Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Timey said:
I've been doing three stage breathing and beatha lying on my bed. Is this the correct way to do it?

Many members do the EE lying on their bed, sofa or the floor, from what I read in this thread. Comfort is key (your mind will have a hard time enough as it is not to be distracted and if you're busy fidgeting because of your position on top of it, meditating becomes a really tall order), so following what is comfortable for you is the correct way to do it, osit. :)
Yeah, the most important thing is to be comfortable, whatever position that happens to be for you. The only part of EE you can't do lying down is Warriors Breath. All other parts can be done lying down if that's most comfortable.
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, the most important thing is to be comfortable, whatever position that happens to be for you. The only part of EE you can't do lying down is Warriors Breath. All other parts can be done lying down if that's most comfortable.
Actually... :cool: it can be done if you raise your arm up and down to your side with the same level of extension to your side. Not saying it's what is taught but it seems to work the same way for me. :halo: Beats getting up just for that part of the breathing and is also easier to handle the lightheadedness lying down. :P
MK Scarlett said:
Timey said:
Thank you, I wanted to be sure I was doing it right.

You are most welcome and do not hesitate to ask questions, you will always find someone here for answering. ;)

Thank you, its very nice to know.
I've been having problems with meditation. I had a frightening experience with it and its stopping me from reaching a fully meditative state (I get scared and my eyes open). Do you, or does anyone else, have any tips on how I can overcome this?
Timey said:
I've been having problems with meditation. I had a frightening experience with it and its stopping me from reaching a fully meditative state (I get scared and my eyes open). Do you, or does anyone else, have any tips on how I can overcome this?

I think it's okay to do the POTS part with your eyes open if that makes you feel more secure. Try to concentrate on each phrase, and on your breathing, in order to not let the fear overcome you too much. The main point is to relax and feel safe, I think. Hope this helps.
Oxajil said:
Timey said:
I've been having problems with meditation. I had a frightening experience with it and its stopping me from reaching a fully meditative state (I get scared and my eyes open). Do you, or does anyone else, have any tips on how I can overcome this?

I think it's okay to do the POTS part with your eyes open if that makes you feel more secure. Try to concentrate on each phrase, and on your breathing, in order to not let the fear overcome you too much. The main point is to relax and feel safe, I think. Hope this helps.
Thank you, Oxajil. However, I didn't describe the fear properly, so I'm not sure your advice will help. This is my fault.
I feel very secure, safe and relaxed up until I'm about to fully "switch-off", and then I freak. It isn't a lingering or slowly building fear, but a very sudden shock, or jolt, that I can't anticipate. It just kind of comes out of nowhere.
Also, I didn't know that you could meditate with your eyes open :D
Timey said:
Thank you, Oxajil. However, I didn't describe the fear properly, so I'm not sure your advice will help. This is my fault.
I feel very secure, safe and relaxed up until I'm about to fully "switch-off", and then I freak. It isn't a lingering or slowly building fear, but a very sudden shock, or jolt, that I can't anticipate. It just kind of comes out of nowhere.

Hi Timey, sorry I misunderstood you. I'm not so sure what you exactly mean with ''fully switch-off''. Does it happen when you kind of start to fall asleep, lose consciousness so to speak?

Timey said:
Also, I didn't know that you could meditate with your eyes open :D

Eyes closed could be more optimal as it might help one concentrate better. Again, it basically comes down to doing what one feels comfortable with at the moment. :)
Oxajil said:
Timey said:
Thank you, Oxajil. However, I didn't describe the fear properly, so I'm not sure your advice will help. This is my fault.
I feel very secure, safe and relaxed up until I'm about to fully "switch-off", and then I freak. It isn't a lingering or slowly building fear, but a very sudden shock, or jolt, that I can't anticipate. It just kind of comes out of nowhere.

Hi Timey, sorry I misunderstood you. I'm not so sure what you exactly mean with ''fully switch-off''. Does it happen when you kind of start to fall asleep, lose consciousness so to speak?

By "fully switch-off" I mean to go into a deep meditative state, sorry for the generality. I can sort of feel myself going and then I remember my scary experience (an image of some weird entity watching me) and I snap out of it. When this weird experience happened it was the first time I had managed to go into a somewhat proper deep meditative state, which is why I think it bothers me so much.
Hi Timey,

I looked through your past threads to see if there was any indication of whether you had viewed the diet threads. I believe I saw one for a recipe. So my question would be "What dos your diet look like?". The reason I ask is because quite often, cutting out certain foods can help greatly with moods and "high strangeness".

You may want to check out that section. Some you may want to start with are "The Vegetarian Myth", "Life Without Bread" and "Primal Body, Primal Mind". The books will also be helpful to you if you can get them. I think you'll really be surprised with the changes that can occur! Also, in one thread, you mentioned drinking sometimes before bed. If this is the case, alcohol can definitely be a contributing factor.

edit: clarity
truth seeker said:
Hi Timey,

I looked through your past threads to see if there was any indication of whether you had viewed the diet threads. I believe I saw one for a recipe. So my question would be "What dos your diet look like?". The reason I ask is because quite often, cutting out certain foods can help greatly with moods and "high strangeness".

You may want to check out that section. Some you may want to start with are "The Vegetarian Myth", "Life Without Bread" and "Primal Body, Primal Mind". The books will also be helpful to you if you can get them. I think you'll really be surprised with the changes that can occur! Also, in one thread, you mentioned drinking sometimes before bed. If this is the case, alcohol can definitely be a contributing factor.

edit: clarity

Hi, Truthseeker.
I am trying to follow the Paleo diet, but at the moment the most that it amounts to is avoiding carbs, eating more meat and fruit, and avoiding dairy.
Following the diet 100% isn't possible for me at the moment, and sometimes I do have to eat carbs, and other times I will indulge in fastfood. But I keep it to the minimum. I have noticed changes through, so I must be doing something right! But I will read those suggested threads, thanks.
Alchohol before bed is only after social gatherings, it isn't that common.
Timey said:
truth seeker said:
Hi Timey,

I looked through your past threads to see if there was any indication of whether you had viewed the diet threads. I believe I saw one for a recipe. So my question would be "What dos your diet look like?". The reason I ask is because quite often, cutting out certain foods can help greatly with moods and "high strangeness".

You may want to check out that section. Some you may want to start with are "The Vegetarian Myth", "Life Without Bread" and "Primal Body, Primal Mind". The books will also be helpful to you if you can get them. I think you'll really be surprised with the changes that can occur! Also, in one thread, you mentioned drinking sometimes before bed. If this is the case, alcohol can definitely be a contributing factor.

edit: clarity

Hi, Truthseeker.
I am trying to follow the Paleo diet, but at the moment the most that it amounts to is avoiding carbs, eating more meat and fruit, and avoiding dairy.
Following the diet 100% isn't possible for me at the moment, and sometimes I do have to eat carbs, and other times I will indulge in fastfood. But I keep it to the minimum. I have noticed changes through, so I must be doing something right! But I will read those suggested threads, thanks.
Alchohol before bed is only after social gatherings, it isn't that common.

Hi Timey,

I wanted to ask you the same question as truth seeker already did: "What's your diet like?", caused you mentioned already some fear experiences.

Unfortunately there is no chance eating a little healthy or doing a little paleo, cause for example gluten needs about 6 months until it is out of your body, but that means no gluten at all, no exceptions.

Have a look for example what Laura wrote here, which goes in the direction of reading a lot, cause everybody is different and one needs knowledge to adjust things accordingly and to be on the safe side. ;)
Timey said:
By "fully switch-off" I mean to go into a deep meditative state, sorry for the generality. I can sort of feel myself going and then I remember my scary experience (an image of some weird entity watching me) and I snap out of it. When this weird experience happened it was the first time I had managed to go into a somewhat proper deep meditative state, which is why I think it bothers me so much.

In addition to the other advices given; if you tend to remember that scary experience and thus become scared of it, I think that means that you are not fully concentrated on the POTS and secondly that your past experience is still bothering you. I would also say that making dietary changes will help. An additional help would be to write about your past experience in your Journal, in order to process it in some way. Try not to get identified with it too much, as in that it is something special, one can pick up all kinds of things and see all kinds of things during meditation/EE, the point is more to not pay too much attention to those images/colors etc. and to continue to focus on the phrases and the breathing.

Also, regarding being scared during a certain point of the POTS, I've had some same experiences. There was a moment where I would see eyes looking at me, which did scare me a little, but what I did is just ignore it and continue what I was doing. Hopefully, as you make the dietary changes and continue to Work on yourself, your fear issues will go away. Good luck!
Timey said:
Hi, Truthseeker.
I am trying to follow the Paleo diet, but at the moment the most that it amounts to is avoiding carbs, eating more meat and fruit, and avoiding dairy.
Following the diet 100% isn't possible for me at the moment, and sometimes I do have to eat carbs, and other times I will indulge in fastfood. But I keep it to the minimum. I have noticed changes through, so I must be doing something right! But I will read those suggested threads, thanks.
Alchohol before bed is only after social gatherings, it isn't that common.

Eating more fruit is not a good thing as it spikes your insulin levels quite a bit. And fructose is being associated more and more with various health issues.

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