Just woke up to check the forum with fresh eyes. . .
When considering slander/liable, I think it might indeed be wise, as Bud offered, to not make any accusations like calling the guy a psychopath in any public statements. It would be rather hard to prove something like that in a legal challenge, (though it would certainly be an interesting thing to attempt. I wonder what would happen if he were asked to be tested by a court psychiatrist. . ?) Whatever the case, certainly a huge can of worms might be easily avoided by sticking to the known absolute facts!
Also, any video reply on YouTube, while I think should be simple enough to counter the message effectively among its target music-video age groups, should definitely explain that there is a great deal more to learn and that a very in-depth web page be offered with high caliber research of the kind coming up now.
Should accusatory comments already made which might be considered slanderous be retracted or shunted to private sections of the forum?
I'd be willing to edit stuff immediately if it is considered appropriate. Tag with "user opinion" perhaps? Is there a policy on this?
Just read the line two inches under my question: "Cassiopaea.org, Quantum Future School, and QFG Inc. do not necessarily endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles or comments posted on this forum. This is purely an information and research discussion forum and the opinions of each participant are their own."
When considering slander/liable, I think it might indeed be wise, as Bud offered, to not make any accusations like calling the guy a psychopath in any public statements. It would be rather hard to prove something like that in a legal challenge, (though it would certainly be an interesting thing to attempt. I wonder what would happen if he were asked to be tested by a court psychiatrist. . ?) Whatever the case, certainly a huge can of worms might be easily avoided by sticking to the known absolute facts!
Also, any video reply on YouTube, while I think should be simple enough to counter the message effectively among its target music-video age groups, should definitely explain that there is a great deal more to learn and that a very in-depth web page be offered with high caliber research of the kind coming up now.
Should accusatory comments already made which might be considered slanderous be retracted or shunted to private sections of the forum?
I'd be willing to edit stuff immediately if it is considered appropriate. Tag with "user opinion" perhaps? Is there a policy on this?
Just read the line two inches under my question: "Cassiopaea.org, Quantum Future School, and QFG Inc. do not necessarily endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles or comments posted on this forum. This is purely an information and research discussion forum and the opinions of each participant are their own."