DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

PhilipJSherman said:
Does anyone know how someone can get DMSO via an iv solution.

I think that would be difficult. For legal reasons, DMSO is usually sold as a "solvent", not a medical compound.

DMSO does seem to get into the bloodstream through the skin, so I am not sure why you would want or need to use an IV.
PhilipJSherman said:
Good evening everyone.

Does anyone know how someone can get DMSO via an iv solution.
I would like to purchase this for my mother.


I think you would be hard pressed to find someone to give an IV of DMSO, heck, it's difficult to find someone to give a vitamin C IV. Your best bet, under a physician's care, is to look for an ACAM doctor in your area. Here is the link to their doctors directory _

I see ACAM has updated the website (the old version was easier to navigate and had a better directory). There is also a list of ACAM doctors in the back of Dr. Morton's book on DMSO _

As far as I can recall, an IV of DMSO was recommended for a stroke, but needs to be administered straight away. It can prevent damage, it cannot reverse it.

Also, I see this is your first post, so welcome to the forum. We ask all new members to post a short introduction in our Newbies Forum. Thanks. And well wishes to your Mom. :flowers:
just thought it may be beneficial to add here that my wife has suffered for a few years with dark patches of skin pigmentation on her face (on the cheek area) and tried numerous creams and lotions. It's caused her a lot of stress, which as you can imagine doesn't help.
It was brought on by a stressful incident, the episode itself being when her Mum was suddenly taken ill and needed a triple bypass operation.
But the important part here is that DMSO cream has helped immensely! (and her Mum is still alive :))
My wife has been using it for about 6 months now and it has nearly all cleared up. At first, she didn't want to believe what she was seeing and was trying to convince herself that it wasn't actually working!

Alongside keeping a more watchful eye on her diet and working her way through any emotional issues, yet again DMSO has come to the rescue...,30482.msg497021.html#msg497021
Can Won said:
just thought it may be beneficial to add here that my wife has suffered for a few years with dark patches of skin pigmentation on her face (on the cheek area) and tried numerous creams and lotions. It's caused her a lot of stress, which as you can imagine doesn't help.
It was brought on by a stressful incident, the episode itself being when her Mum was suddenly taken ill and needed a triple bypass operation.
But the important part here is that DMSO cream has helped immensely! (and her Mum is still alive :))
My wife has been using it for about 6 months now and it has nearly all cleared up. At first, she didn't want to believe what she was seeing and was trying to convince herself that it wasn't actually working!

Alongside keeping a more watchful eye on her diet and working her way through any emotional issues, yet again DMSO has come to the rescue...,30482.msg497021.html#msg497021

Thanks for sharing Can Won. :thup:
Thanks for sharing Can Won. I have never heard of DMSO removing a pigment spot, but will certainly give it a go and report back. I've developed a spot on my left cheek from driving and I concur with your wife, it is annoying to have!

I did read that the enzyme Papain will remove pigment spots. It is the enzyme isolated from papaya, so you could either order the papain powder from amazon, or simply use fresh papaya. As an aside, I also read that DMSO combined with Papain will dissolve bone spurs, so I am going to combine the two and see what it does to the pigment spot and a small ganglion cyst on my wrist. (For the combination, I don't recommend using fresh papaya)

I'm glad to hear your mother-in-law is okay. Best of luck! :)
For anyone trying to find cheap DMSO in England there is currently a small sized bottle available on amazon for less than £15
Gaby said:
If you haven't bought your DMSO bottle, I think you can get a 50% concentration online which you can use for this purpose. But I don't see why you can't dilute at home, but you have to use distilled water.

50g of DMSO in 100g water = 50/100 = 50% concentration.
25g of DMSO in 100ml water would be 25% concentration DMSO.

Here are allicin levels and dosage recommendations which you can add to the 50% concentration:

I'm going through the DMSO book (just got started today), if I find other suggestions, I'll post them.

Mixing your own is fun, but one needs to be a little careful.
Both of these concentrations given above, for example, are incorrect.

In the first example, the concentration will not be 50%, but 33.33%.
For a 50% concentration, your mix needs to be one part DMSO and one part water (not two parts water).

Similarly in the second example, the concentration will not be 25%, but only 20%.
For a 25% concentration, your mix needs to be one part DMSO and three parts water (not four parts water).

Just do the maths, and always double check.
To get an accurate figure of your actual, or intended, concentration, divide the amount of DMSO by the total amount of the resultant solution (not by the amount of water added).

Thus 50/150x100=33.33%, and 25/125x100=20%.
tempest0822 said:
I came across this forum, and coincidentally this topic, while searching for information related to DMSO & plastics. I'm a graduate student in biochemistry and work quite frequently with DMSO both as a reaction solvent and as a means for delivering compounds into assays.

I haven't read the whole thread, so this may have already been addressed, but I can confirm that DMSO will extract compounds from plastics, even when as low as 5% in water. Please be cautious if your DMSO comes in a plastic container. Also be sure that you're receiving it from a reputable source; the compound itself is not hazardous but, as mentioned in the initial post, it will carry anything dissolved in it into your bloodstream.

If your DMSO has an unpleasant order be cautious in using it. The only instance when I've observed this is when the compound has broken down because of heating or improper storage. Pure DMSO should only have the faintest scent, and it's very similar to garlic in odor.

If you have chemistry related questions, please feel free to drop me a message. All the best.


Hello Kate, it would be most helpful to know more about the electrochemistry of DMSO. How does it work in the body? Why is it so good at penetrating barriers, such as the blood-brain barrier? Is it due to the molecule being particularly small, or is it something else?

And, how does it dissolve or grab onto other things that it is so good at taking them through barriers also? Does this have to do with the sort of bonding it forms with things it dissolves? Thanks.
I know that sulfur compounds are what help the body get rid of toxins.

Sulfur was called "the sticky molecule" in Ultra Mind Solution, IIRC.

Not sure why DMSO is so permeable, however. It could be related to the methyl group.

I'm confused though because methyl alcohol- methanol in itself is toxic to humans, so what is different?
Hi cb55555,

Seeing that you just joined the Forum, so I want to give you my welcome. Also, we would appreciate it if you could take a time to introduce yourself in the Newbies section. Nothing personal, just a little bit about yourself and how you found the forum. If you are unsure of what to write, take a look at how others on the board have done it. Thanks.

Thank you, Ambassador. I happened onto the forum as I was researching MMS/CLO2 and DMSO.
I have come to realise that pimping for BIG PHARMA is a lucrative business in the so-called "health" system, and that people will have to start taking responsibility for their own health, if they are to avoid becoming its victims.

The experiences people reported to have had with these solutions and products prompted me to look more closely at them. The better and more thoroughly we understand how and why something works, the better we can harness its potential, work out appropriate dosages, and be confident about its applicability and usefulness in given cases.

For this, understanding the electrochemistry of a substance at the atomic and molecular levels would seem essential. Alas, I cannot find what I am looking for. Anybody in this forum with a chemistry background?! Anyone who might explain the sort of bonding that DMSO forms with CLO2, for instance, and then the likely REDOX reactions it is going to have with unwanted toxins, viruses, fungi and germs in the body?
cb55555 said:
Anybody in this forum with a chemistry background?! Anyone who might explain the sort of bonding that DMSO forms with CLO2, for instance, and then the likely REDOX reactions it is going to have with unwanted toxins, viruses, fungi and germs in the body?

I am not chemist or an expert on the subject by any means, but it has been my theory that it is the sulfur in it that creates the magic. Sulfur is a large building block to all life here on earth. I have used sulfur as a preventive to many things with 100% success on our small farm. This includes blocking deadly protozoans that is rampant out here to save my baby chickens. Sorry, I know your question was for DMSO, but I do think that yes, it is a cure and or preventive measure for lots of things because of the sulfur.
Hello there!
I took DMSO 99,9% pure yesterday, 1 teaspoon with some water, internally!
God! I feel strange now! I felt heat in my body, but just in the bottom of my back, just where i have the inflammation!
Then, i feel like i was going to faint, feeling not me, feeling everything was strange!
I felt a depersonalization!
I took 1/2 teaspoon, the day before yesterday too!
I take medecines, this is maybe because of that?
My DMSO comes into a plastic bottle, from Biovea! It is said, "only use as a solvant"!

Do you think DMSO took the plastic from the bottle and i had it into my bloodstream??

Just sharing my experience in order to see!

Well, thank you all, peace!
Welcome to the forum, SunEterna. We ask all new members to post a short introduction in the Newbies Section telling us how you found the forum and if you've read any of the books we discuss here.

As for DMSO, I don't recommend taking it internally! If you have some inflammation in your lower back, the best way to use the DMSO would be to dilute it to a 70% solution with DISTILLED water and apply it topically. (7 parts DMSO, 3 parts distilled water). It is rapidly absorbed thru the skin into the blood stream, and you will have a taste of it in your mouth shortly after. But I do advise you to NOT drink anymore.

I have in the past, always purchased my DMSO in glass, however there was a discussion about it here on the forum, and what most sellers are doing, is buying the bulk DMSO in plastic, then repackaging it in glass. What I personally do, is purchase in plastic and as soon as it arrives, transfer it to glass. I have only once had a DMSO solution that had a funny smell to it, so I tossed it out. Otherwise, I have not had any problems with it. Of course I would prefer that it was always stored in glass, but I have not found a source that will confirm this is the case.
cb55555 said:
Thank you, Ambassador. I happened onto the forum as I was researching MMS/CLO2 and DMSO.

Do you mean Miracle Mineral Solution from Jim Humble?

If so, then hopefully you will read the following links carefully, because that stuff is poison:

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