Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

You might want to consider that EE and reiki have different effects on the the body/mind. EE directly affects the functioning of the vagus nerve which then has a pervasive effect on the body in real time. Reiki, as I understand it works more with the energy body.

Pipe breathing before bed takes a total of 15 min, and that's using one of the longer versions (I have one of the original recordings). If you can count with your fingers on your own, it goes much faster. POTS can be done anytime. Again, if you have it memorized you can do without the cd. Then do the whole program twice a week, because the baha portion is guided.

Reiki is great, but why not use two powerful tools instead of one? Just not in the same session. ;)
So I was thinking : boom I am gonna replace EE with Reiki, you can do that faster. :)

herondancer said:
You might want to consider that EE and reiki have different effects on the the body/mind. EE directly affects the functioning of the vagus nerve which then has a pervasive effect on the body in real time. Reiki, as I understand it works more with the energy body.

Pipe breathing before bed takes a total of 15 min, and that's using one of the longer versions (I have one of the original recordings). If you can count with your fingers on your own, it goes much faster. POTS can be done anytime. Again, if you have it memorized you can do without the cd. Then do the whole program twice a week, because the baha portion is guided.

Reiki is great, but why not use two powerful tools instead of one? Just not in the same session. ;)
I agree, and why would you want to do it faster? Why not do it the best way we currently know how? Learning and utilizing an array of knowledge and skills in order to be of service to others. Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)
herondancer said:
You might want to consider that EE and reiki have different effects on the the body/mind. EE directly affects the functioning of the vagus nerve which then has a pervasive effect on the body in real time. Reiki, as I understand it works more with the energy body.
Generally speaking you are right :)
Reiki is more spiritual, than EE.

I also think EE is much more than vagus nerve stimulation.
There was a notion to do program completely and with given 'flow' / order.
So I think positions also play a role here.

Pipe breathing before bed takes a total of 15 min, and that's using one of the longer versions (I have one of the original recordings). If you can count with your fingers on your own, it goes much faster.
Hmm, true I could experiment and create some mini version and maybe post that.
Some skeleton / plan.

There was no guidance for short version and I think it is bad, we can add that.

Generally speaking, I don't always have time for long version and THIS is the key thing why I stopped doing EE.
I was thinking : oh, short reiki session takes 24min, so I can by elastic which version I want to do.

On the other hand.. I am moving center being, and I recall right emotional center here is the weakest.
So when I will be doing EE, I will develop that center.

I also spotted that Reiki, helps balance and develops all centers. Is that true? Or maybe I 'distorted' something?

POTS can be done anytime. Again, if you have it memorized you can do without the cd. Then do the whole program twice a week, because the baha portion is guided.
Yes, I did POTS on morning, cuz after whole program and all day - I am tired and I fall asleep. :)

Reiki is great, but why not use two powerful tools instead of one? Just not in the same session. ;)
What do you mean by 'session'? The same day?
Do Reiki Immediately after EE ?
lainey said:
I agree, and why would you want to do it faster?
Why you don't follow way of jogi or monk?
Why you want to follow 4th way and develops faster?

lainey said:
Why not do it the best way we currently know how?
Do the best way what? :)

1. Learning and utilizing an array of knowledge and skills in order to be of service to others?
2. Reiki and EE together?
3. You mean something different.
Hitsu said:
Yes, I did POTS on morning, cuz after whole program and all day - I am tired and I fall asleep. :)

Well that means you have learned something about your machine. Rather than give up on the program, why not adapt when you do it? It sound like bedtime would be the best, and you would sleep very well. In fact if you fall asleep doing the program, that's your body getting what it needs.

Hitsu said:
What do you mean by 'session'? The same day?
Do Reiki Immediately after EE ?

Sorry for the confusion. Early on there were some people who wanted to be running reiki energy while doing the EE program. Laura didn't recommend it. They are two separate things. Perhaps you could do a self reiki session before or after completing say, pipe breathing and the POTS. After doing a full session though, I just want to go to sleep too!
Hitsu said:
lainey said:
I agree, and why would you want to do it faster?
Why you don't follow way of jogi or monk?
Why you want to follow 4th way and develops faster?

lainey said:
Why not do it the best way we currently know how?
Do the best way what? :)

1. Learning and utilizing an array of knowledge and skills in order to be of service to others?
2. Reiki and EE together?
3. You mean something different.
Apologies, I wasn't being clear. I mean the first one, using all the knowledge we have gained to use the most effective techniques. That doesn't necessarily mean we are trying to do it faster. Some of the best processes are long and slow IMO. Building knowledge and working on the self is something I intend to do for my entire life. I don't follow the ways of the jogi/monk because as I understand they develop one centre which would lead to unbalanced learning and develpoment.
As Herondancer said it was advised not to do reiki and EE at the same time, pipe breathing while receiving reiki. There is nothing wrong with doing/receiving reiki on the same day I don't think. I enjoy giving and receiving reiki as well. I hope this helps.
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?
lainey said:
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?

I used to do EE while using my FIR lamp, and I didn't experience any discomfort, I actually felt better afterwards. However, it might be different with an infrared sauna blanket. Either way, I don't see why you shouldn't do EE while in the infrared sauna blanket, as long as you make sure you're comfortable! Fwiw, when I did do EE while using my lamp, it was usually just the three stage breathing.
Oxajil said:
lainey said:
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?

I used to do EE while using my FIR lamp, and I didn't experience any discomfort, I actually felt better afterwards. However, it might be different with an infrared sauna blanket. Either way, I don't see why you shouldn't do EE while in the infrared sauna blanket, as long as you make sure you're comfortable! Fwiw, when I did do EE while using my lamp, it was usually just the three stage breathing.

Fwiw I would think making sure the blanket is on a timer would be a good thing too just in case you zone out. ;)
Pete said:
Oxajil said:
lainey said:
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?

I used to do EE while using my FIR lamp, and I didn't experience any discomfort, I actually felt better afterwards. However, it might be different with an infrared sauna blanket. Either way, I don't see why you shouldn't do EE while in the infrared sauna blanket, as long as you make sure you're comfortable! Fwiw, when I did do EE while using my lamp, it was usually just the three stage breathing.

Fwiw I would think making sure the blanket is on a timer would be a good thing too just in case you zone out. ;)

Yep - if you really want to try it. But I would be inclined to leave out Beatha from doing the sauna altogether because your body would already be undergoing some processes that are a bit intense, depending on the level of heat you are using and the amount of time you are spending in it. I suppose you could try a little round breathing just as an experiment to see how you feel doing it in there, but with the sensations and strong oxygenation going on my concern is that you wouldn't zone out but pass out. Pipe breathing is much gentler of course. It would probably be better to just stick to that while in the sauna.
Il m'arrive de m'endormir pendant EE... De ce fait je le recommence le lendemain en étant bien consciente... Cela vous est-il déjà arrivé et que faites vous dans ce cas ?...

Sometimes I fall asleep during EE ... Therefore I again the next day by being well aware ... Is this ever happened to you and what do you do then? ...
Ennio said:
Pete said:
Oxajil said:
lainey said:
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?

I used to do EE while using my FIR lamp, and I didn't experience any discomfort, I actually felt better afterwards. However, it might be different with an infrared sauna blanket. Either way, I don't see why you shouldn't do EE while in the infrared sauna blanket, as long as you make sure you're comfortable! Fwiw, when I did do EE while using my lamp, it was usually just the three stage breathing.

Fwiw I would think making sure the blanket is on a timer would be a good thing too just in case you zone out. ;)

Yep - if you really want to try it. But I would be inclined to leave out Beatha from doing the sauna altogether because your body would already be undergoing some processes that are a bit intense, depending on the level of heat you are using and the amount of time you are spending in it. I suppose you could try a little round breathing just as an experiment to see how you feel doing it in there, but with the sensations and strong oxygenation going on my concern is that you wouldn't zone out but pass out. Pipe breathing is much gentler of course. It would probably be better to just stick to that while in the sauna.
Thanks for the feedback. Generally I'm fine when I do the beatha section, if something is going to come up it usually happens the next day and I'm not prone to fainting so I did an experiment (yesterday/today, on a timer) for 40 mins at 45 degrees C:
Normal without EE - Felt fine, didn't really start sweating till after the 20 minute mark just felt a bit clammy. Only properly sweating for the last 5 minutes. Wasn't too hot, was fairly comfortable throughout and got a bit bored at the end.
With beatha - Started sweating after 5 minutes and by the 10 minute mark I was literally dripping. I've never sweated so much! Didn't feel dizzy or too uncomfortable but it felt a lot, lot hotter in the blanket than without beatha. There was no way I could have carried on to do any kind of relaxed meditation so I just lay there and marinated after beatha was finished. Got a bit antsy in the last 10 minutes due to the heat and dripping and wanted to jump out but I stuck it out till the end then dived into a cold shower. There definitely felt like there was something else going on, some sort of processes happening inside my tissues like my body was humming for want of a better expression.
So I guess it enhances the process but I probably wouldn't recommend it if you are prone to fainting or if you get claustrophobic easily or have intense reactions to beatha.
PERLOU said:
Il m'arrive de m'endormir pendant EE... De ce fait je le recommence le lendemain en étant bien consciente... Cela vous est-il déjà arrivé et que faites vous dans ce cas ?...

Sometimes I fall asleep during EE ... Therefore I again the next day by being well aware ... Is this ever happened to you and what do you do then? ...

I think it happens to most of us, to fall asleep while doing EE. If your body is tired and needs sleep, then let it happen. Sometimes you will fall asleep, other times you will be able to be focused and aware. And that is ok, you still get the benefits of the program either way: either through total relaxation and sleep, or through building your power of concentration.
lainey said:
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?

I have done the whole EE program while in the sauna blanket many times. I usually end up falling asleep while doing the POTS. I didn't notice any bad effects from it. But, it can be different for others I suppose.
Nienna said:
lainey said:
On the subject of doing EE at the same time as things, do you think there would be any detriment or benefit to doing beatha breathing or any other part of the program while in the infra red sauna blanket?

I have done the whole EE program while in the sauna blanket many times. I usually end up falling asleep while doing the POTS. I didn't notice any bad effects from it. But, it can be different for others I suppose.

I've also done the whole program myself while laying in the blanket. I haven't had any problem, either. For what it's worth.
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