Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Carcosa said:
Hi IronFloyd,
IronFloyd said:
zombie said:
I have come to this thread very late, after not reading the forum for a while. I have been reading all the posts and am almost finished. I did the first breathing exercise the other night and had music on my playlist after it. At the end of the narrative I heard a click and the music started at a loud volume. I must say that I never heard music sound like that before! It sounded alive. I have listened to the meditation mp3 and have not tried it yet, however, while I listened to the prayer I felt maternally loved, like I haven't for a very long time and I started to cry. I plan to practice the meditation and breathing tonight for the first time (it took me 2 days to download). I have read the transcript of the video and plan to do my own warm up exercises. There is only one small problem- I have a terrible fear about it. Has anyone else felt this?

mmmm... I think its probably "possesion"...

Could you explain what you mean by that?

Sorry for the English but I will try to explain this according to my experience.

I think Zombie situation could be held by the core symptoms of extreme fear. My nephew had a problem of possession and a very dear friend, and the basic symptoms all point to any work that creates light which terrifies the entity. In this case, "Eiru-Eolas" in which the body feels threatened and is afraid that zombie does not belong to him. Therefore it is good to follow in this work.

Sorry about my english again and I hope to learn more.
IronFloyd said:
Carcosa said:
Hi IronFloyd,
IronFloyd said:
zombie said:
I have come to this thread very late, after not reading the forum for a while. I have been reading all the posts and am almost finished. I did the first breathing exercise the other night and had music on my playlist after it. At the end of the narrative I heard a click and the music started at a loud volume. I must say that I never heard music sound like that before! It sounded alive. I have listened to the meditation mp3 and have not tried it yet, however, while I listened to the prayer I felt maternally loved, like I haven't for a very long time and I started to cry. I plan to practice the meditation and breathing tonight for the first time (it took me 2 days to download). I have read the transcript of the video and plan to do my own warm up exercises. There is only one small problem- I have a terrible fear about it. Has anyone else felt this?

mmmm... I think its probably "possesion"...

Could you explain what you mean by that?

Sorry for the English but I will try to explain this according to my experience.

I think Zombie situation could be held by the core symptoms of extreme fear. My nephew had a problem of possession and a very dear friend, and the basic symptoms all point to any work that creates light which terrifies the entity. In this case, "Eiru-Eolas" in which the body feels threatened and is afraid that zombie does not belong to him. Therefore it is good to follow in this work.

Sorry about my english again and I hope to learn more.

I don't know if it is still a too fast drawn conclusion of possession, it is a possibility, but I would consider it at least. So far I would suggest following the health-threads, that is imo the first step, because of imbalanced brain chemistry. I read it somewhere, but unfortunate can't remember where and couldn't find it, that people also thought of being possessed and then they changed their diet (giving supplements) and the symptoms have been gone.

And as Nomad quoted Castaneda, the predator can be really tricky and cunning and is looking for ways in not doing things.

I also thought one year ago of being possessed, so I looked a little bit into it (Malachi Martin's: "Hostage to the devil")... And a friend reminded me: you are looking for an (extreme) outside solution that is not you, which you can blame to not confront yourself...
And in my case she has been right.

shijing said:
Just a couple of things that I have noticed since I started trying to do the breathing program regularly (every evening) --

First, I have also been experiencing short periods of zoning out during the meditation part at the end. I would like to think that these are genuine periods of interaction with my Higher Self, but I did notice that during one of these times last night, my body did that thing where it jerked (the way that your body does as you start to fall asleep), so I think at least some of the zoning may just be me starting to fall asleep. I usually do the meditation at night before bedtime, so its not impossible that I am just ready to go to sleep at that point.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has observed anything interesting about their pets' behavior during the program? The reason I ask is because I have a guinea pig, and for the past several times that I have done the program, when I get up after the end of the meditation I notice my guinea pig is sitting outside of his igloo very relaxed and looking in my general direction, which is not typical behavior. It could just be coincidence, but I can't help but wonder if 2D might derive some benefit from being around when we do the breathing program (or at least the meditation).

I do all program Mondays and Thursdays other day all without ba haa..
If I feel emotional block / problem etc. I us all program at evening before going to bed .

I returned to running ( HIT ) with my program .
Now after 1,5 month with no treaning it is strange but Meditation and breathing technique helped me to Force myself to run more.

Mountain Crown said:
Perceval said:
Mountain Crown said:

Daily training of the Chi Kung "Embracing Tree" or "Horse Stance" will result in breathing from the diaphragm at all times.

Horse stance is a pretty intensive exercise, involving adopting a sitting position with the legs shouler-width or a little more apart and holding for whatever length of time is chosen. I'm not sure I agree with your statement that is "will result in diaphragm breathing at all times". Don't you think thats a little too categoric a statement to make?

"Embracing Tree," is the "Horce Stance" with the arms raised to form a circle in front of the chest (as if hugging a tree or a ball). These positions are held while attention is rooted at the tan tien (located two inches below the naval) while gently breathing from the diaphragm.

The sitting involves bending the knees and gently rotating the pelvis to the front, eliminating the curve of the lower back. This position, when done properly, allows for only diaphragmatic breathing, one of the primary aims of Chi Kung. It also facilitates the unobstructed flow of chi while shifting the center of gravity to the tan tien.

Emphasis is on correct alignment and instruction from a reliable teacher, as improper practice may lead to possible injury. The intensity is in direct proportion to how low one stands, with the legs farther apart the lower the stance.

It is indeed difficult at first effort. The beginner will feel lucky to be able to hold the position for three minutes. Endurance, flexibility and chi increases dramatically however, especially when adding three to five minutes every week or two.

I can attest to this from my own practice. Of course it must be said that foolish, mechanical living can reverse any benefit and most likely result in abandoning the practice.

I think that I would prefer for the practitioner to concentrate on just learning basic belly breathing, and doing the meditation since that is, after all, the part of the program that all else is geared to support. I would also prefer that people make it as easy on themselves as possible since, in my experience, this actually assists the meditative process. There is no need to complicate things and it doesn't need to be fixed because it isn't broken!
abcdefghiJoerg said:
IronFloyd said:
Sorry for the English but I will try to explain this according to my experience.

I think Zombie situation could be held by the core symptoms of extreme fear. My nephew had a problem of possession and a very dear friend, and the basic symptoms all point to any work that creates light which terrifies the entity. In this case, "Eiru-Eolas" in which the body feels threatened and is afraid that zombie does not belong to him. Therefore it is good to follow in this work.

Sorry about my english again and I hope to learn more.

I don't know if it is still a too fast drawn conclusion of possession, it is a possibility, but I would consider it at least.

I also think this kind of possibility must be considered as a last resort, when every other possible explanations have been discarded. Not need to jump to demons whereas other causes are possible and most likely probable: toxic physical state, predator's mind fearing of being discovered...

So far I would suggest following the health-threads, that is imo the first step, because of imbalanced brain chemistry. I read it somewhere, but unfortunate can't remember where and couldn't find it, that people also thought of being possessed and then they changed their diet (giving supplements) and the symptoms have been gone.

I believe you're talking about this:
Laura said:
As a side note: the husband of an ill woman wrote to me recently describing all her symptoms of "attack" and "demonic infestation" and so on and so forth. It sounded to me like she was suffering from candidiasis and leaky gut leading to Chronic Fatigue. So, I wrote back with dietary and supplement suggestions which the man implemented for her right away. He just recently wrote again to say that all her "attack" symptoms have cleared up (including some poltergeist type stuff!) and they are very happy to know that it was NOT demons.

So, let's take care of the basics before we start assuming scary things about what goes on in our bodies and around us.

And as Nomad quoted Castaneda, the predator can be really tricky and cunning and is looking for ways in not doing things.

I also thought one year ago of being possessed, so I looked a little bit into it (Malachi Martin's: "Hostage to the devil")... And a friend reminded me: you are looking for an (extreme) outside solution that is not you, which you can blame to not confront yourself... And in my case she has been right.

It reminds me of this quote by Jung that Anart put in her signature:
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their souls
Just a quick observation. I've managed to do some pipe breathing followed by the prayer of the soul almost every night (full program Monday/Thursday).
Last night was quite interesting. I did a set of pipe breathing followed by the prayer before sleep. I woke up at 3.45am needing the toilet, I also noticed that I had an intense sense of fear (the sort that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck and shivers go up your spine) of the dark. I'm not normally afraid of the dark, however this has happened quite a bit in the past at anywhere between 2am and 4am on certain days of the week - mostly Wednesday nights (I have a working hypothesis it may be 4D STS related....but its only a hypothesis).
So on returning to bed (and generally getting quite annoyed at the 'fear' from nowhere) I did a full set of pipe breathing (with my eyes open), followed by the prayer of the soul (with the aim of repeating it 12 times).
For some reason I was able to do it more clearly than I've been able to do it before (perhaps this is to do with tiredness then?). I did zone out a few times, and came back (like I've done with the audio) to find that I'd moved on a few words/a complete sentence! Now that's truly weird.....usually if I zone out and I'm doing it I stop saying it internally....but this time part of me carried on while another part of me zoned out.
I did notice my breathing got deeper/easier as I went along, and felt the heat again (which I held on to). After the 12 repeats I rolled over to get some sleep only to find the heat increased dramatically, I started to see light with my eyes closed (I opened them to check it wasn't external) and at one point I felt like I was going to fall out of my body? (not a bad feeling mind). I just held onto the sensations and went with it.

The full program tonight may well be interesting. But I definitely need to start earlier in the evening.

*edit* AHA!
RedFox said:
I woke up at 3.45am needing the toilet, I also noticed that I had an intense sense of fear (the sort that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck and shivers go up your spine) of the dark. I'm not normally afraid of the dark, however this has happened quite a bit in the past at anywhere between 2am and 4am on certain days of the week - mostly Wednesday nights (I have a working hypothesis it may be 4D STS related....but its only a hypothesis).
Buffers, Programs and "the Predator's Mind"
Now, here's the kicker: if the displeasing feeling is coming from within the self - if the self finds that there is rage or anger or hate or jealousy or pettiness or whatever is considered negative - when a person is operating from the primitive defense mechanism, that feeling must be denied as part of the self and will be experienced as coming from "out there." (Projection.)
That's one heck of an eye opener!
I have been doing the pipe breathing & prayer few nights now. But tonight I did the complete programme for the first time.

It was a little difficult doing the 3 stage breathing programme sitting cross legged. Started getting little back pain on lower left side. Then the numbness started on the legs. With about the last 2 minutes remaining of the Baha part, the numbness reached the upper legs so I decided to lie down from that point.

Rest of it went smoothly. During the meditation I could see some white pulsating lights.

I had to lie down on the floor near the computer, which was the only way to listen to the audio. I should get myself one MP3 player.

I plan on doing the pipe breathing and prayer every night and the full programme on Mondays and Thursdays as suggested.

Thank you Laura and team for the programme and thanks to fellow forumites for their valuable comments and input.

Much appreciated.
Hi Redfox

Similar experience with me last few nights. Trouble with falling asleep, then later in night I woke up once or even twice last night. Going to toilet. Strange thing is that some kind of fear which I perceived as outside of me or to be more precised imposed to me was the reason for waking up. I had a dream of fighting with tiger. Increased sense of body heat, like radiating out of chest and increased sweating. I was also under impression that maybe it was some kind of STS influence. Good point with projection. Something is going on inside me, big time.
A couple of weeks ago when i finished the breathing/meditation, i laid down and was reading a book,When then i felt like this like a static shock from my forhead shoot up to the ceiling and bounce off, for just a short period it was like a black window opened and disappeared?
[quote author=IronFloyd]

Sorry for the English but I will try to explain this according to my experience.

I think Zombie situation could be held by the core symptoms of extreme fear. My nephew had a problem of possession and a very dear friend, and the basic symptoms all point to any work that creates light which terrifies the entity. In this case, "Eiru-Eolas" in which the body feels threatened and is afraid that zombie does not belong to him. Therefore it is good to follow in this work.

[/quote] I have also considered this as an explanation, however, I have been reading the forum, books, doing work exercises, etc for a while now and these activities have not aroused this fear. It very well could be that the breathing program is more of a threat to the "predator" than all other activities combined. (at least for ME at this stage) I have done the full program once now and plan on doing it again tonight. I don't feel so afraid at this point and believe that I have already obtained some results. I am totally dedicated to this work and do not intend to let anything (demon/entity/little i's/predator, ) stop me.

I know that doing the program is contradicted for people who are bi-polar or epileptic. I can't help wondering if there are people (in the general population and possibly who read this forum) who may be suffering from bi-polar and not know it ( not having been diagnosed or mis-diagnosed as another illness). Would it be possible to state the reasons why the program is contradicted for this disorder and some possible warning signs to indicate a person should stop in certain cases? Just a thought
.I want to be clear I'm not in any way trying to imply that this is common to our forum members, just noting that there are thousands of readers, some of them guests who may be doing the program.
I just completed the full program for the first time and I was really moved by the prayer meditation. So far, so good... I am enjoying this exercise although I tried to do the bio breathing exercise standing up and I was feeling tingling/fatigue in my arms. Next time I am going to try the whole thing sitting down after stretches.

Laura, you have such a fantastic voice! :D A cigarette before and after also helped overall I believe. Good stuff!

Edit: During the meditation I did see the image of a red/pink rose against a very verdant background and a few times I felt extreme relaxation which was very pleasant!
Carcosa said:
I believe you're talking about this:
Laura said:
As a side note: the husband of an ill woman wrote to me recently describing all her symptoms of "attack" and "demonic infestation" and so on and so forth. It sounded to me like she was suffering from candidiasis and leaky gut leading to Chronic Fatigue. So, I wrote back with dietary and supplement suggestions which the man implemented for her right away. He just recently wrote again to say that all her "attack" symptoms have cleared up (including some poltergeist type stuff!) and they are very happy to know that it was NOT demons.

So, let's take care of the basics before we start assuming scary things about what goes on in our bodies and around us.

Thank you, yes that's the one I've been looking for.

Carcosa said:
And as Nomad quoted Castaneda, the predator can be really tricky and cunning and is looking for ways in not doing things.

I also thought one year ago of being possessed, so I looked a little bit into it (Malachi Martin's: "Hostage to the devil")... And a friend reminded me: you are looking for an (extreme) outside solution that is not you, which you can blame to not confront yourself... And in my case she has been right.

It reminds me of this quote by Jung that Anart put in her signature:
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their souls

This gave me a good laugh today, because it has been really fitting one year ago. And now I understand this quote perfectly. :)

RedFox said:
Last night was quite interesting. I did a set of pipe breathing followed by the prayer before sleep. I woke up at 3.45am needing the toilet, I also noticed that I had an intense sense of fear (the sort that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck and shivers go up your spine) of the dark. I'm not normally afraid of the dark, however this has happened quite a bit in the past at anywhere between 2am and 4am on certain days of the week - mostly Wednesday nights (I have a working hypothesis it may be 4D STS related....but its only a hypothesis).
So on returning to bed (and generally getting quite annoyed at the 'fear' from nowhere) I did a full set of pipe breathing (with my eyes open), followed by the prayer of the soul (with the aim of repeating it 12 times).
For some reason I was able to do it more clearly than I've been able to do it before (perhaps this is to do with tiredness then?). I did zone out a few times, and came back (like I've done with the audio) to find that I'd moved on a few words/a complete sentence! Now that's truly weird.....usually if I zone out and I'm doing it I stop saying it internally....but this time part of me carried on while another part of me zoned out.

Something similar happened maybe two weeks ago, while I have been doing the beatha part of the full program. I started to be (really) afraid and didn't know from where and what, it just felt strange. Later on I made some notes in my journal and considered, that fear is also a feeling, not a positive one but still a feeling and said to me, when it is happening next time, I try to watch and accept it... Couple of days later, a similar feeling reoccurred also during the beatha-part, and I "saw" critters and monsters and thought to hear noises out of the kitchen (but that's a part I'm not sure if I really heard something).
And since then my mind is a little bit boggling, also of the reason because I'm at the present time alone at home.

But I try to remember your posted quote next time!

Now, here's the kicker: if the displeasing feeling is coming from within the self - if the self finds that there is rage or anger or hate or jealousy or pettiness or whatever is considered negative - when a person is operating from the primitive defense mechanism, that feeling must be denied as part of the self and will be experienced as coming from "out there." (Projection.)
Back before I had it loaded on my MP3 player and played it with Laura's voice on my computer speakers, my dog was as relaxed as he ever gets hearing Laura's voice. He's usually pretty relaxed, but it was striking... It was like he melted on the floor!

shijing said:
Also, I was wondering if anyone has observed anything interesting about their pets' behavior during the program? The reason I ask is because I have a guinea pig, and for the past several times that I have done the program, when I get up after the end of the meditation I notice my guinea pig is sitting outside of his igloo very relaxed and looking in my general direction, which is not typical behavior. It could just be coincidence, but I can't help but wonder if 2D might derive some benefit from being around when we do the breathing program (or at least the meditation).
Doing the entire program last night (Thursday), I seemed to be able to meditate deeper, have less distractions (swallowing, itching, yawning, etc.) than I think ever before. Yesterday (and the couple of days before) I also did the Prayer of the Soul for 15 to 20 minutes couple of times during the day as well. I "zoned" just for a couple of seconds during the meditation (at night following along with the audio). I continued to meditate after Laura's recital ended during the rest of the music and a bit after the music ended, reciting the Prayer to myself while continuing the breathing. I ended up "zoning" for maybe 30 to 45 seconds (I'm not sure, it could have been a bit longer) in the middle of the Prayer the last time of reciting it and so I stopped when I came back from "zoning."

The whole experience last night felt like progress. Although by continuing to do the program, it seems to be getting easier to concentrate, easier to get through the Ba-Ha section, etc. it is not a consistent progress; sometimes there is "regression" to a previous stage. Anyhow, I thought I'd post the recent experiences with the program.
Huh Today I have noticed that laura pray in meditation ended and I "come back" after next MP3 in the middle , I was "zoned" ? I was not Present . I don't remember .. where I was. about 5-7 mint. that was always when do all program.

Always after Full meditation It is so strength I see What IS going ON.
Don't know how to tell what is going on just IT IS CHANGING .
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