Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

From Evolutionary1
Now since doing the breathing/meditation, I'm getting them a little. It's not full out but feels more residual. What's also happening is that there's a kind of lingering sadness that maybe borders on compassion."

One of the things I have noticed this week is lingering sadness or a feeling of just being "off". I am still sleeping a lot as well. Yesterday was very pronounced and by evening I was in such a "state" that instead of inflicting my mood on my french group, I decided to stay home alone. Eventually I got busy with some art work and began to feel better.

What I am wondering, though, is how to distinguish the effects of the breathing/meditation from just plain Attack from the pesky STS critters. It occurred to me that some of my mood could be just that. I have been attempting to let my feelings just be - not engage in distraction or busyness, so as to let the clearing process happen. However - if this is causing me to be a food feast - perhaps I need to set some boundaries or at least learn to tell the difference.

Any thoughts??
Al Today said:
Laura said:
This physical symptoms thing is very interesting - I'm currently going through what I suspect is in the same category: During my teens thru mid 20's, I had chronic conjunctivitis/blepharitis.

You do know that the best way to deal with this is to scrub your eyes with baby shampoo and hot water every morning when you get up, and maybe one or two more times during the day. The heat and the scrubbing massages the ducts so that they empty thoroughly, the shampoo cleans them well without risk to the eyes.

I know whereof I speak...

I think I also have blepharitis. But since I started washing my eyes with baby shampoo, it's almost gone. It seems to only come back when I eat something that is inflammatory to me. So, a healthy diet helps too.
annp said:
What I am wondering, though, is how to distinguish the effects of the breathing/meditation from just plain Attack from the pesky STS critters. It occurred to me that some of my mood could be just that. I have been attempting to let my feelings just be - not engage in distraction or busyness, so as to let the clearing process happen. However - if this is causing me to be a food feast - perhaps I need to set some boundaries or at least learn to tell the difference.

Any thoughts??

It seems to me that all this is part of the cleansing process. There may be some brain chemical imbalances involved (are you following the advice given by others on the Health and Diet section?). But as to whether it is external attack or cleansing, I'd say it's impossible to know (at least at this point).

The way I see it is that:
- If it is internal and repressed emotions, we have to let the cleansing process take place. Doing the breathing and meditation program seems to make this process more intense, but also probably shorter.
- If it is an STS attack, or any external influence, the 'cleaner' our machines are, the less "attractive" we will become to those forces. So, the program will help in this direction too. I hardly ever think about external attacks, though, because I keep finding programs and things to deal in myself with all the time. I mean, there is probably no need for the "STS critters", as you put it, to add attack when they can already feed from our current state of being! OSIT.

I hope this helps.
Csayeursost said:
A problem is internal considering when trying to "think" the prayer properly, intending and focusing on the words. Some little "I" worries whether or not I understand the issue correctly, fearing that something adverse is going to happen if I to do the prayer with a wrong understanding (for example, attributing the Cosmic Mind to something other than the creative side of the All, something "out there", for instance)

We know that, whether deliberately ponerized or not, words have a habit of morphing as they enter into the vernacular. If we had a previous 'understanding' of the word "divine", for instance, that meaning might not relate as powerfully to the Prayer of the Soul as it could.

Consider trading the semantic frame of reference for one that is predominately visual.
In this post, I indicated a method that might help.

For instance, a person could take pencil and paper, divide a sheet of paper in half vertically and label one side "objective" and the other side "subjective". Then they could fill in the columns with their current understanding of a particular word, indicating all the referents they currently hold onto. The idea is to discover what understanding they have and how rigid that understanding is and whether the meaning can be changed.

After the word has been 'opened up' this way, it can more easily be 'overwritten' by a new understanding achieved through research and then practice. If someone uses all the resources available to connect some dots, they may reach a point where they are able to address Cosmic Mind visually, seeing 'Divine' Cosmic Mind as that Mind which possesses/originates/manifests/shines the light which we understand as objective knowledge and real Love.

Some references:
Some research of the word 'Divine' may lead us to discover that at one point, the Vedic duw becomes duwa, and then the modern diva. Diva becomes deva, the root of the word divine ("in" or "of" god). [also see deva under Word Origin & History below]

...to the earliest known root of the word "divine" -- "div" or "shining."

The root of the word divine means “to shine”…

Word Origin & History

divine (adj.)
c.1305 (implied in divinity), from O.Fr. devin, from L. divinus "of a god," from divus "a god," related to deus "god, deity," from PIE *deiwos, also the root of words for "sky" and "day." The god-sense is originally "shining," but "whether as originally sun-god or as lightener" is not now clear. Weakened sense of "excellent" had evolved by c.1470. Divinity is from c.1300.

"god, good spirit" in Hindu religion, from Skt. deva "a god," originally "a shining one," from *div- "to shine," thus cognate with Gk. dios "divine" and Zeus, and L. deus "god" (O.Latin deivos). Fem. form devi is used for "goddess," also (with capital D-) for the mother goddess in Hinduism. Hence, also, devadasi "temple dancing girl," lit. "female servant of a god," from dasi "slave girl." Also Devanagari, the formal alphabet of Skt. writings, perhaps originally "divine city script," from nagara "city."

Some related Etymology:

[quote author=Laura]
I don't think he was even aware that his passionate declaration about learning and knowing and realizing were exactly what the Cassiopaeans said as quoted above and here:

"To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love."[/quote]

[quote author=Laura]
We learn from Michael Topper, in simplified form here:

...We well know the "law" of 3rd density: No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. It should be obvious that this is a function of perception. ...Perception determines the outline of what's to stand as an "object." In 3rd density, objects are mutually exclusive and define one another by contrast - by their differences. ...Perception of UNITY ...is a function of higher density cognition. It requires the use of faculties that are presently "recessed" in our being, and only occasionally accessed.

When, through spiritual practice or discipline performed on this plane, we perceive the "luminous wholeness" of "separate objects," we are experiencing a momentary coordination with energies belonging to other densities and drawn into our frame of reference.[/quote]
Yesterday and the two days before that, I also woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. Also, for the past week or two I've had a runny nose, itchy throat, and sneezing. This is most likely detox related, as I've been taking nystatin. However, I find the combined effects with the prayer program interesting, as my dreams for the past few nights have been very intense. Two nights ago I dreamed I was in an apartment with two other mods here, and we were being chased be an intruder. It was a military-style dream, i.e. with all kinds of guns (probably influenced by some sci-fi I've been watching lately!), and one mod said she'd be in another room and not to come after her. So the other mod and I went into a bedroom and took some strategic positions, waiting for the intruder to enter. I dreaded hearing shots in the other room. Then the intruder started screaming and barged through the door, heading straight for me. Safe to say I got him before he got me (which in and of itself was quite disturbing!), but it was quite a heart-pounding experience!

And last night I woke up with the image of two middle-eastern-looking men. One was up against the outside wall of the house, and the other was holding a pistol to his chest. While "watching" this, I was imagining the damage and pain that the man would experience if shot and just thinking how horrible it was. The gun looked like it was a 1940s Colt, which I had to look up because I know very little about guns!
Quote from Ailén
The way I see it is that:
- If it is internal and repressed emotions, we have to let the cleansing process take place. Doing the breathing and meditation program seems to make this process more intense, but also probably shorter.
- If it is an STS attack, or any external influence, the 'cleaner' our machines are, the less "attractive" we will become to those forces. So, the program will help in this direction too. I hardly ever think about external attacks, though, because I keep finding programs and things to deal in myself with all the time. I mean, there is probably no need for the "STS critters", as you put it, to add attack when they can already feed from our current state of being! OSIT.

I hope this helps.

Thank you - that does help - I had forgotten one the main themes is cleaning the machine (DUH), which makes us less attractive - so I need to continue. You are so correct about finding new programs - things just sort of drift up out of the sea into my awareness lately - and I am constantly amazed that I never saw or realized "it" before this. Just stunning! And at the same time, I have noticed I feel much more grounded. So...I am looking forward to tonight's meditation.
I'd like to report that the days I have felt going deeper into meditation have been Mondays, interestingly, although I don't usually stop and think much of the fact that we are all supposed to be doing it those days together. Last week's Monday I got a series of images from childhood while doing the ba-ha. These were memories I already had, except that they became much clearer and I was able to see details I had forgotten, mostly visual details. That night I dreamed that someone showed me a wooden trunk and explained to me that this was where I kept my emotions. Then this person added that the trunk had a trap door at the bottom which lead to a basement, and that this is where the REAL emotions were. The basement looked like the one of the house I'm living in at the moment, while the trunk looked like one which is at the feet of my bed.
Buddy said:
What I wrote there was ambiguous in that it didn't explain what I 'do' or how in "thinking" the prayer - I do not strictly focus on each word by itself; rather, I take the words of a line together and focus on their meanings as they combine and "build" an abstract mental representation of each line (a wordless "snapshot" of its "meaning" on which focus and intent is directed). The latest one is then "added" to the previous (several combined or just the last depending on part of prayer) after a line has been so processed, focus and intent directed on the result.

As noted, without interference from the program, it goes well, as it is what narrows and skews thinking (injecting garbage into the thought-stream, diverting the process - which only happens when I try to relax and meditate).

Your post has some interesting ideas for adding some "oomph" to the meanings (and thus mental representations)! Also, using the meanings more directly instead of first "scanning" the words of each line every time will not only be more efficient but also bypass the "entry point" of interfering program activity, as the programs work by reacting to the words.

Actually, I've previously done something similar, though with different words than those of the prayer. I was focusing on the idea of what amounts to the cosmic mind by mentally depicting a (according to those words) "timeless radiant field" of consciousness, encompassing all of creation in all time.
Csayeursost said:
One problem I've had most of the times that has no doubt limited the effect of the prayer meditation part is failing to actually meditate during it.

Hey Csayeursost, I haven't done meditation before except listening to some holosync stuff I bought a couple of years ago so your post caused me to be curious as to what other people mean when they say meditate. When I do it, I just try to think about the words and meaning (read that somewhere on the forum). Is there something more to what you are referring to like a trance or something?

I guess I'm trying to understand what "failing to meditate" means so I will have an idea what to look out for in this regard.
There is a comfort from knowing that some on this forum are experiencing the same things as myself. The biweekly meditations are wonderful in that I can actually focus. Usually in the past when I meditated there were so many distractions that I found it hard to focus. I believe Laura's voice and constant reminder to focus on my breathing helps me to keep going.

During the Prayer of the Soul mediation, I also find myself repeating the words after Laura speaks them. Sometimes like an echo. There are moments of zoning, but they are very brief. When I do the meditation on my own during the other nights of the week, I have more body experiences like tingles and some pain. The wanting to jump out of my body experience has gone. Thankfully, it was a very uncomfortable sensation.

After today's full exercise, and when Laura had finished the last round of the Prayer of the Soul, I saw an amazing light. Kind of like a light at the end of a tunnel thing and it was a soft purple, red and orange. It faded as I began to stir cause I had to go to work and could not maintain that blissful relaxation. I did not open my eyes during the entire meditation, so I believe it was not a "light spot" so to speak.

Reading "The Fourth Way" and working on paying attention and observing. Especially on the drive to work :) I believe that the meditation and breathing exercise are helping me to be less reactive to negative stuff around me. The interesting part about reading "The Fourth Way" at this time is after last night's meditation and a fairly restful sleep for a change, this morning when I woke I got the notion to look on my book shelf. This I have not done in a very long while. And lo and behold there was the book. They did not have it at my local library and was thinking yesterday on how was I gonna be able to obtain this book. Funds are low. I must have bought it a long time ago, forgot about it and never got to reading it. Amazing, just wanted to share that with you all, thanks.
When I do the 3 stage breathing I always "add" the 2. and 3. stage/position on top of the first one. E.g. while doing the 2. & 3. stage I first let the breath fill me up as low as possible (1. stage), then when that "location" is full I start to expand the chest/sides (2. stage) and when I feel I cannot expand any more to the sides I fill the upper part of the lungs (3. stage).

Is this the "recommended" way, or should one breath directly to the 2. and 3. positions (chest/sides, top of the lungs)?

I've tried both ways and it feels more natural to "lay the foundation" (1. stage) at the other stages too. But it is of course harder to accomplish, it will probably take years to master the "whole" breath - from bottom to top.
[quote author=Csayeursost]One problem I've had most of the times that has no doubt limited the effect of the prayer meditation part is failing to actually meditate during it.[/quote]

This is a learning process for us, the more we meditate, the better we get at it.

A problem is internal considering when trying to "think" the prayer properly, intending and focusing on the words. Some little "I" worries whether or not I understand the issue correctly, fearing that something adverse is going to happen if I to do the prayer with a wrong understanding (for example, attributing the Cosmic Mind to something other than the creative side of the All, something "out there", for instance) - and as is usually the case with such programs, they are the real cause of their concern; without its presence, there would be no issue in this regard, as the program is the one to "suggest" and "push" these what-ifs into my mind, all the while subtly attempting to induce and insist on what it fears.

The purpose for meditating is to still the mind, which is normally out of control, like a "wild beast." Mechanical thoughts swing as if on a pendulum. One of the aims of using the Prayer of the Soul is to provide a "home base" to return to when it is apparent that the mind is again wandering. Undue attention to these thoughts, whether meditating or not, can actually fuel this wandering effect. Paying attention to the regulation of the breath contributes also to the stilling of the mind and emotions.

With time, the mind will be able to concentrate more fully on the intent of the prayer, which is a beautiful and concise asking for contact with the higher centers. A trusting, if you will.

I think it can do us good to trust in the awareness of the higher centers of what is trying to be accomplished when meditating.

Carried in the heart.
abcdefghiJoerg said:
Biomiast said:
Avala said:
Anyone have feeling of energy flowing through the spine and around limbs and it somehow is big in upper back area, little bit "mighty" feeling? (don’t know how to describe it beter)

I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing, but I feel an "energy" in my upper back area as well as the places you mentioned. I don't know if you have experienced, but I think it is similar to "pressure on third eye".

It feels like someone put something on my upper back area. Not an unpleasant or heavy thing, though. Today it expanded toward my right shoulder, and then return to its original size, which is the size of a tennis ball. Again, I am not sure if this is the same thing, our descriptions vary a little. And I am not sure what this means, maybe it is just a detox reaction, as Laura said.

Just my two cents, fwiw.

What I'm expieriencing is alot of tingling, which starts somewhere in my head (pituitary gland?), neck, upper back area... and then I have goose bumps all over my body, it also feels like electrified.

What else I find very useful is, saying the "prayer of the soul" aloud, which imo is intensifying the prayer:

ISOTM said:
"[...] I speak of ancient prayers; many of them are much older than Christianity. These prayers are, so to speak, recapitulations; by repeating them aloud or to himself a man endeavors to experience what is in them, their whole content, with his mind and his feeling.

I had that tingling at base of the neck when started to read C's transcripts few years ago. This now is much wider and more intensive in feeling, center is somewhere in the upper back, as Biomiast suggested, maybe slightly to the left, like in the height of the heart, but in the back. It goes all over the back and the head, and to the legs and arms. It could be described as electrifying as abcdefghiJoerg said, but it is pleasant and nicely warm.

Though I don't know what the goose bumps are. And I didn't experienced that pressure on third eye as reported by some members, so I can't compare it.

Well, I am maybe just tripping, and it could be anything, even some problem with blood circulation, which I might feel like this.
[quote author =Avala]...center is somewhere in the upper back, as Biomiast suggested, maybe slightly to the left, like in the height of the heart,[/quote]

If I remember correctly this is the location Castaneda gave for the "assemblage point" of awareness. FWIW.
Aragorn said:
When I do the 3 stage breathing I always "add" the 2. and 3. stage/position on top of the first one. E.g. while doing the 2. & 3. stage I first let the breath fill me up as low as possible (1. stage), then when that "location" is full I start to expand the chest/sides (2. stage) and when I feel I cannot expand any more to the sides I fill the upper part of the lungs (3. stage).

Is this the "recommended" way, or should one breath directly to the 2. and 3. positions (chest/sides, top of the lungs)?

I've tried both ways and it feels more natural to "lay the foundation" (1. stage) at the other stages too. But it is of course harder to accomplish, it will probably take years to master the "whole" breath - from bottom to top.

I'm doing the same, because it is something what I learned many years back, I think it was Yoga. But I try to get more air in the chest, when I'm doing the second stage for example, that means my intention is in the chest.

Here is a quote from Perceval, which tends in the same direction:

Perceval said:

Stage three is when I generally get a feeling of my lungs filling the most compared to my stomach, although there is still some stomach breathing going on.

Avala said:
I had that tingling at base of the neck when started to read C's transcripts few years ago. This now is much wider and more intensive in feeling, center is somewhere in the upper back, as Biomiast suggested, maybe slightly to the left, like in the height of the heart, but in the back. It goes all over the back and the head, and to the legs and arms. It could be described as electrifying as abcdefghiJoerg said, but it is pleasant and nicely warm.

Yes it simply feels good and it has been also happening when I read the wave.

Avala said:
Though I don't know what the goose bumps are.

:) It takes place too for example when it is cold and you are freezing, the body tries to keep the warmth and "stands" up the hair of your arms,legs etc.


Avala said:
Well, I am maybe just tripping, and it could be anything, even some problem with blood circulation, which I might feel like this.

Maybe just keep trying to watch it, as I have myself too.
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