Some more scenes of the chaos on the streets of France:
The new release of Vincent Lapierre with subtitles available. Besides exposing the growing problem and manipulation of the antifa, I really loved the old woman at the end, who even spoke in verse and made poetry, a big LIKE to her !
I really loved the old woman at the end, who even spoke in verse and made poetry, a big LIKE to her !
Vincent Lapierre covers Act XIV, encounters some Black Blocks, has an argument with them, later encounters a large group of Antifas who chase him and his crew down the street!
During ActeXV of the Yellow Vests, our reporter Vincent Lapierre was arrested by the police this afternoon and has been taken into custody. We'll publish more details when he's released.
Update from Vincent Lapierre's team Le Média pour tous:
Don't know why he's in custody, but obviously, he's disturbing. In the video posted by Windmill Knight, he had been removed two times from the protest march by the police, for his good, of course (it's funny because in another video he made about a trial, he asked for the protection of the police and was turned down flat !) Unfortunately, not having a press card won't help him, I guess.