Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Hi Laura,
I've been trying to view the discs sent to me, and the only one that works is the second one, Growth of Knowledge, Instruction DVD. There are three discs in the packet, the first, Introduction, and the third, Growth of Knowledge, Meditation CD, appear to be blank. Perhaps the message from the Universe to me is to concentrate on the information in the second one?

I thank you for the effort and will let you know how it works out.

Thank you again,
Hi mudrabbit,
Perhaps it's a computer issue. :huh: Have you tried playing the DVD's on another computer?
I tried it in three different computers, two different DVD players attached to televisions, and one Mintek DVD stand alone. All the DVD players say "No disc" and when I looked on the discs in the computer, there is nothing on them. Also when you look on the shiny side, there are no tracks burned into the two discs.
Hi mudrabbit,

mudrabbit said:
Hi Laura,
I've been trying to view the discs sent to me, and the only one that works is the second one, Growth of Knowledge, Instruction DVD. There are three discs in the packet, the first, Introduction, and the third, Growth of Knowledge, Meditation CD, appear to be blank.

Just in case you didn't notice and that's the nature of the problem: You can actually view only the second one - Instruction DVD. The others two are audio CDs that you can only listen to.
mudrabbit said:
Hi Laura,
I've been trying to view the discs sent to me, and the only one that works is the second one, Growth of Knowledge, Instruction DVD. There are three discs in the packet, the first, Introduction, and the third, Growth of Knowledge, Meditation CD, appear to be blank. Perhaps the message from the Universe to me is to concentrate on the information in the second one?

I thank you for the effort and will let you know how it works out.

Thank you again,

Hi Peg,

I believe the first and third discs are audio only. So there's no image to see (and nothing wrong with your player!).

I just smiled when your avatar showed up again. Good to see you back! :D


edit: spelling
I just tried playing them as CDs. The first one the computer states that I've inserted a blank CD, and asks what I want to do.
The third (second one that seems to be blank) comes up as a CD, opens the application, then the disc stops. The application says there are 0 tracks, 0 artists. And as I stated before, there are no tracks to be seen burned on the shiny side, I always thought those were easily seen on any CD or DVD.

All the discs have labels. The envelope they arrived in did not look damaged, nor were the contents. It's just strange. Tonight the only DVD player I have at my disposal is the mini Mintek and the second disc (the DVD) works just fine.

Thank you everyone for your welcomes and your assistance.
mudrabbit said:
I just tried playing them as CDs. The first one the computer states that I've inserted a blank CD, and asks what I want to do.
The third (second one that seems to be blank) comes up as a CD, opens the application, then the disc stops. The application says there are 0 tracks, 0 artists. And as I stated before, there are no tracks to be seen burned on the shiny side, I always thought those were easily seen on any CD or DVD.

All the discs have labels. The envelope they arrived in did not look damaged, nor were the contents. It's just strange. Tonight the only DVD player I have at my disposal is the mini Mintek and the second disc (the DVD) works just fine.

Thank you everyone for your welcomes and your assistance.

I'll see that you get a replacement.
mudrabbit said:
Hi Laura,
I've been trying to view the discs sent to me, and the only one that works is the second one, Growth of Knowledge, Instruction DVD. There are three discs in the packet, the first, Introduction, and the third, Growth of Knowledge, Meditation CD, appear to be blank. Perhaps the message from the Universe to me is to concentrate on the information in the second one?

I thank you for the effort and will let you know how it works out.

Thank you again,

Peg, the first and third disks are auido CDs. Maybe what you're trying to play them on only plays DVDs??
Hi All,

Two discs are just empty. I will return them to Laura. Perhaps it was just a glitch when recording these two. In any case, it does not surprise me. This is just one thing, but there have been several incidences very similar to this that leave me questioning if it's just me?

It will be interesting to see how they help with this recovery. It's been a very strange year. I'm almost afraid to speak to anyone as it seems like I can't do or say anything that doesn't stir up anger. When I got sick, I discovered that there are those that will ramp up the pressures when resistance is low, and it's not like anyone can make intelligent, informed decisions when in that condition and on heavy duty pain killers. Others seem to take great delight in twisting the screws and making an uncomfortable situation unbearable. Why people do this is beyond me. What I have learned from this past experience is that I absolutely cannot depend on anyone but myself.

I managed to find a doctor that encouraged me with physical therapy in the form of mild exercise. I was in constant severe pain for six months after getting out of the hospital, which gradually subsided to a point. Was on prescribed morphine for a month but not until I went the first two weeks with no pain killers, and unable to take anything over the counter because of my liver. Was on oxycodone for another two months after the morphine. Went through several doctors, two of which said it was fibromyalgia, and one who said it was myofaciitis. (Not sure how to spell most of this stuff.) I was unable to do more than sit in a chair until September of last year. I'm still not 100%, but the doctor that told me it would take two years is quite surprised at the progress made.

I started walking around the block once I was able to, first time took about an hour because I had to keep stopping to rest. Each time got easier, then it started snowing. So I went to the Y and started swimming, which seemed to be the best therapy. The swimming got the muscles moving and was a good circulatory exercise. The weightlessness of the water makes it it easier on the muscles. Before I knew it, I was able to do all kinds of things so I started painting and repairing those things I could around the house. They took me longer than they normally would, but I was still able to do most of them. I was unable to fix the bigger things, so the house is being sold "as is" and I'm taking a loss.

I still get tired easily, and the fire in the back and legs is a new thing I'm learning to deal with. Stamina seems to be all shot to hell. Overdoing ends up with me laid out for the next two days. Anxiety attacks are at about three a week, and they hurt in the chest and throat. "Fibro fog" is weird, but manageable. My body doesn't tolerate alcohol anymore, although I never did drink much of it to begin with. Now I can't even drink red wine as it ends up with me praying to the porcelain god at 2 a.m. And that's just after half a glass.

House has been on the market since February, dog and cat got bundled up and we headed back to Florida. I'd rather be stuck on a beach if I'm going to be broke. Sold off everything to meet some of the medical costs, but eventually they just got so big that selling personal stuff didn't put a dent it any of it. So I just defaulted on the rest. The state put me on food stamps and said assistance for heating costs was available. So I applied and after the first $22 check, that coffer dried up.

I've been looking for employment. Hope to find something decent. I have no expectations, just sincerely HOPE I find a decent job. Until the house sells, I am staying here between my son's house and a friend's.

My thanks to those who welcomed me back. I'm not sure which way my life is going at the moment. I think possibly the only assistance I can give is to document how these exercises help with these particular issues. So for now, this topic is where I'll be.

My best to all, and sincere thanks to Laura for remembering me.

mudrabbit said:
My thanks to those who welcomed me back. I'm not sure which way my life is going at the moment. I think possibly the only assistance I can give is to document how these exercises help with these particular issues. So for now, this topic is where I'll be.

Hi Peg,

There is a book called "Beating and Treating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome":

It has very useful information and stuff you can do to recover your health. It is a health book that is very useful.
mudrabbit said:
Hi All,

Two discs are just empty. I will return them to Laura.

Do NOT return them. It's not worth the cost of mailing them.

Send your current shipping address to me via PM.
Hi All,

Thought I'd check in with an update before catching up the the thread (just a few pages behind). Its a bit long, quite a bit has happened in a roundabout way.

The last few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster with the EE program, things were going well and I was doing the full program twice a week with no real drama coming up during the sessions, some body sensations, tingling, a few pains here and there but nothing that didn't pass fairly quickly. Occasionally it seems like there's an emotional break point coming, and that brings some fear and anxiety with it, but in the end nothing comes.

What has happened instead as a few others have noted is that things seem to be being processed in between the sessions, with emotions are coming up and psychological stability breaking down to a point couple of weeks back where life was pretty messy. I couldn't think straight, my thoughts and actions were snappy, moody, irritable, vengeful, there was an underling sadness that wouldn't seem to lift.

It got to the point where I was being rather horrible at home, not nice to be around, but with my thought process in the mess it was in I of course blamed all these woes on those around me. Amazing to see it happen really, it was is if all the work that had been done to try and see my own programs and narcissistic traits in action had been wiped away. I fell right back into old ways, lost faith in the work, the process, my partner everything. I felt trapped and wanted to 'escape' from what I perceived to be the sources of the problems. I was very wrong about it all though. :/

So I get to a point (with a head cold on the go to give the excuse to myself) of not doing the breathing at all, or the prayer very often. Energy went, motivation went, dark moods continued. I did nothing to help myself, the opposite in fact, comfort eating (sugar), escaping into watching films or whatever, or escaping into sleep (the other kind).

In the end though, what there was during this time of 'stewing' was time to think. Slowly you go through things, start to see yourself again, and I got to the point where I'd had enough, I want to do, I want to change, to grow. So I came back and started reading the EE thread. And I think that's what kick started getting things back online for me, there was a quote that I can't find again now about seeing that the anger etc that had been directed outwards to psychopaths and the world they created were equally facets of what we can have within ourselves.

I think it rang true here for all the evil and sources of irritation, upset and anger I thought I was seeing in others were really parts of myself. THAT is how I was treating others, the 'world was falling apart' because of my narcissistic projections, blaming everyone and everything else for making my life 'so hard'.

Its true we need a radical reassessment of ourselves, what we think we are and start from there. Oh boy, there's a lot to make up for, much hurt and injustice to undo… and if I want to do that I really have to pay attention and work on changing things.

But its amazing what you can do once you catch such a glimpse of yourself, make adjustments. Just as thing went south very quickly, so they come back into balance also. Life at home is back on an even keel (with the person whom just a few short weeks ago I want to move away from), energy is back, I'm back to breathing twice a week, doing the controlled breathing and prayer when I can and often. Just goes to show how completely wrong your own thoughts can be. :-[

So that seems to be the way for me, up and down every few weeks like an emotional yo-yo. That's twice its gone through a cycle like that now, at least now I know to be much more careful and pay attention if things start sliding again.

I'm thankful to all those that have shared their experiences here, it provided some shocks that were needed to get things moving again, that and knowing that others are going through similar things, though not always in the same way. I come to see how important it is to share, to help each other through the process by passing on what we experienced.

Onwards and upwards…
mudrabbit said:
I'm not sure which way my life is going at the moment. I think possibly the only assistance I can give is to document how these exercises help with these particular issues. So for now, this topic is where I'll be.


Hi Peg,

It would certainly be of help to all of us here to know how the EE program is working on the physical issues you have. Hope you are able to find employment and become at least reasonably healthy again.
Alada said:
So that seems to be the way for me, up and down every few weeks like an emotional yo-yo. That's twice its gone through a cycle like that now, at least now I know to be much more careful and pay attention if things start sliding again.

I'm thankful to all those that have shared their experiences here, it provided some shocks that were needed to get things moving again, that and knowing that others are going through similar things, though not always in the same way. I come to see how important it is to share, to help each other through the process by passing on what we experienced.

Onwards and upwards…

Hey Alada, is great to hear from you! I was wondering how you were doing, so thanks for the update. And yes, I can relate to what you've been going through, although it hasn't been exactly like that for me, but similar in some respects. A couple of days I'm in a dark mood (which I tend to keep to myself) only to be followed by days of insights, clarity and lightness. I'd like to think that things are being processed one load of dirt at a time, but who knows, I'm not the doctor here. ;)

Hugs and take care!
hey mudrabbit,

I don't have any advice concerning your health issues, but what I can say is that food and adequate sleep go a long way in restoring energy. I'm not sure if you're aware of these particular resources or even if they're in your area but I'll post them anyway. One is for food banks/pantries and the other for food coops. Food pantries normally don't tend to have the best food but they're good in a pinch. Depending on who's running them, they can sometimes provide food that's a little on the healthy side. As for the coop, I'm not sure if you only get food in exchange for work or if you can actually get paid for working there. This may be of interest to you.


Also, is there any friend or family you can permanently move in with? If someone you know is also having financial difficulties, it may help lighten the load for both of you. Please try and keep in touch. While it may feel lonely, you are not alone. Your current situation may really just be a challenge to you with the purpose of helping you become more empowered and lead you to a more fulfilling life. It may also help you shift focus from feelings of worthlessness to feeling like a valued member of society which you are.

Some of the symptoms your describing (alcohol intolerance, cold) sound as though the program may be helping you to detox so don't be discouraged. A lot of what occurs with the EE exercises are usually not what we expect.
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