Creating a New World

[quote author=Laura]
Detoxing our bodies and environment in preparation for detoxing our minds/souls
-freedom of diet and medical choices
-exemption from vaccination
-exemption from military service
-freedom of movement
-exclusion of psychopathy
-method of "diagnosis" (after all, only psychiatrists are "allowed" to diagnose...)
-communal living
-raising/care of children
-council of "elders"
-nature of elders' authority
-forum for grievances (i.e. to settle disputes)
-legality of "family" status (can we create our own family status and get benefits that relatives have?)
-structure of society/family
-transmission of tradition/teaching
-restriction of false teaching via tiered initiations/titles based on level of Being (mandatory periods of learning)

It is very apparent to me that as 3D STS beings we have the wherewithal to tackle this list. I daresay we may even be able to approach the ability to control psychopathy and recognize false teaching. What we do not have in our intellects, and what I hope we can ‘download’ from Laura, are the abilities of the shaman. We as 3D STS beings who strive to become 3D STO beings need to gain the skills and knowledge of the ancient “Paleo-Christians”. It sounds like Laura is saying that this ‘download’ is on her list. It is up to all of us on this forum to acquire the skills and knowledge in order to survive the onslaught of 3 and 4D STS. So far, many of us are detoxing, dieting, breathing and meditating. I suspect what is close at hand, is the ability to 'fuse those iron filings' as spoken of by Mouraviev and Gurdjieff. We seem to be on the verge of being 'man #4'. (I may have my numbers mixed up, but it seems to be a movement toward a mass consciousness.)

I for one, am excited and expectant and say “bring it on”, because I can’t wait to meet all of you ‘for reals’. We have the human skills, we could organize to survive as a group, we look at the world in a more empathic way, and there are others who will need our help. So we need this shamanic knowledge to become the core of these STO colonies all around the globe.

I'm not saying it as clearly as I'd like to, but the movement inside me is urging this response.

Love to you all...
StandingOnTheEdge said:
I for one, am excited and expectant and say “bring it on”, because I can’t wait to meet all of you ‘for reals’. We have the human skills, we could organize to survive as a group, we look at the world in a more empathic way, and there are others who will need our help. So we need this shamanic knowledge to become the core of these STO colonies all around the globe.

I'm not saying it as clearly as I'd like to, but the movement inside me is urging this response.

Love to you all...

I think it's probably going to be both terrifying and exhilarating, or perhaps just one or the other, depending on how well we've prepared.

I've just had my Aim brought into focus (to the basics) and I see the C's statement about "karmic and simple understandings" in a new light - mainly as being equivalent to Breathing/Meditation program + basic psychology, ponerology and detox.
Deedlet said:
Meaning, I'm not really crazy about the idea of having "family status", which would merit more 'benefits'. Maybe I'm looking at it very '3D' but it reeks of "family names/honor" system. Like the idea of a family crest, which constitutes members of the family to "honor it" in name etc.. Or maybe I’m not understanding correctly what you meant Laura.

In our 3D reality, our "family" is determined solely by genetics (and/or adoption and marriage). But we all know that oftentimes, as souls we "take what we can get", and are born into families that are not truly "our own". Our true families are soul communities often separated genetically and even culturally. One should have the right to choose their family, and the legal system should recognize this as legitimate. We're not necessarily talking about names or family crests, but the creation of soul communities, i.e. true families.

Laura said:
-forum for grievances (i.e. to settle disputes)

Who would be the ‘judge’ and ‘jury’ to this forum?
Perhaps some members of the “council of elders” can be judges? (More than one judge) and the people of the community based on volunteering can be the ‘jury’? And of course I know the judicial system we have currently is very corrupt so I'm not really sure how this would go. So the idea definitely needs to be refined imo.

The jury should definitely consist of elders. I think of the model of some Native American tribes. The elders would be judge and jury, and would make decisions on a consensus, not a majority vote. Grievances are often inspired by pathological behavior, whether psychopathic or simply dissociative/primitive STS behaviors. It takes one who can See to see the dynamics. In such a situation, this should often be a public process, where impressions are shared by all those involved in order to suss out the true dynamics. This is one method for the detection of psychopathy. It is also a learning mechanism for all, and teaches honesty and sincerity. There is nothing to hide. Everyone is accepted for who they are, but behavior must be mirrored to promote growth and development.

Laura said:
-restriction of false teaching via initiations/titles based on level of Being (mandatory periods of learning)

I’m sorry but I don’t really understand what this means.. :-[ could you clarify a bit please?

Let's say we create a community, with a council of elders. It's inevitable that some will join in the belief that they are already "elders", that their voice deserves to be heard, that they should be able to make decisions for the group, that they are exempt from being in the position of a "student". This is evidence of ambition and egotism that are stumbling blocks in esoteric development. Responsibility is earned through humility, not self-promotion. As such, only those who prove themselves to be leaders and who do not aspire to become leaders, shall come to be known as elders. As the most developed members of the group, elders can naturally see the potential in those who are not yet elders. They can see what others on a lower level cannot see. Their own life experiences and developmental potential gives them this. Call it "grace", but it really has to do with receivership capability, soul genetics, etc. As a student develops, she undergoes positive disintegrations and integrations. These are "initiations" and follow archetypal experiences. As progression takes place along this objective process, "titles" are needed in the social structure. Just as a student in university cannot take on the responsibility of a full professor, an undeveloped soul cannot lead the group. They must first learn, then grow until they come to have enough knowledge and experience to be responsible for the group.

Basically, it's a protection from having those who aspire to leadership and who should NOT be leaders, which is the problem nowadays where the least qualified individuals aspire for power and bring everyone down with them (cf. Altemeyer's The Authoritarians).
Buddy said:
I think it's probably going to be both terrifying and exhilarating, or perhaps just one or the other, depending on how well we've prepared.

Am looking more and more towards the future as an adventure. It may sound weird that I'm actually looking forward to more shocks...although some of them probably won't be nearly as terrifying as they would be had I never stumbled upon this site. Even though I've had my share of emotional pain while growing up, my physical life here in the USA has been far too cushy...I've been ignorant for so long..hurt myself and so many people with my the idea of facing whatever the Universe has in store is exhilarating.

Still hurts when I see loved ones and friends ignoring the signs, shrugging their shoulders...or worse, accepting the lies, events, and ponerization of society. Case in point: my husband and son have stated they will take both the regular and swine flu vaccine, and think I'm being paranoid by not lining up for a shot. They are not interested in any of the materials available contesting the benefits of vaccines. If the CDC says it's okay, it's okay for them. I can't press the issue...heart-breaking as it is...since they have their lessons in preparedness (or lack thereof) to learn.

My husband has noticed some change since I started the EE breathing program. He says I've become more disciplined and am not as stressed out with my job deadlines and household responsibilities. Can't get him interested in the program...although at least he doesn't gripe about it like he did regarding my reading UFO/New Age books and time spent on SOTT. And, he's finally agreed with me to add organic fruits, vegetables, and meat to our diet without complaining about the high cost.

Buddy said:
I've just had my Aim brought into focus (to the basics) and I see the C's statement about "karmic and simple understandings" in a new light - mainly as being equivalent to Breathing/Meditation program + basic psychology, ponerology and detox.

I was thinking along these lines recently, too.
Helle said:
Oxajil said:
Maybe through some lucky DNA activation we'll be able to communicate telepathically hehe, don't know

I rather not be counting on my luck on that one :)

But seriously.. I've been thinking so much about this lately.. And in my imagination, I find myself standing in the forrest edge all alone, thinking it's a hell of a long way to walk to France :-[

I know things will be clearer for me eventually, I just don't have that much patience, I'd rather know everything now!


I think that there is no chance that you would be forgotten on that edge of the forest. Even if you don’t make a single step towards France.

Maybe we could think about that problem like this (little 3D but I think it can be done):

Maybe someone from this forum lives also in Denmark, and could know someone from this forum who lives in Germany, who then knows someone else deeper into Germany and towards France who knows someone who lives near Laura. So the word can be spread, and not just to Laura but to anyone of interest. Our areas can be connected by people of thrust. There are members from all around the world, so we are actually everywhere, like a grid ;) just don’t have connections in psychical world yet.

It would be slower than snail mail, but it is very doable if there would be need for that.
Approaching Infinity said:
Basically, it's a protection from having those who aspire to leadership and who should NOT be leaders, which is the problem nowadays where the least qualified individuals aspire for power and bring everyone down with them (cf. Altemeyer's The Authoritarians).

This is an extremely important consideration in terms of any future group choosing leaders. It is, IMHO, the understanding/knowledge which protects the group from developing pathocracy. A natural STO-inclined leader works for the whole and does not seek to serve self through acquiring and then using power over others to further their own gains. A group which is aware of this and can see efforts made by individuals to acquire leadership and place them in the 'unfit-for-leadership' catagory has gone a long way toward protecting themselves. Leaders of the STO-type have to be asked to lead by those in need of leadership. Applying wisdom to this choice would involve the group making an honest assessment of just what the talents and capabilities of their members actually are by seeing them in action. A natural STO-inclined leader does not seek to have power over others yet has qualities which make him/her empathetic and aware of the conditions of those he/she is called upon to lead and a knack for protecting and improving their condition. A crisis situation or emergency tends to lay all these things out in the open for all to see.
Approaching Infinity said:
Let's say we create a community, with a council of elders. It's inevitable that some will join in the belief that they are already "elders", that their voice deserves to be heard, that they should be able to make decisions for the group, that they are exempt from being in the position of a "student". This is evidence of ambition and egotism that are stumbling blocks in esoteric development. Responsibility is earned through humility, not self-promotion. As such, only those who prove themselves to be leaders and who do not aspire to become leaders, shall come to be known as elders. As the most developed members of the group, elders can naturally see the potential in those who are not yet elders. They can see what others on a lower level cannot see. Their own life experiences and developmental potential gives them this. Call it "grace", but it really has to do with receivership capability, soul genetics, etc. As a student develops, she undergoes positive disintegrations and integrations. These are "initiations" and follow archetypal experiences. As progression takes place along this objective process, "titles" are needed in the social structure. Just as a student in university cannot take on the responsibility of a full professor, an undeveloped soul cannot lead the group. They must first learn, then grow until they come to have enough knowledge and experience to be responsible for the group.

Basically, it's a protection from having those who aspire to leadership and who should NOT be leaders, which is the problem nowadays where the least qualified individuals aspire for power and bring everyone down with them (cf. Altemeyer's The Authoritarians).
Thanks AI for such a concise clarification :) and I fully agree with your explanation. This community will need elders who are qualified through their years of experience in knowing themselves and have a firm understanding of the Work and what that entitles, and have practiced through their lives for many years.
Well, first I just want to say thank you Laura and everyone who has contributed to this thread. It was a nice long read and I enjoyed imagining the scenarios. I don't think I have much to contribute as far as the earlier discussion about 200 people in a forest and survival/social dynamics, but the discussion lately has taken an interesting turn.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to "throw it all away" and revert to this kind of tribal community life, but I wonder how I would actually deal with it emotionally. With the recent change in focus, it seems like this is being pushed as a possibility in the near future. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm thinking linearly and am not ready for this type of thing. Though maybe I should just wait for the plan Laura has in the works and stop worrying. :rolleyes:
Oxajil said:
Maybe through some lucky DNA activation we'll be able to communicate telepathically :P hehe, don't know.

I think we already DO communicate telepathically, it just isn't recognized due to the 'noise' that our 'out of balance ego' makes. (assumption/projection of personal experience following) Think of how many times you've been 'vibed'...or walked into a room/area and 'tasted' the emotional atmosphere and could pretty much nail the essence of what had transpired.

A few years back, I had just arrived at my waiting job and 'thought' TO/AT a co-worker -- who was looking the other way -- "Hi Steve"....he turned right to me and said "Hey Kris, how's it going". At the time I think my jaw dropped at what had happened. Hindsight being what it is, it seems a natural state and it does happen all the time, and it just isn't accepted/acknowledged...although to be fair, I can't speak for everyone. $.02 :)

After all the basic needs for everyone met and all the great ideas shared here by you all put to use

In a new created world, we would have to learn from one another. In the old world, we have been taught to do only our specefic task using the skills we have been taught. It might be useful to learn from, let's say, the only available doctor, at least the basic skills in case of emergency. Farmers could learn from hunters and vice-versa...etc.

Children could be taught to develop their creative side(adults also), instead of their mechanical side like in the old world. Even games and leisures could be taught otherwise. In a newly created world were STO would be more than encouraged, playing a game of handball(or other) and it's rules would have to be completely the opposite of what we were thaught. It would not be about "beating" the opponent to win, but to make sure the ball would be thrown so that the opponent doesn't miss it, and that the opponent would be doing the same to the one that sent the ball. The winner would be the one that was the most considerate to the other for making it easier to the other to send it back. The looser would be the one that was less considerate to the other by making the opponent miss too many times. The prize itself would be hours of pleasure and learning to become STO.

That is my thought for the moment. Maybe i haven't understood the question clearly. If that is the case, my apology.
It could be complicated finding "Elders" capable of leading a group in some circumstances. Most people I meet in my local community who could be considered "Elders" are watching lots of TV, totally asleep, eating toxic frankenfoods, and hardly interested in anything beyond their dinner plate, and the cozy world they've created for themselves. Scary. Where are the "Elders"? I've taken the roll myself at times in my community, because those with the age, experience, and wisdom are few and far between. Objectivity and compassion goes a long way in helping people sort through their issues, and even people 30 years my senior have commented on this uncanny approach. I'm grateful to have "Elders" here to learn from and consult with, but a person to person interaction is beneficial on many levels. I imagine that if a community doesn't have "Elders" per se, but has a diverse group with many specialized skills to draw from, we would be able to learn from each other. I also suppose that when the need for the Elders arises, they may come out of the wood work.

Regarding telepathy, my husband and I practice the EE meditation together... we have noticed stark instances of telepathy between us since we've begun. I could literally hear his thoughts in my head, and I actually thought he was talking out loud. It had been happening at times before, but the last instance was so loud and clear we were both amazed! Our relationship could possibly be considered "co-linear" (although I need to reread and read more regarding this topic)... perhaps over time as the entire forum practices EE and shares, we could have a "co-linear" group (is that possible? or would it be multi-linear?) and the telepathy could really start happening. Just a thought. I'm not sure what the mechanics of telepathy are, and what might make it possible, except my own experiences.

Breathing in life...

I'm wondering if the term elders solely relates to the age of the body. Perhaps the age of the soul is more accurate. I'm 40 and although it might initially feel strange to go to someone who is younger for advice, if they were to relate information in a way that was truly sincere and loving, I don't think I'd have any problem with it.
In some of the large community events that I have been to, we have our elders council where topics of the needs of the community at large have been discussed. Mostly around the event and if any needs that may spring out of the community circle. Sometime around 2000, my husband helped form the "Young Elders" because he felt that sometimes elders forgot some important things and our young people who showed some wisdom, might help them to remember. It was a huge success. Every elders council had representatives of the young elders. It helped instill responsibility and a sense of community for the young elders. And they always had some very good points to make and was incorporated into the process.
Ok I need some hard evidence not only "forum talk"
When we can make this Community ? together
WHERE ? France ? Poland ? other EU country ?

We are running of out time ( in about 12-24 month ) we will lost internet connection.
Lucas said:
Ok I need some hard evidence not only "forum talk"
When we can make this Community ? together
WHERE ? France ? Poland ? other EU country ?

We are running of out time ( in about 12-24 month ) we will lost internet connection.

I think that the purpose of the 'brain storming' is a potential preparation for a very real possibility in the future - where ever you may be. I don't really think it is feasible that 200 forum members will be in one area when the fecal matter gets processed through the cooling device - but it is important to prepare oneself psychologically for the one can be of service in the event something like that does happen.

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