Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program


The heaviness around the forehead area that I felt earlier on during the breathing exercise has somewhat abated. I only sense it when I am doing the EE but now this "heaviness" has shifted to the base of the skull at the back of the neck. Again it's there throughout the day. Haven't read anyone else reporting this or has anyone else had a similar sensation?

I have also this "heaviness" at the base of the skull since this weekend. And I can feel the muscles in the neck, not painful, but more like I am constantly aware of them. This is the general feeling I have of 'my head': it is much more present then it used to be. When I do the breathing there is a specific point on the rightside of neck of which I come acutely aware.
As follow up on previous mail, I did some research on the topic. I am wondering if those effects have something to do with the stimualtion of the vagus nerve. They could maybe be compared with what one experiences when one (re)starts to use certain muscles during a physical workout. These muscles might have not been trained for months or years. This sort of work out of untrained muscles is usually accompanied with some ‘pain’ and more intense feelings of realizing they actually exist. Pain and feeling makes one aware that something exists.

Quote from Laura in the ‘Eiriu Eiloas’ auditory introduction to the breathing excercises.

Both the right and the left vagus nerves descent from the brain in the carotid sheath lateral to the carotid artery. Now the carotid artery as you know is that artery on the side of your neck where you can put your fingertips and you can feel your heart beat there. It extends through the jugular foramen down below the head, to the neck, chest and abdomen where it contributes to the innervation of the viscera, that is it's connected to your gut. The left and right vagus nerves ascend into the neck or descend from the brain between the trachea and the oesophagus and this is where breathing is going to become very important.

To make this visual see the following picture. The Vagus Nerve is the yellow colored line that descends all the way down.

As the vagus nerve descends through the neck, could stimulation of it have additional effects on the environment, like the muscles?

From Wikipedia:

The vagus also controls a few skeletal muscles, namely:
• Cricothyroid muscle
• Levator veli palatini muscle
• Salpingopharyngeus muscle
• Palatoglossus muscle
• Palatopharyngeus muscle
• Superior, middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictors
• Muscles of the larynx (speech)
This means that the vagus nerve is responsible for such varied tasks as heart rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, and quite a few muscle movements in the mouth, including speech (via the recurrent laryngeal nerve) and keeping the larynx open for breathing (via action of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, the only abductor of the vocal folds). It also has some afferent fibers that innervate the inner (canal) portion of the outer ear, via the Auricular branch (also known as Alderman's nerve) and part of the meninges. This explains why a person may cough when tickled on their ear (such as when trying to remove ear wax with a cotton swab).

Could this stimulation be the reason why the muscles in the neck are a bit sore (like after a workout)?

Quote from Laura,

Ingraham further tells us that many common aches and pains particularly around the neck, the head and the shoulders ,maybe caused by inefficient breathing. The connection between dysfunctional breathing and pain is straight forward in principle. If the diaphragm isn't doing it's job, the muscles in the upper chest try to take over. Unfortunately those muscles aren't built for routine respiration and they get exhausted and eventually injure themselves by taking over the job of the diaphragm.

This could indicate that when the proper use is (re)started that muscles that have not been used, could feel a bit sore in the first few days.

So in conclusion there could be three possible reasons that alone or combined could explain for the ‘pains’ experienced:

- Stimulation of the Vagus nerve has an indirect effect on the muscles.
- The Vagus Nerve is responsible for muscle movement in the mouth. Thus stimulation of it, will have an effect the muscles around the mouth.
- (Re) starting correct breathing might wake up a few lazy muscles in the neck that feel sore the first days of intense practice.
I'm also getting 'heaviness' around my neck/base of my skull. One thing I noted last week was the sense that there was no floor beneath me, and at the same time the opposite of pressure on my head (like I wanted to float up). Lasted a few hours and I've been getting it now and again ever since.
Sensations or not, somethings definitely changing!

Corto Maltese said:
I use to do it every day too, sometimes even twice. After initial surge in energy I went through pretty strong physical symptoms/pains which culminated in bad case of flu ( most probably swine flu).
For last 10 days I have found myself in the lowest pit ever. Everything has lost its usual flavor and I am just indifferent to everything, even things that use to be very exciting. What worries me the most is the feeling of complete exhaustion, my energy level has never been so low. I don't know what to make of this and I am going to see the kinesiologist for a session of Body talk to try to figure out what is going on.

That's exactly how I felt when after the first week of starting, minus the flu (for me it was more like an allergic reaction). It got worse and I felt like this for the last few weeks. My diet is still not what it should be, and I had not started the full detox program yet...so I did some research and went down the local health food shop and got all the supplements for the morning shake plus a few other bits in one go (expensive and not always the best quality). I've been trying to alkalise my body, taking the supplements/shake and doing my best to avoid gluten and other such things......so far I am no longer exhausted to the same level. The bit that is missing is my sleep. I do think I need to sleep more but haven't been able to break my 'old routines' enough to get more sleep. Once or twice when I did manage it I woke up tired but more rested.

Other things that have really helped (following all the advice that has been given) is reading before bed. It seems that all we take in (in the way of food/nutrients/impressions/emotions etc etc) need to be very closely monitored and filtered accordingly because they all seem to have a greater impact on me now. My intolerance for things like gluten has gone through the roof (not a bad thing), the trouble is I was still eating (am still occasionally eating) bread. The thing that seems different is that so long as I've done enough research/put the effort in, switching to healthier foods seems effortless! Infact a lot of these changes seem effortless despite the tiredness. Some I still need to make however are stuck.

A few last thoughts.....perhaps the tiredness/exhaustion is simply what was always thered under the surface yet we couldn't see it. Perhaps this then is another trick of the predators mind, that it keeps us in a state of permanent (stress) exhaustion that we do not see when we are in it (despite functioning OK). Its like being on a constant treadmill. When you finally stop and relax and catch your breath you are hit by a sudden need to rest! Not only that you notice your dehydrated and malnourished (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) from being on the metaphorical treadmill all that time.
So perhaps this is partly a life time (or mores) worth of physical stress being detoxed....among many other things (including probably physical detox symptoms as well).
Greetings all,

My experiences of late has also included being extremely tired. For some reason I wake up from a deep sleep only 2-3 hours after I have fallen asleep. Somewhere always around 3:00 AM. I find it very difficult to fall back asleep. I will get up walk around a bit in the dark, have a smoke, come to the forum and about an hour or so later I return to bed and lay there for awhile. I start doing the prayer meditation and then I finally fall asleep only to sleep for about 2 more hours. The worst time of day for me is getting out of bed. My body hurts so bad. I get up stretch a bit, walk the dogs right away and my body starts to feel better. There is definitely something going on while I sleep. Can not put a finger on it though. And crazy dreams, though I have always had crazy dreams. Five dream journals full.

On Thursday when I did the full program, during the prayer meditation I felt a feeling of rising up. There was a wonderful feeling of joy as well. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.
I just want to draw your attention to the fact that our beloved Pepperfritz is no longer with us and I would like to dedicate tonight's meditation and communal breathing exercises to her. Please hold her in your mind and hearts!

In Memorium - Pepperfritz
In dedicating this evening's communal breathing meditation to PepperFritz, it was the most peaceful one I have experienced since starting.
Laura said:
I just want to draw your attention to the fact that our beloved Pepperfritz is no longer with us and I would like to dedicate tonight's meditation and communal breathing exercises to her. Please hold her in your mind and hearts!

In Memorium - Pepperfritz

Done. I do this Tuesday morning which is Monday around the rest of the world.

The sadness seemed to lift a little.
It's been pretty quite after the breathing/meditation sessions lately. I'm no longer experiencing any spontaneous crying. A week ago I did feel angry and annoyed during the actual meditation. This totally confused me :huh: and I was 'snap, crackle and pop' all the next day (and not in a nice way I might add) :( .

This week I feel quite peaceful except for a heavy feeling in the nose. Which has been quite pronounced when I've been to shopping centres, where its all lit up brightly, to such an extent at one point I was lightheaded.

Unfortunately, last night I missed Laura's suggestion about meditation for Pepperfritz. In future it might be a good idea for me where possible to follow Johnno's solution and do it on Tuesday morning's Oz time.
Johnno said:
The sadness seemed to lift a little.
Yea, this morning I feel much lighter then yesterday evening, although there is still a sense of something missing, when I come to forum.

I wanted to report the result of my visit to kinesiologist yesterday, but couldnt bring myself to do so as it felt disrespectful to write about petty personal things.
But I suppose life must go on as usual.

So basically I went to this session of Body Talk which is basicaly some sort of applied kinesiology ( Mrs. Tigersoap explains it nicely here
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=7092.0) where the therapist establishes the dialogue with your inner body, or subconscious or real I, or whatever...
There is a protocol to be followed, and once a problem is established light tapping on the skull by therapist is supposed to stimulate the brain cortex and balance the things out. I don't know how, but it seems it indeed works.
In any case my fatigue is appearently the result of flu aftermath and i am not supposed to force myself to exercise. The body says yes it was a swine flu. According to the body the prelude to this was tetanus jab I (reluctantly) took few months ago ( I didnt have any choice, for my profession it is actually prescribed by law and I was dodging it for decades until I was badly bitten in June).

I had a list of other questions to which the therapist reluctantly agreed to ask. Hera are the answers
1. Eiru Eolas is good for my body and I should do a full program on average 3 times a week
2. Is my DNA changing - Body refuses to answer
3. Was I ever abducted by aliens - Body says no.
4. Smoking is not harmful for me as long as moderate
5. I should avoid milk and dairy products
6. Meat is good for me

In any case i thought all this, although very personal might be worth of sharing here
Johnno said:
Laura said:
I just want to draw your attention to the fact that our beloved Pepperfritz is no longer with us and I would like to dedicate tonight's meditation and communal breathing exercises to her. Please hold her in your mind and hearts!

In Memorium - Pepperfritz

Done. I do this Tuesday morning which is Monday around the rest of the world.

The sadness seemed to lift a little.

That was a tough one. I cried quite a lot and i zoned out during most of the meditation.
The heaviness around the forehead area that I felt earlier on during the breathing exercise has somewhat abated. I only sense it when I am doing the EE but now this "heaviness" has shifted to the base of the skull at the back of the neck. Again it's there throughout the day. Haven't read anyone else reporting this or has anyone else had a similar sensation?

I've I had this too! I was just reading through the posts thinking that it was odd that no one else experienced that when I came upon your post-thanks for that because I've been trying to pass it off as my imagination. I notice that it intensifies when I'm actively thinking of topics related to the forum and "work" too.

We did the breathing and he meditation with my husband/MC/ , dedicated to Victoria-Pepperfritz.
We prayed first together "The Prayer of The Soul", then following with the exercise, three stage breathing and meditation.
During the the "BA-HA" I could not stop yawning and all away I shed tears.
Well this is a way to get rid of toxins.

The end of meditation I have seen a light, it was around and changed shapes and colors. It became a crop-circle first, then changed to all kinds of colors and forms.

Thank you Laura and SOTT-team for this remarkable job!
My session in remembrance of PepperFritz was very stormy, I was still practically in a state of shock when I started. It was 1AM when I began and I was very tired, but I didn't want to miss it for my life and I'm glad I didn't.

In the end, it felt like my whole body wanted me to cry out loud. Unfortunately, I could not because of my parents who were sleeping in the room next to mine (a temporary but bothersome state of affairs I hope will pass so that I can get on with this program 100%).
Corto Maltese said:
3. Was I ever abducted by aliens - Body says no.

It is my experience (so it might be different for others) that when asked this question, the body always answers 'no'. I tried on a lot of people, asking differently but it's always no. I think that there are 'locks' inside ourselves preventing the body to answer such questions. Even while doing hypnosis, if I recall correctly in The Wave, Laura had to really insist and be cunning in her hypnosis for the lady to remember the abduction.

Also I'm actually open to the idea of abductions while I was testing. So if your kinesiologist has any reservations about the whole concept, forget about the accuracy of testing.

I'm not saying I'm sure you were abducted, just that in this particular case, the answer might not be correct. ;)
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