Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

lainey said:
Lilyalic said:
lainey said:
I did the full EE programme yesterday, I fell asleep during prayer of the soul and had the most awful nightmare. I was in my childhood garden and saw a comet streak across the sky. It's like I was a child again and proclaimed "woooow, this is so cool!" I started to go indoors to tell my parents and saw lights in the sky, I was terrified and started to run. All of a sudden I was paralyzed and felt myself being ripped away from reality. It's like the dream skipped and whatever happened was so horrific I blocked it out.
I then woke up in the dream, still terrified. I thought I was awake and tried to tell someone what had happened. A group of doctors came to take me away and were brutally rough with me like I was a dangerous crazy person. I woke up again in the dream and tried calling for help, saying to myself over and over "how do I know if I'm awake? How do I know if I'm awake?"
Finally I woke up for real, my heart beating so fast and still feeling utterly crippled with fear. I thought what a horrible experience to have 2 nights in a row, even though I have no recollection of having had the same dream the night before. I felt like I had been drugged and had slight psychadellic shapes moving in the darkness of my sight, like if you had taken too much melatonin and felt groggy the next day.
I'm accustomed to nightmares and can usually shake them off easily knowing they were just a dream but this one felt so WRONG like it had been a real experience. I stayed up for an hour reading just to settle myself till I felt ok to go back to sleep. I remember thinking that if I ever had a dream so scary again I would rather never dream again. It seems so silly now in the light of day but it was truly awful. I felt so alone and scared when I woke up.
I remember reading that nightmares are a way of releasing negative emotions so I'm guessing it was just that on an epic scale.

This sounds like a nasty experience! but as you said, it does sound like a processing of negative emotions. It's even worse when you go through "dreams" as in you're questioning whether you're awake or not.

I tend to find that I have nightmares when I fall asleep during EE. I had one the other night where I was in the back of a car with an old work friend and a guy was driving, I was really scared for some reason thinking there was someone trying to get us on the roads. We ended up driving really fast in a somewhat dark and gloomy atmosphere. Then, I blacked out (in the dream) and woke up in pitch black (I didn't even know you could have a "pitch black" part of a dream) and I was trapped inside a box, shouting for the friend that was in the car with me. I tried to move around in this box but it was so tightly packed. I then felt around and found a body next to me, what felt like flesh anyway. I woke myself up because I was so afraid, and was nearly crying when I awoke.

Nightmares are really powerful, especially with the whole aspect of fear and anxiety..
Yes, they really have the ability to drag the deepest emotions out of your subconscious. I've woken up crying a few times in dreams. On the other hand I have had dreams where I have felt so elated and safe and happy, so it's not all bad. I remember one dream where I was in a pub in this big sky castle where all lucid dreamers went to meet up. I was literally like a child, running around and talking to everyone saying "Isn't this cool!! We are all dreaming!!" and everyone felt like family. A couple of us went swimming together and we knew we could breathe underwater. It was awesome.
I think that negative emotions are something we need to have in order to balance something inside so although the experience was awful, I welcome it in a way.

This may or may not be related, but I have a tendency to wake up turned over with my head were my feet were when I fall asleep during POTS. It's a little strange, I do not remember any dream from Thursday night's occurrence however.

Is it worth observing it closer to see if there is anything to it?
SMM said:
lainey said:
Lilyalic said:
lainey said:
I did the full EE programme yesterday, I fell asleep during prayer of the soul and had the most awful nightmare. I was in my childhood garden and saw a comet streak across the sky. It's like I was a child again and proclaimed "woooow, this is so cool!" I started to go indoors to tell my parents and saw lights in the sky, I was terrified and started to run. All of a sudden I was paralyzed and felt myself being ripped away from reality. It's like the dream skipped and whatever happened was so horrific I blocked it out.
I then woke up in the dream, still terrified. I thought I was awake and tried to tell someone what had happened. A group of doctors came to take me away and were brutally rough with me like I was a dangerous crazy person. I woke up again in the dream and tried calling for help, saying to myself over and over "how do I know if I'm awake? How do I know if I'm awake?"
Finally I woke up for real, my heart beating so fast and still feeling utterly crippled with fear. I thought what a horrible experience to have 2 nights in a row, even though I have no recollection of having had the same dream the night before. I felt like I had been drugged and had slight psychadellic shapes moving in the darkness of my sight, like if you had taken too much melatonin and felt groggy the next day.
I'm accustomed to nightmares and can usually shake them off easily knowing they were just a dream but this one felt so WRONG like it had been a real experience. I stayed up for an hour reading just to settle myself till I felt ok to go back to sleep. I remember thinking that if I ever had a dream so scary again I would rather never dream again. It seems so silly now in the light of day but it was truly awful. I felt so alone and scared when I woke up.
I remember reading that nightmares are a way of releasing negative emotions so I'm guessing it was just that on an epic scale.

This sounds like a nasty experience! but as you said, it does sound like a processing of negative emotions. It's even worse when you go through "dreams" as in you're questioning whether you're awake or not.

I tend to find that I have nightmares when I fall asleep during EE. I had one the other night where I was in the back of a car with an old work friend and a guy was driving, I was really scared for some reason thinking there was someone trying to get us on the roads. We ended up driving really fast in a somewhat dark and gloomy atmosphere. Then, I blacked out (in the dream) and woke up in pitch black (I didn't even know you could have a "pitch black" part of a dream) and I was trapped inside a box, shouting for the friend that was in the car with me. I tried to move around in this box but it was so tightly packed. I then felt around and found a body next to me, what felt like flesh anyway. I woke myself up because I was so afraid, and was nearly crying when I awoke.

Nightmares are really powerful, especially with the whole aspect of fear and anxiety..
Yes, they really have the ability to drag the deepest emotions out of your subconscious. I've woken up crying a few times in dreams. On the other hand I have had dreams where I have felt so elated and safe and happy, so it's not all bad. I remember one dream where I was in a pub in this big sky castle where all lucid dreamers went to meet up. I was literally like a child, running around and talking to everyone saying "Isn't this cool!! We are all dreaming!!" and everyone felt like family. A couple of us went swimming together and we knew we could breathe underwater. It was awesome.
I think that negative emotions are something we need to have in order to balance something inside so although the experience was awful, I welcome it in a way.

This may or may not be related, but I have a tendency to wake up turned over with my head were my feet were when I fall asleep during POTS. It's a little strange, I do not remember any dream from Thursday night's occurrence however.

Is it worth observing it closer to see if there is anything to it?
How do you feel when you wake up like that and do you remember anything else? That's very strange. What would you do to observe it closer? Perhaps keep a note pad beside you to quickly write down anything you recall upon waking and keep a journal.
That's very strange indeed, SMM. Just a thought: I had to think about Laura's wet nightgown experience, while reading about you waking up reversed. In your case I don't think, it is due to an "abduction" but maybe it comes from zoning out while doing POTS? Like, you are "going somewhere" while doing it?

I think, maybe something will come from it, if you observe these instances further and keep notes about things you might remember from the sleeps during POTS, as lainey suggested. Maybe clues will emerge then.
SMM said:
This may or may not be related, but I have a tendency to wake up turned over with my head were my feet were when I fall asleep during POTS. It's a little strange, I do not remember any dream from Thursday night's occurrence however.

Is it worth observing it closer to see if there is anything to it?

That is a bit strange. Here's a link to the Wave Chapter (29) where Laura discusses her experience with waking reversed in bed. From what you have described, it doesn't seem too similar to her experience.

I echo Lainey and Learner's questions and would add are you disoriented or groggy at all when you wake? Is there any chance you may sleepwalk and returned to bed that way? How often does it happen?
En effet très étrange SMM que votre expérience...
Tenir un journal serait un plus pour suivre ce qui vous arrive...
J'ai hâte de lire la suite des évènements...

Indeed very strange SMM your experience ...
Keeping a journal is a plus to track what happens to you ...
I look forward to read more events ...
lainey said:
SMM said:
This may or may not be related, but I have a tendency to wake up turned over with my head were my feet were when I fall asleep during POTS. It's a little strange, I do not remember any dream from Thursday night's occurrence however.

Is it worth observing it closer to see if there is anything to it?
How do you feel when you wake up like that and do you remember anything else? That's very strange. What would you do to observe it closer? Perhaps keep a note pad beside you to quickly write down anything you recall upon waking and keep a journal.

Has anyone ever noted that you were an 'active sleeper'? Normally the body is inhibited from too much movement while dreaming. Maybe your system is a little weaker that way, and when you dream you move around much more than normal. Here is some information, though it doesn't sound as severe as this:


Keeping a journal to note down what you can remember from the episodes is an excellent suggestion. You may find some useful patterns to work with.
Looking to get started on this. I'm a nurse, and, as such, I know the healing benefits of deep breathing as well as guided imagery and/or meditation. We all need to just breathe a little more.

New to the site and this is the first thing I can't wait to really get into.

Hi pookababykas, welcome to the forum. :welcome:

As this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you could post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us a bit more about how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.

You don't have to get real personal. If you are not sure what to write, you can read through some of the others members' posts to get an idea.

If you did not already see it, here some further information:

Online version of Éiriú-Eolas:

Eíriú-Eolas - Guide/FAQ:

The Prayer of the Soul:

If you have got some questions about EE, just ask in this thread. :)
It was quite a while since I wrote about my experiences with EE program, here are some things that I would like to share with fellow forum members:

When doing Beatha part in group, having feeling that whole part last less than couple of minutes, most of the times I snooze a bit on the end (or so it feels) but continuing to follow proper breathing. On the end feeling like reborn, light like a feather. :D
When doing Beatha part allone, when nervous or tired having difficulty following faster part of the Beatha breathing, feeling a bit lightheaded and having difficulty following the rhythm.
Warrior breath doing miracles when stressed, even if I can't let my shouts freely because during the summer it's hard to find some quiet place without people.
When under the stress, can't properly breathe with diaphragm in first couple of minutes of Pipe breathing part of EE, usually every third or fourth breath doing properly, but every time when success in diaphragmatic breathing feeling happy and experiencing warm ripples in chest, probably because of nervus vagus activation.
When doing prayer of the soul part often getting extremely sleepy and relaxed on the end. Even when Laura's part with the prayer is done, my mind continue to recite prayer and usually switching on Croatian language (don't know why), before my mind shut down and start to sleep, last words on my mind is some word form the prayer.
During extremely stressful days having problem with insomnia, but when doing whole EE no need for melatonin intake, sleeping like a baby. ;D
After Laura explained Parallel a way to relax with meditation (during last C's session) I commenced to use word "rellax" when pipe breathing, instead of prayer of the soul, it really helps, because it is much easier to think on one word, especially if I need to relax in real life, at first other things are coming and going trough my mind, daily things, problems, obstacles but after couple of minutes it's much easier to focus on relax word and than switching to the zone out mode. So thinking of word "relax" when brathing in and breathing out put me in the state of really deep pipe breathing, with longer and longer breathing in and out. On the end having relaxed jaws muscles and shoulders muscles, but I am not aware of the relaxing transitions itself, and slowing down of pipe breathing, I just notice result on the end of breathing. I would try pipe breathing and with other words that might help me, like "learning" and "discipline" but will try in combination, at first with word relax, and than when I am relaxed will commence with meditation on other words according to the specific situation.
Interesting while writing this post and thinking on relaxing with pipe breathing and prayer of the soul start to yawn and feeling sleepy and relaxed. This is not the first time something like that happened but can't explain myself why this thing is happening. Perhaps EE is working on much deeper level that I'm aware of and my mind and body are getting in that kind of relaxed state even before I commence with EE itself. Still yawning. :zzz:
Merci Eärwen pour ton partage intéressant...
Ces bâillements viennent aussi après chaque changement de respiration, j'ai l'impression que ceux-ci libèrent quelque chose, que je lâche prise mais inconsciemment, c'est fort agréable...
Je continue la Prière de l'Âme pendant la méditation jusqu'à la fin de la mélodie mais je vais essayer, avec un seul mot dès la prochaine fois... C'est une bonne idée.. Encore Merci

Earwen thank you for sharing your interesting ...
These also come yawning after change in breathing, I feel that they release something, I let go but subconsciously, it's very pleasant ...
I continue the Prayer of the Soul during meditation until the end of the melody but I will try, with one word from the next time ... It's a good idea .. Thanks again
Eärwen said:
It was quite a while since I wrote about my experiences with EE program, here are some things that I would like to share with fellow forum members:

When doing Beatha part in group, having feeling that whole part last less than couple of minutes, most of the times I snooze a bit on the end (or so it feels) but continuing to follow proper breathing. On the end feeling like reborn, light like a feather. :D
When doing Beatha part allone, when nervous or tired having difficulty following faster part of the Beatha breathing, feeling a bit lightheaded and having difficulty following the rhythm.
Warrior breath doing miracles when stressed, even if I can't let my shouts freely because during the summer it's hard to find some quiet place without people.
When under the stress, can't properly breathe with diaphragm in first couple of minutes of Pipe breathing part of EE, usually every third or fourth breath doing properly, but every time when success in diaphragmatic breathing feeling happy and experiencing warm ripples in chest, probably because of nervus vagus activation.
When doing prayer of the soul part often getting extremely sleepy and relaxed on the end. Even when Laura's part with the prayer is done, my mind continue to recite prayer and usually switching on Croatian language (don't know why), before my mind shut down and start to sleep, last words on my mind is some word form the prayer.
During extremely stressful days having problem with insomnia, but when doing whole EE no need for melatonin intake, sleeping like a baby. ;D

Its great to hear your experiencing the benefits of the program Eärwen! :D
With regards to your feeling lightheaded with the Beatha section, how often do you do the exercise? Due to the amount of oxygen flooding the body, i think its normal to feel quite overwhelmed. So with persistence and training, it becomes easier for your body to handle this without getting that slight dizzy feeling.

And its good that you have found something to help you sleep instead of melatonin, as it is a more natural way to de-stress and relax. If you dont have time to do the full program before bed, possibly try doing some pipe breathing on your own and maybe put on the prayer of the soul section only to fall asleep too get yourself relaxed
Huxley said:
Its great to hear your experiencing the benefits of the program Eärwen! :D
With regards to your feeling lightheaded with the Beatha section, how often do you do the exercise? Due to the amount of oxygen flooding the body, i think its normal to feel quite overwhelmed. So with persistence and training, it becomes easier for your body to handle this without getting that slight dizzy feeling.

And its good that you have found something to help you sleep instead of melatonin, as it is a more natural way to de-stress and relax. If you dont have time to do the full program before bed, possibly try doing some pipe breathing on your own and maybe put on the prayer of the soul section only to fall asleep too get yourself relaxed

Thank you Huxley, most of the time doing whole program once a week during the summer, because having full building of guests and can't find a spot without people to freely shout warrior breath, during the winter three times a week (except when having strong migraines because I don't react nicely on faster part of Beatha while in pain). Pipe breathing or/and prayer of the soul doing whenever I can and whenever I have couple of minutes free; before going to sleep, especially when under the stress, even when waiting in the shop or when waiting for water to boil on the stove or when waiting computer to reboot and so on.

You are probably right, because during the winter the feeling of dizziness while doing faster part of Beatha fade away after couple of weeks of regular schedule, but still feeling diferently when doing EE allone and in group. ;)
PERLOU said:
Merci Eärwen pour ton partage intéressant...
Ces bâillements viennent aussi après chaque changement de respiration, j'ai l'impression que ceux-ci libèrent quelque chose, que je lâche prise mais inconsciemment, c'est fort agréable...
Je continue la Prière de l'Âme pendant la méditation jusqu'à la fin de la mélodie mais je vais essayer, avec un seul mot dès la prochaine fois... C'est une bonne idée.. Encore Merci

Earwen thank you for sharing your interesting ...
These also come yawning after change in breathing, I feel that they release something, I let go but subconsciously, it's very pleasant ...
I continue the Prayer of the Soul during meditation until the end of the melody but I will try, with one word from the next time ... It's a good idea .. Thanks again

You are welcome, it is so much fun to learn about effects of EE, and rest of the topics, like this, together. :D
Eärwen said:
When doing Beatha part allone, when nervous or tired having difficulty following faster part of the Beatha breathing, feeling a bit lightheaded and having difficulty following the rhythm.

This may be a case of you hyperventilating a bit too much. A bit of hyperventilation is ok, maybe even beneficial, but it should never become unpleasant. If this happens, just try to slow down your breathing, or in the faster parts to breath more shallowly, not to waste carbon dioxide too much, which can create symptoms like you describe (the faster or deeper your breath, the more carbon dioxide your body looses, hence the symptoms).
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