be refined imo.

Laura said:
-restriction of false teaching via initiations/titles based on level of Being (mandatory periods of learning)

I’m sorry but I don’t really understand what this means.. :-[ could you clarify a bit please?
Deedlet said:
sankara said:
Family should also be redefined. As Mr Tafari used to say, in modern times we are all family members. I think that the dad and mom and kids cell is a dead end, comunity/familly may have to broaden it's definition...
Big respect
Hmm I'm not sure if i agree with the idea of mom, dad and kids being a "dead end". The reason I say this, is because most of what children learn is through interactions with their mothers (feminine roll-model) and the person they made connection with since inside the womb and the father who has been there to support from day 1 and is the child's masculine roll model. Imo the needs of children can't be met if they are not part of a stable family.

I'm not 100% but I think what sankara is talking about is making it a 'community family' so to say. The children would learn from all the adults and be a family member to all. This way the needs of the children are sure to be met. I also understand where you are coming from tho because mom and dad are very important but they will always be mom and dad. No one can take that away because both of their genes created that child. ;)

Deedlet said:
Laura said:
-restriction of false teaching via initiations/titles based on level of Being (mandatory periods of learning)
I’m sorry but I don’t really understand what this means.. :-[ could you clarify a bit please?

I think what Laura's getting at here is simply that I wouldn't be able to start the 'church of pete' without prior approval from the elders of the group. Anyone who would qualify to teach others would have to go thru mandatory periods of learning' with the elders first just to make sure the teaching doesn't stray from the path! osit
Deedlet said:
sankara said:
Family should also be redefined. As Mr Tafari used to say, in modern times we are all family members. I think that the dad and mom and kids cell is a dead end, comunity/familly may have to broaden it's definition...
Big respect
Hmm I'm not sure if i agree with the idea of mom, dad and kids being a "dead end". The reason I say this, is because most of what children learn is through interactions with their mothers (feminine roll-model) and the person they made connection with since inside the womb and the father who has been there to support from day 1 and is the child's masculine roll model. Imo the needs of children can't be met if they are not part of a stable family.

I think there’s a place for both ideas in the new world. Children need a stable family unit to give them the experience of love and safety, and to provide a safe base from which to explore the world. However, in a safe community, as we are discussing here, children will have many ‘aunts’ and ‘uncles’. The children are the future, and any sane person is going to nurture and protect them.

Kids need the safe family structure of mum and dad in their early years, possibly up to age seven or thereabouts, depending on the child. But as they grow in knowledge and awareness, then the ‘dad and mom and kids cell’ slowly becomes a ‘dead end’, at least as it is in our current so-called civilisation. In a community of 200 people the kids will be known and loved by all, and it gives the kids a safe environment in which to expand their mental horizons beyond the confines of the nuclear family, without the reactive behaviour seen in many of today’s young people.

For example, a child growing up forms an internal image of the ideal man or woman. This image, which lives in the subconscious, causes the grown child to be attracted to a certain type of partner, sometimes over and over again.

In a community where the children are free to move away from the family nucleus, and to experience interactions and friendships with a great many different types of adults, their internal image will be less defined - more fluid - they will grow up with a much more amorphous idea of their ideal partner, and so will be more free. One’s ‘soul mate’ does not necessarily wear the body type of one’s internalised ideal image, and moving freely within the community, children will come to appreciate character, personality, and perhaps soul, differences instead of the obsession with appearance we now have in society.

Deedlet said:
Laura said:
-legality of "family" status (can we create our own family status and get benefits that relatives have?)
Meaning, I'm not really crazy about the idea of having "family status", which would merit more 'benefits'. Maybe I'm looking at it very '3D' but it reeks of "family names/honor" system. Like the idea of a family crest, which constitutes members of the family to "honor it" in name etc.. Or maybe I’m not understanding correctly what you meant Laura.

At the risk of reading a meaning into Laura’s words which may not have been intended, I would suggest that ‘legality of “family” status’ refers to living in the world today. In an ideal society, the issue would not even arise. But in our ponerised world, where the legal challenge is a favourite weapon of the pathocracy against any alternative community or lifestyle, we would need to establish certain legally binding (certainly that would be binding in a pathocratic court) contracts that would guarantee, for example, the right to define who is a part of your ‘family’, in the legal sense. There are certain benefits, mainly financial, that spouses and partners can get that persons in other relationships cannot get. I’m thinking of carers as an example.

Laura said:
-forum for grievances (i.e. to settle disputes)

There’s a story from China, about the time when the Emperor asked Lao Tzu to be a judge. Lao Tzu pointed out the Emperor was asking for trouble, as he was not going to adjudicate on cases in the usual manner. One day, a thief was brought before Lao Tzu, having been caught in possession of a large amount of money he had stolen from the richest man in the village. Lao Tzu’s judgement was to give six months prison to the thief, for stealing, and six months prison to the rich man, for hoarding money that should have been circulating to the benefit of the community.

So I think that ‘judgement’ in the new society would look rather different than it does in our current model, which is largely motivated by revenge rather than justice.

Laura said:
-nature of elders' authority

In the new society, the archetype of the wise old person would be a living reality, and youth would be seen as a stage on the path of learning. Old age would be anticipated as the fulfilment of life and wisdom, rather than as an inevitable descent into decrepitude. Therefore the people will listen to the elders’ wisdom, and because the elders’ advice has been shown to be sound and beneficial, it will be followed. Perhaps that is all that is needed.

But that does raise the question: at the beginning of the community, when some of the people may not have been exposed to the ideas of this forum, or the concept of work on the self, how much power, and in what form, do the elders need to wield in order to maintain the psychological and physical health and safety of the community? This does refer to the question of excluding pathological types.
Found the following on this website: _

The third paragraph is a most interesting description of a method of domestic cultivation of spirulina.

Cultivation Of Spirulina

Spirulina is a blue green micro algae. Spirulina is an excellent source of proteins, beta-carotene, B vitamins and minerals like iron. Spirulina is a wonder food especially for the undernourished people. Hence its cultivation is also encouraged in the domestic levels of the developing countries who are the worst victims of chronic malnutrition. Spirulina also proves to fetch them good amount of economy.

Spirulina is cultivated both for the commercial purpose as well for the domestic use in certain regions that are badly hit by chronic malnutrition and other deficiency diseases. Let us first see the domestic house-hold level cultivation of Spirulina.

The domestic cultivation method is well known as the "Mud Pot Spirulina Cultivation". This method requires only 3 mud pots of 35 to 40 liters capacity and an exposed but protected open area. The medium for the cultivation is the bio-gas slurry which is very cheap and easily available. Then the sea-salt or a mix of Potassium dihydrogen Phosphate, Cooking Soda and Sodium Chloride, all this and pure Spirulina culture. The method of working is very simple. All the three pots are buried till the neck in the ground. These are then filled with water and the slurry medium. Next the pure Spirulina culture is added to the pots. These are to be kept in sunlight and need to be stirred at least 4 times a day. After 3-4 days of maturation the Spirulina is ready. It is now filtered in clean cloth and then washed in fresh water. Spirulina can be immediately used for consumption or if a powdered form is desired it should be dried immediately.

The Spirulina that is to be used for the commercial purpose is cultivated in a different way. The commercial Spirulina is grown open-channel shallow artificial ponds. Here the paddle-wheels are used to stir the water so as to accelerate the growth of Spirulina. The largest commercial production of Spirulina is carried out in United States, Thailand, India, Taiwan, China, Pakistan and Myanmar (i.e. Burma).

A simple and cheap technology has been developed for rural women to cultivate spirulina at home. problems in marketing many farmers have taken up spirulina cultivation. Important parameters in cultivation of spirulina. Agitation of algal culture is necessary. hould we cultivate spirulina in algae farms or harvest blue-green algae from lakes ?

The Wikipedia page on spirulina as a food supplement (url below) states that the ancient Aztecs knew of spirulina, and ‘harvested Spirulina off lakes by skimming the surface with ropes and then drying the algae into square cakes that would be eaten as a nourishing condiment.’

Laura said:
Sort of like this is a "college that teaches teachers". That then prepares them for their local roles at the point in time when the global connection may be lost (at least the technical connection, though by that time, we might get to the point where direct communication is possible without consideration of space/time).

Are you talking about 4D then? Or how would direct communication be possible through time/space in 3D? :/

Laura said:
Let me just say that we have an idea/plan that we will be unveiling very soon that we think will serve very well. It's actually something that is so obvious that it took a lot of concerted "attack" effort from "outside" to block it from our view (mine, in particular).

Lately I've been having mild panicattacks and nightmares about being left alone up here in Denmark, with no way of contacting anyone else (of you guys here), so I'm looking forward to this 'idea' :)
I think a community that seeks integration and freedom for the evolution of its individuals should also be totally conected to the enviroment, always look for a balanced use of natural resources and constantly observe the environment in which they live as a faithful guide of their own evolution.
Helle said:
Laura said:
Sort of like this is a "college that teaches teachers". That then prepares them for their local roles at the point in time when the global connection may be lost (at least the technical connection, though by that time, we might get to the point where direct communication is possible without consideration of space/time).

Are you talking about 4D then? Or how would direct communication be possible through time/space in 3D? :/

Hmm, it makes me also think of what the C's said:

A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.
Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have
learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.
Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite
limiting, is that correct?
A: That is the point.
Q: (L) So, you were being sarcastic with me, weren't you?
A: Humorous.

Maybe through some lucky DNA activation we'll be able to communicate telepathically :P hehe, don't know.
Ana said:
I think a community that seeks integration and freedom for the evolution of its individuals should also be totally conected to the enviroment, always look for a balanced use of natural resources and constantly observe the environment in which they live as a faithful guide of their own evolution.

Well said.

And this in turn would lead to a radically different technology – one based on nature; one that honours nature and builds on and enhances her natural processes. The members of the new community will be stewards of the planet, holding it in trust for future generations.
Oxajil said:
Maybe through some lucky DNA activation we'll be able to communicate telepathically hehe, don't know

I rather not be counting on my luck on that one :)

But seriously.. I've been thinking so much about this lately.. And in my imagination, I find myself standing in the forrest edge all alone, thinking it's a hell of a long way to walk to France :-[

I know things will be clearer for me eventually, I just don't have that much patience, I'd rather know everything now!
I think that there should be communities should consist of small groups but not limited by some outside force dictating how many. I think the problem is trying not to get the system contaminated by STS forces and should there be large groups of people or even just one large group then we are vurnerable to wholesale sts corruption.

I'm thinking about crops and livestock and how disease can wipe out everything should just one crop or livestock become infected when its all together but when its grouped in small numbers then should crops or livestock get infected then it is only that small group that are harmed. This is like natures way of protecting itself from overpopulation. Now if you place that idea on humans and the infection as sts corruption then should a group of people fall into sts trap then only that group will be infected.

I also think that groups should be responsible for as much as possible too, learning to walk rather than being led by the hand, faith has to be placed that people can look after themselves. Groups should network and all information and facts made available, but groups should be responsible for finding out for themselves. Should other groups deviate from the rest then that's their right.

If people are after 'teachers' or spititual leaders of that kind, then they should 'seek and ye shall find' cause its their responsibilty rather than having some evangelical telling them how it is.

All forms of truth whether it be science or education should be free and free from the markets, they must be kept as sterile as possible so the only benefit to anyone is truth and not money nor power nor influence, except self empowerment. I would also like to see the media and the law in the hands of the public. Writers for the media should be picked like they are for jury, that would keep dilute bias and encourage learning. I'd get rid of judges and have only jurors all law case should be completely transpartent.

I suppose you just let every individual choose how to follow their own life and let the masses come to their own conclusions should they be wrong, then allow them to learn. If a family wants to just look after themselves; farming for themselves, working for themselves, and maybe trading with others for things they need then they could do that but if they farm and live in communion and wanna research in fields their interested in with others who share that interest then so be it. Is that a cop-out?
Oxajil said:
Helle said:
Laura said:
Sort of like this is a "college that teaches teachers". That then prepares them for their local roles at the point in time when the global connection may be lost (at least the technical connection, though by that time, we might get to the point where direct communication is possible without consideration of space/time).

Are you talking about 4D then? Or how would direct communication be possible through time/space in 3D? :/

Hmm, it makes me also think of what the C's said:

A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.
Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have
learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.
Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite
limiting, is that correct?
A: That is the point.
Q: (L) So, you were being sarcastic with me, weren't you?
A: Humorous.

Maybe through some lucky DNA activation we'll be able to communicate telepathically :P hehe, don't know.

Helle said:
Oxajil said:
Maybe through some lucky DNA activation we'll be able to communicate telepathically hehe, don't know

I rather not be counting on my luck on that one :)

Perhaps, the key words are "quantum non-locality", "quantum probability" and "quantum information."

[quote author=]
The next necessary step in the research is a coupling of matter fields with information fields. Such a coupling, incorporating both gravity and quantum phenomena, crosses the boundary of space and time, suggests a possibility of telepathic connections, and developing a technology that allows for looking into the past and into the future, for space and time travel where distance does not really matter. The key words are "quantum non-locality", "quantum probability" and "quantum information."

The thing is, (and using myself as the example), it looks like the most important things to focus on now, other than continued learning and DOing what I can in my Work, is to try and make sure I really understand the psychology and psychopathology that is basic to my Work, because the day is probably going to come, when the people around me need this information to understand what's happening - and how am I going to help provide it, if I'm not really doing any Work?

And, of course, continue with the Breathing/Meditation program. At least, that's how I'm seeing all this at the moment.
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