Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

My session was emotionally draining and freeing. I kept thinking about Victoria. I made it to the 2nd stage of the round breathing, then lost it completely. Once I finished crying, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort that I still have this morning. I felt a connection to her,even though I never met her. Victoria, your life and death makes this Work, the people on this Forum and the Forum itself more beloved by me. You will be missed.
Corto Maltese said:
Yea, this morning I feel much lighter then yesterday evening, although there is still a sense of something missing, when I come to forum.

CM, it's good to hear that you’re feeling somewhat better, and that you’ve gained some new knowledge about your body and self. From there you can begin to make intelligent healing choices

Corto Maltese said:
According to the body the prelude to this was tetanus jab I (reluctantly) took few months ago ( I didnt have any choice, for my profession it is actually prescribed by law and I was dodging it for decades until I was badly bitten in June)

To help your body cope with the effects of a vaccine which you may be subjected to, you might like to check out Dr Russell Blaylock’s advice here.
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Corto Maltese said:
3. Was I ever abducted by aliens - Body says no.

It is my experience (so it might be different for others) that when asked this question, the body always answers 'no'. I tried on a lot of people, asking differently but it's always no. I think that there are 'locks' inside ourselves preventing the body to answer such questions. Even while doing hypnosis, if I recall correctly in The Wave, Laura had to really insist and be cunning in her hypnosis for the lady to remember the abduction.

Also I'm actually open to the idea of abductions while I was testing. So if your kinesiologist has any reservations about the whole concept, forget about the accuracy of testing.

I'm not saying I'm sure you were abducted, just that in this particular case, the answer might not be correct. ;)
The therapist is quite open minded so I don't think that was the problem.

What I found interesting was that body didn't give permission for several questions, I mentioned DNA as the others were too personal for the forum. Then there were questions like the one about abduction were the answer was straightforward no.
Most of the dialogue was quite accurate, and it was amazing how certain things that therapist didn't know anything about were uncovered.

Thanks Mada I am looking into this.
With consideration that this will be my first post on the cass forum, I'd like to give a friendly hello as an introduction. So,... hello. :D

I Intended on creating a forum profile much earlier on, however, today seems to be the day to have done so. I've been reading material about the breathing program as it as progressed over the past weeks, and shared conversations with those familiar with the material and program as well. Though last night was the first time I've completed Eíriú-Eolas through in it's entirety, focusing on my breath has been something of regularity for the past 3 years or so, introduced mostly by yoga practices and past read literature on strengthening the mind and body. As mentioned before, I've shared conversations about the breathing program, many of them including a plan on when to get a few of us together to practice with one another, but until last night we hadn't gotten around to it.

Hearing and reading the news about Victoria, Laura's suggestion on dedicating the evenings program to her, recent focus on discipline as well as other personal circumstances all pointed to settling down for the evening with the intent to complete the program through. Holy cow... what an experience.

A rainy and thundery evening, the two of us made ourselves comfortable (both on this maiden voyage). In... out... in... out... nothing too unfamiliar for awhile. Focused on the sensations throughout my body, while maintaining focus on keeping the face and neck relaxed... a numbness and buzzy sensation started at the lips. Then down from the fingertips resting on my chest, it moved slowly throughout the rest of the body. Nice and light, but obviously something was being excited for all this buzzing to be going on. Still not quite out of the "ordinary," I can recall the sensation from previous experiences. During these breaths I can't recall thinking about much other than noting the feelings in and around the body. If I recall correctly it was directly after the Warrior Breaths (I think that's what they were called) that the intensity of the buzzing increased into a vibration. Like a cell phone that vibrates across a table top, it felt as though I was vibrating above the surface of the bed. More intense, more intense it grew, and then a little panic set in. Though I don't feel like "panic" is the correct word, a flag popped up, something needed to be noted. If I didn't have my breathing partner next to me, it may have turned into panic, for my throat and limbs, but particularly my feet and hands went into a rigor mortis type of feeling. My hands and feet curled and became stiff and deranged. There was slight mobility at first, when I realized what was going on, so in attempt to make sure I was "ok" I wiggled them around as best I could, but all I could muster was a slight movement from where the fingers joined the hand.

This rigor mortis lasted from around the middle of Laura's guidance though Ba Ha, through the end of the Prayer of the Soul meditation. Lessening gradually more and more as the program came to an end, though residual rigidity afterward while pulling my knees up off the mattress.

Many thoughts. The rigor mortis sensation instantly popped up a memory of a childhood dream where I had seen two UFOs over my house while hanging out on our porch, my mom and a friend of hers were there, and when I had seen these things, I became frozen. I wanted to tell them but couldn't, (just like last night, I wanted to say something about the tension but I couldn't talk) I wanted to move/hide, but I couldn't.

Listening to Laura's voice as she said Baaaaa, was overwhelming... I kept thinking of babies... pure, new life... their little mouths opening with those first breaths. Also, coming to the surface of the water, craving air, breathing in deeply, a ba sound while inhaling... but breathing in as the lips part. It became difficult to keep breathing in time with Laura's guidance, and I faltered thinking I couldn't go any further; the vibrations were so strong and the tension in the hands too much to handle... 3 inhalations later, the ba ha section of the meditation was over...

And the Prayer of the Soul, was the water works faucet. After the first few rounds of the prayer of the soul, tears, one here and there would pour down my cheeks, and then as though the water faucet was turned to a slow constant stream, the tears pour fluidly down the sides of my temples into my ears. Thinking about ended life, new life, Victoria and the ways she "gave bread to others," the beauty of being here to experience something like this with another soul resting beside me. Every word of the prayer intensified with every round, becoming richer and fuller... filling every part of my chest... "cleansing my heart that I may Know and Love the Holiness of True Existence.

After all that I was glad that it was near 2 in the morning, and we would be laying to rest. Tiring... Woke up well this morning. Feeling peachy, and clear. I hopped on the forum to catch others experiences of Monday nights breathing sessions, and read a few comments about noting images of babies while listening to Laura say Ba Ha... something I identified with from last evening. Felt compelled to post my experience as well, a good way to start becoming more active on the forum perhaps.

Curious as to what the next voyage will bring...

Welcome Kujo!

I enjoyed reading that, you're good at describing what you feel :)

That tingling feeling is really funny. Once after the Ba-Ha part my whole body was tingling and I stood up to turn the lights off so that I could lay down for the meditation part and when I stood up and walked, it felt like I was ''on fire'', it was really weird, but fun.
Welcome to the forum Kujo,

It's customary to ask new members to post a brief intro in the Newbies Forum where a few things can be said about yourself, (there's no need to reveal personal information) how you came here, and what you've read by Laura and Ark so far.

Great first post by the way!
Thanks for the compliments and friendly welcome, Oxajil and Mountain Crown, though I couldn't expect less from a network like this. Thanks for the reminder, too. You'll find a short but sweet post about myself in the newbies thread shortly. :-)

Looking back through this thread, and also listening to the breathing intro again, I've been reminded of some possible reasons for the curling of my extremities and the paralysis feeling. Weeeee!
Namaste said:
Johnno said:
Laura said:
I just want to draw your attention to the fact that our beloved Pepperfritz is no longer with us and I would like to dedicate tonight's meditation and communal breathing exercises to her. Please hold her in your mind and hearts!

In Memorium - Pepperfritz

Done. I do this Tuesday morning which is Monday around the rest of the world.

The sadness seemed to lift a little.

That was a tough one. I cried quite a lot and i zoned out during most of the meditation.

Same, although I did all the crying before starting the breathing, and zoned out really bad during.

kujo said:
My hands and feet curled and became stiff and deranged. There was slight mobility at first, when I realized what was going on, so in attempt to make sure I was "ok" I wiggled them around as best I could, but all I could muster was a slight movement from where the fingers joined the hand.

Hi Kujo
fwiw I've heard this can happen if you get too much oxygen in one go, so perhaps if might be worth backing of the depth of the breath slightly? This is what I tend to do....although saying that I'm now not sure if this is the right thing to do or not??

When I did the program thinking about PF, it was the first time I was struggling with the program. I guess I somehow didn't know how to do it while keeping her in my mind or maybe it was something else, I don't know. Interesting thing is that my body was not tingling at all.
The meditation part was going well though (I think), I saw flying figures again. There was one figure who was traveling all the way to the left (with speed!), I had to kind of lean my head to the left to keep seeing it and of course trying to ''catch'' it :) (I had my eyes closed)

just something I found on left/right symbolism:

The right is associated with action and the male, solar aspects of existence. The left is traditionally associated with weakness, passivity and the lunar, female principle. It’s important to note that these associations are from a Western viewpoint.

In the East, the symbolic values of left and right are much different. In Japan, the left is the side of the male, solar energy and also stands for nobility and wisdom. In contrast, it’s the right side that holds the female, lunar qualities. China’s yin-yang concept shows a philosophy of balance and interrelatedness between male-female/left-right/light-dark. The Cabala presents a neutral interpretation. The right hand of god is the hand of blessing and symbolizes mercy. The left hand stands for justice and is known as the the hand of the king.

From a psychological perspective, left and right take on added meaning. Jungian Marie-Louise Von Franz, wrote in Man and His Symbols, “. . . ‘right’ side — the side where things become conscious. Among other things ‘right’ often means, psychologically, the side of consciousness, of adaptation, of being ‘right,’ while ‘left’ signifies the sphere of the unadapted, unconscious reactions or sometimes even of something ’sinister.’ “ Additionally, Jung pointed out that the left side is also the side of the heart, and from it flows not only love, “but all the evil thoughts connected with it. ”

I've planned my session the best I can on Monday. Until that date I've always preferred to lying down in my bed or sitting on it during the three-stage breathing and warrior's, but that wasn't comfortable and so I choose for the chair. That was great!

During the ba-ha session, I was quite at the end of it, I felt a strong zap on my right cheek that made me jump on my chair :scared: so then I had to repeat it all again. That's when my thoughts went on Victoria, as it's the longest part of the whole breathing and very often is easy to be flooded by thoughts.

Had a moderate headache through all the day and my mood was really going south on Monday; this session pushed it all away if not for the last 2 hours of sleep where I kept rolling right and left on my bed, almost insomniac.

Next day (yesterday) I was almost unable to keep reciting the seed in the evening, and fell asleep soon. But in the same day, in the afternoon, I did a few breathing on the chair and it all came out very slow and deep as never before. After all that it popped up that maybe it was the best time to do it. I have a job that ends quite late in the evening, so this muscle tension I've felt during or near the end of each past sessions could be that I'm too low on energy to perform anything at bedtime. That was a big clue indeed!
On monday i did the full program, and zoned out after the second time I recited the prayer of the soul. I returned when the audio was almost in the end!
Apart from that, the programs are all worked up, and general law in general trying to sidetrack me.

I have been feeling, specially during the BA HA portion, some constriction in the throat, like when you cry.

Not much else to report now, aside the usual tingling, heat on the top of the head, and saliva. Lots of saliva.
Monday's session was brutal for me. I wanted to cry, but couldn't. My eyes became very dry and red. I couldn't think or feel for Pepper and instead became more identified with my self and the body's inability to exercise the program. The frustration boiled over and for the first time I understood why Laura suggested having a cushion handy. There I was intending to give something to one of our own, to send her on her way, to thank her, to just hold her in my thoughts for even a moment!... but all I could feel was anger. I woke up suddenly at three in the morning, went outside for a smoke and saw a 'star' become brighter, then move horizontally as it faded into darkness.

I should add that my parents arrived to visit me for a few days that evening, so perhaps my defences were stronger than usual on Monday.

Tomorrow is another day.
The last couple of times that I did the full meditation, I got the impression that it was becoming more difficult to will myself to stay focused on the experience. I mean as opposed to being 'willing' to drift off or zone out.

I did have a couple of pleasant experiences the last session though. I was attempting to stay focused and to concentrate only on the breathing; however, the stronger I tried to focus only on that, the more I seemed to drift into thought loops or blank zone-out.

The pleasant part was a realization that with no conscious effort on my part (whenever I had not yet realized my attention wandered), my attention automatically returned to Laura's voice just before the pace of the Ba-Ha picked up. This happened twice. That told me my body or some other part of my mind was still tracking the progress of the meditation, and knew when to 'call me back'.

Still, I was concerned about this drifting until I realized that the key to being focused and present when I want to, is to alternate my attention constantly, between at least two things instead of trying to focus on just one (not much different from self-remembering). In other words, back and forth between the breath, Laura's voice, body sensations and/or music constantly. I think this is similar to the way the eye can't just gaze or stare at one thing, otherwise it will disappear.[1]

Our eyes can't see a fixed, non-moving image. Our eyes are always scanning and moving. If you can lock your eye in one spot (this research usually requires rather painful apparatus to fix an eyeball), the image fades away. Even when we think we're staring, our visual systems are constantly moving our eyes slightly to keep the signals coming and the image refreshed.
Third, feedback of motor commands, long known to play a critical role in controlling oculomotor behavior (Robinson, 1981), plays a critical role in visual perception as well (see also e.g., Pola & Wyatt, 1989; Freeman & Banks, 1998; Turano & Heidenreich, 1999).
I have a doubt respect the meditation. As I pointed in my last intervention, I like to keep the breath a little bit more of normal between phrases( four seconds minimun o the necessary to achieve the mean of the phrase with full lungs) this do that I feel a kind of little "narcosis", In this state I experienced together the thinking in the phrases this pulse that I don´t know how to describe, as I commented in my last intervention. Have some of you experienced with this kind of breathing? is it a good thing to do? Or could it change the objetive of the practice?
I started EE program few weeks ago. The first time I did all of it in the BAHA portion my whole body felt cold with prickling sensation all over it except my mouth.

Thanks Aragorn for the article and explenation about physical sympthomps.

The second time was much better with tingling in my legs which felt like electric current was going through them and my arms tingled too. I did it lying down.
Now when I do the BAHA part the tingling is present in my hands and feet but i still feel the current in one leg - sometimes right, sometime left and rearly in both. It's very distracting. When I am distracted to the point that I start to move around (change positions from lying to sitting and then lying again) I finish it anyway and then repeat it befor meditation in the evening (if I do the program in the morning or afternoon).
Also sometime I feel like I have some kind of band around my head and few timse I noticed stinging in third eye vicinity. I noticed that I don't have problrms with my legs when I do the BAHA sitting (but i get distracted by pain in my back in heart proximity and flys of all things :rolleyes:).
When I lie down for the meditation part the tingling in my hands (which is more pronounced) and feet is present. I think i try BAHA part standing and sitting in the chair and then choose the way to do it in which I'm less distracted and most comfortable.

I didn't have emotional outbursts during or right after the EE, but I noticed after first few times I was more agresive in my thoughts and very easy to anger and/or irritate. It also could be because I was in the part of woman cycle when I was easly iritated/angered. Now my bursts of anger and iritation are still present but not that often. Pipe breathing helps.

In the matter of dreams. I know that I dream something but don't remember all of my dreams. Two things that I do remember happened in the end of the second week of doing the program and meditation. I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't know where I was, and two (or tree) days later I woke up about 2-3 a.m. very frightened, actualy I stood up from the bed with the feeling of intens feer didn't know were I was, looking frantic around and then realy woke up, realized where I was checked up time and went back to sleep.

That is it for now.
When I go home from my vacation work in weeks time I hope I will have far less outer distractions and far far less noise to deal with. I report my progres and changes (if any) then.
One thing doing the program here thought me is discipline. It didn't matter what my inner voice whined about (it's too hot, too noicy, too tired, too something) I just did EE program mondays and tuesdays, meditated for the rest of the week (sometimes two times a day) and utilized pipe breathing wherever I could.

Cytat: Laura Sierpień 24, 2009, 06:19:36
I just want to draw your attention to the fact that our beloved Pepperfritz is no longer with us and I would like to dedicate tonight's meditation and communal breathing exercises to her. Please hold her in your mind and hearts!

In Memorium - Pepperfritz

I saw it yesterday (Wednesday) I dedicate today's meditation and mondays program in Her memory.
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