Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Learner said:
Lilyalic said:
Learner said:
Just thought to share the following image which came to my mind when doing POTS yesterday before falling to sleep. In the past few nights I tried to do the POTS more consciously in concentrating more on it, rather than just mechanically pull it off as I often do (like a chore which needs to be done).

Then, it was the thought "You can deactivate implants", which came first (probably from reading the Wave books). After that I saw a control panel within my mind's eye. But when I tried to study it closer, I became distracted and so I lost that image. However, it gave me hope / reassurance that it is possible to deactivate programs (or maybe re-arrange a certain water pattern or frequency?) with help of the EE (in combination with other tools) eventually. Even the pesky ones, that are very much ingrained. But that needs perseverance and will probably come about in ways not expected. As it just is the case with the Work, as I see it. Non-linearity comes to mind here...

In phases when I practice EE more regularly, some programs like the ones of social anxiety seem to become weaker, while becoming more engaging in social interactions and more confident. The glass door feeling I described in another thread appears to decrease.

It again reassured me that continuing EE makes sense actually (I have a problem with discipline, and sometimes also faith).

Thanks for sharing your experience Learner, after reading it yesterday, I did EE tonight and put a lot of intent into it (so I didn't fall asleep for the 1000'd time lol) ... I got to a point where I couldn't feel my body whatsoever, and everything was so still. I starting having negative thoughts, but quickly came in with "it's OK, that's the past, it's part of learning" and lots of positive feelings/ thoughts with it. I actually started smiling and crying and felt extremely happy, like some sort of love for everyone IDK how to explain it.

These experiences continuously show me that EE is very beneficial. Sometimes, after doing it for many years it's hard to see immediate benefits.

I am glad, that my experience was helpful to you, Lilyalic, and brought about this effect for you! It's a wonderful experience to read! Yes, doing the EE intently helps to concentrate the mind which keeps the body awake and to allow to come up whatever is going to come up - without non-judgement, just accepting it as it is unconditionally, which I think is love. Thank you again for sharing your experience!

On a side note, in reading you writing about the stillness of mind, I am reminded of this guy SOTT also had an article about some time ago. He became famous for enduring extreme cold and also swam in arctic waters. He prepared his body via meditations (I think it was the Tibetan Heat Yoga - Tummo), and when he got over the first shock of the ice cold water when he did this the first time, he noticed how his mind became so very still. Unfortunately I can't remember his name, therefore can't find the article on SOTT ...
I think you might be thinking of Wim Hof, aka The Iceman
Guille said:
I think you might be thinking of Wim Hof, aka The Iceman

Hi Guille, thank you for your help! Actually I didn't see you've posted when I edited my post after finding it out. So your post actually confirms whom I thought about :)
Usually, during or end of EE, I see a violet or blue color light, and few times I saw green square or triangle light that size of dollar coin.
But last night, first time, I saw pink light!
I don't know what's the meaning of those lights. But something is changing, maybe because iodine.
A little help or advice please.

My friend, 17 days ago went for a routine operation to replace sideburns on heart.
The operation was complicated, she was on a respirator, doctors had to put her cannula.
According to the latest information from her family, she is slowly recovering. She regularly worked EE.
Does anyone now knows or is aware that if she continues to be able to do EE with cannula?
This question I ask in advance because I know that this is something that she ask for a couple of days when she come home, I want to give her a proper and correct answer.

Thanks in advance.
casper said:
A little help or advice please.

My friend, 17 days ago went for a routine operation to replace sideburns on heart.
The operation was complicated, she was on a respirator, doctors had to put her cannula.

Hello Casper,

What do you mean by sideburns in the heart? Another description you could add?

Does it mean she has a tracheostomy now? Is she is still on the respirator?

If she has only a tracheostomy, she could continue with EE, breathing slowly and gently through the tube.

I think it will benefit her, yes. Specially in conjunction with the meditation.
Gaby said:
casper said:
A little help or advice please.

My friend, 17 days ago went for a routine operation to replace sideburns on heart.
The operation was complicated, she was on a respirator, doctors had to put her cannula.

Hello Casper,

What do you mean by sideburns in the heart? Another description you could add?

Does it mean she has a tracheostomy now? Is she is still on the respirator?

If she has only a tracheostomy, she could continue with EE, breathing slowly and gently through the tube.

I think it will benefit her, yes. Specially in conjunction with the meditation.

I agree with Gaby, and EE,is going to help her to get good oxygen in to her body.
Gaby said:
casper said:
A little help or advice please.

My friend, 17 days ago went for a routine operation to replace sideburns on heart.
The operation was complicated, she was on a respirator, doctors had to put her cannula.

Hello Casper,

What do you mean by sideburns in the heart? Another description you could add?

Does it mean she has a tracheostomy now? Is she is still on the respirator?

If she has only a tracheostomy, she could continue with EE, breathing slowly and gently through the tube.

I think it will benefit her, yes. Specially in conjunction with the meditation.
They replaced her a heart valve.
They made her a tracheotomy, she is still on a respirator (ventilation respirator goes through the cannula), but last 2 days shows improvement. She could not wake up after the surgery and was unable to breathe independently.
She is elderly lady, 76 years old.
casper said:
They replaced her a heart valve.
They made her a tracheotomy, she is still on a respirator (ventilation respirator goes through the cannula), but last 2 days shows improvement. She could not wake up after the surgery and was unable to breathe independently.
She is elderly lady, 76 years old.

I understand now. If she is still connected to the respirator, then she might not be able to choose her respiratory rhythm. In that case, she can follow the programmed breathing length of the machine, but adding her meditation seed to the respiratory rhythm. It will create less stress and anxiety. As soon as she gets better, she should be disconnected from the machine.

Hope she will improve in the next few days.
I think EE caused some major emotional processing last night. I did it in the day, but didn't feel any immediate effects. I've also recently purchased black out material so my room is totally black. I was writing down how I don't trust anybody and wondering why I was still so insecure. As I was going to sleep, I started having flash backs and memories of being punched, kicked, spat at etc by my Mum when I was a kid. I was uncontrollably crying and just going through this strange phase of the past. I could feel the fear of pretending to be asleep when I was young because my Mum would come in and whisper nasty things to me in the middle of the night when she thought I was asleep. I vividly remember lying in bed, picturing myself going down and getting a knife out the draw and thinking "I can kill myself, or her"

I literally felt like I was back in the past, there, experiencing it all again but actually allowing my emotions out. I could sense the dread of barricading my door so she couldn't get in when she was in a rage, the determination and confusion. I remembered being stood outside my window when I was around 7-9 wondering whether all of this was real, because just before that she'd woke me up whilst I was sleep walking screaming at me. I think EE over the past few weeks has caused this, that along with strange vivid dreams and my blackout room (I'm guessing it helps the melatonin increase).

EE has never failed to show it's benefits, even if it's months afterwards. I think last night really helped me dig some stuff back up and go through it. I was able to be kind to myself, validate it now and reassure myself that I can only change now, that these things won't happen to me anymore.
Lilyalic said:
EE has never failed to show it's benefits, even if it's months afterwards. I think last night really helped me dig some stuff back up and go through it. I was able to be kind to myself, validate it now and reassure myself that I can only change now, that these things won't happen to me anymore.

That is good to hear Lilyalic, thank you for sharing. :)

Sorry to hear what you had to go through. Processing hurtful experiences from the past can be quite difficult! Doing EE also helped me greatly with that. You probably already know, but if you ever feel like you're overwhelmed by these dreams, emotions, memories, know that you can always take things slower and go easy! At times I did pipe breathing and meditation before sleep, it helped me process things at a more slower pace.
Oxajil said:
Lilyalic said:
EE has never failed to show it's benefits, even if it's months afterwards. I think last night really helped me dig some stuff back up and go through it. I was able to be kind to myself, validate it now and reassure myself that I can only change now, that these things won't happen to me anymore.

That is good to hear Lilyalic, thank you for sharing. :)

Sorry to hear what you had to go through. Processing hurtful experiences from the past can be quite difficult! Doing EE also helped me greatly with that. You probably already know, but if you ever feel like you're overwhelmed by these dreams, emotions, memories, know that you can always take things slower and go easy! At times I did pipe breathing and meditation before sleep, it helped me process things at a more slower pace.

Absolutely!. At the very least, you might want to let go of the baha portion of the program completely for now, and see how you feel. We used to call it the "backhoe" of emotional processing. It digs really deep, really fast. ;) It's understandable to want to resolve issues as quickly as possible, but we all still have to be able to function in daily life. Just keep up with the meditation, pipe breathing etc. You'll get there in the end. :hug2:
herondancer said:
Oxajil said:
Lilyalic said:
EE has never failed to show it's benefits, even if it's months afterwards. I think last night really helped me dig some stuff back up and go through it. I was able to be kind to myself, validate it now and reassure myself that I can only change now, that these things won't happen to me anymore.

That is good to hear Lilyalic, thank you for sharing. :)

Sorry to hear what you had to go through. Processing hurtful experiences from the past can be quite difficult! Doing EE also helped me greatly with that. You probably already know, but if you ever feel like you're overwhelmed by these dreams, emotions, memories, know that you can always take things slower and go easy! At times I did pipe breathing and meditation before sleep, it helped me process things at a more slower pace.

Absolutely!. At the very least, you might want to let go of the baha portion of the program completely for now, and see how you feel. We used to call it the "backhoe" of emotional processing. It digs really deep, really fast. ;) It's understandable to want to resolve issues as quickly as possible, but we all still have to be able to function in daily life. Just keep up with the meditation, pipe breathing etc. You'll get there in the end. :hug2:

These experiences you had with your mother sound really horrid. I think it is good that EE brought up these buried emotions, so you can look at them and have the chance to process them instead of further having them sapping energy of you from underneath. I want to substantiate Oxajil's and herondancer's advice to take it slow with the Beatha especially. I think that by slower processing there is a chance for less tough emotions coming up first, which prepare for dealing with the tougher stuff. That's been part of my experience at least. All the best for your practice and processing :hug2:
Lilyalic said:
EE has never failed to show it's benefits, even if it's months afterwards. I think last night really helped me dig some stuff back up and go through it. I was able to be kind to myself, validate it now and reassure myself that I can only change now, that these things won't happen to me anymore.

Reliving those horrible experiences and processing the emotions from it can be pretty overwhelming and scary. I am glad you went with it and allowed them to come up.

I agree with Oxajil and Herondancer about slowing things down a bit. Try skipping the Ba-ha portion for a couple of weeks or longer if needed and doing POTs and pipe breathing before bed. Also, incorporating some exercise into your life will help too. Even if it's just stretching or taking a short walk. :hug2:
Thank you for your support and suggestions. :)
I would have just carried on doing it once/twice weekly so I'm glad it's advised to take time off from baha.. For all I know, I could be still processing some things and just accelerate it if I did it again too soon.

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