Earthquake in Chile: Are you all OK?

Another thing, yesterday I read that post by Laura thinking that it would surprise me that I will need that knowledge one day. I'm printing it now and will have my wife and daughter :whistle: read it tonight.
Black Swan said:
It also points out that vehicles are at risk of flipping over so that laying beside them may not be preferable.
Looks to be the case in the AP photo Ailen linked to in a previous post.
Black Swan said:
As we say, knowledge protects, so it is worthwhile to gather as much data as possible.

Yes, of course.

... states that if you are in bed when an earthquake happens, remain there. Rolling out of bed may lead to being injured by debris on the floor next to the bed. If you have done a good job of earthquake mitigation (that is, removing pictures or mirrors that could fall on a bed; anchoring tall bedroom furniture to wall studs, and the like), then you are safer to stay in bed rather than roll out of it during the shaking of an earthquake.

Also, the Red Cross strongly advises not try to move (that is, escape) during the shaking of an earthquake. The more and the longer distance that someone tries to move, the more likely they are to become injured by falling or flying debris, or by tripping, falling, or getting cut by damaged floors, walls, and items in the path of escape.
Identifying potential "void areas" and planning on using them for earthquake protection is more difficult to teach, and hard to remember for people who are not educated in earthquake engineering principles. The Red Cross is not saying that identifying potential voids is wrong or inappropriate. What we are saying is that "Drop, Cover, and Hold On!" is NOT wrong -- in the United States. The American Red Cross, being a U.S.-based organization, does not extend its recommendations to apply in other countries. What works here may not work elsewhere, so there is no dispute that the "void identification method" or the "Triangle of Life" may indeed be the best thing to teach in other countries where the risk of building collapse, even in moderate earthquakes, is great.

I lived through two earthquakes, nothing major, and there was no debris that require me to do something. At the first tim I was up, we were guests and about to leave, as the earthquake happened(we were 80 km away from epicenter) the plates in the cupboards began to fall. Luckily, we were far away, and I can tell you with or without debris, it is really hard to walk in such a case. Yet I can't help thinking if we were close to cupboards we should have moved quickly. I can understand the effect of debris when you are walking but there are cases where simply sitting may get you killed. Of course, as you said, each situation is different, so we should research every one of them.

At second time, it was night, and I was in bed. Again we were 80 km away from epicenter. This one was more mild, probably we only felt it as 3 but at epicenter it was 5.4 if my memory is right. Again there was no debris, but even when the earthquake was that mild, I hit my head to the wall because of shaking, and it hurt a lot. So I think just rolling may not be a good idea, but one should be careful about staying in bed and cover his/her head. I was also thinking, if there is falling debris, obviously you shouldn't roll onto them, but if debris falls there, it also falls onto your bed wouldn't it? So, I personally think seeking a triangle carefully is a good thing to do. If there is no debris next to your bed, rolling might be a good idea assuming there is some furnitures that may fall onto you. Again each case is different though.

Just my two cents, fwiw.
Laurentien said:
Vulcan59 said:
rylek said:
Actually during the night at about the time the quake happened I had a dream where I was running out of a collapsing high rise building. I'm guessing my subconscious picked up what was happening in Chile.

Yeah, I had trouble sleeping too. Usually I fall asleep pretty quick but that night I was tossing and turning and couldn't get to sleep till well past midnight.

Same for me.

To follow on the quake here last night, I needed some xylitol today to bake Laura is dates bread so I went to the health store and met with a friend, who is the only person so far that I met here (in town) that as knowledge of our situation here on earth. She is visiting the forum occasionally, went her schedule permit, and recognize the deep knowledge exchange in this forum. Her experience with last night tremor left me wondering a lot. She was in bed and sleeping when it happened but woke up because of very high heat sensation in the solar plexus and abdomen area. To describe it, she first thought that she had a menopause like symptom but it was way more stronger. More, her cat was all exited when she woke up suddenly and at the same moment that the tremor was felt. I'm curious, as anyone feel some unusual sensation that could have been created prior or during the earthquake.

It didn't happen to me with this earthquake, but one or two nights before the one in Haiti I dreamed I was in some modern city and things started to shake. I kind of woke up with the impression that the bed was shaking too, but it wasn't.
It's good to know that those members in Chile are okay. Except for one, right. Nobody has heard from IronFloyd yet?

There is really something going on, no doubt. Whether it is manmade or natural these are so destructive! People's lives are torn apart. No doubt 4D is getting a great meal.

Gads, this is heartbreaking. :(
Nienna Eluch said:
It's good to know that those members in Chile are okay. Except for one, right. Nobody has heard from IronFloyd yet?

There is really something going on, no doubt. Whether it is manmade or natural these are so destructive! People's lives are torn apart. No doubt 4D is getting a great meal.

Gads, this is heartbreaking. :(

Ironflyod was active today according to the stats.
I tried to read through all the posts quickly, so I hope I'm not repeating anything. The guidelines for earthquake safety are quite valuable and I was wondering if we could get a Spanish translation that we could share with others. My husband's family (luckily all are safe) lives in the affected area and with all of the strong aftershocks and frequency of earthquakes in general, this info would be very useful to them!

Also I will be interested to see what happens socially and politically in the coming year in Chile. With their new U.S.-friendly right-leaning president about to take office I wondered if there was a connection. Even if its just for the rebuilding...i.e. another opportunity for international corporations to come and make big profits. It doesn't look good.

Glad the Chilean forumers are safe!

Laura said:
So, in fairly rapid succession, a big one in Haiti, Japan, and now Chili...

If earthquakes are going off, that means that stuff is happening under the ocean, too. And that stuff - oozing of many cubic miles of magma - can heat the oceans which then heat the lower atmosphere giving the false impression of warming. Because, meanwhile the upper atmosphere, being loaded with dust, as we know from noctilucent clouds and other upper atmospheric formations, is getting colder. That means more precipitation and, depending on where it is, it can be in the form of more snow... which means lots of ice forming...
quote from the article

In particular, they found that after a magnitude 8.3 in 1906 and a magnitude 9.5 earthquake in 1960, there were three or four more volcanic eruptions within about 500 kilometres of the epicentre in the following year than would normally be expected.

More dust for the upper atmosphere, more cold for the lower. It crossed my mind yesterday that that energy release underground might need to be release true volcanic activities, and more dust released will accelerate the cooling effect.
Cecilia Lagos, a journalist in Santiago was there when the earthquake struck and she reports seeing the sky change colors during the earthquake:

and another report here:

They don't seem to put too much emphasis on this curious phenomenon, but the people who did notice are trying to connect it with HAARP. I'm not sure if HAARP is capable of an 8.8 earthquake, but if it is involved its more likely to alter the behavior of the victims (i.e. looting, violence, riots.) OSIT

The "Sky changing colors" might actually have been a fireball. Too bad the data on incoming bodies and fireballs is now classified, it would've been possible to see if there was a correlation.
seeking_spirals said:
Cecilia Lagos, a journalist in Santiago was there when the earthquake struck and she reports seeing the sky change colors during the earthquake

Today in my work I talked with someone who says he and others saw a strange red light in the sky during the earthquake. I couldn't ask him for more details. Next time I see him I'll ask.
Manuel said:
seeking_spirals said:
Cecilia Lagos, a journalist in Santiago was there when the earthquake struck and she reports seeing the sky change colors during the earthquake

Today in my work I talked with someone who says he and others saw a strange red light in the sky during the earthquake. I couldn't ask him for more details. Next time I see him I'll ask.


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Windmill knight said:
Where did you find that picture, Kasimir?

Here is a video of the phenomena;

This is along the same lines,

Cecilia Lagos, eyewitness, at the end of the video (1:57min):

"I saw though my window, while I was still in bed, I saw the sky changing colors. It was absolutely surreal, I really thought it was the end of the world. (...)"
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