DMSA for heavy metal detox - how long available?

Gandalf said:
Alana said:
Gandalf said:
Well, abebooks has just written to me telling me that the the cost for sending the book to my home is a bit more expensive. Instead of being 15$, they are asking me now 75$. I have just told them to cancel the order.

I ordered the book from abe last night, the older edition, and it was the last copy of $15, with shipping at $15 also (USD). The rest of their copies were at higher prices.

I found this place where you can order it still at $15, with $15 shipping for Canada (USD).

Perhaps you can try it out? All other options bring up the book much more expensive.

Hi Alana,

Thanks for the info.

However the phone number is not good anymore and although I tried to order the book form their site, it does not work. I just can not submit the order.

Still looking for another option.

Found a new link to the same site and this time I was able to order the book.
Laura said:
I would also like to encourage everyone who is "fit" to donate blood as often as you can. It gets rid of excess iron and stimulates the making of fresh blood cells.

For those in the UK, Blood donor banks visit communities and set up shop in town halls and community centres. You can search and book sessions here:
I've not given blood before and was interested to see there is an opportunity in 10 days time a short walk away from home.
EDTA Chelation Side Effects

EDTA chelation therapy uses a compound called ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. EDTA is able to bind to certain metals via a process called chelation. This binding causes them to be unable to react with anything else. It also causes the kidneys to remove the EDTA/metal complex from the blood. EDTA chelation therapy is commonly used to treat poisoning from heavy metals (such as lead or mercury), but it has also been promoted as a way of treating atherosclerosis.
Side Effects

EDTA chelation therapy is typically given intravenously, with the drug slowly infused into the blood. The most common side effect from EDTA chelation therapy is a burning feeling where the medication is being injected. Other side effects include gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea and vomiting, as well as a headache. In some cases patients receiving EDTA chelation therapy may also experience a sudden drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or in blood pressure (hypotension). These conditions can lead to dizziness or unconsciousness.
Calcium Problems

EDTA is able to bind to calcium and can cause calcium to be pulled out of the blood. Consequently, one potential side effect of EDTA chelation therapy is low calcium levels, also known as hypocalcemia. Calcium is very important for muscle and nerve function. Consequently, sudden drops in calcium can affect both the heart and the brain. EDTA treatment can cause calcium to drop to dangerously low levels, resulting in heart arrythmias and seizures as both organs develop abnormal electrical activity.
Kidney Failure

Another side effect of EDTA therapy is kidney failure. This is because EDTA binds to minerals and causes the kidneys to filter them out. However, in the process, it can overwork the kidney, leading to a condition known as acute tubular necrosis. This can cause permanent kidney damage and, in severe cases, will cause the patient to need either a kidney transplant or lifelong dialysis.
Bone Marrow Depression

EDTA chelation therapy can also lead to the bone marrow being inhibited or suppressed. Because the bone marrow is responsible for making blood cells, this can result in inadequate blood cell production, leading to anemia. This can be especially dangerous for patients with bleeding disorders or other forms of anemia.

Read more:
I find an interesting article about trace minerals and EDTA. It seems that even some of those "trace" minerals can be in higher concentrations that desired in some circunstances.


By Elmer M. Cranton, M.D.

We still do not know for certain how EDTA chelation therapy benefits atherosclerosis and other age-related diseases. We only know that it binds to metallic ions in the body. EDTA rapidly removes bound ionic metals via urinary excretion, and in the process it also redistributes many metals within in the body. We have many theories attempting to explain how EDTA reverses symptoms, improves cardiovascular function, enhances quality of life, and improves blood flow, but we still do not know the most important mechanism(s) of action.

A recent study by Frustaci and associates in Italy showed that nutritional trace elements accumulate to potentially toxic levels in diseased myocardium.1 Marked increases in intracellular concentrations of myocardial trace elements were measured by neutron activation analysis in separate groups of patients with ischemia, valvular heart disease and idiopathic cardiomyopathy. The nutritional elements, iron, zinc, chromium and cobalt increased from three- to seven-fold in compromised myocardium. Metallic elements become toxic at increased levels of that magnitude.

In patients with advanced valvular disease and idiopathic cardiomyopathy, intracellular metals increased to a similar extent as in those with ischemic coronary heart disease.

Nutritional Metals that Increase Abnormally in Heart Muscle with Coronary Artery Disease

Cobalt 600 % more than healthy control myocardium

Chromium 600 % more than healthy control myocardium

Iron 400 % more than healthy control myocardium

Zinc 280 % more than healthy control myocardium

such increased levels are toxic to cells

Reference JACC 1999;33(6), 1578-1583

Antimony and mercury also elevated to quite high levels. With no know exposure to antimony or mercury, technical is a possibility. If these findings are confirmed, this study is extremely important and should have priority for further investigation.

In another study, copper and zinc accumulations in the brain were implicated in Alzheimer’s syndrome. Alzheimer's researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital reported that buildup of copper and zinc in the brain causes the same type of protein deposits that are a hallmark of Alzheimer's syndrome.2 Using a strain of mice especially bred to develop a form of Alzheimer's, they found that a metal chelator, clioquinol, neutralized those metals and reduced by half the formation of neurofibrillatory tangles and accumulations of beta-amyloid. Unfortunately, clioquinol is much too toxic for use in humans.

Beta-amyloid protein in the brain was found to trap copper. This bound copper catalyzed the release of hydrogen peroxide, causing further neurological damage. Accumulations of zinc in the brain acted to create a vicious cycle of increasing beta-amyloid, trapping more copper, leading then to progressively more cell damage.

Nutritional trace elements have a very narrow margin between physiologic and toxic levels. As shown in Table I above, zinc rises to potentially toxic levels in the diseased heart. Chromium and cobalt accumulate even more. It seems likely that other nutritional elements not yet measured might accumulate to a similar extent. Iron accumulates to toxic levels and also acts as a catalyst to speed the production of damaging free oxygen radicals.

We must carefully consider this recent evidence indicating that EDTA benefits patients, at least in part, by removing abnormal accumulations of essential nutritional trace elements from diseased organs and arterial walls.

EDTA in the body remains extracellular, and can only remove intracellular accumulations of metallic ions by first binding and removing elements outside of cells. That process establishes a concentration gradient, which draws unwanted intracellular metals out through cell walls. Only then can they be chelated. That is one reason why EDTA is administered slowly, over several hours. Diffusion outward is a relatively passive process and occurs much more slowly than the subsequent binding by EDTA. That may also be the reason why no data have been published showing improved blood flow using oral EDTA. Absorption of oral EDTA is minimal and slow, and resulting plasma concentrations are much lower than achieved by the intravenous route, resulting in a much weaker intracellular to extracellular concentration gradient.

Based on recent findings, it now appears that an important mechanism of action of EDTA chelation therapy is to restore safe and desirable levels of essential nutritional metallic elements in compromised cells. Urinary excretion of metallic toxins and free radical catalysts might be only a secondary benefit.


1. Frustaci A, Magnavita N, Chimenti C, Caldarulo M, Sabbioni E, Pietra R, Cellini C, Possati GF, Maseri A. Marked elevation of myocardial trace elements in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy compared with secondary cardiac dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1999 May;33(6):1578-83.

2. Cherny RA, Atwood CS, Xilinas ME, Gray DN, Jones WD, McLean CA, Barnham KJ, Volitakis I, Fraser FW, Kim Y, Huang X, Goldstein LE, Moir RD, Lim JT, Beyreuther K, Zheng H, Tanzi RE, Masters CL, Bush AI. Treatment with a copper-zinc chelator markedly and rapidly inhibits beta-amyloid accumulation in Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice. Neuron. 2001 Jun;30(3):665-76.
This is what I am preparing for my detox. I appreciate all suggestions and corrections.

1. Supplement amounts for 1 cycle consisting of 14 days. 6 cycles needed.

DMSA 200mg, taking this amount 3 times per day, for only the first 3 days. Take on empty stomach.

ALA 100mg, taking this amount 2 times per day.

NAC 600mg, taking this amount 2 times per day.

Vitamin C 3g, taking this amount 2 times per day.

Zinc 50mg, taking this amount 1 time per day. Take on empty stomach.

Selenium 200 mcg, taking this amount 1 time per day.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) 50mg, taking this amount 1 time per day.

Vitamin E 1000 IU, taking this amount 1 time per day.

Melatonin 6mg, taking this amount 1 time per day. Take before bedtime.

Taurine 200mg, taking this amount 2 times per day.

2. The specific brands or where to buy. I could use some more suggestions. Otherwise I will try to find non-GMO versions of supplements not listed below.

DMSA. DMSA Synergy at . Some people had concerns about rice flour in it.

Vitamin C. I will be making liposomal vitamin C with Cathcart's Sodium Ascorbate at and sunflower lecithin at using a jewelry ultrasound like this
This is my complete list, for my reference, and maybe helpful for others. I appreciate someone stopping me if any particular brand of supplement is bad and there's a better alternative. :-[

1. Supplement amounts for 1 cycle which consists of 14 days. 6 cycles needed.

DMSA 200mg, taking this amount 3 times per day, for only the first 3 days. Take on empty stomach 30 minutes before eating. Take alone without any other supplements.

ALA 100mg, taking this amount 2 times per day.

NAC 600mg, taking this amount 2 times per day.

Vitamin C 3g, taking this amount 2 times per day.

Zinc 50mg, taking this amount 1 time per day. Take on empty stomach.

Selenium 200 mcg, taking this amount 1 time per day.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) 50mg, taking this amount 1 time per day.

Vitamin E 1000 IU, taking this amount 1 time per day.

Melatonin 6mg, taking this amount 1 time per day. Take before bedtime.

Taurine 200mg, taking this amount 2 times per day.

2. The specific brands I am buying from where.

DMSA Synergy from . Some people had concerns about rice flour in it, but I bought it.

ALA from . I decided to go with them because it appears to be pure without fillers.

NAC from . I decided to go with them because it appears to be pure without fillers.

Vitamin C. I will be making liposomal vitamin C with Cathcart's Sodium Ascorbate at and sunflower lecithin at using a jewelry ultrasound like this . Reference for more instructions,30416.0.html

Zinc. Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, Raw Zinc. Available at . Non-GMO project verified. May contain soy. Potential problem is the amount is 30mg, so I will have to take 2 and end up at 60mg.

Selenium. New Chapter, Selenium Food Complex. Available at . Non-GMO project verified. Contains fermented soy, silica, lac resin and carnauba wax.

Vitamin B6. Natural Factors, B6, Pyridoxine HCl, 50 mg. Available at . Potential problem is it contains magnesium stearate (vegetable grade), but I cannot find a better alternative. Do you know something better?

Vitamin E. Solgar, Vitamin E, 400 IU. Available at . Potential problem is the amount is 400 IU, so I will have to take multiples for either 800 IU or 1200 IU.

Melatonin. Life Extension, Melatonin, 3 mg. Available at . Contains rice flour.

Taurine. Life Extension, L-Taurine Powder. Available at .
For DMSA and other supplements that are to be taken multiple times a day, how far apart in time during the day do they need to be spread? Can I just take the full daily dosage all at once instead?

I want to start the first cycle tonight after mercury removal or tomorrow.
hlat said:
For DMSA and other supplements that are to be taken multiple times a day, how far apart in time during the day do they need to be spread? Can I just take the full daily dosage all at once instead?

I want to start the first cycle tonight after mercury removal or tomorrow.

For supps or anything taken twice daily I'd spread out the dose to every twelve hours, like 8am and 8pm. For the DMSA I'd take it apart from other supps as it will chelate other minerals and such that you may take at the same time.
Thank you. I will start tomorrow morning, since I will need to figure out the dosage schedule tonight.

Odyssey said:
hlat said:
For DMSA and other supplements that are to be taken multiple times a day, how far apart in time during the day do they need to be spread? Can I just take the full daily dosage all at once instead?

I want to start the first cycle tonight after mercury removal or tomorrow.

For supps or anything taken twice daily I'd spread out the dose to every twelve hours, like 8am and 8pm. For the DMSA I'd take it apart from other supps as it will chelate other minerals and such that you may take at the same time.
I've completed my first day of detox. I took 1 dose of DMSA right when I got up. It upset my stomach and had very loose stool. About 3 hours later I took 1 dose of all the rest except melatonin. My stomach gurgled loudly and I had more loose stool. I took the other 2 doses of DMSA before lunch and dinner. I took the 2nd doses of ALA, NAC, and taurine after dinner. I just took the melatonin and am about to go to sleep.

I have been gassy most of the day. Also, it seems my patience is less and irritability increased. I was tired too.

These are the specific brands that I got for detox.

DMSA Synergy, ALA, NAC. .

Liposomal vitamin C. Cathcart's Sodium Ascorbate and sunflower lecithin. . .

Zinc. Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, Raw Zinc. Vitacost.

Selenium. New Chapter, Selenium Food Complex. iherb.

Vitamin B6. Thorne Research, Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate. Vitacost.

Vitamin E. Vitacost.

MRM, Melatonin. iherb.

Life Extension, L-Taurine Powder. Vitacost.
hlat said:
Also, it seems my patience is less and irritability increased.

DMSA has the same effect on me. It is one of the reasons they suggest to do the protocol on weekends, when you are in theory at home and not at a daily job. The taurine and melatonin are supposed to help with the irritation, but I think you'll notice a difference only when you finish the DMSA days.
Psyche said:
hlat said:
This is what I am preparing for my detox. I appreciate all suggestions and corrections.

Looks good to me :)

Looks like a great plan!

hlat said:
For DMSA and other supplements that are to be taken multiple times a day, how far apart in time during the day do they need to be spread? Can I just take the full daily dosage all at once instead?

I want to start the first cycle tonight after mercury removal or tomorrow.

As a suggestion, 3 days of DMSA without other supplements then 11 days of other supplements. Melatonin & taurine should be okay to take on DMSA days with 8-12 hours in between.
Psyche said:
hlat said:
Also, it seems my patience is less and irritability increased.

DMSA has the same effect on me. It is one of the reasons they suggest to do the protocol on weekends, when you are in theory at home and not at a daily job. The taurine and melatonin are supposed to help with the irritation, but I think you'll notice a difference only when you finish the DMSA days.

I just started my 4th DMSA Protocol today and I haven't really noticed any major changes in mood or anything like that during the days I'm taking it. I'm taking some additional Magnesium, Taurine, Zinc, Vit C and a Liver Detox Support that contains some alpha-lipoic acid, selenium and NAC. But I haven't been too strict on the additional supplements either, skipping some on certain days or not taking any on other days. The only big thing I notice is the pungent smell from my urine which starts immediately after I take my first capsule.
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