Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

mada85 said:
About a week ago I decided to stop doing the full program every day, and just do it on Mondays and Thursdays, with the Prayer at other times. I had a suspicion that doing the full program every day was in some way preventing deeper emotional cleansing. I felt that I was becoming too accustomed to it and losing focus. Anyway, I have found since then that less is more.

I used to do it nearly every day, too - until a near-week long hiatus when I seemed to have caught a cold (a less-than-clear nose being a hindrance), milder symptoms coming and going for a couple of days before the big outbreak, which made me fairly inert for two days before it gradually cleared up. I missed one thursday, and the PepperFritz Monday was the day of resuming it, keeping now to mondays and thursdays (though still some free-form pipe breathing when I feel like it).

The gradual change I have noticed with E-E kept up and even sped up during this break - maybe it was "pending" following preceding practice?

As for the last session, I was very tired and it went absentmindedly for me, slipping off into a dream-like state more than once and popping back. I couldn't focus on the prayer - but I gave it a go simply doing it in my mind afterwards, which worked better. Both of the last two sessions have been very unfocused for me. (doing the whole monday and thursday E-E earlier rather than at night would be better for me - and perhaps some others? - in terms of focus. though this, if OK, would mean doing the prayer again additionally before sleeping)
mada85 said:
Did you read what Laura wrote about this? She says that with time and practice, we will be able to bring back more memories from that state. She also says that in that state we are taking ‘light baths’, which is interesting because it feels like darkness. If you consider that everything in our world is a mirror image, or inversion, of a ‘true existence’, then true light would seem like darkness, in our current state of being.
I understand it also that if we are not yet able to bring out what happens during those zoning-out moments it means that we need more cleansing to receive that light so to say, but a t least, even if it is not accessible to our consciousness, something is happening in our being, right?
nicklebleu said:
I have been seeing these faces during the meditative portion as well. They didn't feel threatening, weren't even watching me, just floating by. And I have had very vivid dreams as well. For four days in a row I dreamt vivid and weird dreams of a sexual nature - which is very unusual for me. These dreams were neither pleasant nor terrifying, just a bit disconcerting ... not sure what this means. Anyway, thankfully they seem to be gone now.

This is kind of emberassing, but I think I should tell it. I generally don't have sexual dreams either. Yesterday after breathing program, I couldn't sleep for hours and when I slept for a while around the morning, I saw a woman. She wasn't beautiful, she wasn't naked and when I saw her in the dream, I wasn't interested at all. Then she began to radiate something, like a form of frequency and I could see that frequency in the dream.

My conscious mind in the dream wasn't impressed, but my body responded to this frequency both in the dream and in real life. Then I woke up before she take an action. I researched a little and came across a medieval legend called succubus:

Wikipedia said:
In folklore that stems from medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi) is a demon who takes the form of a woman to seduce men in dreams to have sexual intercourse.


Succubi draw energy from men to sustain themselves, often until the victim becomes exhausted or dies.

This reminds me what Laura described in High Strangeness, demonic women[possibly an alien?] come and have sex with men, if I am not mistaken. I didn't have any negative reaction to the dream, actually I was impressed by the radiation this woman could produce, but after thinking for a while, how I was about to be robbed from my free will, I found the whole process quite disgusting.

Does your experience resembles this one?
kujo said:
Reading through this thread, and the descriptions of each of our experiences with the breathing program, I see the phrase, "zoned-out" quite often. Those who have experienced this zoned-out feeling... can you elaborate on that? If you had to describe the "zoning-out" another way, how would it go? I'm curious if "zoned-out" could have more of a definition... more for us to see in our experience. Is it a blankness? A lack of focus?

When thinking of watching another person, "zone out," (imagine a person, staring, eyes fixed on nothing in particular, and when grasping their attention, they "snap" back) and recalling when I have "zoned out" during the day, often I'm able to describe what I had been thinking about, though to the other I was "zoning."

I hope my questions are clear. It just seems like a rather general description to what we may "actually" be experiencing... :/

Hi Kujo,

My experience with the "zoning out" is best described as a loss of awareness of my body, my thoughts. The times it has happened, I was listening to the prayer of the soul and repeating it in my mind, contemplating the words, trying to pay attention to my body. At some point, I lose awareness of that. I just go away somewhere. I also had a session where I would "go in and out" of awareness. From my understanding, it's dissassocation, but the of the positive kind. Hope that makes sense. :) Here is a relevant snippet from the Aug 5th session with C's.

Aug 5 2009 session said:
Q: (L) I would like to know if you have any comments to make on the progress of our breathing and meditation program for the readers of our forum and perhaps other people who are practicing it about whom we know nothing?

A: It is already having effects in other realms.

Q: (L) What other realms?

A: 4, 5, 6D.

Q: (L) In what respect?

A: Humans should remember the hermetic maxim can go both ways in some respects. Those who are destined to "meet" themselves in the future can now do so with greater facility due to these efforts. We once said that "you in the future" could "rewrite" cosmic programs... that goes for others too. They are now learning the programming language.

Q: (L) A number of people on the forum have talked about the zoning out thing, the, ya know... while still awake seemingly, losing all awareness of self and just kind of zoning out. What is this phenomenon?

A: See previous answer and think of it as spending "time" with the higher self/teacher instead of wasting the ability to dissociate on futile illusions. Also remember that "time" spent in this process utilizes this "soul ability" as it was originally intended. It taxes the soul greatly to be embodied.
Mountain Crown said:
I'm resolved that my intent to be as brief and precise as possible should adapt for sakeof the topic.

I think that's a good idea, a few of your posts of late have been a bit 'cryptic'...

mc said:
If the immediate reaction is negative, there is reason to suspect the enitities (if they are entities) are predators.

I would posit that the exact same is true if the immediate emotional reaction is positive - perhaps even more so - witness the 'gray huggers' and their emotional reactions for an example.
mada85 said:
She also says that in that state we are taking ‘light baths’, which is interesting because it feels like darkness. If you consider that everything in our world is a mirror image, or inversion, of a ‘true existence’, then true light would seem like darkness, in our current state of being.

I think this might be a rather large misinterpretation. 3D does appear to be a 'reflection' of 4D in certain ways, but the idea that it is always a mirror image or inversion is not accurate, to my understanding. Also, the idea that true light would appear as darkness to us has no basis in fact from what we've been able to uncover so far. If, upon the moment of death, the white light that is seen is 7D, as the C's say it is, it would contradict the idea that we see light as darkness.
mkrnhr said:
mada85 said:
Did you read what Laura wrote about this? She says that with time and practice, we will be able to bring back more memories from that state. She also says that in that state we are taking ‘light baths’, which is interesting because it feels like darkness. If you consider that everything in our world is a mirror image, or inversion, of a ‘true existence’, then true light would seem like darkness, in our current state of being.
I understand it also that if we are not yet able to bring out what happens during those zoning-out moments it means that we need more cleansing to receive that light so to say, but a t least, even if it is not accessible to our consciousness, something is happening in our being, right?

I have understood that something is happening, some interaction is happening, but we are not yet able to comprehend it. Our physical brains don’t have yet "wires strong enough" (receivership capability maybe) for "strong electricity" so the whole system goes down, which we see as zoning out. But happening during zoning out together with gathering knowledge and growth as a person goes hand with hand to the point when we will be able to comprehend all of that.

Oof, I am hoping that this is what I wanted to say, my thinking in english is bad today :rolleyes:
kujo said:
Reading through this thread, and the descriptions of each of our experiences with the breathing program, I see the phrase, "zoned-out" quite often. Those who have experienced this zoned-out feeling... can you elaborate on that? If you had to describe the "zoning-out" another way, how would it go? I'm curious if "zoned-out" could have more of a definition... more for us to see in our experience. Is it a blankness? A lack of focus?

When thinking of watching another person, "zone out," (imagine a person, staring, eyes fixed on nothing in particular, and when grasping their attention, they "snap" back) and recalling when I have "zoned out" during the day, often I'm able to describe what I had been thinking about, though to the other I was "zoning."

I hope my questions are clear. It just seems like a rather general description to what we may "actually" be experiencing... :/

Hi kujo, this was discussed earlier in this thread (if you've not had a chance to read the whole thread, take the time, it's worth it!) Here is what Laura wrote:

Laura said:
It sounds to me like everyone is having exactly the right experiences for their individual situations. They will be similar, but not identical, and this is as it should be because one person may be stronger in one area than another and need "shoring up" in that area where they are less assertive, psychically or psychologically speaking.

One thing about "light": If you start seeing lights, it might be helpful to sort of "grab" them (or it) with your mind and try to hold it still. Over time, you may be able to do this, and then, watch it and "grow" it.

If you feel a "heaviness" around the third eye, also try to "hold it" and see if it is not "light trying to break through." These are just suggestions, not hard and fast rules.

As for "zoning," I think the description given in ISOTM is good, and what I learned was that, after a time, the "self-remembering" that is going on during this "zoning" period becomes more and more available to the conscious mind. That is, for a time, you won't be able to bring back the awareness of what goes on between you and the cosmos (higher self/objective consciousness), but as you continue, you will be able to bring back bits and pieces (sometimes in flashes of images, knowings, etc) and eventually, the dyke between the conscious mind and the higher self will wear away and you will be able to "walk between two worlds."

As I said, it's a process, and it will go at a sligthly different pace for each individual, or with emphasis on one area or another according to your need.

Now, let me give you a little preview of what can/may happen over the next couple of months as you continue this practice.

What you are doing is establishing a living relationship with the immeasurable force of your own higher being. Just being able to have definite experiences with this psychic or non-material existence is the first step and plays a primary part in true initiation.

Material life is the infinite or cosmic self housed in a body. The body is important only as insofar as it is that housing (though that housing is very important for a number of reasons I won't go into here). What is important for you now is understanding that the cosmic self/essence has a "house." The metaphor of the horse, cart, driver and master is useful here.

The "master," or higher self intelligence possesses a deeper faculty than material intelligence, because it exists in a state of limitlessness, which gives great breadth to its intelligence, while the brain of the body, which is what enables us to manifest "mind" is limited by material horizon. The higher intellectual center has the ability to perceive everything at one moment. This greater range of observation would obviously burn out the circuits of the physical brain which runs a lot of programs and loops that are tied to physical circuits. So this is why, mainly, zoning occurs. You simply could not handle what your higher self perceives. Not yet, anyway.

So, at present, you are being introduced to your immeasurable higher self and undergoing a process of psychic/psychological/emotional purification. You are "cleansing the temple," so to say.

Repeated practice of this process is this act of purification/cleansing and preparation for the union of the higher self and the earthly self. You are, in a sense, taking "light baths" every time you practice the meditation.

Many traditions focus on this task for years and years and years, turning it into a protracted, painful process. In many traditions, those who seek this sort of communion/purification, often spend YEARS getting to the stage that most of you have achieved after just a couple of weeks of practice. So don't be put off by the fact that it may take a couple or few months to clear away the programs and the dross of emotions that are a result of programming. You are preparing your vessel so that the higher self can actively "inhabit" or directly interact with your physical brain/mind.

The confusions and problems with most of what gets passed off as esoteric teachings in modern New Age contexts (not to mention older teachings that miss the mark) are caused by people seeking to manifest the force of the immeasureable higher self without either understanding or preparing for it. They seek to pour new wine in old bottles, as the "scriptures" say. They seek to pour into their own twisted and distorted selves (twisted and distorted by a pathological reality) the most amazing power in the Universe - the essence of their higher selves.

And so, the necessity for the cleansing.

So, what is actually happening for all of you is that your are generating the penetrating "astral light" that cleanses away all that stands between you and your true, higher self.

Even with the purest method such as we have here, this can take varying amounts of time according to what the life experiences of the individual are. In some cases, it can happen very fast. In other cases, it may take a little longer and may seem like it is going nowhere, but then, without warning, the light will break through and bathe and cleanse your entire being.

Keep in mind that the higher self does not measure time by material methods and it takes some getting used to - the manifestation of a limitless, timeless force.

Your own higher self/essence is directing the cleansing process. I suspect that some of the effects that many of you are reporting (lights, pressures, etc) are you feeling your own higher self/essence at work.

At some point, when the cleansing has proceeded to a certain point and the higher self is enabled to interact more directly - that is, take charge of the cart, driver and horse, it can begin to provide leadership and direction to your life. Now, since this is YOU doing it, don't think that it is going to feel like some stranger coming in and taking over. The only way I can describe it is like how you feel being an adult relative to having been a child. You make this leap into your true, grown-up self, and all that childish stuff just sort of falls away. You will become a being that is at once human and at the same time, divine. You will no longer identify with your body or false personality, it will, instead, become a "house" or an "instrument."

What will happen is that your self, your being, will take on a new quality of vitality and range and initiative. You will become strong in areas where you once were weak. You will experience the constant guidance of the higher self with its "eyes of the soul." This guidance will be active in the work of your hands and the words of your mouth. You will feel this guidance in the form of protection, also - you will have the ability to perceive danger. Your essence will guide you to acquire the knowledge you need on a practical level to protect the material being from unnecessary harm. The higher self, knowing the power of material attraction, helps you to be aware and strong so that you will continue to be a channel of the higher self into the material world.

So, that is just a brief outline of the initial benefits to come. There is more, of course, but let's save that for later.
anart said:
mada85 said:
She also says that in that state we are taking ‘light baths’, which is interesting because it feels like darkness. If you consider that everything in our world is a mirror image, or inversion, of a ‘true existence’, then true light would seem like darkness, in our current state of being.

I think this might be a rather large misinterpretation. 3D does appear to be a 'reflection' of 4D in certain ways, but the idea that it is always a mirror image or inversion is not accurate, to my understanding. Also, the idea that true light would appear as darkness to us has no basis in fact from what we've been able to uncover so far. If, upon the moment of death, the white light that is seen is 7D, as the C's say it is, it would contradict the idea that we see light as darkness.

What might be closer to the mark - OSIT - is that some light we cannot yet see; it is transparent to us unless our level of Being is capable of perceiving it. And if this light causes the dark within to dissolve, loosen and come up - then it will feel dark.
A: 4, 5, 6D.
When I read this transcript I retained only the 4D aspect. The 5D reference is for a death experience isn't it?

For me the faces are a process of cleansing one's own memories attachments (some of the faces I saw belong to persons who exist "in real life"). However, attracting some fragments of consciousness is also a possibility, even if they do not necessarily manifest as faces IMHO. Maybe succubus dreams like Biomast's one or being chased (to steal energy??) are other signs of this attractiveness?
Biomiast said:
This is kind of emberassing, but I think I should tell it. I generally don't have sexual dreams either. Yesterday after breathing program, I couldn't sleep for hours and when I slept for a while around the morning, I saw a woman. She wasn't beautiful, she wasn't naked and when I saw her in the dream, I wasn't interested at all. Then she began to radiate something, like a form of frequency and I could see that frequency in the dream.

My conscious mind in the dream wasn't impressed, but my body responded to this frequency both in the dream and in real life. Then I woke up before she take an action. I researched a little and came across a medieval legend called succubus:

Wikipedia said:
In folklore that stems from medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi) is a demon who takes the form of a woman to seduce men in dreams to have sexual intercourse.


Succubi draw energy from men to sustain themselves, often until the victim becomes exhausted or dies.

This reminds me what Laura described in High Strangeness, demonic women[possibly an alien?] come and have sex with men, if I am not mistaken. I didn't have any negative reaction to the dream, actually I was impressed by the radiation this woman could produce, but after thinking for a while, how I was about to be robbed from my free will, I found the whole process quite disgusting.

Does your experience resembles this one?

After the whole program and/or after the meditation part I say a little prayer myself to God or whoever you would like to say a prayer to. I ask God if he could take away all the evil so that they won't come in my dreams and also some other things for protection. Maybe you could try that too? Or maybe this dream you had, was maybe nothing ''special'' or maybe it was displaying a symbolic message of something to you. Or a sign of attraction as mkrnhr says.

There was one dream I had, a quite scary one, I haven't shared it yet... but here it is, From my journal:

I experienced something weird last night, don't know what to make of it, so I'm just gonna let it be.

In the evening, before going to sleep I did only the meditation part. And after that I fell asleep (and I have noted that when I started the whole EE program, I dream every night since then).
Yesterday I started to read a new part of the Wave, which interestingly began with the words ''In the beginning'' haha. But anyway, so I felt asleep and at one point at night I was ''dreaming'' about the things I read that day in the Wave. Then ''I'' was contemplating about that and then there was a moment of ''realizing'' something and instantly I felt as if I was going to 4th density. At least that was what was ''told'' to me. This was a very unpleasant experience. I felt myself wanting to go through the wall but more like ''trying'' though, and I saw myself being copied, like I was lagging.

I was quite scared when that was happening, I remember screaming and also remembered that I ''had'' to leave my family. Then I was like ''is this really happening''? And I opened my eyes immediately and noticed that it was just a dream. Don't really know what to make of it.

Maybe also a sign of attracting something?
Oxajil said:
After the whole program and/or after the meditation part I say a little prayer myself to God or whoever you would like to say a prayer to. I ask God if he could take away all the evil so that they won't come in my dreams and also some other things for protection.
hmmm... to which god do you pray and ask for protection? :/
mkrnhr said:
Oxajil said:
After the whole program and/or after the meditation part I say a little prayer myself to God or whoever you would like to say a prayer to. I ask God if he could take away all the evil so that they won't come in my dreams and also some other things for protection.
hmmm... to which god do you pray and ask for protection? :/
I've always spoken to God from when I was a little child. I don't see Him as the God described by religion, He/She was something I couldn't explain myself. But then I started reading the Wave and I started to understand Him better. The God I am praying to is the Divine Cosmic Mind :)
Oxajil said:
After the whole program and/or after the meditation part I say a little prayer myself to God or whoever you would like to say a prayer to. I ask God if he could take away all the evil so that they won't come in my dreams and also some other things for protection.
Isn't that trying to determine the needs of your higher self who better knows what lessons are to be learned?
Oxajil said:
After the whole program and/or after the meditation part I say a little prayer myself to God or whoever you would like to say a prayer to. I ask God if he could take away all the evil so that they won't come in my dreams and also some other things for protection. Maybe you could try that too? Or maybe this dream you had, was maybe nothing ''special'' or maybe it was displaying a symbolic message of something to you. Or a sign of attraction as mkrnhr says.

I want to see if it shows any noticable effect in my real life, so right now I am not sure what it is, but I have my theories. Thank you both for your input, it increases the possibilities.

If I would count the dreams I remember when I wake up for my whole life, I would end up with a number less than 50. So even remembering a dream is an unusual event for me. :)

I think I may ask for protection but it is impossible to understand if it objectively works or not. I do not see this experience as something out of myself like an alien attack, but a long-held nasty attachment that I haven't noticed before(at least in this manner), revealed by E-E. It wasn't a terrifiying thing if you ask me, just confusing at first.

I interpret the whole thing as a cleansing, because after I saw the dream, I realized some of my deepest subjectivities and desire based imbalances that kept happening during my life and this time, I was able to let them go. Only time will tell whether this letting go was done properly by me, whether it is effective or not, so I am going to wait for a while and see what happens. And I may be interpreting the whole thing wrongly, maybe it was an alien or something else that we don't know anything about.

BTW, I am occasionally talking with C's, even though they don't respond, they are excellent listeners, of course assuming they bother listening to my jokes. :lol:
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