Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Hey lucas, very weird I think I zoned as well last night for a couple of minutes and then came back, but I do know that I was very tired and sleepy when I started the breathing, maybe that contributed to the ''not being present''.
I did the whole program last night and my whole body was tingling after the BaHa part, my arms were tingling the most.
While doing the meditation part I started to see figures and they were swirling around and I told myself that I was trying to catch them and make the light grow. At some point I told myself that I was holding it and that it kept on growing. Then I saw circles expanding all the time, almost as if I was in a tunnel and my eyes started to shake.
I truly felt connected with myself and it was an interesting experience.

Also had a funny dream. I was dreaming about sound waves and how there are two different ones. One form of sound waves keep you in this illusion and the other did the opposite.
There was a voice I think that was giving my brothers and I information and we had to kind of connect the dots. And I did, it was like an ''Oh I get it!'' moment. Maybe it was some kind of dream implying a some kind of connection with my higher self? Maybe it was just a dream.
I did the full program yesterday night (I usually do it around 11-11:30 pm), for the first time on the floor, sitting on a cushion. Usually I do it sitting on my bed. I found it much easier to concentrate on my breathing while sitting on the floor. I was more conscious and less drifting mentally, less distracted. I found the Baha portion easier to do, and actually I felt the time passed quickly, as opposed to other times when I was relieved it was finally over. I did it eyes open most of the time, trying to feel more grounded and more conscious of my body, more "seated" ("incarnated") in my body if that makes sense. I haven't zoned out. I'll try to do the program sitting on the floor, from now on.

When I did it on monday, for a few seconds (during the introduction to the "baha", when she says you breathe out all the things you don't need in your body for your life), I had the impression Laura was talking to me directly/personally, like her voice resonated strongly within me. I sensed a sort of "connexion". It lasted just a few seconds. Maybe it was just my imagination/ me being "carried away". There's no way of knowing for sure!
I did the full program yesterday night too.

I have always a sensation of tingling after the BaHa part in some parts of my body. I have the feeling that if i could do this part of the program for a longer time, i will be able to eliminate some deep emotions hidden somewhere inside of me. So, i finish that part of the program with a taste of dissatisfaction, not being able to eliminate those emotions.

Laura, would it be ok to do the baha part twice in a row?

And for the meditation part, what can i say, it is always a great moment of peace and joy. I have the impression that Laura is rocking my soul.
Carcosa said:
I found the Baha portion easier to do, and actually I felt the time passed quickly, as opposed to other times when I was relieved it was finally over. I did it eyes open most of the time, trying to feel more grounded and more conscious of my body, more "seated" ("incarnated") in my body if that makes sense.
Same here, although I did zone out a lot (I started to late in the day, too tired). Despite this the whole program seemed easier.

During the Ba Ha portion I actually felt my feet and hands tingling (I didn't notice until I found myself moving my feet). The warmth also returned and I held onto it during the meditation portion and afterwards. I felt a deep serenity this time.

Dreams where very interesting as the serenity and warmth was with me until I got up in the morning (I noted it when I woke up a few times). Its still here now, but not so much.....it comes and goes.
The first dream involved moving to a new house (except it is my current one), not knowing anyone and making contact with a new friend. Attempting to have a conversation with her on my laptop over the webcam and being introduced to her older sister and mother (who all looked exactly the same?!). The connection was lost and I had to try and reestablish it....it seems I was using a dial-up modem plugged into the laptop.....I had it plugged into the wrong socket (network not modem). When the connection was made it was like being in the same room as them, I was so supprised that such a slow/limited connection method (dial-up) seemed so effective. The symbols seem obvious enough :)
The other dream I had was multi layered, except I managed to recall all the layers! First layer was a conversation talking to a women who was either just about to or had completed a successful "revolt" (which I understood to mean had managed to wake up without general law kicking in to stop her) and she was discussing feeling the pain of those who had tried and failed before her, how she had seen there faces as she progressed. I saw a few fleeting images (including faces swirling around this woman) which where too quick, but one was of what looked like a man dispairing during a medieval battle in a castle (he knew his time was up).

The second layer was music with another woman singing, at the point where the pain of the other was mentioned she sang something I should have writtern down as I've forgotten what exactly was sung, the closest approximation I can come up with is "reintegration into divine, be there eternal ecstasy". Which I took to mean that by awakening it would some how be the ultimate 'reward' for them (reward being the wrong word, but I can't seem to find a word at the moment to relay the concept that felt STO??). To do this for others that had tried and failed before would be the ultimate service one could perform for them, because we would carry them with us.

The third layer was watching another woman drive a car down the street laughing and throwing out her bags (baggage), with the understanding that it was the 'junk' mentioned by Ark in the latest C's session (15th August).
Today I have realized that I have 5 years to Learn lesson on This planet 3D after that I will be 5D ( death ) .or 4 D ( transmission ) .
Huh I'm so happy that C's shows Eiriu eolas breathing program Now I can see what is Going On I always try to see but at this point 1 day ON this program is as 1 month without it... I'm only sad that this is too late to repair my relation ship... with my Love.

I did the whole program yesterday - it all went smoothly and seems to get easier each time, but what was weird was at the end, during the Prayer, I zoned out a few times and then I saw very clearly in my minds eye - a newborn baby!! So far I'd seen no images or anything like that during the program, so I was astounded. No idea what that was about, but it was very plain.
I did the whole session last night too. I feel that the Beatha breaths are certainly becoming easier and feel more natural in repect that they aren't as uncomfortable as they were initially. I became quite emotional during the slow breaths last night which was a change for me as it's usually right at the end of the last session of fast breaths that I start to sob/whimper. My main problem seems to be what everyone calls 'zoning'. I seem to be really focusing on my breathing one minute and then drift off and find myself thinking about some trivial daily matter the next. I need to work on this.

I did the whole program yesterday - it all went smoothly and seems to get easier each time, but what was weird was at the end, during the Prayer, I zoned out a few times and then I saw very clearly in my minds eye - a newborn baby!! So far I'd seen no images or anything like that during the program, so I was astounded. No idea what that was about, but it was very plain.

Interesting symbolism here. I had a very pleasant and vivid dream last night after the program. I was being taught the meditation in a classroom with about 5 other students. There was a great atmosphere, very warm and relaxed. The female teacher (Laura?) was splitting her time between teaching us the meditation and going into a room next door where she was delivering newborn babies.

Although I've been doing the full program a couple of times a week, last night was the first Monday or Thursday I've managed to do. I noticed feeling extemely energised and even 'happy' this morning and even my wife asked what had happened to me. :D

I did the whole program yesterday - it all went smoothly and seems to get easier each time, but what was weird was at the end, during the Prayer, I zoned out a few times and then I saw very clearly in my minds eye - a newborn baby!!

I had also a 'baby' experience last night during the meditative part of the program. I was listening to Laura's voice and suddenly I felt/ remebered how it is/ was to be a baby being soothed by the voice of my mother. To call it with any specific word, like safe, secure, comfortable or relaxed would be to much of a 'grown up' interpretation of the feeling. I cannot describe it, it just felt like being a baby connected with the mother.

My mother died more ten tweny years ago, and I always regarded her as harsh person without much emotion. I had totally forgotten how she ones cared for me as a newborn, how she breastfeeded me and how it was to feel like that completely surrounded by the love of a mother.
Yesterday evening, I did the whole program as usual and during the Ba-Ha portion, the usual tingling on my arms and hands as well the pressure on my forehead, but I've noticed this portion became shorter than usual. That same sense of time loss. I'm just not sure if I was "zoning" out or the audio was "skipping." Can't tell as of yet. I went to bed a couple of hours later, and woke up around 4am after waking up from a freaky nightmare. It was a sense of being "chased" as well being "watched" and I couldn't see a way out.
The physical sensations from the bioenergetics breathing bring to mind the role of MtDNA as supplier of energy within the cell. Could it be we are stimulating MtDNA?

Last night during the meditation Laura’s voice seemed to be no longer coming through the speakers, just present in the room and inside my head; difficult to describe really, and quite nice.
Ok we are practical Eiriu Eloas + pray.
When we can meet together ?:) to practice it with our "elders" :cool:
it would be nais TO meet together with GFS group
With Real laura voice :cool2:
Maybe that fear that some people are experiencing comes from the fact that program and meditating opens something in our energetic field (if there is such thing) by making connections with our higher selves. And through that opening maybe comes some feeling that is not nececeraly fear or even bad, but we are programmed to see it as fear, we don’t know how to describe it different or we don’t know how to articulate it yet.

Anyway that was my working hypothesis when I had that fear emotions, it was few days of pure horror. I have become over it with thinking like this, yes, I am mortal, yes I could die or be in unbelievable dying pain, yes it could be horrific, but that’s not all; that is not the end of everything. Maybe that is the fear of mortality, of pain. After that I became much braver and more confident in self in everyday life. And I think that fear has grown (although I am not sure was that that fear or something else) to some sense for danger which has drummed in me in some situations which later was shown as really very dangerous (but that was just couple of situations).

There is a chance of course that is all together something different :D
Ya'll just remember that when you are "zoning" (whether you actually go to sleep or not) things are STILL happening. I'll never forget something the Cs said to me:

23 September 2000

Q: Okay, I want to find out about this Jack and the Beanstalk and the "giant meaning"
you have talked about in the recent past. Not only that, but you have continuously hinted
that something is just around the corner, and we are getting to the point where we are
thinking that there is just simply not going to be enough time to do anything. Ark's got
800 pages of Maxwell to go through; he can't stop working to do that; 800 pages of
equations is a lot of work - like months of hard work - and, time is passing - four years
have gone by, and zip! I'm not getting impatient here, but time is going and you guys are
6th density and it means nothing to you... but we're getting older. What we are supposed
to do, if we are supposed to do something to make the connection for things to move?

A: You are so anxious. Perhaps you should examine the ground covered, or were you
just as close 10 years back?

Q: Well, ten years ago I didn't wear glasses. I didn't need 'em either! I could thread a
needle! I mean, this thing called time has a profound effect on physiology whether you
guys notice it or not! I know, it's the soul that counts, but my thought is that we are in
these bodies, and it has been subtly suggested that we are in these present vehicles to DO

A: But is it not a great adventure?

Q: Well, lately it has been a lot of working and slaving. Working to pay the bills. Then
we had to survive this period when the company wasn't paying our invoices, so we had to
borrow on our credit cards, now we have to pay that back AND live at the same time. So,
boom! Work, work, work!

A: So maybe you should return to the way things were when we first contacted you?

Q: No! I'm not complaining!

A: Yes, you are, though in a gentle way.

Q: Well, I mean you did so much, you brought us together, did all these things... and...

A: And you think there is no more?

Q: Well, no... but...

A: But what?!?

Q: Well, we're together and we are happy. And because we are together and happy we
feel like we should be getting things accomplished... that there are...

A: And you are not?

Q: Not in a big useful way.

A: So say you. Thank goodness you ain't an expert in this judgment arena!

Q: So, you are saying that, even though it appears to us on the surface that nothing is
happening, that at some level, something IS happening?

A: Oh, yeah!! So... Quit yer bitchin.

Q: Is it too much for me to ask for you to give me just one teensy tinesy little hint about
what is going on at these other levels that we are not aware of that is so important?
A: You may ask.

Q: Well, I did. Just give me a little bitty hint... a three word clue... Something to calm me
down. Something to make me sleep well at night and that will let me know that all is
right with the world...


Q: That's the clue?

A: Yes.

Q: Was that an abbreviation or a word?

A: Seek and ye shall find.

Q: (A) RAM. Random Access Memory.

A: Yes.

Q: How does that relate to what is going on at higher levels? Does everything we do, or
does the movement of the project, depend upon my pursuit of the psychomantium

A: A little.

Q: Is part of this waiting process the completion of the Wave series since that has been
consuming my life since May.

A: Yes.

Q: I have to say that the writing of this series has been one of the most educational
projects I have ever undertaken. Because, in the writing, I have had to comb through the
transcripts and have had to explain it to other people and before I can do that, I have to
explain it to myself. It has become a profound mind expansion thing...

A: Good.

Q: It's almost as much fun to be learning the things I am having to assemble as if I were
reading it. And I'm the one writing it. It's really quite amazing.

A: In part you are.

Q: So, I need to finish the Wave. When I finish that, I have a couple of other projects
already lined up. If I finish that, the Lord is willing, the creek doesn't rise, and I manage
to keep breath in my body, I might, in another five years get all the material we have so
far on the web. But, it is an enormous undertaking. Day and night, either writing in my
head, getting ready to write, writing, or going back over what has already been written.
Every day. Consumed with it.

The "Jack in the Beanstalk" reference goes back to an even earlier session, 31 October 1998:

Q: Well, we KNOW that! (A) Now, apparently, everything is
going well, and for a while, I think I will have more time
to start some real research, and I would like some advice
because we don't know how long I will have this time.
What would be the first priority for me to work on for

A: The journal, to start with. One's objectives should be
outlined. The scientist usually begins with this for
"fine tuning." We see more opportunities coming though.
We led you to the garden, and you planted the beanstalk.
Now watch it grow, Jack!

Q: (L) That doesn't mean there is going to be a giant going
around saying "fee, fie, foe, fum," does it?

A: The giant is in the meaning.

Q: You mean we gotta kill a giant?

A: No.

Q: (A) I also wanted to ask if I should be more active and
ask more questions in future sessions, or to ask less
questions and work more on my own?

A: Questions open the doors, Arkadiusz.

Q: (L) I want to go back to this beanstalk!

A: Well, what of the fable?

Q: (L) Well, Jack got these beans and planted them and they
grew. He climbed the beanstalk and figured out how to
transform or kill the giant, and got the treasure, and ran
away and chopped the beanstalk down so the giant couldn't
get him. (F) I remember that he used the beanstalk to get
to the same level with the giant. (L) Well, which does it
mean? Does he use the beanstalk to rise to the level of
the giant, get the treasure and live there, or does he run
away with the treasure and chop down the beanstalk?

A: Take your pick.

Q: (L) Well, the essence of the story is that Jack was
successful. He planted these magic beans and they REALLY
grew, like OVERNIGHT! He woke up the next day and the
beanstalk reached all the way to the clouds - that is how
fast it was. I guess that what you have been doing in
this job is planting magic beans that are gonna take off
and grow like crazy and be a ladder you can climb to some
giant success! If I remember correctly, there was a harp
Feedback of experiences of listening to the breathing meditation tape every night of the last week, plus the last few nights of reciting the meditation n bed before sleeping.

Like many others I have had difficulty in sleeping (curiously on both Monday and Thursday). It is usual for me to need to visit the bathroom efery two hours or so. On both nights it was in the middle of the sleep period that i was awake for an hour or more. Today, I have gone through the day feeling washed out, low on energy.

On Tuesday, I zoned out completely during the second reading of the Prayer of the Soul by Laura, waking up half an hour after the tape had ended. I put that down to taking GABA, melatonin and 5HTP before starting the tape - I may be wrong.

On Wednesday, I got through the meditation intact, and noticed towards the end a green circle covering most of the field of vision inside my head, and with a reddish tinged edge. I really have had problems with long skippings in the Ba - Ha breathing.

Outside of the sessions - Thursday, whilst in my office working in the afternoon, I became aware of what appeared to be a white square of paper flicking through the air up to my right at head high, it appeared to 'slow' in five places, as it were. On investigation there was nothing there, nothing blown in through the window, or ... Then i recalled that I had experience something similar on a couple of ocassions in the last month, on the left side and lower down - I had put this down to light flashes whilst walking in the hills, yet it wasn't that at all, i just forgot about it until yesterday. What is happening?

Another interesting phenomena is the fact that I have been motivated to, and actually engaged in, clear out old stuff in cupboards, and to rearrange the contents of the stuff that I have kept, even in the middle of last night whilst awake I got up and sorted the contents of part of a cupboard.
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