Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Csayeursost said:
Oxajil said:
After the whole program and/or after the meditation part I say a little prayer myself to God or whoever you would like to say a prayer to. I ask God if he could take away all the evil so that they won't come in my dreams and also some other things for protection.
Isn't that trying to determine the needs of your higher self who better knows what lessons are to be learned?
I don't know actually. But my experience has been that it doesn't let me not learn my lessons, I do have ''nightmares'' and have had quite Real looking ones, also had a dark man dream once, also very real and has been quite important in my life. I don't really think it's determining the needs of my higher self. I guess it somehow gives me peace in the mind.
Through Laura's powerful prayer I ask for help on my path to becoming Myself and through my own prayer I ask for protection. Does it help? I don't know. But maybe I could stop asking for protection, but you see, I'm really a scared person. I could try though.

There's one thing I'd like to ask you guys. I feel safer when I close the curtains when sleeping, but maybe it is better to keep them open, any comments?
Mountain Crown said:
I have experienced this at various times in my life, and I developed an approach influenced by Castaneda writing that the glow of awareness is attractive. Maybe this experience is an awareness of things usually "unseen," and the immediate emotional reaction may be relevant.

You might want to ask yourself “relevant to what”? If the ‘what’ is not known then you’re setting yourself up to making assumptions and prejudicial thinking regarding the unknown. Maybe what’s relevant in this case is the attitude one has to 'themselves,' that is to their own internal reactions and how to properly deal with them. Reacting to the unknown and then having the unknown feed the reaction will just make the reaction run out of control (a condition similar to what they call in electronics 'thermal runaway').
Oxajil said:
Csayeursost said:
Isn't that trying to determine the needs of your higher self who better knows what lessons are to be learned?
This doesn't really make much sense, when she is basically addressing her higher self. I don't think there is any harm in asking of anything in this regard, so I'm not sure why you would think it would be determining needs. I also think asking is important - once one learns how to ask and not demand.

Oxajil said:
Does it help? I don't know. But maybe I could stop asking for protection, but you see, I'm really a scared person. I could try though.

There's one thing I'd like to ask you guys. I feel safer when I close the curtains when sleeping, but maybe it is better to keep them open, any comments?

I don't think there is any need to sleep with your curtains open - why? Curtains are for privacy and light blocking - they should be closed when sleeping, if either of those is an issue, or even if you just like them closed! There is really no need to start over-analyzing things, I don't think.
Oxajil said:
There's one thing I'd like to ask you guys. I feel safer when I close the curtains when sleeping, but maybe it is better to keep them open, any comments?

I used to sleep the curtains open but i read somewhere that it is better to sleep in a dark room because the body produce the melatonin that we need to sleep only in darkness.

Edit: I have just found the article.

Here's the link

Much thanks mkrnhr, RedFox and everyone else for your helpful input. :) The networking on this Forum is 'priceless' and I'm starting to realize that by not doing it, I'm just letting the predator's mind have it's way.

I did the program again yesterday afternoon and again last night. I haven't been able to do it everyday so I'm at least trying twice a day on Mondays and Thursdays. Yesterday was much more peaceful than usual. When I went into the meditation part I didn't see the bright purple light however my mind seemed to go deeper somehow into someplace I have never been before for a short time. Really hard to describe but I believe it is a sign of progress. My dreams are becoming much clearer at the same time. I suppose my subconscious is starting to speak to me a little more than usual. I can remember them much easier than ever before and I am also thinking that maybe it is a part of my past somehow that is quite buried. I keep asking our Divine Cosmic Mind for a much needed release of these emotions and maybe they are finally starting to make they're way to the surface.

Namaste said:
I used to sleep the curtains open but i read somewhere that it is better to sleep in a dark room because the body produce the melatonin that we need to sleep only in darkness.
Thats interesting. 5 days a week I sleep in a room with no windows and its pitch black. The other 2 days I am home and my bedroom is surrounded with windows. Oddly enough I find I get much better rest on my 2 days off at home.
anart said:
I don't think there is any need to sleep with your curtains open - why? Curtains are for privacy and light blocking - they should be closed when sleeping, if either of those is an issue, or even if you just like them closed! There is really no need to start over-analyzing things, I don't think.
Ah okay. The reason I am asking is because of what I recently read in Bringers of the Dawn:

In astrology, it is understood that
certain angles have power points and that certain things happen with
certain angles. It is the same with shapes. The Great Pyramid is all
about the use of angles and shapes. Energy collects in angles, in
shapes, and in forms, and you can learn to create these shapes and live
in and around them. Energies are formed and transmitted in this way. You
will also discover that certain degrees have certain powers, and that
some angles are very uncomfortable for you to be in. It is sometimes
better to sleep in the middle of a room rather than having your bed
jammed into a ninety-degree angle, because the ninety-degree angle
creates an energy lock. In the middle of the room, the energy flows
around you.

I sleep in a ninety-degree angle because it makes me feel safe. I don't think I would sleep comfortably in the middle of my room, because I would feel more vulnerable (They did say ''sometimes'' though). So I thought the same about curtains, I keep them closed (especially when the full moon is shining) because it is more comfortable for me, but I thought that maybe it would be better to keep them open for some kind of energy flow, I felt like I was ''blocking'' something by closing the curtains, other than light. I'll keep 'em closed! Thank you for the input.

Namaste said:
I used to sleep the curtains open but i read somewhere that it is better to sleep in a dark room because the body produce the melatonin that we need to sleep only in darkness.
Oh nice! I didn't know that.
Session last night was the most emotional one ever for me. Up till now, I hadn't done any crying or anything like that. Well this time was different, did the whole program and partway through the ba ha part I just started crying like a baby. I do cry from time to time, but this was different, felt like real deep emotion coming from the heart. It was like a big gush of emotion suddenly let loose or something - very powerful!
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Many of us have seen people, faces, etc. during the breathing program. I don't know who/what these are exactly. I guess they could be 'symbolic' parts of us/, ourselves in alternate realities, etc.
Has anyone already experienced this? What belongs to the predator's mind: the faces? the fear of them?

Yesterday I saw "my" first face, it has been more plastically and just came out of nowhere, so far it has been a female. But vanished also rapidly again.

mada85 said:
When I was about eight years old, more or less, I used to lie in bed in my room before falling asleep and see the most horrible faces in the patterns and shadows on the curtains. I would see them, and I was certain they could see me. If the curtains were moving in a breeze it was worse. I had forgotten about this until I read your post, Mrs T. I think that part of the work of the breathing program is to clear long held programs from childhood, and so I wonder if the faces you are seeing are related to traumatic childhood memories. Just a thought, fwiw.

Thank you for mentioning it, this also happened to me and I didn't remember it any longer, before mentioning. Childhood could be one key, where hidden emotions are coming from.

Oxajil said:
I sleep in a ninety-degree angle because it makes me feel safe. I don't think I would sleep comfortably in the middle of my room, because I would feel more vulnerable (They did say ''sometimes'' though). So I thought the same about curtains, I keep them closed (especially when the full moon is shining) because it is more comfortable for me, but I thought that maybe it would be better to keep them open for some kind of energy flow, I felt like I was ''blocking'' something by closing the curtains, other than light. I'll keep 'em closed! Thank you for the input.

I also don't like laying in the middle of the room, it has the feeling if something is missing and to be vulnerable is also an aspect.

And two questions, I like to bring up:
  • what is actually a "gray hugger", I couldn't find anything what gives an information, does it mean that it is just unknown, out of a gray field?
  • Sometimes I have kind of a pain, or pressure in my forehead/eye area/nose (I know it has been mentioned, especially the forehead) but it happened now for two times when I wanted to cry, when this pressure had arisen. Anybody else experienced something like this? A physical pain when crying?
Oxajil said:
I sleep in a ninety-degree angle because it makes me feel safe. I don't think I would sleep comfortably in the middle of my room, because I would feel more vulnerable (They did say ''sometimes'' though). So I thought the same about curtains, I keep them closed (especially when the full moon is shining) because it is more comfortable for me, but I thought that maybe it would be better to keep them open for some kind of energy flow, I felt like I was ''blocking'' something by closing the curtains, other than light. I'll keep 'em closed! Thank you for the input.

I read over and over in different sources from feng shui to western ones that the worst place to sleep or dwell in for longer periods of time are room corners. Allegedly stagnant and negative energies tend to accumulate there, or demons if you like. Dunno if this is true but it kind of makes sense.
Was always wondering how it would feel to have perfectly round bedroom and sleep in the center.
Feng shui also recommends sleeping with open windows, no curtains as allegedly CHI (or maybe orgone according to Reich ) flows in and out of the room .
Of course we cannot prove any of these and can judge only on the feelings. For me it feels right.
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Many of us have seen people, faces, etc. during the breathing program. I don't know who/what these are exactly. I guess they could be 'symbolic' parts of us/, ourselves in alternate realities, etc.

A while ago I saw a newborn baby during the breathing program. This was the only face or person I have seen. I tend to think that this was symbolic - either of perhaps a return to the beginning of life to cleanse, or maybe a new beginning or well, maybe something else entirely?

What was interesting was that afterwords I looked at a picture of myself as a newborn, and it could well have been myself I saw. On the other hand, newborns do look alike!

Gawan said:
Yesterday I saw "my" first face, it has been more plastically and just came out of nowhere, so far it has been a female. But vanished also rapidly again.

The baby I saw also came out of nowhere - man was I surprised!
anart said:
Oxajil said:
Csayeursost said:
Isn't that trying to determine the needs of your higher self who better knows what lessons are to be learned?
This doesn't really make much sense, when she is basically addressing her higher self. I don't think there is any harm in asking of anything in this regard, so I'm not sure why you would think it would be determining needs. I also think asking is important - once one learns how to ask and not demand.
My thought was that it would amount to asking for the withholding of related lessons by avoiding whatever is "in store", requesting according to a subjective idea of how things should "go" and not taking into account that the higher self might have something different in store, in this sense determining its needs.

My thinking seems to have been askew in judging contexts. And if openly just asking (didn't think of that - why, I do not know), yes, I don't see any potential for harm.

Gawan said:
  • what is actually a "gray hugger", I couldn't find anything what gives an information, does it mean that it is just unknown, out of a gray field?

"Gray hugger" is a term for New Agers who believe gray "aliens" to be loving and full of good intentions.
You've all certainly answered my question(s). I've honestly not been able to keep up with the posts here so I'd like to apologize, for bringing it up again since it had already been mentioned as Csayeursost pointed out. Thanks for the pointers. I hadn't noticed the rigidity before even after a couple of weeks. But when I was practicing on Monday it occurred to me that I could have been doing it differently, less rigid vs. overly rigid.
1,000 thanks for the feedback!
nicklebleu said:
I have been seeing these faces during the meditative portion as well. They didn't feel threatening, weren't even watching me, just floating by. And I have had very vivid dreams as well. For four days in a row I dreamt vivid and weird dreams of a sexual nature - which is very unusual for me. These dreams were neither pleasant nor terrifying, just a bit disconcerting ... not sure what this means. Anyway, thankfully they seem to be gone now.

I read somewhere that the C's said to Laura that sometimes wild sexual dreams are energy passing through the centers.
I have not the quote on hand so I may be misquoting, and this may not be your case , just something to consider.
manitoban said:
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Many of us have seen people, faces, etc. during the breathing program. I don't know who/what these are exactly. I guess they could be 'symbolic' parts of us/, ourselves in alternate realities, etc.

Several weeks ago I was doing stretching + three stage breathing while listening to Gorecki's "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs". And at some point I "saw" with my mind's eye an European man (Russian maybe?) in his 40's sitting behind a table in something that resembled a prison cell (with bars on the windows). He looked emaciated, perhaps not from hunger but from grief. He was writing in a journal and contemplating on existential topics.

Obviously, the music I was hearing at that time could affect my imagination, but this kind of vision never happened to me before. It had an emotional depth that made it feel different.

Another thing happened to me while I was just listening to relaxing and quite positive music, but without doing the breathing program. Suddenly I "saw" a city street with many people (young and old) with black holes instead of eyes walking on the street. It was raining so they all were holding umbrellas. That was really creepy because I never in my life had this kind of strange visions. Spiders, nightmarish monsters, etc - yes, but not this kind of "Tim Burton's" dark style".
anart said:
mada85 said:
She also says that in that state we are taking ‘light baths’, which is interesting because it feels like darkness. If you consider that everything in our world is a mirror image, or inversion, of a ‘true existence’, then true light would seem like darkness, in our current state of being.

I think this might be a rather large misinterpretation. 3D does appear to be a 'reflection' of 4D in certain ways, but the idea that it is always a mirror image or inversion is not accurate, to my understanding. Also, the idea that true light would appear as darkness to us has no basis in fact from what we've been able to uncover so far. If, upon the moment of death, the white light that is seen is 7D, as the C's say it is, it would contradict the idea that we see light as darkness.

Thanks, Anart, for pointing this out to me . . . I do post impetuously sometimes, being rather enamoured of my latest and greatest thought, without sufficiently considering the thought and whether I have made myself easy to understand for others or not.

I was trying to enlarge upon this quote from ISOTM, and seem like a great philosopher into the bargain :-[

In Search of the Miraculous said:
The fourth state of consciousness is called the objective state of consciousness In this state a man can see things as they are. Flashes of this state of consciousness also occur in man. In the religions of all nations there are indications of the possibility of a state of consciousness of this kind which is called 'enlightenment' and various other names but which cannot be described in words. But the only right way to objective consciousness is through the development of self-consciousness. If an ordinary man is artificially brought into a state of objective consciousness and afterwards brought back to his usual state he will remember nothing and he will think that for a time he had lost consciousness. But in the state of self-consciousness a man can have flashes of objective consciousness and remember them.

If we could connect the centers of our ordinary consciousness with the higher thinking center deliberately and at will, it would be of no use to us whatever in our present general state. In most cases where accidental contact with the higher thinking center takes place a man becomes unconscious. The mind refuses to take in the flood of thoughts, emotions, images, and ideas which suddenly burst into it. And instead of a vivid thought, or a vivid emotion, there results, on the contrary, a complete blank, a state of unconsciousness.
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