I would like to give a little report on my EE experiences as of late.
Yesterday after doing the Bah Ha portion of the EE programme as I laid down and followed Laura's instructions to notice my body, I noticed a sort of stiffness along my spine, like a tightness that needed to be cracked and/or loosened up in my spine.
In general I have a sense of well being, with a nice sort of tingly feeling throughout my body.
Yesterday after Bah Ha I was very light headed with a feeling that accompanies this feeling sort of like passing out. But nothing I was concerned about.
Recently, I had a injury and have been doing EE in bed with my legs outstretched. I have not noticed anything different.
I do have allot of pain in my chest region but this is related to having cracked my ribs, I am not concerned about it.
My lung capacity has decreased with my injury and I think EE is assisting greatly in rejuvenating and healing my lungs.
I do not know if this is related but my broken shoulder has healed really well and is in fact stronger than before, this is amazing to me. The bones that is, not the muscles but that will take time. I think this could be diet related too. My recovery has been very good, the doctors are impressed.
Often when I am doing the Bah Ha portion of EE, as I am doing the Ha part, I often cannot stop a smile from forming on my face and I often break out in laughter, it is a real feeling of liberation... I cannot explain it any better...sorry.
From time to time I do get weepy during the Bah Ha portion but not very often, it is liberating also.
Often too, as I am doing the pipe breathing portion, a smile breaks out on my face, I do not try to control it, I get a sense of the seasons and of a flower as it breaks through the ground, grows, blooms, withers and then dies. All in the one round of breath and it tends to happen with each round of breath.
I do get the tears in my eyes allot but this has not been happening lately, it did happen allot at EE class.
I often blank out during Bah Ha portion and come in and out of being conscious during Bah Ha.
I usually totally blank out during the meditative portion of EE but notice I come right back just after the part where Laura does the 5 count, I am not aware of the 5 count happening but notice I am fully conscious right after she does this.
During the Bah Ha portion I see faces, sometimes evil looking but not often, mostly just faces that I do not recognise.
During the Bah Ha portion I often see blue orbs and sometimes Red orbs but not as often as the blue orbs.
Yesterday during the Bah Ha portion I saw allot of white orbs, many of them, it looked to me as if they were in the formation of the celestial sky looking very much like the milky way galaxy, it was really amazing, and had a sort of feeling of astral travel. I do not try to astral travel and in general think it is not a good thing as I think I am here and should be paying attention to being here and not going somewhere else, I relate astral travel to dissociative behavior, one which is not in my best interest's. But it happened, I just enjoyed the ride and did not from an opinion of it. Which I think is the way to go. It was very powerful and seemed very deep like I was really out in space. Again I formed no opinion of what happend and just let it happen without any expectations.
In general, of all the things that have happened to me in the last almost 2 years since joining this forum, EE has been the most healing and rewarding experience of all.