Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Merci pour ces précisions Nicklebleu...

Oui Eärwen c'est amusant de partager sur nos expériences...

Thank you for that clarification Nicklebleu ...

Yes earwen it's fun to share our experiences ...
nicklebleu said:
Eärwen said:
When doing Beatha part allone, when nervous or tired having difficulty following faster part of the Beatha breathing, feeling a bit lightheaded and having difficulty following the rhythm.

This may be a case of you hyperventilating a bit too much. A bit of hyperventilation is ok, maybe even beneficial, but it should never become unpleasant. If this happens, just try to slow down your breathing, or in the faster parts to breath more shallowly, not to waste carbon dioxide too much, which can create symptoms like you describe (the faster or deeper your breath, the more carbon dioxide your body looses, hence the symptoms).

Thank you nicklebleu for the advice, I will try with more shallow breathing while doing faster parts of Beatha and will share outcomes with the forum. :)
Eärwen said:
nicklebleu said:
Eärwen said:
When doing Beatha part allone, when nervous or tired having difficulty following faster part of the Beatha breathing, feeling a bit lightheaded and having difficulty following the rhythm.

This may be a case of you hyperventilating a bit too much. A bit of hyperventilation is ok, maybe even beneficial, but it should never become unpleasant. If this happens, just try to slow down your breathing, or in the faster parts to breath more shallowly, not to waste carbon dioxide too much, which can create symptoms like you describe (the faster or deeper your breath, the more carbon dioxide your body looses, hence the symptoms).

Thank you nicklebleu for the advice, I will try with more shallow breathing while doing faster parts of Beatha and will share outcomes with the forum. :)

I agree with nicklebleu. People seem to think that they have to get full lungs of air during the beatha part. During all of the beatha, you just breathe gently. Not forced, or deep and fast breathing. All you have to do is breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, continually - no pauses. You don't have to fill you lungs - and make sure you're doing belly breathing.
Yeah, I agree, as well. Breathing even just short of full lung/full exhale makes a big difference during Beatha (all three speeds), avoiding overwhelming pins and needles, light headedness, etc. You can still breathe deeper than normal, but you don't have to try to get the fullest breath and fullest exhale at any of the speeds - in fact, as was said, it's better not to do that way, or else it's going to be a struggle getting through the round breathing most of the time. FWIW.
This morning I been praticing EE and it was very helpful. It was long ago that I did EE. After my work I felt so tortured with so little energy and very bad thoughts about my self.

Finally, after meditation I'm feeling better, still kind of stupid :/ and nothing I can do to help self or others but now I have strength to read and learn more.

Very comforting to know that I have toll to help my self in this kind of situation, thank you guys for this wonderful opportunity.
Dakota said:
This morning I been praticing EE and it was very helpful. It was long ago that I did EE. After my work I felt so tortured with so little energy and very bad thoughts about my self.

Finally, after meditation I'm feeling better, still kind of stupid :/ and nothing I can do to help self or others but now I have strength to read and learn more.

Very comforting to know that I have toll to help my self in this kind of situation, thank you guys for this wonderful opportunity.

Its good that you realized your stress and negative thought loops Dakota. EE is perfect for resting and relaxing when your energy is on the low side. And im glad its made you feel better!

With regards to the negative thought loops, feeling 'stupid' about them and yourself, its perfectly normal to have these thoughts. But the important thing is to notice them as you did. These thoughts, and the following judgment that we attach to them, in this case as 'stupid' is a very hard road block to get past.

If you havent already, you can check out RedFox's Dialectic Toolset - black vs white as i think it may help with what you are experiencing internally.
Dakota said:
This morning I been praticing EE and it was very helpful. It was long ago that I did EE. After my work I felt so tortured with so little energy and very bad thoughts about my self.

Finally, after meditation I'm feeling better, still kind of stupid :/ and nothing I can do to help self or others but now I have strength to read and learn more.

Very comforting to know that I have toll to help my self in this kind of situation, thank you guys for this wonderful opportunity.
That's great Dakota, I'm glad you are feeling the benefits of this fantastic program. Ever since doing EE on a regular basis I have found that my thoughts are a lot more calm and I don't catch myself in negative loops so often. It brings such lovely feelings of peace and wellbeing. Can't recommend it enough!
Yeah this program is very helpful, I begin to feel lighter and lighter, full of energy !... And traversing periods of bad moments, like my body was shaken up and my hormones were whirling all over my head and body :P.

I also begin to feel some shin pan stuff, my stomach start to hurt as I do the pipe breathing and don't stop until 20 minutes after the end of the meditation.

I experience also some pressure in the middle of the forehead and some pressure in the coccyx.

But the good moments are undoubtebly worthy.
I would like to share the experience I had last night while practicing POTS (without the track). I had done it the night before and managed to get to 11 rounds without getting lost so last night I went for 20.
I found that there weren't so much other thoughts trying to get in - although there were one or two phrases that were trying to sneak in but I would push them aside and continue - but there were a lot of mental images that would try to side track me into a thought pattern about that image. I managed to push them aside and continue. I attributed my own little image for each line of POTS, for example:
Oh Divine Cosmic Mind - I would picture something like in the movie the fountain where I was looking up a tunnel to "the light" and I was addressing the light.
Holy awareness in all creation - That light would flip inside out of itself and permeate through everything
Carried in the heart - An image of a glowing baby in it's mothers arms sitting where my heart is
And so on throughout the prayer.
I got to 20 without getting carried away with any other thoughts and immediately fell asleep. That night I had a dream that I was in a museum and Stefan Verstappen had built his Tri-monic light installation and I stood in the middle singing one of my favourite songs despite feeling silly and not singing very well. I was really cool and I was showing other people the installation and we would play with getting it to light up.
When I woke up this morning I received an e-mail to say that the kickstarter campaign to fund it had reached its goal.
I'm very happy for him and I'm glad for all the support that he received through the members here.
So that was a nice surprise to wake up to, I'd love to try it out for real!
Hey everyone, I had a few questions or have been having some difficulty with EE thought maybe i could express it here.

Mostly my experience seems to be all over the place but only really with the three stage breathing mostly. Im finding that every night, my breathing is different, or changes. Its very odd for me now to go without having to stop and take big gulps of air in, as if I'm suffocating. Only very rarely do i seem to hit that notch of timing, relaxedness and focus and I'm not talking about my mind running endlessly, just literally the focus on breathing, counting time. Also this isn't to the recording, i say the P.O.T.S in my head but I'm still having a lot of trouble with it. I'm trying to remember if this happened when i first started but it seems the last month its been very prominent. Every night to a point where i don't even get maybe 4 breaths in. Oddly enough though, the first actual breath i start on, is always smooth and fine, and it goes bad from there. I'm curious if others have had this and how they remedied it?

Perhaps I'm not breathing the same, not focusing the same. Sometimes rarely these days i can get into this really deep stage and then go into my meditation. It seems lesser and lesser the more i do it :) Im thinking its perhaps a plateau and i just need to keep with it.

Would love to hear some others thoughts on this!
Nienna said:
Eärwen said:
nicklebleu said:
Eärwen said:
When doing Beatha part allone, when nervous or tired having difficulty following faster part of the Beatha breathing, feeling a bit lightheaded and having difficulty following the rhythm.

This may be a case of you hyperventilating a bit too much. A bit of hyperventilation is ok, maybe even beneficial, but it should never become unpleasant. If this happens, just try to slow down your breathing, or in the faster parts to breath more shallowly, not to waste carbon dioxide too much, which can create symptoms like you describe (the faster or deeper your breath, the more carbon dioxide your body looses, hence the symptoms).

Thank you nicklebleu for the advice, I will try with more shallow breathing while doing faster parts of Beatha and will share outcomes with the forum. :)

I agree with nicklebleu. People seem to think that they have to get full lungs of air during the beatha part. During all of the beatha, you just breathe gently. Not forced, or deep and fast breathing. All you have to do is breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, continually - no pauses. You don't have to fill you lungs - and make sure you're doing belly breathing.

Thank you Nienna, I allready implemented nickelbleu's advice and it is totally different feeling (although I must now get back on the right track), obviously I was doing it wrong especially when under the stress, or when having migraines (like today), not only with breathing in to deeply but even not breathing with belly during faster parts of beatha and using shoulder muscles instead. I'll do the whole EE tonight and see how it's going this time.
wand3rer said:
Hey everyone, I had a few questions or have been having some difficulty with EE thought maybe i could express it here.

Mostly my experience seems to be all over the place but only really with the three stage breathing mostly. Im finding that every night, my breathing is different, or changes. Its very odd for me now to go without having to stop and take big gulps of air in, as if I'm suffocating. Only very rarely do i seem to hit that notch of timing, relaxedness and focus and I'm not talking about my mind running endlessly, just literally the focus on breathing, counting time. Also this isn't to the recording, i say the P.O.T.S in my head but I'm still having a lot of trouble with it. I'm trying to remember if this happened when i first started but it seems the last month its been very prominent. Every night to a point where i don't even get maybe 4 breaths in. Oddly enough though, the first actual breath i start on, is always smooth and fine, and it goes bad from there. I'm curious if others have had this and how they remedied it?

Perhaps I'm not breathing the same, not focusing the same. Sometimes rarely these days i can get into this really deep stage and then go into my meditation. It seems lesser and lesser the more i do it :) Im thinking its perhaps a plateau and i just need to keep with it.

Would love to hear some others thoughts on this!
Hello wand3rer, it sounds like your lung capacity perhaps isn't up to the counts that are part of the audio program yet. My advice would be to relax and take it really slowly and do your pipe breathing without the audio track. Just breathe in until your lungs are full and hold then breathe out till your lungs are empty and hold. Then that way you can count your own breaths and make a cycle like that. So instead of breathing in for 6 breathe in for 4 or 5 and instead of breathing out for 9 breathe out for 7 or 8. Just however long makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.
I know how you feel, there were certain times that I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin holding for 3 seconds but I think my heart rate was up so I was using more oxygen.
Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable before you start and of course do the breathing sitting still and not while you are doing something else otherwise it can get uncomfortable.
I hope this helps.
lainey said:
wand3rer said:
Hey everyone, I had a few questions or have been having some difficulty with EE thought maybe i could express it here.

Mostly my experience seems to be all over the place but only really with the three stage breathing mostly. Im finding that every night, my breathing is different, or changes. Its very odd for me now to go without having to stop and take big gulps of air in, as if I'm suffocating. Only very rarely do i seem to hit that notch of timing, relaxedness and focus and I'm not talking about my mind running endlessly, just literally the focus on breathing, counting time. Also this isn't to the recording, i say the P.O.T.S in my head but I'm still having a lot of trouble with it. I'm trying to remember if this happened when i first started but it seems the last month its been very prominent. Every night to a point where i don't even get maybe 4 breaths in. Oddly enough though, the first actual breath i start on, is always smooth and fine, and it goes bad from there. I'm curious if others have had this and how they remedied it?

Perhaps I'm not breathing the same, not focusing the same. Sometimes rarely these days i can get into this really deep stage and then go into my meditation. It seems lesser and lesser the more i do it :) Im thinking its perhaps a plateau and i just need to keep with it.

Would love to hear some others thoughts on this!
Hello wand3rer, it sounds like your lung capacity perhaps isn't up to the counts that are part of the audio program yet. My advice would be to relax and take it really slowly and do your pipe breathing without the audio track. Just breathe in until your lungs are full and hold then breathe out till your lungs are empty and hold. Then that way you can count your own breaths and make a cycle like that. So instead of breathing in for 6 breathe in for 4 or 5 and instead of breathing out for 9 breathe out for 7 or 8. Just however long makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.
I know how you feel, there were certain times that I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin holding for 3 seconds but I think my heart rate was up so I was using more oxygen.
Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable before you start and of course do the breathing sitting still and not while you are doing something else otherwise it can get uncomfortable.
I hope this helps.

Lung capacity could have a lot to do with it. When teaching children pipe breath, the counts are shortened because they have less lung capacity. We would do a four in, six out pattern, which worked well. You can work up from there.

There's another possibility that might explain why you are getting short of breath. When you are breathing in, check to see if you are tensing the muscles around your nose. Sometimes people will mistake the sound of narrow sinuses for the sound that comes when you hold the throat properly. They are similar. Maybe practice try doing the pipe breath by breathing in through your nose for the count, without trying to make the throat constriction. Then exhale with the 'ha' sound, the one that is like breathing on a window to fog it up. It's easier to catch the right feeling for the 'pipe' part of the breath on the exhale. After you do this for a while, say a couple of sessions, then try to create the same feeling in your throat on an in-breath.

When I first started EE I had the same problem of not feeling like I was getting enough air to sustain the exercise. Breaking it down into parts and doing the bit I knew I understood (the exhale) really helped. When I went for the whole thing, I could feel the difference in my face. I wasn't tensing up trying to get the sound anymore, because I could feel the throat movement more clearly.

Hope this helps.

edit: clarity and extra stuff
herondancer said:
lainey said:
wand3rer said:
Hey everyone, I had a few questions or have been having some difficulty with EE thought maybe i could express it here.

Mostly my experience seems to be all over the place but only really with the three stage breathing mostly. Im finding that every night, my breathing is different, or changes. Its very odd for me now to go without having to stop and take big gulps of air in, as if I'm suffocating. Only very rarely do i seem to hit that notch of timing, relaxedness and focus and I'm not talking about my mind running endlessly, just literally the focus on breathing, counting time. Also this isn't to the recording, i say the P.O.T.S in my head but I'm still having a lot of trouble with it. I'm trying to remember if this happened when i first started but it seems the last month its been very prominent. Every night to a point where i don't even get maybe 4 breaths in. Oddly enough though, the first actual breath i start on, is always smooth and fine, and it goes bad from there. I'm curious if others have had this and how they remedied it?

Perhaps I'm not breathing the same, not focusing the same. Sometimes rarely these days i can get into this really deep stage and then go into my meditation. It seems lesser and lesser the more i do it :) Im thinking its perhaps a plateau and i just need to keep with it.

Would love to hear some others thoughts on this!
Hello wand3rer, it sounds like your lung capacity perhaps isn't up to the counts that are part of the audio program yet. My advice would be to relax and take it really slowly and do your pipe breathing without the audio track. Just breathe in until your lungs are full and hold then breathe out till your lungs are empty and hold. Then that way you can count your own breaths and make a cycle like that. So instead of breathing in for 6 breathe in for 4 or 5 and instead of breathing out for 9 breathe out for 7 or 8. Just however long makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.
I know how you feel, there were certain times that I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin holding for 3 seconds but I think my heart rate was up so I was using more oxygen.
Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable before you start and of course do the breathing sitting still and not while you are doing something else otherwise it can get uncomfortable.
I hope this helps.

Lung capacity could have a lot to do with it. When teaching children pipe breath, the counts are shortened because they have less lung capacity. We would do a four in, six out pattern, which worked well. You can work up from there.

There's another possibility that might explain why you are getting short of breath. When you are breathing in, check to see if you are tensing the muscles around your nose. Sometimes people will mistake the sound of narrow sinuses for the sound that comes when you hold the throat properly. They are similar. Maybe practice try doing the pipe breath by breathing in through your nose for the count, without trying to make the throat constriction. Then exhale with the 'ha' sound, the one that is like breathing on a window to fog it up. It's easier to catch the right feeling for the 'pipe' part of the breath on the exhale. After you do this for a while, say a couple of sessions, then try to create the same feeling in your throat on an in-breath.

When I first started EE I had the same problem of not feeling like I was getting enough air to sustain the exercise. Breaking it down into parts and doing the bit I knew I understood (the exhale) really helped. When I went for the whole thing, I could feel the difference in my face. I wasn't tensing up trying to get the sound anymore, because I could feel the throat movement more clearly.

Hope this helps.

edit: clarity and extra stuff

Hey lainey, i have been coming to that conlusion too. That i have probably never really used my full belly breathing and my lung capacity is small which is why i am having trouble with it. Also just to clarify, i haven't been using the audioes. I have been doing my own count. And thank you heron dancer, i will change my counts and also work on relaxing my face, mucles in my nose!! I think perhaps I'm also doing this with my diapram. As also, it kind feels like i have to stomachs. On the out breath, i get to count 4 or 5, and have to breath out again if that makes sense. Could have a lot to do with not being relaxed and maybe i should also do some stretching before doing pipe breathing to better relax, work those muscles so its not as difficult when i start the meditation?

Thanks for the advice :)

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