Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Hi Dannybananny --

dannybananny said:
When you breathe out during meditation do you breathe through nose or mouth? Thank you in advance! :)

If you are asking this, I would recommend that you listen to the audio introduction once more -- you will find the answer there, and it would probably be good to review the entire process again no matter what, to ensure that you absorb as many details as possible before doing the program.
Lucas said:
Ok we are practical Eiriu Eloas + pray.
When we can meet together ?:) to practice it with our "elders" :cool:
it would be nais TO meet together with GFS group
With Real laura voice :cool2:

Have you checked this topic?


Lucas said:
I'm only sad that this is too late to repair my relation ship... with my Love.

I'm sorry for you Lucas. Cheer up.

Avala said:
Maybe that fear that some people are experiencing comes from the fact that program and meditating opens something in our energetic field (if there is such thing) by making connections with our higher selves. And through that opening maybe comes some feeling that is not nececeraly fear or even bad, but we are programmed to see it as fear, we don’t know how to describe it different or we don’t know how to articulate it yet.

Yes that's a possibility, maybe the fear of the predator as well. Here is quote from Laura I remembered:

Laura said:
Don't expect emotional cleansing to be a picnic for everyone.

Today I have been running with some anger "around", got easily irritated and so on. In the evening I thought to do something about it or with it, so I took some time and did some pipe-breaths (12 times) and afterwards I went into the Beatha part. Which was relaxing and brought some anger up.
Is it recommended doing the Beatha part as a stand-alone or should it always be integrated into the whole program?
Hi everyone! I haven't shared my experiences yet, and I haven't been posting much lately here either. It might be wise to go into those reasons in a thread of their own.

Anyways, I'll just comment that I have finally started with this program about two weeks back. I have done the full program two times, I'll do it the third time this night. I have downloaded all the parts when they've become available. There has been "reasons" for my procrastination, everything from feeling low on energy to the error of thinking "there is enough time" but they all can be summed up as predator's mind going to overdrive. Besides those in my personal background there has always been a certain leeriness towards breathing excercises of any kind, stemming from an early age when my father scared me saying that I would forget how to breathe during an occasion when I was holding my breath.

So far, I have only had a slight sensation of not having enough breath a couple of times that has gone away soon after. I'm still too new to this to be having any great changes, but the first time that I did it I marked a sense of well being during and after the excercise. One or two times there has been a noticeable emotional sense of being carried and cared for, during Laura's beautifully recited the Prayer of the Soul. "Clear my eyes - That I may See, Clear my ears - That I may hear" are a powerful few words...

During the first time doing the breathing excercises I experienced a few visual flashes of some negative nature, similar to the way one sees images just before falling asleep if their minds are occupied, only a bit more intense. I remember a white and green circle with a menacing feeling attached to it. It happened three times with some small variations. Nothing of the sort happened when I went through the program the second time. I've also found that I have some trouble concentrating during the excercises - I often shift to chest breathing - but especially during meditation. I've always had a shifty attention, but it is very noticeable during the program.

It's a bit disquieting to note how many excuses and distractions (external and internal) have kept me from practising this more. Luckily, C's told much that I needed to hear in the last session.
shijing said:
Hi Dannybananny --

dannybananny said:
When you breathe out during meditation do you breathe through nose or mouth? Thank you in advance! :)

If you are asking this, I would recommend that you listen to the audio introduction once more -- you will find the answer there, and it would probably be good to review the entire process again no matter what, to ensure that you absorb as many details as possible before doing the program.

Or you can read it here:

Being one who’s breathing has been defined through many years of probably less than desirable physiological method, along comes ‘Pipe’ breathing (Thank You!) which I am now practicing and trying to relearn the art of breath.

One of the things that confuses, is when Gerjieff discusses breathing in his Hatha Yoga-way with the Armenian Dervish. Was Gerjieff ‘s original Hatha Yogic way more similar to Hyper-breathing which is what the Dervish was questioning and what ultimately Gerjieff realised as something he needed to change?

The Dervish’s rationalization was most interesting - not being anything near erudite in breathing; his words caused me to take notice.

In Chapter VIII of ‘Meetings with Remarkable Men’, Gerjieff recounts his travels with his friend Dr. Ekim Bay and their meHas this been discussed? Any help with this would be appreciated.

Enclosed below is the discussion between them when I was taking personal notes.


In Chapter VIII of ‘Meetings with Remarkable Men’, Gerjieff recounts his travels with his friend Dr. Ekim Bay and their meeting with the Armenian Dervish who chastised Gerjieff for his mastication of his food thought to him in the Hatha Yoga way. This was followed by further discussion of counsel concerning his breathing excesses (artificial), again as according to Yogis methods.

In short he is told by the Dervish, “If you harm yourself with your chewing food, you harm yourself a thousand times more by the practice of this breathing. All the exercises in breathing which are given in books and taught in contemporary esoteric schools can do nothing but harm. Breathing, as every sane man should understand, is also feeding, but on another sort of food. Air, just like our ordinary food , entering the body and being digested there, disintegrates into its component parts, which form new combinations with each other as well as with the corresponding elements of certain substances which are already present. In this way those indispensable new substances are produced which are continuously being consumed in the various increasing life processes in the organism of man.”

“You must know that, to obtain any definite new substance, its constitute parts must be combined in exact guantitive proportions…”

The Dervish goes on with the analogy of making dough for baked bread. He then says, “…When you breathe in the ordinary way, you breathe mechanically. The organism, without you, takes from the air the quantity of substances that it needs. The lungs are so constructed that they are accustomed to work with a definitive amount of air. But if you increase the amount of air, the composition of what passes through the lungs is changed, and the further inner processes of mixing and balancing must inevitably change.”

He then continues with, “ Without the knowledge of the fundamental laws of breathing in all particles, the particles of artificial breathing must inevitably lead, very slowly but none the less surly, to self destruction.”

In the preamble to this sequence and as a retrospective statement of understanding, Gerjieff says, “Suddenly I understood with the whole of my being that the ideas I had hitherto accepted as indisputable truths were incorrect. I realize that up till then I had seen things only from one side…” This referenced the words of the Dervish and those learned via the Yogis.

The just of this seems to depict the interrelationship of all parts, microscopic substances and even the substances within air itself. The Dervish describes the “Tempo” disruption by artificial breathing and how this connection affects all sequential organ parts.

Tempo is like frequency wave rhythm full of peaks and valleys, fast and slow, input begetting output, the Dervish seems to add a further list of causes and effects of the breathing artifice like, “It rarely happens that anyone who practices artificial breathing does not harm himself irreparable, and this rare case occurs only if he stops in time. Whoever does it for a long time invariably has deplorable results.” And finally he says succinctly with such simplistic of teachings, “If you know every screw, every little pin of your machine, only then can you know what you must do. But just know a little and experiment, you risk a great deal, because the machine is very complicated. There are many tiny screws which might easily be broken by a strong shock and which cannot afterwards be brought in any shop.”
I did the breathing - meditation program several times and I have to say that I feel better since then.
I've been in an awful state for nine months (physically and psychologically) due to an ulcer in the oesophagus.
I was worn out, short-tempered and depressive because I was out of calcium and magnesium (my body didn't keep it)
During the breathing - meditation program I put my hands on my stomach and did the all serie.
Since then I've the feeling I'm on the mend.
I don't know if it's self persuasion but it surely helped me.
I also use the breathing - meditation technique to "cool down" when it's time to go to bed (I'm a bad sleeper)

By the way, what about reciting the prayer of the soul all together at a given time ?
Wouldn't it be a great opportunity to subsume all the energy ?

Parallax said:
Being one who’s breathing has been defined through many years of probably less than desirable physiological method, along comes ‘Pipe’ breathing (Thank You!) which I am now practicing and trying to relearn the art of breath.

One of the things that confuses, is when Gerjieff discusses breathing in his Hatha Yoga-way with the Armenian Dervish. Was Gerjieff ‘s original Hatha Yogic way more similar to Hyper-breathing which is what the Dervish was questioning and what ultimately Gerjieff realised as something he needed to change?

Parallax, fwiw my take on that was that he was doing it as much as he could just as a matter of course. It seems to me that we are using the E-E program for a very specific purpose of cleansing, and that it is at least possible it could be detrimental in some way if we overdid it, just like many other things are helpful to a point but can be detrimental otherwise. Also, we can't know specifically how G. was practicing it or if the Armenian Dervish was actually an authority on the matter.

I believe we have extra protection here in networking, particularly in this thread because everyone is posting their experiences and reading other's posts so we can continue to what to watch out for.
I had a deja vu like experience at work today where I had the realization that I had missed a major signpost in my life which would have taken me on a completely different trajectory. There was someone I was meant to work with. I think it may have been pre-incarnative. In the deja vu experience I completely broke down.

During the meditation and any time I am alone I feel wave after wave of emotion. I feel like a hollow shell with an unbearable endless ache.

I am trying not to grasp or avoid any emotion. Just feel it and let it go. Given the machinations of 4d STS I remain open as to whether I have really missed a signpost or not.

I think this program might kill me...
Jeff P said:
I had a deja vu like experience at work today where I had the realization that I had missed a major signpost in my life which would have taken me on a completely different trajectory. There was someone I was meant to work with. I think it may have been pre-incarnative. In the deja vu experience I completely broke down.

I think it might be important to consider that where we are is where we need to be, to learn what we need to learn - and - that upon incarnation, we had some significant idea of what we were 'walking into' and, in many cases, were 'strengthened for the task'. I'd also sincerely suggest the idea that as long as one is still incarnated, there is still an opportunity to accomplish the task; the future is open and never underestimate the power or the wisdom of one's higher self.

I do not state this in way that means that everything is predestined and no effort is required - I state it in a way that allows for the probability that our efforts actually matter and we are capable of much more than we can conceptualize.

=J said:
During the meditation and any time I am alone I feel wave after wave of emotion. I feel like a hollow shell with an unbearable endless ache.

It sounds like your emotional center is awakening.

J said:
I am trying not to grasp or avoid any emotion. Just feel it and let it go. Given the machinations of 4d STS I remain open as to whether I have really missed a signpost or not.

I think the idea that anyone has 'missed' anything, and that is irreparable or lost forever is getting trapped in linear thinking. We are SO limited in our perception, while, simultaneously, our potential is limitless - I mean that literally - so - perhaps - striving to see the potential and not what is missing might be a step in the right direction?

Jeff said:
I think this program might kill me...

This is a pretty heavy thing to say - could you elaborate? This isn't a game - when one's soul is at stake, all that we 'know' can move to limit and keep one in one's place - it is a very serious and powerful endeavor, but it's also best, in my personal understanding, to never confuse the serious and powerful with the negative or damaging - to anything other than our false personalities. fwiw.
gaman said:
Parallax said:
Being one who’s breathing has been defined through many years of probably less than desirable physiological method, along comes ‘Pipe’ breathing (Thank You!) which I am now practicing and trying to relearn the art of breath.

One of the things that confuses, is when Gerjieff discusses breathing in his Hatha Yoga-way with the Armenian Dervish. Was Gerjieff ‘s original Hatha Yogic way more similar to Hyper-breathing which is what the Dervish was questioning and what ultimately Gerjieff realised as something he needed to change?

Parallax, fwiw my take on that was that he was doing it as much as he could just as a matter of course. It seems to me that we are using the E-E program for a very specific purpose of cleansing, and that it is at least possible it could be detrimental in some way if we overdid it, just like many other things are helpful to a point but can be detrimental otherwise. Also, we can't know specifically how G. was practicing it or if the Armenian Dervish was actually an authority on the matter.

I believe we have extra protection here in networking, particularly in this thread because everyone is posting their experiences and reading other's posts so we can continue to what to watch out for.

Thank you Gaman for your response; yes you are right of course that we could not know exactly how G. manifested his original breathing, nor the Dervish’s ultimate authority.

E-E being a specific program for the specific purpose of cleansing, especially within the context of networking makes it easier to develop a guided pace of understanding and will defiantly pay attention to all comments as well as introspection as I go along.

Jeff P said:
I had a deja vu like experience at work today where I had the realization that I had missed a major signpost in my life which would have taken me on a completely different trajectory. There was someone I was meant to work with. I think it may have been pre-incarnative. In the deja vu experience I completely broke down.

During the meditation and any time I am alone I feel wave after wave of emotion. I feel like a hollow shell with an unbearable endless ache.

I am trying not to grasp or avoid any emotion. Just feel it and let it go. Given the machinations of 4d STS I remain open as to whether I have really missed a signpost or not.

I think this program might kill me...

Some people have this experience. I did. I thought it would kill me, too. But it didn't. I just kept repeating "this will pass, this will pass..." There were days when I actively looked for time that I could go to my room, curl up on my bed and rock and cry. Bathtime was always good because, while the water was running and drowning out sound, I could sob uncontrollably. The intensity lessened after a few weeks, but I continued to cry off and on for about a year.

Mouravieff refers to the higher emotional and intellectual centers as the "eyes of the soul." When your eyes begin to open, when you begin to see, it can definitely be painful. But believe me, after awhile, after the ocean of cleansing tears wash away the pain, it gets better.
gaman said:
It seems to me that we are using the E-E program for a very specific purpose of cleansing, and that it is at least possible it could be detrimental in some way if we overdid it, just like many other things are helpful to a point but can be detrimental otherwise.

Having been doing the complete program every day since Laura released it, I’ve now decided to do it only on Mondays and Thursdays. I don’t think that doing it every day is actually overdoing it, but I do think that by practicing every day I am trying too hard to make something happen, at least at present. And strangely, I think that doing it every day can actually create a barrier to emotional cleansing.

Jeff P said:
During the meditation and any time I am alone I feel wave after wave of emotion. I feel like a hollow shell with an unbearable endless ache.

When I look at the world, and see that the inmates really have taken over the asylum – the world is full of insanity, with very very few oases of light – I find it unbearably painful. I look into myself, and I see that the negative introject has controlled my life with just the occasional flash of light here and there – Eiriu-Eolas and Laura’s work are two such flashes – I am overcome with sadness and grief.

Laura said:
Mouravieff refers to the higher emotional and intellectual centers as the "eyes of the soul." When your eyes begin to open, when you begin to see, it can definitely be painful.

I feel that there is an endless ocean of tears in my heart that has been there all my life, and the dam is close to breaking. I want the dam to break, but I have found that forcing it doesn’t have the same quality and result as allowing it to happen naturally.

I also have the impression that there is in me, at a very deep level, a block or impedance to really changing. It’s as though I can see and feel the walls of the prison but cannot see the way out.
mada85 said:
Having been doing the complete program every day since Laura released it, I’ve now decided to do it only on Mondays and Thursdays. I don’t think that doing it every day is actually overdoing it, but I do think that by practicing every day I am trying too hard to make something happen, at least at present. And strangely, I think that doing it every day can actually create a barrier to emotional cleansing.

I use to do it every day too, sometimes even twice. After initial surge in energy I went through pretty strong physical symptoms/pains which culminated in bad case of flu ( most probably swine flu).
For last 10 days I have found myself in the lowest pit ever. Everything has lost its usual flavor and I am just indifferent to everything, even things that use to be very exciting. What worries me the most is the feeling of complete exhaustion, my energy level has never been so low. I don't know what to make of this and I am going to see the kinesiologist for a session of Body talk to try to figure out what is going on.

mada85 said:
When I look at the world, and see that the inmates really have taken over the asylum – the world is full of insanity, with very very few oases of light – I find it unbearably painful. I look into myself, and I see that the negative introject has controlled my life with just the occasional flash of light here and there – Eiriu-Eolas and Laura’s work are two such flashes – I am overcome with sadness and grief.
I could say the same but unlike you I am completely numb. No pain, no grief just one big black hole of nothingness. Seems that I am only fully alive during the exercises and meditation.
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