Creating a New World

There's also another thing to keep in mind. Some psychopaths are born (essential or primary psychopaths), and some are made (secondary). The ones that are born / heritable, CAN'T change - they're just wired that way. The secondary ones, it's theoretically possible (if there isn't some brain damage that prevents it).

Psychopaths can have short-term cooperation with each other - that's what the "elite" have been doing. But it's along the lines of game theory: at the first opportunity, they'll screw each other for personal gain. And on the grand scale, STS also operates in the same way. In the end, it's a zero sum game for ultimate STS - there can only be ONE ("winner").
SeekinTruth said:
I think it's much more practical to keep how to do it in 3rd density as the focus. What Psalehehost wrote above is the crux of the matter. I've thought about and read up on what has worked previously in human societies for the last few years. The only answer seems to be very small social groups, like hunter-gathers had (like 50 to 75 in each camp max). Such groups are surrounded by others of similar size just some kilometers away, etc. These groups have good relations (and maybe some trade and intermarriages, etc.)

That seems to be the only way any healthy human society could start again. Since this model did work for a very long time, it should be the basis for any new attempts, I think.

As far as 4th density, it's quite speculative. But, from what the C's have said, not only is the playing field leveled, the STO and STS realms are separate. So if one commits to STO and polarizes to it, the STS would be "powerless" to interfere anymore. As far as free will, defending one's own and one's group's free will against STS maneuvers and manipulations or attacks is not a violation of their free will. It just depends on how it's done. For example NOT giving what is being asked if it damages STO polarization, etc. This was covered in the Ra material. STO doesn't initiate any interactions with STS. But if attacked, they stand their own ground and both sides lose energy and some polarization leading to a standoff - needing to regroup.

Yes, I agree, 4D is speculative. I was just wondering if we have the advantage of remembering past lessons and associations. The excuse is that we don't remember so we are truely making free will choices ( and a lot of bad decisions out of ignorance). I am wondering if this 'levels the playing field'? Maybe?
BHelmet said:
Isn't the issue free will? Any system is vulnerable in an environment in which free will is a fundamental aspect. In a world where one is free to choose one's orientation to STO or STS, some or even half are going to choose STS, and seek to violate the free will of the others. In a world already skewed to STS orientation, this issue is worse, and the STO choosers have limited defenses. How do you reject domination, lies and free will abridgment if the alternative is death? (we don't want no steenkin' VISAs)

How do you implement an honor system in a den of incorrigible thieves?

How do you amplify STO by abridging the free will of the STS psychopaths through a psychopath eugenics pogrom or ... (giggle) Psychopaths Island! Send them all to ... oh sheesh - the idea is just so STS.

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer.

Now, what I am wondering is how is this going to play out in 4D where we have a more equal playing field and this question of what world to create may have more traction?

But I wouldn't count on no central control system. I am guessing the Lizzies will still be there during our 1000 year period to choose. Will STO candidates be invisible to them if FRV not in synch? Can an ideal system of justice be created in 4D or is that 3d thinking that does not apply? Will the Lizzies be the temptations of Christ in the desert for our souls? The C's said Christ would teach as if on TV. How many channels will the Lizzies have? Will we be able to tune them out?

Sigh, there I go asking for a roadmap I am not likely to get.

Despite the ideals of a small community working, I also feel like a debbie downer.

I remember reading The Wave and realizing how backwards our own minds can be. Joe even mentioned it on this past weekend's show, how human psychology is a limit to truth. There are hunter-gatherer tribes that have some messed up values, like sexism and so on.

It's just the nature of the beast of this STS reality. The rules of the game require STS to survive. The predator's mind is a big part of our 3d evolution and that is why I feel it will never be a level playing field.
Divide By Zero said:
I remember reading The Wave and realizing how backwards our own minds can be. Joe even mentioned it on this past weekend's show, how human psychology is a limit to truth. There are hunter-gatherer tribes that have some messed up values, like sexism and so on.

It's just the nature of the beast of this STS reality. The rules of the game require STS to survive. The predator's mind is a big part of our 3d evolution and that is why I feel it will never be a level playing field.

Hi Divide By Zero,

Your feelings are understandable. But probably not helpful--to yourself.

The C's (and others) have stressed the centrality of our belief system. It's vital, as it effects (yes effects) our probable futures. Much discussion has taken place in various threads.

If you ignore this guidance, allowing your own, you not only toss away a great gift--but you help make your version come true--via your inner beliefs. I don't think this is what you want.

Then there's the alternative. Knowledge AND faith. I honestly believe the former has been duely granted ... thanks to Laura. The latter? That's up to each individual. No one can give it. But no one can take it away either--once you have it.

And there may be a lot more power in this knowledge & faith combination than we presently realize.

For myself, I try to work on both each and every day--inspired by Laura's example. I want to be in the group running right behind her. Doing my best to keep up. With a punched ticket (I pray)--on that conduit. Crazy as it sounds, I faithfully look forward to future miraculous happenings ... not just a level playing field.

And I do this because I choose to.
llreid1979 said:
Everything brings me back to psychopaths. Education, Social Norms, Cultural practices, Religion etc. I guess start weeding out these psychopaths would be the most important thing. But How???
You will note that psychopaths and other parasites are ubiquitous in our environment.
There is a thread on the forum which describes the 'grey rock' technique of dealing with psychopaths; just search on that and you will find it.
That may not be the only way, but the idea there is to make yourself as uninteresting to them as possible so making a possible 'meal' harder to obtain.
Hopefully they will then go elsewhere for a 'feed'.
It's like giving up the sugar and carbs for bodily parasites, they starve.
sitting said:
Divide By Zero said:
I remember reading The Wave and realizing how backwards our own minds can be. Joe even mentioned it on this past weekend's show, how human psychology is a limit to truth. There are hunter-gatherer tribes that have some messed up values, like sexism and so on.

It's just the nature of the beast of this STS reality. The rules of the game require STS to survive. The predator's mind is a big part of our 3d evolution and that is why I feel it will never be a level playing field.

Hi Divide By Zero,

Your feelings are understandable. But probably not helpful--to yourself.

The C's (and others) have stressed the centrality of our belief system. It's vital, as it effects (yes effects) our probable futures. Much discussion has taken place in various threads.

If you ignore this guidance, allowing your own, you not only toss away a great gift--but you help make your version come true--via your inner beliefs. I don't think this is what you want.

Then there's the alternative. Knowledge AND faith. I honestly believe the former has been duely granted ... thanks to Laura. The latter? That's up to each individual. No one can give it. But no one can take it away either--once you have it.

And there may be a lot more power in this knowledge & faith combination than we presently realize.

For myself, I try to work on both each and every day--inspired by Laura's example. I want to be in the group running right behind her. Doing my best to keep up. With a punched ticket (I pray)--on that conduit. Crazy as it sounds, I faithfully look forward to future miraculous happenings ... not just a level playing field.

And I do this because I choose to.

sitting, I find what you wrote to be very inspiring. :rockon:
Jodi said:
Maybe the true meaning of "turn the other cheek". Don't waste energy or stress the group by starting a war against something that can not even touch us let alone interfere with our work.

A lot of these "sayings" have been thought up by psychopaths in order for them to get away with whatever they want to do. "Turn the other cheek" lets psychopaths get away with hurting someone without any retribution or consequences. Laura goes into this in The Wave Series and, I think, in Secret History.

Reading The Wave Series is very eye-opening. They are just as eye-opening on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and more readings as there is so much in them.
When feeling so hopeless about not having a level playing field, it can help to remember that the C's said that the STS agenda will fail - and if there wasn't some distortion in the transmission, they wouldn't make such a definite statement unless the probabilities already ruled out their success. Even without that C's statement, the past shows it to be true: extreme STS domination and imbalance always leads to (extreme) balancing. And on the human level, the Evil Empire is definitely on the verge of falling. Best to be prepared to take advantage of whatever opportunities open up as a result. Learning to neutralize psychopathy is what it will take (including our own ponerization).
I agree and the more I think about it, it seems like we have become stuck and unable to progress in creating our world because of a variable. I feel like this is a win for the Lizzies that we aren't able to imagine a world without them. They have become terrorists in our creation.

What if we step back and start over. We have learned that psychopaths cannot slither in and undermine what we have created. John Lennon imagined a world free from psychopaths. Are we free thinkers if we can't imagine our very own creation to be better than the creation we are living in now?

I'd love our world to not work for money. I want us to perform tasks lovingly and with our natural talents. I made myself an apothecary to rid my home and our bodies of poisons. I know I'm not the only one. We have entertainers, mechanics, gardeners, etc... We have those who would love to learn how to do something that would contribute if only they had the time. We have teachers and spirit workers and oh my gosh... With 200 people, which is the number of people that the C's said can essentially change the world, we can do this. On some level, here in this place, we've already done it.
Jodi said:
I'd love our world to not work for money. I want us to perform tasks lovingly and with our natural talents.

Jodi, you might enjoy author Harry Harrison's envisioning of the system he called Individual Mutualism (and its exchange unit, the non-material 'wirr' - or 'work unit'). It appears in his novel The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted. The following wiki entry describes the planet on which this system exists (a planet to which the inhabitants had fled to essentially get away from people of violence - ie, psychopaths!):
Something that comes to mind, thinking of creating a "New World" - is thinking about how to create a "New World" every day. A microcosm of macrocosm. What can I do today to create a new environment? A healthy, soul nutritive place, where the people I'm around care about one another?

To illustrate what I mean I'll tell a short story from personal experience.
Just over 10 years ago I was finishing up high school. I lived at home with my mother, "Lisa," father, "Terry," and brother, "Andy." It was always a chaotic place to be. My mother was a monster. Completely out of control, yet put on the greatest of plays when it came down to concealing what really went on at home. Verbally abusive to all of us, but especially my father - always attempting to cast him in a negative light and turn us against him, while often insinuating that he must be molesting us whenever my brother and I were affectionate and loving with him. She played a psychological game with us - as we watched her do the same to her siblings, parents, and co-workers. On the worst of occasions she became physically violent, would threaten our lives, as well as hers, and at the pinnacle of all things... the point which I could not long agree to be a part of the dynamic was when she pulled a knife on my brother and father while I was away from home.

I give credit to my aunt, Lisa's sister, for making me aware of psychopaths. I knew all my life that my mom was "bad" - as a little girl I couldn't understand her rage, but until my aunt had set the stage for a discussion about psychopathy, I didn't have a foundation to hold on to, or a way to "back up" my thoughts. Of course I had support with my dad and brother as we would brainstorm "what to do with her" and talk about what kind of messed up person you'd have to be to do X, or how we would plan our escape, but none of that ever was fueled by concrete info we could point to. There was so much self-doubt that was allowed to sneak in because we just didn't know, and because Lisa was skilled at belittling and creating sympathy. As I was beginning to learn that's just complete, documented, 1 to 1 typical psycho-faire.

Armed with knowledge and a little courage and humility I called my aunt - told her what happened and asked if she would take me in. In less than 24 hours and under Lisa's radar I made my escape - really the only way to extract oneself from a situation like this. It really is like being held hostage! As time went on in my new home I studied and read more and more on the subject - hoping to spring my brother and father from her grasp. It became more and more obvious that the only way to "deal" with psychos is to STOP associating. Not in some ways, but in ALL ways. It took quite a while for me to remove all contact with her. After all I was living with her sister, and she living with my father and brother. I tried again and again to remind Dad and Andy what she did to them and all the conversations we had about her, but it never really seemed to have a lasting affect I really struggled with that for a long time.

Now I live in another state, geographically, and also another state, psychologically. A very new and different world than the one I previously lived in. The only way I can see a new world without the burdening influence of psychopaths is to make choices everyday not to see them (by that I mean, don't plan to meet with them), not to answer to their call, not to comment on information that comes from a "known perpetrator" - and to generally assume that everything that comes from them is deceitful.

Reading the recommended material, and perhaps experiencing it first hand, we know they use any and all things as as ammo to fire when needed, either in it's original form, or manipulated to look much differently. Provide them with nothing.

Identifying the behaviors is step one, and the networking ability of a group should help facilitate that. Hard to hide when all eyes are on you. I just can't express how differently my "world" is since removing myself from that toxic environment. It's not always the right way to go ahead and "remove" someone, somethings you just can't pluck. But you can starve things - that's for sure.

This is certainly no easy task. And in my experience, quite a painful one. I still talk with my brother (he lives elsewhere now, too), and still talk to my dad, but we must plan out phone calls for when she's not around so he can speak freely with me. I've had to work to be "ok" with my dad's (in)decision, and to recognize that I cannot "save him." It is what it is.

So if we can't pluck everything, but we know we can starve it away, then we can also work to defend against it's attachment and influence before it ever gets too close.

By denying access/fuel to psychopaths at every turn, and supporting friendlies in how to do the same, we build our immunity up against their tactics, and in turn build strong connections, and build our energies instead of letting them be milked. All else will follow. OSIT
kalibex said:
Jodi said:
I'd love our world to not work for money. I want us to perform tasks lovingly and with our natural talents.

Jodi, you might enjoy author Harry Harrison's envisioning of the system he called Individual Mutualism (and its exchange unit, the non-material 'wirr' - or 'work unit'). It appears in his novel The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted. The following wiki entry describes the planet on which this system exists (a planet to which the inhabitants had fled to essentially get away from people of violence - ie, psychopaths!):

kalibex, that was great !

I really enjoyed reading that. It's a great idea and thought experiment.
Now, if only a system like this were to come to fruition on Earth.

Perhaps it was more like this in probable pasts and also in probable futures, plus or minus the artificial intelligence element.
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