Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Thank you SeekinTruth.
Haha, this is second time you are warning me about round breathing, even though your first warning I wanted to experience what is like to be overwhelm by emotional condition. I do silly things like that sometime.

All my life I feel that I am very strong minded person that I can handle anything. But now I have been thinking from your warning and my conclusion is, it seem more wise to follow your advice, and more experience person like you know better.
Therefore I promise you that this time I will keep my promise and do Round Breathing on Monday and Thursday only.
And other afternoon I will do meditation. Thanks again for your kind advice.
Kay Kim said:
Thank you SeekinTruth.
Haha, this is second time you are warning me about round breathing, even though your first warning I wanted to experience what is like to be overwhelm by emotional condition. I do silly things like that sometime.

All my life I feel that I am very strong minded person that I can handle anything. But now I have been thinking from your warning and my conclusion is, it seem more wise to follow your advice, and more experience person like you know better.
Therefore I promise you that this time I will keep my promise and do Round Breathing on Monday and Thursday only.
And other afternoon I will do meditation. Thanks again for your kind advice.

Good to see you're taking the warnings to heart, Kay Kim. Over the years, there've been a couple of members experiencing this emotional overwhelm, and some even took weeks or months-long breaks from the round breathing for the simple reason to give their "systems" the needed time to process all the things that had been coming up. There is a lot to process after all from years-long accumulation of stuffed-up emotions, trauma and the like. So taking one's time and going about it in a healthy and as gently way as possible is very important, and the recommendations and warnings are thus for good reason. Besides, the pipe breathing and Warrior's breath are having the same effect of clearing stuff, only it works in a gentler way. So on the days you're leaving out the round breathing, you can be sure that the other breathing techniques also effect "things" happening and contribute to healing/clearing up.
thank s, i have strart 1 mounths ago the program meditation, and now :shock: :shock: have change actually and feal more inside me during my meditation
samsam said:
thank s, i have strart 1 mounths ago the program meditation, and now :shock: :shock: have change actually and feal more inside me during my meditation

:welcome: to the forum samsam! Actually, seeing as this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
Thank you Aiming, for additional information about not wise to do Round Breathing everyday.

I was growing up as oldest child and take care of my 5 sibling to guide and bring everybody to USA, plus my ex husband 20 years. And nobody gave me any opinion or suggestions, I had to make every move and choice.

Now I have all the help from this forum members, it makes me very happy. I feel secure..
Maybe subconsciously I was longed for some guardians?
Kay Kim said:
Thank you Aiming, for additional information about not wise to do Round Breathing everyday.

I was growing up as oldest child and take care of my 5 sibling to guide and bring everybody to USA, plus my ex husband 20 years. And nobody gave me any opinion or suggestions, I had to make every move and choice.

Now I have all the help from this forum members, it makes me very happy. I feel secure..
Maybe subconsciously I was longed for some guardians?

It's great you feels safe and cared for here. That's what we hope for everyone. Maybe don't think of the people here as guardians, but as good friends who will tell you what you need to hear, because they care about you. That's practically the same when you think about it. And if you've spent so much time being a guardian for your family, then you deserve to have a little rest. I'm glad you are finding it here.
Eärwen said:
Thank you all for your advices, I'll try to practice Beatha allone before doing it with the rest of EE and see how it's going, BTW, the slower part is not the problem, just the faster one, because instead of using diaphragm, I tense and use mostly shoulders for breathing. Probably overthinking is right now the biggest issue, so I'll try to relax as much possible even when I do notice my own mistakes during EE practice.
Thanks once more, I'll keep you posted on the progress.

I wouldn't normally advice doing Beatha on its own. You can of course try it out and see how it works for you, but since the problem seems to be inability to relax your body during the fast rounds, then I would suggest that doing the 3-stage breathing before that will help a lot. And if you do 3-stage breathing every night, and then Beatha no more than twice a week tops after 3-stage, I think your body will get accustomed to breathing diaphragmatically and feeling relaxed as time goes by.

Another thing is that Beatha could bring up repressed uncomfortable/overwhelming emotions. Having done pipe breathing before, and stimulated your vagus nerve, it is then easier to feel whatever emotions might come up from a state of feeling safe and calm. So, my recommendation is 3-stage breathing plus POTS every night, and the entire program twice, or even, once a week. People in times of intense stress take a break from doing the Beatha at all, and continue with 3-stage and POTS daily till they have reached a constant relaxation state, and then add it again in their practice. So that's an option too. Always pay attention to what messages your body sends out, and respect them.
Hello everyone!

I started doing EE again last night, using the recording. (It's been about a year and half since I've done the whole program, I have done pipe breathing with POTS before bed on and off in the mean time though). I think after the rounds of 3-stage breathing my body felt more relaxed that it has in a long time, and light as air. Near the end of the Beatha, when during the slower pace breaths, there was a point where my time perception seemed to completely disappear in the breaks between the inhale and exhale, and I don't think that I had experienced that before. I had some restful sleep, but don't remember any dreams.

I'm currently in an EMT class, and during class time I will have access to a pulse oximeter, which measures percentage of oxygen in the blood. During our lunch break, I will ask my instructor to let me use one to track my oxygen levels while I do some of the breathing exercises as a little experiment. :P

I will try to get in the habit of doing at least 3-stage breathing and POTS every night, as well as the whole program Mondays and Thursdays.
Guille said:
I started doing EE again last night, using the recording. (It's been about a year and half since I've done the whole program, I have done pipe breathing with POTS before bed on and off in the mean time though). I think after the rounds of 3-stage breathing my body felt more relaxed that it has in a long time, and light as air. Near the end of the Beatha, when during the slower pace breaths, there was a point where my time perception seemed to completely disappear in the breaks between the inhale and exhale, and I don't think that I had experienced that before. I had some restful sleep, but don't remember any dreams.

I've been doing the program since it was first introduced and still remarking to myself how much more relaxed I feel or how much better I sleep after doing it. As for time perception changing during Beatha, that - along with a host of other perceptions - have been reported here as well. It is thought that this practice enables us to 'work on' levels of consciousness that we are not normally aware of, and so it makes sense that some of what we're experiencing is a little unusual. Stick with it though, and you may find yourself very happy with the results.
I'm 20 years old and has been breathing wrongly for the majority of that time I believe (looking back on memories) and my knowledge of childhood. Like way behind, probably pre like 6. So right now it's very difficult maintaining belly breathing, and sometimes when I pipe breathe I start to breathe wrong so I just negatively affect myself. It's been about 4/5 days of EE so yes it's early days, but it's early days of me breathing right too, so it's tough and for university it's stressful for every waking moment. I pray you help with the negativity I just caused in this post. The greatest tips on belly breathing, pipe breathing will be amazing. Thank you. Also having read one of the replies I'll do the Baha on Monday and Thursdays only.

CeLegacy said:
I'm 20 years old and has been breathing wrongly for the majority of that time I believe (looking back on memories) and my knowledge of childhood. Like way behind, probably pre like 6. So right now it's very difficult maintaining belly breathing, and sometimes when I pipe breathe I start to breathe wrong so I just negatively affect myself. It's been about 4/5 days of EE so yes it's early days, but it's early days of me breathing right too, so it's tough and for university it's stressful for every waking moment. I pray you help with the negativity I just caused in this post. The greatest tips on belly breathing, pipe breathing will be amazing. Thank you. Also having read one of the replies I'll do the Baha on Monday and Thursdays only.


I would say it is normal to find it difficult to maintain belly breathing when you start, as ave you've said - we are accustomed to breath with our chests from childhood. Sometimes i realize that i have barely got any oxygen and feel strange because i was chest breathing. So i would say to stay at it. Its a good mental exercise to focus on your breathing through the day, maybe it can be applied with your University work also? If you notice a pinch of stress, bring your attention to yourself and control your breathing. Try to get a minute worth of really deep and controlled breathes in, then check if the stress is still as present? With time you will slowly get used to this knew way of breathing.

There is an exercise to see if you are breathing fully with your belly; Lie on your back and place a piece of paper or a book on your tummy, then do belly breathing. The book should rise up and down with your chest maintaining its position.
Huxley said:
I would say it is normal to find it difficult to maintain belly breathing when you start, as ave you've said - we are accustomed to breath with our chests from childhood. Sometimes i realize that i have barely got any oxygen and feel strange because i was chest breathing. So i would say to stay at it. Its a good mental exercise to focus on your breathing through the day, maybe it can be applied with your University work also? If you notice a pinch of stress, bring your attention to yourself and control your breathing. Try to get a minute worth of really deep and controlled breathes in, then check if the stress is still as present? With time you will slowly get used to this knew way of breathing.

There is an exercise to see if you are breathing fully with your belly; Lie on your back and place a piece of paper or a book on your tummy, then do belly breathing. The book should rise up and down with your chest maintaining its position.

Yeah, it may take some time before you get used to belly breathing. Relaxing your shoulders may help as well. Have you already watched the intro video on the diaphragm? You can find it here: http://eiriu-eolas.org/online-version/ Knowing how the diaphragm works when we breath helped me with my belly breathing practices. There is also this from the EE Q&A:

Q: I have difficulty breathing with my stomach and it does not rise properly. Any advice?

A: Check that you are moving your diaphragm correctly. It needs to push downwards when you breathe in while your ribs rise, then relax back up into a dome shape when you breathe out to expel old air. It should come naturally once you have practiced the breathing for a while and you have become used to the movement. View the images of the diaphragm on the introductory DVD and try to get the feeling of the position, action, and feel of your diaphragm. After a little practice, you should be able to feel your diaphragm press down and flatten out as you breathe in.

Another issue might be your posture. Try doing some simple breathing exercises while standing up. Remember to keep your shoulders relaxed.
If you feel overly tense in your ribcage, neck, back or other area while doing the breathing, this means you are doing more than your body can currently handle. If you have not done this sort of breathing before, you should take care and gently ease yourself into it.
CeLegacy said:
I'm 20 years old and has been breathing wrongly for the majority of that time I believe (looking back on memories) and my knowledge of childhood. Like way behind, probably pre like 6. So right now it's very difficult maintaining belly breathing, and sometimes when I pipe breathe I start to breathe wrong so I just negatively affect myself. It's been about 4/5 days of EE so yes it's early days, but it's early days of me breathing right too, so it's tough and for university it's stressful for every waking moment. I pray you help with the negativity I just caused in this post. The greatest tips on belly breathing, pipe breathing will be amazing. Thank you. Also having read one of the replies I'll do the Baha on Monday and Thursdays only.


Hu Celegacy,

I am, was in the same boat. Breathed very shallow for my 24 years. I even had people remark to me about it, and at the time i didn't understand. one so much as said he has never seen someone breath as i do, noting how shallow my breaths where.

With time though and work you can change this. At the moment though, because of my lung capacity, not using my diaphragm for a large portion of my life, I'm breathing in 4 and then out 6. It was advised to me as i was having trouble doing the longer counts. Perhaps if your having trouble also, this could be of use for you.

- Matt
CeLegacy said:
I'm 20 years old and has been breathing wrongly for the majority of that time I believe (looking back on memories) and my knowledge of childhood. Like way behind, probably pre like 6. So right now it's very difficult maintaining belly breathing, and sometimes when I pipe breathe I start to breathe wrong so I just negatively affect myself. It's been about 4/5 days of EE so yes it's early days, but it's early days of me breathing right too, so it's tough and for university it's stressful for every waking moment. I pray you help with the negativity I just caused in this post. The greatest tips on belly breathing, pipe breathing will be amazing. Thank you. Also having read one of the replies I'll do the Baha on Monday and Thursdays only.


You are not alone in breathing wrongly from a very early age. I'd say that most people breathe with the chest because everyone is so stressed these days. Even children. It will take a while to be able to continuously breathe with the diaphragm (belly breathing). You have to relax your stomach area - not hold it in - and your shoulders, as Oxajil suggested. At least this is what has helped me and others.

I've had good results with people who can't belly breathe to have them lie down, relax and think of a place they would like to go to to relax, such as by the ocean, in the woods, by a creek, etc. Once they relax and think of a relaxing place, they pretty much just slip right into belly breathing. So relaxing plays a large part in it.

In every day life, we are so stressed and rigid. And that does not help us to belly breathe. Along with that, we are indoctrinated into thinking that we shouldn't let our bellies show. We must not have a belly. To do this, we pull in our abdomen to look slimmer. You cannot belly breathe this way.

To belly breathe we don't actually breathe with the belly. We breathe with the diaphragm. The diaphragm is what pushes our bellies (intestines) out as it descends. So if the diaphragm can't push the intestines out of the way, it can't descend so instead, we us the chest muscles to breathe. Relaxing our abdomen is key to being able to belly breathe - along with relaxing the rest of our body.

And if you realize you are not breathing with you belly, for heavens sake, don't stress about it, that just makes you more rigid. Just relax, relax, relax. :)

Hope this helps.
Hello CeLegacy,
I joined forum 7 months ago and when I start EE, I learned lots thing from start to read from page1, this way all of the answers can found from members shared experiences doing EE. Some I learned about 2 months later.
Right now I am on page 206 and end of page is now 438. It is long way to go but I believe is worth.

Just few days ago I have learned another puzzling things that when I do round breathing my body gets very cold and shivering some times, and I notice that some of other member also mention this too.

Then there is reply # 2946 on page 197. Aragorn said that...

....I've also started to feel very cold some times....
My whole body shivers with cold.....I know that in Reiki the sensation of sudden coldness some times mean that very high vibrations of energy are at work, or so I am told.

Maybe this is the answer that I was seeking for until or any body have a different theory.
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