Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

SeekinTruth said:
I agree that swallowing is a bigger problem during Beatha because it will interrupt the round breathing. It used to be a problem for me in the beginning but not so much anymore.

During pipe breathing/3 stage breathing, if saliva builds up, you always have the chance to swallow during the 3 count holding of the breath with no problem. In any case, if you HAVE to swallow, you can do so and try to keep up with the breathing best you can.

I had the same problem of needing to swallow, yawn, scratch, etc. during both the three-stage breathing and the beatha. Just do whatever you have to do and then continue on with the breathing. I found that after a while, I didn't have to do these things as often, if at all.

So don't worry about it, just do what you have to do and continue with the breathing. :)
Kniall said:
Harold said:
I would like to give a little report on my EE experiences as of late.

Yesterday after doing the Bah Ha portion of the EE programme as I laid down and followed Laura's instructions to notice my body, I noticed a sort of stiffness along my spine, like a tightness that needed to be cracked and/or loosened up in my spine.
In general I have a sense of well being, with a nice sort of tingly feeling throughout my body.
Yesterday after Bah Ha I was very light headed with a feeling that accompanies this feeling sort of like passing out. But nothing I was concerned about.
Recently, I had a injury and have been doing EE in bed with my legs outstretched. I have not noticed anything different.
I do have allot of pain in my chest region but this is related to having cracked my ribs, I am not concerned about it.
My lung capacity has decreased with my injury and I think EE is assisting greatly in rejuvenating and healing my lungs.
I do not know if this is related but my broken shoulder has healed really well and is in fact stronger than before, this is amazing to me. The bones that is, not the muscles but that will take time. I think this could be diet related too. My recovery has been very good, the doctors are impressed.

Often when I am doing the Bah Ha portion of EE, as I am doing the Ha part, I often cannot stop a smile from forming on my face and I often break out in laughter, it is a real feeling of liberation... I cannot explain it any better...sorry.
From time to time I do get weepy during the Bah Ha portion but not very often, it is liberating also.
Often too, as I am doing the pipe breathing portion, a smile breaks out on my face, I do not try to control it, I get a sense of the seasons and of a flower as it breaks through the ground, grows, blooms, withers and then dies. All in the one round of breath and it tends to happen with each round of breath.

I do get the tears in my eyes allot but this has not been happening lately, it did happen allot at EE class.
I often blank out during Bah Ha portion and come in and out of being conscious during Bah Ha.

I usually totally blank out during the meditative portion of EE but notice I come right back just after the part where Laura does the 5 count, I am not aware of the 5 count happening but notice I am fully conscious right after she does this.

During the Bah Ha portion I see faces, sometimes evil looking but not often, mostly just faces that I do not recognise.

During the Bah Ha portion I often see blue orbs and sometimes Red orbs but not as often as the blue orbs.

Yesterday during the Bah Ha portion I saw allot of white orbs, many of them, it looked to me as if they were in the formation of the celestial sky looking very much like the milky way galaxy, it was really amazing, and had a sort of feeling of astral travel. I do not try to astral travel and in general think it is not a good thing as I think I am here and should be paying attention to being here and not going somewhere else, I relate astral travel to dissociative behavior, one which is not in my best interest's. But it happened, I just enjoyed the ride and did not from an opinion of it. Which I think is the way to go. It was very powerful and seemed very deep like I was really out in space. Again I formed no opinion of what happend and just let it happen without any expectations.

In general, of all the things that have happened to me in the last almost 2 years since joining this forum, EE has been the most healing and rewarding experience of all.

Whoa, if I had a lot of pain in the chest region and reduced lung capacity, there's no way I would be doing alternating cycles of deep and rapid breathing.

Harold, I strongly recommend that you take a break from doing the Beatha exercise in your EE routine. Being 'really out in space' and seeing orbs on a regular basis during Beatha is not a good sign. In terms of healing, you won't miss out at all by skipping Beatha for now. You've alot on your plate these days, following your nasty accident, so please go easy on yourself and focus on your recovery.

Hi Kniall, thank-you for the feedback. I have not told my specialist about EE, but he did tell me to resume my regular activities. He gave me some exercises including breathing exercises. He told me to push myself as much as possible, without over doing it and that it will help my recovery. The pain and lost lung capacity has steadily improved. My specialist said this will linger for months possibly... and it has. The pain has never been so bad that I ever considered to stop breatha... but I will consider your suggestion.

I don`t think I have done the Breatha since that last post. As for the being `really out in space` and seeing orbs on a regular basis during Breatha not being a good sign. What can I read up on to learn about this being `not a good sign`? The white orb`s looking like the milky way was just my opinion. It was very brief. The other blue, green and red orbs do not have a solid form and are more like a light. They move across my vision and are gone in a second or 2. I get them at other times too. Sometimes while my eyes are open and sometimes when they are closed. During POTS too or other prayer too. Come to think of it I have not seen them much lately. But I have noticed allot of ringing and buzzing sounds that seem a little different than the ringing and buzzing I have had before.

My focus has been on getting good roomates and finding a good long term job. I have found roomates and think that finding a good job will help my recovery the most. There doesn`t seem like much more I can do with my ribs, the doctor said they will hurt for some time.

I am more concerned about what you just said about orbs and being out in space as not being a good sign. I would like you to be more specific or offer some reading on it. Thanx.
I wanted to share some of the results I have had with EE lately. I started doing BaHa again/more maybe a month and a half ago, and have done it 3 times since.

In the first, a feeling of panic started rising partway through the first cycle and I kept at it. By the 2nd cycle I felt a rush of nervous energy and my body began to shake very fast and vigorously. The best word I can use is that my whole body was oscillating. It's hard to describe the sensations. It was a rush of energy that needed to be let out this way. It lasted for a minute, maybe longer. When it stopped I felt so much more relaxed. I was able to go into it and come out of it, to move through it instead of the panic stopping me like it has before with BaHa. Afterwards I noticed that part of my back/neck tension had dissolved. Previously I had a tight "cord" that ran from the base of my neck on my left side down to where my thoracic starts. This is gone now. I went to my Rolfer a couple weeks later and mentioned this to him, and his first word was 'wow'. He saw right away how much my neck had changed, and mentioned that I was able to hold myself higher and that my body had straightened out through that area. He found the change remarkable.

I did it again a couple of weeks later. I went through the entire BaHa section and there was no feeling of panic. There were sensations of the same flavor, but with nowhere near the same force.

I did it again earlier this week, Sunday I think. I was hoping for something similar to the first time because it felt like I could really use to shake it all out again. Again no panic, just uncomfortable sensations that I could easily deal with. No significant shaking or twitching to speak of. But then the next day I hung out with some friends and after I came home it hit me. The spasms came out in full force and for about 20 minutes or so I just lay there letting it all roll through me. Some of the highlights are for about 20 seconds I had what felt like an epileptic seizure except with conscious awareness. My body flip-flopped around wildly. My pelvic area was particularly active and it would rock back and forth quickly. My legs, particularly my right one where I have more issues, began to kick repeatedly. This subsided a bit into a series of repetitive and vigorous movements in my pelvis and legs that lasted for several minutes. It's very hard to describe, but it felt great overall and was very release-full. Particularly at the base of my skull, a problem spot, I could feel old muscle patterns breaking down. I could feel this "crust" breaking down and dissolving.

Since then I have had a slightly better time holding my body erect and my head high, and now am more quick to move back into a better posture when I slip out of it. The tension in my skull and neck has lessened and this "iron-fist grip" that lives there is getting weaker. I also decided that I don't need Rolfing anymore, at least not now, and called and canceled my next appointment - something I always looked forward to.

All in all, great stuff. :)
This January I really committed to practicing EE twice a week, every week and I find myself looking forward to the days I do it. I read part of this thread every day to catch up and the information here is wonderful. So many of my questions have been answered through the experiences of others. Thank you everyone for your insight.
On Tuesday, during pipe breathing, I was very relaxed, yawning and my eyes were tearing. When I got rolling into Beatha, I experienced twitching toes and restless legs.
The following day, I came down with a sore throat and head cold and didn't feel well enough to do it again until today. I think I should have waited another day though, because I was completely zoned out for most of it.
Just a little update.
Had a pretty powerful experience with the meditation last night.
There was this really nice feeling pressure on my forehead, and this feeling of being surrounded by energy.
It was great, I felt really relaxed.
As I went on my eyes began to fill with tears, and I felt as if I was being "healed". It's kinda hard to describe, but it was a pretty good feeling.
Looking forward to doing it again tonight ;D
A couple of minutes ago I was laying with my cat (he was laying on my chest) and noticed that he was breathing with his stomach. Then I looked it up in the internet and found that animals and babies breath with a diaphragm. I just wanted to share.
P.S. My hyperactive black cat is already sleeping. :)
Serg said:
A couple of minutes ago I was laying with my cat (he was laying on my chest) and noticed that he was breathing with his stomach. Then I looked it up in the internet and found that animals and babies breath with a diaphragm. I just wanted to share.
P.S. My hyperactive black cat is already sleeping. :)

Yes, that's how we were "designed" to breathe. It is only through life's traumas and experiences that we tense up and, also, by trying to look slimmer, that we tighten our abdomens and, thus, are unable to breathe with the diaphragm. We learn to breathe the wrong way. Animals and babies breathe the way "we" are supposed to breathe.

That's why it is important to relearn how to breathe properly. Actually, we should be breathing this way all of the time. :)
Nienna Eluch said:
That's why it is important to relearn how to breathe properly. Actually, we should be breathing this way all of the time. :)
And it takes a lot of conscious practice to get to that state. :)

Also, when cats purr, their vagus nerve is in the process of stimulation. :)

For me, another relatively quiet week of EE experiences, another week of yawning and wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing followed by tears running down my face during PotS.

On Monday’s session I noticed that during PotS I was ‘panting’, and my left shoulder began to shudder for a while.
Also, when cats purr, their vagus nerve is in the process of stimulation. :)

This is very interesting! I didn't know this.
I adore falling asleep under a cat's purr.
(...and while dogs are barking loudly next to me :lol: I'm kidding of course)
I have only felt able to recite the POTS during the last 6 weeks or so, having been in a 'hibernation mode' of sorts since I started to exhibit many of the EE symptoms since I last did the breathing part of EE. Concurrently, after reading the first 3 books of the Wave series, since the Barcelona conference, I have also reached a stage of the fourth (the Terror of History) where I feel 'stuck'. I am trying not to pressurize myself and have made significant insights by self-observing, and I accept that I need some 'time out' after the deep personal (materially and spiritually) changes that I have made in the last few years.

But, my dilemma is this:

As beneficial as my limited experience of EE has been (I only brought the CD,s last year, and have not been very disciplined in practising the breathing), i have become aware recently of why I have really felt unable to start the breathing portion again - it is fear.

I have let go of alot (subjective I know) of beliefs, programming etc (still alot more work to do of course) - but I am so scared!!! I can almost feel a sea of tears deep down, and I know I am keeping a lid on it. I have also been aware of 'vectors' in my midst, which has made me feel quite vunerable.

I have an awareness that it relates to the the chapter Stripped to the Bone and my relationship with my beloved girls (12, 13), whom I have shared care of. I know there is much work for me to to try and understand "The essential thing about the STO Shamanic path is to give only when ASKED. And then, to give ALL that is asked." (page 36 - the Terror of History) and how this whole topic relates to personal relationships etc, but particularly with our children.

I cannot express how important the POTS is to me at this time, yet I am confused as to how I can pray for others, especially my children, in a STO manner. Up until now, I have been asking Divine Cosmic Mind for protection and guidance for myself, children and all others - without compromising on our respective free will and lessons we have chosen to learn here. Is this it appropriate in a STO manner, with that caveat? Is it necessary or appropriate to offer any intentions other than POTS?
dreamrider said:
I have only felt able to recite the POTS during the last 6 weeks or so, having been in a 'hibernation mode' of sorts since I started to exhibit many of the EE symptoms since I last did the breathing part of EE. Concurrently, after reading the first 3 books of the Wave series, since the Barcelona conference, I have also reached a stage of the fourth (the Terror of History) where I feel 'stuck'. I am trying not to pressurize myself and have made significant insights by self-observing, and I accept that I need some 'time out' after the deep personal (materially and spiritually) changes that I have made in the last few years.

But, my dilemma is this:

As beneficial as my limited experience of EE has been (I only brought the CD,s last year, and have not been very disciplined in practising the breathing), i have become aware recently of why I have really felt unable to start the breathing portion again - it is fear.

I have let go of alot (subjective I know) of beliefs, programming etc (still alot more work to do of course) - but I am so scared!!!

Fear is a big one, and in situations like this, it usually signals that you're on the right track. Your entire life has been run by a part of yourself that has 'kept you in your place', preventing you from becoming who you could be. The fear you're feeling is the fear of that part of yourself who will fight for its life with all the energy it can muster. I was actually posting about fear today on my facebook page and what I wrote there applies here:

We fight so strongly against fear and uncertainty and personal pain that a lifetime's worth of energy can be spent on the illusion of 'comfort' and 'safety', while a life passes by in which we do nothing worthwhile at all. In those places where we are most afraid, our promise lies - the key is controlling the fear to get there, if we can. That is, it seems to me, conscious suffering.

In other words, fear is normal and powerful - and it gives you the opportunity to put some trust and faith in that part of yourself that is being fed by EE and by the reading you're doing. There is nothing to lose here other than your illusions and all that is holding you back from becoming the person you came here to be.

dr said:
I can almost feel a sea of tears deep down, and I know I am keeping a lid on it. I have also been aware of 'vectors' in my midst, which has made me feel quite vunerable.

Tears are best let out, where they heal, instead of kept in, where they tend to poison. You can let them out a little at a time, when you're alone, and then you might find some internal pressure released. We are all surrounded by vectors - just remember that it's natural and a part of this reality and that you are the active force in your life. Also, the General Law works through them, they are not the culprit themselves - they're just being who they are.

dr said:
I cannot express how important the POTS is to me at this time, yet I am confused as to how I can pray for others, especially my children, in a STO manner. Up until now, I have been asking Divine Cosmic Mind for protection and guidance for myself, children and all others - without compromising on our respective free will and lessons we have chosen to learn here. Is this it appropriate in a STO manner, with that caveat? Is it necessary or appropriate to offer any intentions other than POTS?

I think that's a great way to pray for your children - remember, they have their own paths, but as their parent you most certainly can help them along if the opportunity arises. I'm not sure that I've really addressed your concerns, but, for what it's worth...
Hi dreamrider,

anart has given you some good advice. Really, the only way out is through. That being said, you may want to skip the baha breath for now. Pipe breath, warrior breath and the meditation will get you to the same place, but more gently. It sounds like you've got more than enough to deal with, so there is no need to accelerate the process beyond what you can handle right now. It is scary to feel so much sorrow dammed up. That if you allow yourself to start crying you are afraid you might never stop. But there will be an end to the tears, and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel.

Breathe and pray, and keep checking in here. We're rooting for you.
I agree with anart, dreamrider, that working to release the tears is the way to go. Gently getting back into the full EE program will definitely help release them. Maybe skip the Beatha/bioenergentic/round breathing for a while.

I also agree that your description of praying for your children in the way you have is quite appropriate -- DCM giving guidance while protecting their free will and lesson paths -- can't see anything wrong with that.
Anart said:
Fear is a big one, and in situations like this, it usually signals that you're on the right track. Your entire life has been run by a part of yourself that has 'kept you in your place', preventing you from becoming who you could be. The fear you're feeling is the fear of that part of yourself who will fight for its life with all the energy it can muster. I was actually posting about fear today on my facebook page and what I wrote there applies here:

We fight so strongly against fear and uncertainty and personal pain that a lifetime's worth of energy can be spent on the illusion of 'comfort' and 'safety', while a life passes by in which we do nothing worthwhile at all. In those places where we are most afraid, our promise lies - the key is controlling the fear to get there, if we can. That is, it seems to me, conscious suffering.

In other words, fear is normal and powerful - and it gives you the opportunity to put some trust and faith in that part of yourself that is being fed by EE and by the reading you're doing. There is nothing to lose here other than your illusions and all that is holding you back from becoming the person you came here to be.
I’ve been working on one or two fear issues too using Pennebaker’s writing to heal exercise (from Redirect thread), and each time the positive intent (reason) that was made at the time when the buffer was set up at a very young age was just that safety. And, as anart says, a lifetime’s worth of energy [has] … be[en] spent on th[is] illusion. So you are not alone dreamrider.

As for my personal experiences of EE this week – pipe breathing and PotS only is again a case of wet eyes and yawning during three-stage pipe breathing on both Monday and Thursday. During PotS on Monday I found myself ‘panting’ again, rather than breathing normally. On Thursday I experienced a restless right leg and toes.
Anart, you have most definately addressed my concerns, I truly value your advice. Likewise to Herendancer, SeekinTruth and Prodigal Son. It means such alot to know others have gone through or are breaking through this "illusion of comfort and safety". It is a joy to pray again. Thank you all once again.

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