Jedi Council Member
I was doing the mediation today, And I zoned out for possibly just 30 seconds total. I was a pilot in a plane, that was being hijacked by 5 men. And the last two verses before I snapped out of it, of the POTS became an internal dialogue that I was having, either I could resist and I'll get roughed up, or I can proceed the plane the fueling station ( it was on the ground). Kind of interesting. It happens to me before that the words of Laura start to transform into other words and meanings, when I dissociate. One minute I was thinking about an email I to write to someone, the next minute, listening intently "open your eyes, so that you may see...", and then in that dissociative state, as a pilot, then back in bed and my body felt a bit hot. happens only with Laura's words. C's are right, must be special sound frequencies.