Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

To add to the advice already given, wand3rer, it might help "open up your lungs" but also relax you and ground you a bit more if you practice the gentle stretching exercises as shown in the EE dvd set before you do the breathing. They are very simple and don't take much time to perform, but I think they will help you to get the most out of the breathing exercises that will follow.
Juste pour mieux être détendue, je pratique EE allongée sur mon lit et non assise... Si cela peut aider...

Only to be better slackened, I play EE lengthened on my bed and not sat... If it can help...
PERLOU said:
Juste pour mieux être détendue, je pratique EE allongée sur mon lit et non assise... Si cela peut aider...

Only to be better slackened, I play EE lengthened on my bed and not sat... If it can help...

This is true, there are quite a few people who do the whole program lying down, either on the bed, sofa or floor. They can do the belly breathing easier in the prone position and still do the hand positions, and it relaxes things a bit more.
Nienna said:
PERLOU said:
Juste pour mieux être détendue, je pratique EE allongée sur mon lit et non assise... Si cela peut aider...

Only to be better slackened, I play EE lengthened on my bed and not sat... If it can help...

This is true, there are quite a few people who do the whole program lying down, either on the bed, sofa or floor. They can do the belly breathing easier in the prone position and still do the hand positions, and it relaxes things a bit more.

I do the whole program lying down, except Warrior's breath. It's much more relaxing than sitting. And the stretching warmup exercises definitely help, so do them before starting the program and see if it helps you.
Hi to all, I would like to share with you my latest experience with beatha. For years I am doing this part of EE wrong (I am so gratefull to the forum members who gave me correct info), instead of shallow breath in and out I have been breathing with full lungs and of course that made me a bit dizzy from time to time.
I was thinking that I would undone my mistake pretty fast, but it is not so easy, so during beatha I'm trying not do take to much air in the lungs. Involuntarily, while thinking on right way to breath in and out, I'm getting stressed and after a while could feel how muscles on the neck, shoulders and jaw are getting tensed, and than it is even harder to do it right. :-[
Please advice.
Thank you in advance.
PS: I guess that is the reason why doing beatha in the group for me was/is such a great experience, because I followed others who did it on the right way.
Eärwen said:
Hi to all, I would like to share with you my latest experience with beatha. For years I am doing this part of EE wrong (I am so gratefull to the forum members who gave me correct info), instead of shallow breath in and out I have been breathing with full lungs and of course that made me a bit dizzy from time to time.
I was thinking that I would undone my mistake pretty fast, but it is not so easy, so during beatha I'm trying not do take to much air in the lungs. Involuntarily, while thinking on right way to breath in and out, I'm getting stressed and after a while could feel how muscles on the neck, shoulders and jaw are getting tensed, and than it is even harder to do it right. :-[
Please advice.
Thank you in advance.
PS: I guess that is the reason why doing beatha in the group for me was/is such a great experience, because I followed others who did it on the right way.
I think perhaps if you are overthinking it that could cause it to be more difficult and forced. Try to observe yourself taking normal breaths. Feel the rise and fall of your stomach, imagine your diaphragm expanding and contracting. Sit with this for a while till you are comfortable with it then try the same slow normal breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth. This is what beatha feels like for me, just normal breathing switching in and out to the prompts on the audio.
I hope this helps a little.
Eärwen said:
Hi to all, I would like to share with you my latest experience with beatha. For years I am doing this part of EE wrong (I am so gratefull to the forum members who gave me correct info), instead of shallow breath in and out I have been breathing with full lungs and of course that made me a bit dizzy from time to time.
I was thinking that I would undone my mistake pretty fast, but it is not so easy, so during beatha I'm trying not do take to much air in the lungs. Involuntarily, while thinking on right way to breath in and out, I'm getting stressed and after a while could feel how muscles on the neck, shoulders and jaw are getting tensed, and than it is even harder to do it right. :-[
Please advice.
Thank you in advance.
PS: I guess that is the reason why doing beatha in the group for me was/is such a great experience, because I followed others who did it on the right way.

You could also practice it beforehand how to breath - in through the nose - out through the mouth and of course without constriction and in the belly. What you could also do, just doing one round of beatha instead of all of them, because your motor center needs to readjust with the new information. And you shouldn't stress yourself, the slowest part of beatha is actually also relaxing. And actually beatha breathing isn't shallow breathing (because you breathe into your belly) you only breath in as long as "bah" is said and then your reverse it when Laura says "hah".
J'ai les CD en Français quand je respire par le nez "BAH" je pense "VIE" et souffle par la bouche "HAH" et je pense "Toxine" à expulser...
Bonne continuation dans EE...

I have CD in Frenchman when I breathe by the nose 'POOH ' I think of 'LIFE ' and blow by the mouth ' HAH ' and I think of 'Toxin ' to be evicted...
Good continuance in EE...
Gawan said:
Eärwen said:
Hi to all, I would like to share with you my latest experience with beatha. For years I am doing this part of EE wrong (I am so gratefull to the forum members who gave me correct info), instead of shallow breath in and out I have been breathing with full lungs and of course that made me a bit dizzy from time to time.
I was thinking that I would undone my mistake pretty fast, but it is not so easy, so during beatha I'm trying not do take to much air in the lungs. Involuntarily, while thinking on right way to breath in and out, I'm getting stressed and after a while could feel how muscles on the neck, shoulders and jaw are getting tensed, and than it is even harder to do it right. :-[
Please advice.
Thank you in advance.
PS: I guess that is the reason why doing beatha in the group for me was/is such a great experience, because I followed others who did it on the right way.

You could also practice it beforehand how to breath - in through the nose - out through the mouth and of course without constriction and in the belly. What you could also do, just doing one round of beatha instead of all of them, because your motor center needs to readjust with the new information. And you shouldn't stress yourself, the slowest part of beatha is actually also relaxing. And actually beatha breathing isn't shallow breathing (because you breathe into your belly) you only breath in as long as "bah" is said and then your reverse it when Laura says "hah".

Yeah, it's not really shallow breathing. The previous feedback was to point to not breathing too forcefully and not to try to fill the lungs maximally and empty them maximally. As Gawan and lainey said, try practicing it a bit before trying the full (all rounds) Beatha rounds. Just make sure your using your diaphragm and relax as much as you can. Hope that helps.
Thank you all for your advices, I'll try to practice Beatha allone before doing it with the rest of EE and see how it's going, BTW, the slower part is not the problem, just the faster one, because instead of using diaphragm, I tense and use mostly shoulders for breathing. Probably overthinking is right now the biggest issue, so I'll try to relax as much possible even when I do notice my own mistakes during EE practice.
Thanks once more, I'll keep you posted on the progress.
Today I did EE much longer then usual. I prefer to do it in the morning although I can't practice Warrior breath (even is very important for me because I have some trauma from my childhood) because I'm not alone in the room and apartment. So, I'm been thinking that I could do Warrior's breath sometime in the day when everyone is awake.

So, also, usually I avoid Beatha because I found it very strong for me now, but I have done today and felt something really nice. First - light headed through all body and especially legs, foot. I felt itching and very hot feeling on my right foot.

After that just pop up in front my eyes Templar with so warm and tender violet color of cloak. It was so beautiful because I can felt like I'm melting in that beautiful color. Makes me feeling so safe and protect.

I have read that this things is usual to experience through meditation but I'm must share with you because it was so wonderful experience. :clap:
Dakota said:
Today I did EE much longer then usual. I prefer to do it in the morning although I can't practice Warrior breath (even is very important for me because I have some trauma from my childhood) because I'm not alone in the room and apartment. So, I'm been thinking that I could do Warrior's breath sometime in the day when everyone is awake.
I too currently live in an apartment and am aware that neighbours will sometimes be able to hear me. So it's abit frustrating when you know you could do with a good old shout, so to say.

What you could try is doing warriors breath quietly. So instead of a loud roaring exhale, scream it in your head while you breath out sharply. Just to do what you can with what your environment allows.

This can be also used possibly through the day, maybe if something created anger or tension. Just go to a quiet section, a toilet and do it in your head while you drag the air down with your arms. The stance and exercise itself is quite empowering, even without shouting like a warrior :)
I am also living in crowded space (how could it be otherwise in a city), where neighbors are close and roommates are present. The walls have ears. Yes, sometimes I do shout when doing warrior's breathing. But mostly I do it in some kind of loud exhale ("Ha" as a whisper), which allows much release while not disturbing others. And sometimes I go to a place somewhere in nature (there are lots of extended parks and also forest in my city), where I am on my own and do it there. There's even much better air to breathe in, more oxygen due to all the trees :D

Currently I am doing a course for MS Office for one month, and it is really challenging (and also exhausting). Sometimes there are participants who use coarse language and talk in a very ponerized way; and it is never really quiet. This makes me value EE all the more right now. It helps me dealing with this kind of atmosphere. And the new kind of meditation also helps with focusing on the tasks, even if there is chatter in the room.
I start EE on May this year. About 2 months, I had to figured out what is best and comfortable way for me to do. Then I decided, all EE I do it by lie down on the bed.

Spinning- from left to right 33 times.
Meditation-30 minutes.
3 stage and worrior's breathing.

Round breathing.

Prayer of the Soul.
Everyday, but I might miss one or two because I have to go out.

All the EE Breathing generates sensations in the body, head to toes and felt heat from belly and goes up to chest. Sometimes the round breathing makes my body very cold, especially legs and feet.

One time I did whole EE one after another then violet light billowing in my mind's eyes, when I opened my eyes, the violet light still in the space front of me. Other time there was vivid color of green triangle in my mind's eyes.

A black hole or tunnel, I went to the end of this tunnel and there was my dinning table but some colorful things on the table was not mine. I was wondering where those things come from.

One time when I open my eyes, I noticed that the right side of my bedroom wall color was light brown and looks like dried clay bricks, there are some kind of pictures or writing is on it, then I looks to see ceiling but my ceiling light was not there, all the wall was same clay bricks.

I like to singing the Prayer of the Soul. One time I was carried way by joyous mood and keep on singing. Then I realized that I was crying , I didn't know why or what's the reason, so I tried to think about it then I remember some forgotten sad memories.
Kay Kim, I just wanted to bring to your attention to be careful with doing round breathing every day. You could have overwhelming emotional releases. It's not recommended to do it more than twice a week (and even that is too much for some people). So if you do start being overwhelmed by emotional releases, or something similar happens, cut down how often you do round breathing and it should settle and give you time to process without getting overwhelmed.
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