Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Gonzo said:
MK Scarlett said:
Oxajil said:
Hi MK Scarlett,

Thank you for explaining!

You're most welcome, thank you for asking, again... ;)

Oxajil said:
I think it's important to open up the possibility that it may not be the solar chakra vibrating. It can be anything.

Anything, ok. I got it. But like what? Would you have one or two examples?
Hi MK Scarlet,
The solar plexus is a complex region of nerves. If you look it up, you will see how it is quite a busy place on the nervous system highway. Since the EE program is stimulating the vagus nerve, it is quite reasonable to expect there will be effects on other parts of the nervous system, especially a place as busy as the solar plexus. As well, the diaphragm is close enough to the solar plexus that exercising it might have an effect on the solar plexus.

Wikipedia has an entry on the solar plexus, also called the celiac plexus, that you might find interesting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celiac_plexus).

One of the reasons you might want to not think too much about sensations in the chakras is that it could be a form of anticipation, thereby limiting in your mind what is actually going on. As far as we know, chakras might not even exist. The Cs have mentioned them and there's a lot of new age references to them, but their existence isn't, as far as I know, an established fact. It might be more objective to pay attention to the sensation, how it feels, how long the sensation lasts, etc., and then move on, thereby acknowledging it but not defining and thereby limiting it.

My $0.02, for what it's worth.


Thank you Gonzo for your explanation, it means to help to understand the point here: let it go, do not looking for anything. And it is the way I caught from the beginning. It is right I perfectly remember this specific session, because something "different" happened to me. I will take a look on this specificity solar plexus and nerves during the day to better understand what you mean. I read too C's talked about it, I just finished "The Secret History of the World" which is specified inside. I will continue to pay attention to the different manifestations during and outside the EE sessions, without waiting for nothing special.

Thank you Gonzo for taking time to help me in this way. It is truly "comfortable" to be support here in the forum on our way to go home.
Oxajil said:
But if you have the DVD and have watched it, I think that's great! Sorry for being confusing.

Gonzo said:
Hi MK Scarlet,
The solar plexus is a complex region of nerves. If you look it up, you will see how it is quite a busy place on the nervous system highway. Since the EE program is stimulating the vagus nerve, it is quite reasonable to expect there will be effects on other parts of the nervous system, especially a place as busy as the solar plexus. As well, the diaphragm is close enough to the solar plexus that exercising it might have an effect on the solar plexus.

Wikipedia has an entry on the solar plexus, also called the celiac plexus, that you might find interesting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celiac_plexus).

And looking for the coeliac plexus, I found the vagus nerve as mentioned in the Laura's video. So I have to learn more about this, specifically, and thank you Oxajill and Gonzo for your help. :thup:

MK Scarlett said:
I noticed that, when I felt vibrating my Solar Chakra for the first time some weeks ago, I was in my office. And in my office, there are two computers.

Could it have a relation between this specific session (chakra or not) and all the electromagnetic devices? I thought about it and it is for why I looked by experimenting the different rooms in my home. Maybe it has nothing to do with it, but I wanted to notice this here, in case of.
It seems others have experienced vibrations in different forms and in various locations. I've had what I would call flutters in different places, occasionally in my solar plexus. My first thought was that it was a form of subtle release, but I became concerned I was somehow limiting it by forcing it into my interpretation, so I am just satisfied to take note of it much in the way I take note of a gentle breeze, a leaf falling from a tree or one of my dogs woofing while it dreams.

Honestly, you still seem quite attached to needing to know the cause. Perhaps you could just be satisfied with allowing it to happen without your mind needing to categorize and comprehend. Maybe this interest in uncovering the reason behind the vibration suggests a lack of faith that this process will heal you, or a distrust the universe will take care of you. Perhaps it's a distraction sent to you compliments of 4th density STS to put you into an anticipatory state, thereby reducing the benefits that would come through trust and faith in the universe. I'm not saying that's what's going on, rather I'm offering perspectives you may not have considered.

I think if you direct your energy in acting in the performance of EE and not in reacting to your experiences, you might find yourself trusting and having more faith in the gift that EE is. Just a thought.

Gonzo said:
It seems others have experienced vibrations in different forms and in various locations.

It seems, yes, I am discovering this by reading here and there on this thread. I still have a lot of comments to read, believe me!

Gonzo said:
Honestly, you still seem quite attached to needing to know the cause.

Honestly, I do not think I am, because I am not looking for the cause, but trying to understand if electromagnetic devices are able to interact with a session...

Gonzo said:
Perhaps you could just be satisfied with allowing it to happen without your mind needing to categorize and comprehend.

I perfectly understood this point Gonzo, and I can say this is the way I took several weeks ago with the SeekinTruth's help, in particular. The fact you repeat it insistently is clearly important and I will not forget it. ;)

Gonzo said:
Maybe this interest in uncovering the reason behind the vibration suggests a lack of faith that this process will heal you, or a distrust the universe will take care of you. Perhaps it's a distraction sent to you compliments of 4th density STS to put you into an anticipatory state, thereby reducing the benefits that would come through trust and faith in the universe. I'm not saying that's what's going on, rather I'm offering perspectives you may not have considered.

There are some ways I cannot exclude, of course, and I do not. Here again, thank you Gonzo for helping to not forget the hidden face of all these things we have to fight..

Gonzo said:
I think if you direct your energy in acting in the performance of EE and not in reacting to your experiences, you might find yourself trusting and having more faith in the gift that EE is.

I have faith in EE program because I already saw some results, especially in my ability to be more quiet, more patient. My "cardio-respiratory system" is also more ordered, and these are very good things for me even if I have a long way in front of me.
Hello! I have a friend who has experienced a cold sensation on the right side of the back of her head when doing pipe breathing. I can't find too much information about that through Google or in this thread, and was wondering if anyone else had this kind of experience and understood what could be causing it? The best I can come up with is that blood flow is being redirected to other parts of the body. Thanks for the help!
A relatively quiet week of EE experiences, another week of yawning and wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing followed by tears running down my face during PotS. On Monday, I experienced restless toes and a restless right foot during PotS.

I guess something is happening at a deep level for these experiences.
In the last few weeks of doing EE I've experienced forehead pressure (3rd eye area) and tingly feelings in the arms and legs.
Odyssey said:
In the last few weeks of doing EE I've experienced forehead pressure (3rd eye area) and tingly feelings in the arms and legs.

Those are pretty common and have been mentioned over time. I don't get as tingly as I used to when I first started doing EE, during Beatha.
Hesper said:
Hello! I have a friend who has experienced a cold sensation on the right side of the back of her head when doing pipe breathing. I can't find too much information about that through Google or in this thread, and was wondering if anyone else had this kind of experience and understood what could be causing it? The best I can come up with is that blood flow is being redirected to other parts of the body. Thanks for the help!

Unfortunately I have also no really clue what it might be. Also a student called it sometimes "brain breathing" instead of pipe breathing, cause her head was feeling differently. My guess would be and was also then due to deeper breathing and oxygen and as well the effects of hormones that get released during stimulation of the vagus nerve.

And did your friend pipe breathing laying down?
Thanks for your help, Gawan!

Gawan said:
And did your friend pipe breathing laying down?

Yep, she was lying down while doing the pipe breathing. My hunch is the same as yours, too.
Hesper said:
Gawan said:
And did your friend pipe breathing laying down?

Yep, she was lying down while doing the pipe breathing. My hunch is the same as yours, too.

And was it uncomfortable for her or just an effect of pipe breathing? Maybe she could do it in a sitting position next time or change the timing as well (maybe shorter counts, only the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation as the main rule :))
Gawan said:
And was it uncomfortable for her or just an effect of pipe breathing? Maybe she could do it in a sitting position next time or change the timing as well (maybe shorter counts, only the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation as the main rule :))

She said that she was starting to feel pretty emotional, so I imagine that discomfort could have had something to do with it. But her posture didn't seem to be causing too much discomfort. It was the very first time she'd ever done pipe breathing and she said she was already about to cry. So I ordered Louise Hay's Heal Your Body to hopefully find out if there is an unconscious message in her sensation.
Timey said:
I've been doing three stage breathing and beatha lying on my bed. Is this the correct way to do it?

There is no particular posture for EE – comfort is more important in my understanding. Obviously, one needs to be able to breathe freely, and have room to move your arms for the warrior's breath, but with those considerations taken care of, comfort is the important thing, OSIT.
Endymion said:
Timey said:
I've been doing three stage breathing and beatha lying on my bed. Is this the correct way to do it?

There is no particular posture for EE – comfort is more important in my understanding. Obviously, one needs to be able to breathe freely, and have room to move your arms for the warrior's breath, but with those considerations taken care of, comfort is the important thing, OSIT.

Right, I tried different ways, different rooms, and chose the best one for comfort at this time... Maybe in the next weeks or months I will need to change, but it will be with the perception of the comfort. Who knows, maybe we will be able to do it comfortably by sitting when we will be older, imagine, old people able to sit in tailor, like Amerindians...

By the way, the most important is to find the best place and position for each one of us, to let the work do what it has to do into the best "perspectives".
Hope it helps. ;)
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