Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I would like to give a little report on my EE experiences as of late.

Yesterday after doing the Bah Ha portion of the EE programme as I laid down and followed Laura's instructions to notice my body, I noticed a sort of stiffness along my spine, like a tightness that needed to be cracked and/or loosened up in my spine.
In general I have a sense of well being, with a nice sort of tingly feeling throughout my body.
Yesterday after Bah Ha I was very light headed with a feeling that accompanies this feeling sort of like passing out. But nothing I was concerned about.
Recently, I had a injury and have been doing EE in bed with my legs outstretched. I have not noticed anything different.
I do have allot of pain in my chest region but this is related to having cracked my ribs, I am not concerned about it.
My lung capacity has decreased with my injury and I think EE is assisting greatly in rejuvenating and healing my lungs.
I do not know if this is related but my broken shoulder has healed really well and is in fact stronger than before, this is amazing to me. The bones that is, not the muscles but that will take time. I think this could be diet related too. My recovery has been very good, the doctors are impressed.

Often when I am doing the Bah Ha portion of EE, as I am doing the Ha part, I often cannot stop a smile from forming on my face and I often break out in laughter, it is a real feeling of liberation... I cannot explain it any better...sorry.
From time to time I do get weepy during the Bah Ha portion but not very often, it is liberating also.
Often too, as I am doing the pipe breathing portion, a smile breaks out on my face, I do not try to control it, I get a sense of the seasons and of a flower as it breaks through the ground, grows, blooms, withers and then dies. All in the one round of breath and it tends to happen with each round of breath.

I do get the tears in my eyes allot but this has not been happening lately, it did happen allot at EE class.
I often blank out during Bah Ha portion and come in and out of being conscious during Bah Ha.

I usually totally blank out during the meditative portion of EE but notice I come right back just after the part where Laura does the 5 count, I am not aware of the 5 count happening but notice I am fully conscious right after she does this.

During the Bah Ha portion I see faces, sometimes evil looking but not often, mostly just faces that I do not recognise.

During the Bah Ha portion I often see blue orbs and sometimes Red orbs but not as often as the blue orbs.

Yesterday during the Bah Ha portion I saw allot of white orbs, many of them, it looked to me as if they were in the formation of the celestial sky looking very much like the milky way galaxy, it was really amazing, and had a sort of feeling of astral travel. I do not try to astral travel and in general think it is not a good thing as I think I am here and should be paying attention to being here and not going somewhere else, I relate astral travel to dissociative behavior, one which is not in my best interest's. But it happened, I just enjoyed the ride and did not from an opinion of it. Which I think is the way to go. It was very powerful and seemed very deep like I was really out in space. Again I formed no opinion of what happend and just let it happen without any expectations.

In general, of all the things that have happened to me in the last almost 2 years since joining this forum, EE has been the most healing and rewarding experience of all.
Another relatively quiet week of EE experiences, another week of yawning and wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing followed by tears running down my face during PotS.

Through working on a trauma problem through Pennebaker’s Writing to Heal exercise, as outlined in Wilson’s book ‘Redirect’, life has somewhat improved – sleep and calmness in particular. Possibly, other aspects may appear later. And, I've resumed working on my collection of Levine's exercises taken from his three books concerned with healing trauma somatically.
I'm continuing EE without the beatha section. I found that including the beatha was creating an emotional storm which was too overwhelming, especially since I am returning to work and need to be on an emotional level. Initially I missed the beatha, like missing an old friend, thinking that without it the EE would not be so effective. But as the weeks go by I am realising that EE is very powerful without the beatha, but seems rather more subtle, like entering into a strong but silent current that carries one powerfully but gently to 'somewhere'.

I recite POTS in my mind before sleep, whenever I wake up in the night, and on waking in the morning, while I'm still deeply relaxed from the night's sleep.
Endymion said:
I'm continuing EE without the beatha section. I found that including the beatha was creating an emotional storm which was too overwhelming, ... But as the weeks go by I am realising that EE is very powerful without the beatha, but seems rather more subtle, like entering into a strong but silent current that carries one powerfully but gently to 'somewhere'.
That's the way I see it too. Works for me too. :)
Prodigal Son said:
Endymion said:
I'm continuing EE without the beatha section. I found that including the beatha was creating an emotional storm which was too overwhelming, ... But as the weeks go by I am realising that EE is very powerful without the beatha, but seems rather more subtle, like entering into a strong but silent current that carries one powerfully but gently to 'somewhere'.
That's the way I see it too. Works for me too. :)

I recently did two full EE sessions on consecutive days along with a therapy session. It brought out a lot of anger that I had been bottling up that surfaced in a dream where some of it come out. It was very raw and primal and included some involuntary neck movement! Suffice to say, Baha IS quite powerful, and going at it slow and gentle giving space inbetween is essential. I don't want to overwhelm myself with too much, too quickly in the hopes of releasing trauma and negative emotions associated with anticipation.

Yesterday, I tried something different and did some of Peter Levine's exercises - the one's where I hold different muscles with a nurturing feel, allowing them to feel safe and encourage strength (particularly in my legs) and followed it up with very deep pipe breathing. Almost double what the normal count is, with recitations of POTS inbetween, back and forth.

I had a dream where my legs wouldn't walk properly when trying to pass by a gang on the sidewalk. No matter how much I tried to, they felt like noodles about to give way. While looking for a hospital, I made it to some type of Arabic Bazaar, and had two invisible supports on both sides allowing me to walk normally again.
Harold said:
I would like to give a little report on my EE experiences as of late.

Yesterday after doing the Bah Ha portion of the EE programme as I laid down and followed Laura's instructions to notice my body, I noticed a sort of stiffness along my spine, like a tightness that needed to be cracked and/or loosened up in my spine.
In general I have a sense of well being, with a nice sort of tingly feeling throughout my body.
Yesterday after Bah Ha I was very light headed with a feeling that accompanies this feeling sort of like passing out. But nothing I was concerned about.
Recently, I had a injury and have been doing EE in bed with my legs outstretched. I have not noticed anything different.
I do have allot of pain in my chest region but this is related to having cracked my ribs, I am not concerned about it.
My lung capacity has decreased with my injury and I think EE is assisting greatly in rejuvenating and healing my lungs.
I do not know if this is related but my broken shoulder has healed really well and is in fact stronger than before, this is amazing to me. The bones that is, not the muscles but that will take time. I think this could be diet related too. My recovery has been very good, the doctors are impressed.

Often when I am doing the Bah Ha portion of EE, as I am doing the Ha part, I often cannot stop a smile from forming on my face and I often break out in laughter, it is a real feeling of liberation... I cannot explain it any better...sorry.
From time to time I do get weepy during the Bah Ha portion but not very often, it is liberating also.
Often too, as I am doing the pipe breathing portion, a smile breaks out on my face, I do not try to control it, I get a sense of the seasons and of a flower as it breaks through the ground, grows, blooms, withers and then dies. All in the one round of breath and it tends to happen with each round of breath.

I do get the tears in my eyes allot but this has not been happening lately, it did happen allot at EE class.
I often blank out during Bah Ha portion and come in and out of being conscious during Bah Ha.

I usually totally blank out during the meditative portion of EE but notice I come right back just after the part where Laura does the 5 count, I am not aware of the 5 count happening but notice I am fully conscious right after she does this.

During the Bah Ha portion I see faces, sometimes evil looking but not often, mostly just faces that I do not recognise.

During the Bah Ha portion I often see blue orbs and sometimes Red orbs but not as often as the blue orbs.

Yesterday during the Bah Ha portion I saw allot of white orbs, many of them, it looked to me as if they were in the formation of the celestial sky looking very much like the milky way galaxy, it was really amazing, and had a sort of feeling of astral travel. I do not try to astral travel and in general think it is not a good thing as I think I am here and should be paying attention to being here and not going somewhere else, I relate astral travel to dissociative behavior, one which is not in my best interest's. But it happened, I just enjoyed the ride and did not from an opinion of it. Which I think is the way to go. It was very powerful and seemed very deep like I was really out in space. Again I formed no opinion of what happend and just let it happen without any expectations.

In general, of all the things that have happened to me in the last almost 2 years since joining this forum, EE has been the most healing and rewarding experience of all.

Whoa, if I had a lot of pain in the chest region and reduced lung capacity, there's no way I would be doing alternating cycles of deep and rapid breathing.

Harold, I strongly recommend that you take a break from doing the Beatha exercise in your EE routine. Being 'really out in space' and seeing orbs on a regular basis during Beatha is not a good sign. In terms of healing, you won't miss out at all by skipping Beatha for now. You've alot on your plate these days, following your nasty accident, so please go easy on yourself and focus on your recovery.
EE report:

Nothing special during the last week. Today, during Beatha, always tears drops from my right eye, and today my left eye was wet, but no tears drops. I also had a tickling in the left ear. For the first time I had no need for a blanket, I was not cold as usual. Certainly thanks to the fat content more and more high. I did not expect anything and this session was "quiet".
Yesterday I did the monday full EE. It had been some time since the last time I had zoned out. And yesterday I zoned out, I even almost zone out during the pipe breathing a couple of times, but I stopped it (maybe I shouldn`t have done that) - Then I zoned out again in the beatha section, and after "coming back" shortly at the begining of POTS, I zoned out again and I don't know anything else until much later.

Yesterday was emotionaly a bad day. My computer broke, I mean, there is some problem that makes it not recognize internet connection, so I had to come to a cybercafe, plus financial problems, plus a possible new job with a decent salary whose owner is difficult to find everytime I call him, etc.. Maybe the zoning out was related, today I feel emotionally more balanced, with clearer thought too.
I haven't posted an update in quite awhile. The zone outs during ee and dreams when I'm sleeping seem to provide more "information". Sometimes words in English or another language (?). If I perceive lights, they may range from very small to a flash. Sometimes there are quick flashes of images or they can play out as in a short scene. Also, whenever I lay down (whether to sleep or do ee), my body seems to have a "hum" to it.
Nothing special to report here either. Lately I noticed our sleep (Tigersoap's and mine) is more agitated the night we do the EE session (with no beatha) and the following nights (vivid and imcomprehensible dreams, wake ups, etc.), like something is being processed. We have both been thinking about reintroducing the beatha and will probably do so soon (although not at every session).
I'm trying to get back into the practice of EE, and there's one issue that has been repeatedly bothering me since I originally started. When I'm doing the Prayer I have resistance whenever I come to this specific part; "carried in the heart, ruler of the mind, savior of the soul". I will sometimes find that I have zoned out during those words and it can be difficult to reclaim focus which sometimes only happens near the end of the Prayer. At the least I get uncomfortable and my mind feels "fidgety". Trying to reason about it i find myself feeling like these phrases are "assumptions", but I realize that may say more about me than the Prayer itself. I also feel the solar plexus sensation I described in this thread, suggesting that a stress response is occurring.

I guess I don't trust this part of the prayer, and it may be because I don't entirely trust the phrase "Divine Cosmic Mind". I don't claim this is entirely rational, and it's funny because at one time (as a child) I quite readily trusted the word "God" (I was raised Christian, but not strictly so). I suppose that is partly because I had constructed my own definition that was maybe something like "Whoever Surrounds and Lives In Everything". I can see intellectually that this matches up quite well with "DCM", yet my problem remains. For some reason the word seems to have a coldness or incompleteness to it, but I understand that this may easily be irrational and caused by an unseen issue of mine.

I did just happen across the following in the EE FAQ thread, which may help and it gives me some comfort:
When you get to the point that you can do the breathing more or less mechanically, then it is time to begin to focus on the meaning of the words of the prayer. If you just approach them with the curiosity of a child who really wants to know, you may have interesting results.

I find it strange that the wonderful replies given to me in this other thread did not entirely solve this issue for me. I feel sort of bad for bringing it up again.
HowToBe said:
I'm trying to get back into the practice of EE, and there's one issue that has been repeatedly bothering me since I originally started. When I'm doing the Prayer I have resistance whenever I come to this specific part; "carried in the heart, ruler of the mind, savior of the soul". I will sometimes find that I have zoned out during those words and it can be difficult to reclaim focus which sometimes only happens near the end of the Prayer. At the least I get uncomfortable and my mind feels "fidgety". Trying to reason about it i find myself feeling like these phrases are "assumptions", but I realize that may say more about me than the Prayer itself. I also feel the solar plexus sensation I described in this thread, suggesting that a stress response is occurring.

I guess I don't trust this part of the prayer, and it may be because I don't entirely trust the phrase "Divine Cosmic Mind". I don't claim this is entirely rational, and it's funny because at one time (as a child) I quite readily trusted the word "God" (I was raised Christian, but not strictly so). I suppose that is partly because I had constructed my own definition that was maybe something like "Whoever Surrounds and Lives In Everything". I can see intellectually that this matches up quite well with "DCM", yet my problem remains. For some reason the word seems to have a coldness or incompleteness to it, but I understand that this may easily be irrational and caused by an unseen issue of mine.

From what I recall from bringing this up in the past, Howtobe, the issues was with the word "mind". You were uncomfortable with the phrase "ruler of the mind" and now "Divine Cosmic Mind". So I wonder whether a part of your mind who thinks that has - and wants to remain in - control of you is making a fuss about the wording, feeling that it might be threatened? An aspect of the false personality? The thing that I am realizing from all the psychological reading suggested recently, is that our minds think they know it all and are all, and it takes consistent and extra efforts to see the truth - that it ain't so. In the default state, our minds will fight tooth and nails to convince us that whatever threatens their "greatness" is wrong, at fault, evil, not to be trusted, etc. If you consider this possibility, do you see something in it that you recognize in yourself?

Also, you can always replace Divine Cosmic Mind with whatever term you are most comfortable with. When I translated the POTS in my language for my mother, I replaced DCM with the Virgin Mary, whom she feels most comfortable praying to. If you want to pray to "Whoever Surrounds and Lives In Everything", I think it will work too.

My 2 cents.
Feedback on my recent experiences with EE:

The last few times I had the distinct impression of someone being in the room. I tried not to look and stop the flow and th e impression gradually receded.

The other thing is saliva. As soon as I start the pipe breathing I have copious amounts of saliva being squirted out of my glands. It accumulates quickly in my mouth and I have to swallow. Now it has been said that swallow should be avoided if possible. On the other hand, saliva production is a vagal process - increase vagal tone and saliva production will increase as well. This is a bit of a contracdiction to me ... as much as I would choose not to swallow, I simply have to given the amount of saliva pooling in my mouth - bar of dribbllig it all over my shirt ...

Suggestions most appreciated!
nicklebleu said:
Now it has been said that swallow should be avoided if possible. On the other hand, saliva production is a vagal process - increase vagal tone and saliva production will increase as well. This is a bit of a contracdiction to me ... as much as I would choose not to swallow, I simply have to given the amount of saliva pooling in my mouth - bar of dribbllig it all over my shirt ...

Suggestions most appreciated!

Fwiw, if I remember correctly, it was said that the swallowing might represent a defense mechanism related not to pipe breathing, but to doing the bioenergetic breathing (it bringing up suppressed emotions), and that, if possible, to attempt at reducing it. However, this does not mean to force yourself in any way or to make yourself feel uncomfortable. Swallow if there's too much saliva building up. If you're preoccupied with your saliva while doing PB, it'll be hard to relax yourself. ;)
I agree that swallowing is a bigger problem during Beatha because it will interrupt the round breathing. It used to be a problem for me in the beginning but not so much anymore.

During pipe breathing/3 stage breathing, if saliva builds up, you always have the chance to swallow during the 3 count holding of the breath with no problem. In any case, if you HAVE to swallow, you can do so and try to keep up with the breathing best you can.
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