Do-it-yourself liposomal nutrients

jimme said:
The only reference to power versus particle size I have found is the above article stating that a 200 watt machine produced "excellent results". So if have further information to support using lower wattage machines then please share it with us.
There are numerous sites that explain how to make Liposomal C using the 35 Watt ultrasonic cleaners that all you need to do is a search to see that it is being done all the time by everyone. The website I list below mentions this factually as do many other sites.

The fact that you can take 15 grams of Vitamin C per day in divided doses really doesn't tell us much, since I can also take 15 grams per day, in divided doses, using non-lipo C without reaching bowel tolerance.

Please note that I was responding to your question in post#250 in which you stated: "The central question remains – how to make a 20 or 30 gram batch of lipo C, and replicate the higher doses used for intravenous Vitamin C." That can be achieved by using 3 tablespoons of Ascorbate instead of just one. I was NOT volunteering to test bowel tolerance levels, and if you personally wish to experiment in this regard please feel perfectly free to do so. It should be noted that this actually varies considerably from person to person, so any individual test is only valid for that person at that particular time and state of health.

I'm not sure why you would not want to experiment and determine whether the mixture you are making is indeed liposomal.
I will also include a quote from the website listed below which states that the method myself and others use is indeed Liposomal C:
From: -

" This recipe provides 12 grams (12000 mg) of Vitamin C Ascorbate at about 70% – 90% liposomal encapsulation efficiency."
"I’ve used 3 tablespoons of sodium ascorbate with good absorption results as well. Three tablespoons instead of one tablespoon as indicated in the above recipe will yield around 16 grams of vitamin C per cup. The absorption of the liposomal variety is about 5 times the absorption of vitamin C straight, so that is approximately 80 effective grams (IV therapy). That is a very high dose indeed!"

If you want documented analytically determined tests as to the encapsulation size and effectiveness of home made Liposomal C using the methods given from this site and many others I can not provide this for you.

What I do have is my personal anecdotal remarks:
In early January my cardiologist and associated surgeon told me that I required an "immediate" triple bypass surgery or I could die at any time! I actually was in a pretty poor condition of health.

In mid January I began therapy using the method suggested by Dr. Cobb. For the last few weeks, and also today for about an hour I was outside shoveling snow! I wasn't even breathing very hard! This is the result of only 5 weeks of using this therapy. It is obviously working and very well at that!
Good to hear your health is improving Richard S. Let us know what the cardiologist says when you get your next scan. ;)

As you might understand, the information you provided was not the type of evidence I was looking for.
Unfortunately, the bowel tolerance test is the only method outside of the laboratory to give direction on this matter. To make things even more complicated, using an ultrasonic cleaner might be increasing the absorption without creating any liposomal product at all.

I can test with a higher amount of Vitamin C per gram of lecithin, limiting the amount of lecithin to perhaps 10 to 15 grams. But under the circumstances my results alone are not going to tell us much.

On the other hand, if 2 or 3 other people are willing to test and we all achieve the same results then maybe we can get a clearer picture of what is going on. So for now we should probably let the issue rest for a while.

Some white coat in a laboratory probably knows the answer to all of our questions.

Thought I'd toss out a few more random points ...

1.) I'm using an iSonic P4810 Ultrasonic Cleaner (It's on Amazon now for $86.) Gives a good showing in the aluminum foil test. 135 watts. 1/2 gallon capacity. Plenty of space for a 2000ml beaker. And a 30 minute timer. And a heater you don't need. Seems like much more of a commercial unit.

2.) I begin to notice a little dizziness, light-headedness, and sleepiness (which I attribute to the Lecithin) when I push dosage to 5 or 6 grams per day (divided into three or more doses.) I think I'm generally healthy, but more acclimation at 3 or 4 grams per day may make a difference. I seem to be enjoying an apparent increase in memory at the lower dosage, which I'm leaning towards attributing to the Lecithin.

3.) I'm using Swanson powdered Sodium Ascorbate and their powdered Sunflower Lecithin according to the Brooks Bradley protocol. Bradley suggests that his recipe is meant to be very flexible and forgiving and supportive of experimentation. The tablespoon of SA dissolves quite readily in his suggested 1/2 cup of water, with very little stirring, and the result seems very thin. I'm thinking that doubling the amount of Ascorbate (or more) with no other changes should be doable, with no downside to the process or results. Thus increasing the amount of Ascorbate per Lecithin and limiting the effect of the Lecithin. Liposomes form spheres and encapsulate whatever soup they're in. I'm assuming that Ascorbate in water doesn't seem to hinder the formation of Liposomes chemically. And that change (perhaps even large) in viscosity probably won't hinder Liposome formation. Seems like a reasonable line of experimentation. The current thin Ascorbate solution does contribute to thinning the Lecithin solution once the two are combined. The increase in Lecithin solution viscosity could be the limiting factor of this maneuver, possibly reducing the formation of Liposomes.

4.) I recognize the need for a better means of testing for Liposomal encapsulation. I'm not convinced that we've exhausted all the reasonable possibilities. Brooks Bradley's baking soda test seems like a good starting point -- assuming that testing with Ascorbic Acid and extrapolating the results to Sodium Ascorbate is not unreasonable. I have a strong suspicion there are other tricks that can be used, and with enough triangulation we can arrive at increasing levels of confidence.

My first batch with soya lecithin. I did not succeed to dissolve lecithin granules. I will try with warmer water next time.

jsf said:
My first batch with soya lecithin. I did not succeed to dissolve lecithin granules. I will try with warmer water next time.

I've had good results by using water that I had just boiled and mixing it with the lecithin in a blender, so that might help to dissolve the granules.
I just just usually leave it soaking in the fridge overnight mixed with water. That softens them up enough that you when blend them it easily dissolves in the water.
jsf said:
My first batch with soya lecithin. I did not succeed to dissolve lecithin granules. I will try with warmer water next time.

fabric said:
I just just usually leave it soaking in the fridge overnight mixed with water. That softens them up enough that you when blend them it easily dissolves in the water.

Yes, this is exactly what seems to work with me (using distilled water).
Hi I want to start making my own liposomal. The first step is to buy an ultrasonic cleaner (probably in I wonder what essential features should have the device for this purpose. Do not want to spend the money and then not good enough to make liposomal C. :/

I would be very grateful if someone would give me some indication. Thanks! :)
Ariadna, I bought mine in when this thread started. If I remember correctly, I chose either the cheapest one or the closest to it. The brand I got was velleman which was the only thing available. To this day works as a charm. :) It looks like this one:



I am a new member, devoted to help myself and others to survive in today's version of wild west,
in which our basic human rights are denied by fascistic governments all over the world.

Instead of financing research about healing with natural supplements, governments are using our
tax money to help Pharmaco-Mafia to kill us with Pharmaco "medicine" and preventing science to
verify and use natural cures like Vitamin C, B17, Cannabis oil etc.

While denying us right to a choice to Cannabis oil, B17 etc., from which no one ever died, they
"give us right of choice" to use mass killers - tobacco, alcohol, GMO,... !


I would like to ask Richard, and other (who use different protocols) to make exact "recipe" how
they make Liposomal C, especially for Liposomal Sodium Ascorbate, as that is the best version
of Vitamin C, but informations about use of Sodium Asorbate in producing Liposomal Sodium
Asorbate are very few .

You are saying that : "...I have been making batches of Liposomal C using 3 level tablespoons of Sodium
Ascorbate into a mixture of 3 scoops of Lecithin. "

Can you please specify how many grams of Lecithin you use by using: 3 scoops of Lecithin.
Hi Aqua Man,

Welcome to the forum. We suggest that new members post an introduction in the Newbies section saying a little bit about themselves and how they found the forum.

As for your post, through a lot of research, we have found that tobacco (the roll-your-own and pipe tobacco) is NOT a mass killer. In fact, it improves mental capabilities, lung-transplant recipients who have been given the lungs of smokers actually live longer and a lot of other nifty things. So you may want to look up tobacco here on the forum, using the search engine up in the right hand corner, and look up tobacco on the site that is the official news site of this forum.

Also, there are exact recipes in the first few pages of this thread.,30416.msg396365.html#msg396365

We do encourage members to read through a thread before trying anything as there are a lot of things happening in that thread showing what works and what doesn't and who needs what... Anyway, I just thought I'd give you a link to the recipe that Laura, the owner of the forum, is using and that is what most of us are using.

Thank you for your reply.

Concerning tobacco: I do not agree with you, because:
1.) Medical statistics shows that hundreds of thousands of people dying each year from tobacco.
2.) Tobacco industry made a big research, many years ago, which concluded that tobacco is a killer.
Then they hide research result for many years, until an journalist discovered it and made a big affair.
3.) Smoking which you are talking about (recreational, marihuana type) is related to a small %, probably
about 1% of smokers. Majority of rest of 99% of smokers is a "industrial tobacco smoker" and heavy
- chain smokers, who are definitely killing themself with tobacco. I know, as I was one of them, until 5 years.

Laura's "recipe" is not what I was looking for- Sodium Ascorbate , as a starting row material instead
of AC + Natrium-bicarbonate (I know that SA=AC+NatriumBicarbonate).

Richard wrote that he did use Sodium Ascorbate , so I asked him, and others who did too.

PS: As others, I found this forum during my research for Liposomal C.
About myself - I do not like giving any more informations other then what I already have.
Aqua Man said:

Thank you for your reply.

Concerning tobacco: I do not agree with you, because:
1.) Medical statistics shows that hundreds of thousands of people dying each year from tobacco.
2.) Tobacco industry made a big research, many years ago, which concluded that tobacco is a killer.
Then they hide research result for many years, until an journalist discovered it and made a big affair.
3.) Smoking which you are talking about (recreational, marihuana type) is related to a small %, probably
about 1% of smokers. Majority of rest of 99% of smokers is a "industrial tobacco smoker" and heavy
- chain smokers, who are definitely killing themself with tobacco. I know, as I was one of them, until 5 years.

I don't think they are talking about smoking marijuana when referring to smoking. The tobacco being referred to is either whole leaf or organic/natural tobacco which does not have all the other additives and fillers that industrial tobacco has.
Aqua Man said:
I would like to ask Richard, and other (who use different protocols) to make exact "recipe" how
they make Liposomal C, especially for Liposomal Sodium Ascorbate, as that is the best version
of Vitamin C, but informations about use of Sodium Asorbate in producing Liposomal Sodium
Asorbate are very few .

You are saying that : "...I have been making batches of Liposomal C using 3 level tablespoons of Sodium
Ascorbate into a mixture of 3 scoops of Lecithin. "

Can you please specify how many grams of Lecithin you use by using: 3 scoops of Lecithin.

Here is the basics of the recipe I have been using, except that I have added the option of helping to balance the PH of the final product by dissolving some baking soda in a separate jar (about 1 tablespoon) and adding it SLOWLY to the Ascorbate solution before mixing it into the Lecithin in the untrasonic cleaner. This reduces the bitter taste of the final product and is no doubt easier on one's system.

Dr. Gabriella Segura Liposomal Pormula

3 level tablespoons of lecithin. (Richard: I use the scoop that comes with the lecithin container, which may be more than a level tablespoon.)
1 level tablespoon of sodium ascorbate. (Richard: I use 3 tablespoons of sodium ascorbate as shown at the bottom of the recipe.)
Dissolve the lecithin in 1 cup (240cc) of warm or cold water, preferably distilled. Let it soak for a couple of hours or so. It doesn’t have to clump, so using warm water is preferable (not hot!).

Dissolve the sodium ascorbate in 1/2 cup warm water, preferably distilled.

Pour both solutions together into the ultrasonic cleaner and mix for around 20 to 25 minutes.

A loading dose, for several months, of liposomal vitamin C is likely 2,000 mg three times a day, maintenance , 1,000 mg twice daily, increasing doses and amounts when needed.

This recipe provides 12 grams (12000 mg) of Vitamin C Ascorbate at about 70% – 90% liposomal encapsulation efficiency. It will keep at room temperature for about 3 to 4 days and refrigerated, it will keep much longer.

Recall that 6 grams of this stuff is the equivalent of 50 grams IV vitamin C. So you can take half the solution throughout the day for a day or two in case of illness. Wean off gradually throughout the days though, so no artificial drastic lack is perceived by the body.

I’ve used 3 tablespoons of sodium ascorbate with good absorption results as well. Three tablespoons instead of one tablespoon as indicated in the above recipe will yield around 16 grams of vitamin C per cup. The absorption of the liposomal variety is about 5 times the absorption of vitamin C straight, so that is approximately 80 effective grams (IV therapy). That is a very high dose indeed! You will have to take that one cup throughout the day though, I doubt you’ll tolerate drinking in one seat without having diarrhea.
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