Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Gawan said:
Is there a chance of quoting some material of this book?
Unfortuinately I cannot do it myself at the moment (to check, read and maybe quote), because the book I have is in another city and I haven't read it itself till now.

Hi Gawan. You could probably get some good quotes from this google books preview...depending on what you're looking for:


There's also a short review at the Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society:
I apologize if what I've written below has already been discussed. I didn't see many other follow-up posts to this one, but I could have missed another related discussion in this thread. I have tried to keep up with this thread, but this hasn't always been possible with my activities this summer, so I'm going back over parts of it now.

Laura said:
broken-english said:
The recent focus of discussion around the breathing program has turned a little bit towards cleansing, releasing of blockages a.s.o., which I think is an essential need for must of us. But beyond that we have been reminded again and again that knowledge protects and ignorance endangers. We would most probably be much better of in this environment, if we could establish at least a limited communication with our higher centers and receive some assistance. I felt this need for long time and it motivated me to undergo hypnotherapy sessions and ask for assistance from my inner physician and subconsciousness. I reported this in earlier threads and it has yielded some results. The breathing sessions have brought it one step further and I have hope that all of us will be able by one way or the other to establish a direct connection with our higher centers as the C's suggested.

Please note what the Cs said in the last session:

Cs said:
Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected".

(L) So basically, we can recapitulate by saying that people need to learn to breathe. Breathing can change things in their physiology. And also they need to use the breathing to get themselves into a meditative state, or a state where they can do the bioenergetic breathing, which then helps them to release karmic and current life programs and issues and get a cleansing. Once they've started to become cleansed, then they are able to - and this is supposed to be interspersed with, as I understand it - continuous input of data and information. They did say that you use this to deal with reality. This meditating and breathing is not an escape, this is a healing. Meanwhile, you're supposed to at the same time - throughout the day - you're supposed to be paying close attention to reality and not falling into illusion. Okay, so we've got that part of the program. And then once these people begin to clear out their traumas and their programs and get free of illusions and so forth, that means that they are then better able to use facing reality and thinking with a hammer to connect their chakras. And that, I assume, means connecting to their higher intellectual center and higher emotional center. Of course, you connect the emotional center first and then the intellect comes in also. So, in other words, they become kind of like connected with themselves in the future so to say. Am I on track so far?

A: Yes. But we would like to point that all "souled" individuals are members of a fragmented 6D soul/being. When they begin to connect with their future/higher centers, this implies a natural connecting with the other members of their soul group.

I want to suggest that you do not try to "jump the gun". I sorta suspect that if the Cs had thought that anyone needed to do more than the breathing and meditating right now, they would have said so.

Keep in mind that, the instant any system is formulated for a positive purpose, there will be a whole raft of "thoughts" or "novel ideas" that just appear in the mind that seem to be useful, but can be due to either the predator's mind, programming, or thought wave transmission from STS sources with the intent of destroying your ability to actually make positive progress.

Edit: Added remainder of Laura's post for clarity and context:

Laura said:
Keep in mind that, the instant any system is formulated for a positive purpose, there will be a whole raft of "thoughts" or "novel ideas" that just appear in the mind that seem to be useful, but can be due to either the predator's mind, programming, or thought wave transmission from STS sources with the intent of destroying your ability to actually make positive progress.

The Cs did not suggest using Reiki with the breathing/meditation, or anything else. So please, for now, all of you just follow the program as it is.

ADDED: Clearing emotional blocks/burdens and karmic blocks/burdens is the prerequisite for doing anything else. Notice also that the main OTHER thing that is continued throughout this process is "knowledge input on a continuous basis."

Your ability to discern is based on being able to remove your blinders and increase your knowledge. The very fact that you still think that you can think with the way you think is evidence that you are not free of emotional blocks nor have you increased your knowledge.

Think about it.

Ok, I have a question about the use of other techniques that claim to release "emotional blockages" that could be used as a supplement to the Eíriú-Eolas breathing program. "Broken-english" mentions the use of hypnotherapy, but back in the Session on June 09, there is this section regarding "P" and the mention of using "Rolfing" or deep tissue massage to release blocked emotions. This is in addition to the breathing techniques discussed.

[quote author=Laura]
Q: (P) [something about memories of past abuse] is it my imagination, or is there something there?

A: There is nothing wrong with your memory either!

Q: (L) It's funny that after you {began} talking about this, that not long after that is when this {paralysis problem} began. (P) So, it means that... (Ar**) You need to calm your rage somehow. (L) Or express it.

A: It is a terrible thing to be used by your mother and thus betrayed to the core.

Q: (P) Does it mean I have to forgive her, to love her, despite this past?

A: What did we just say about unexpressed rage? What is loving and forgiving going to do for what is bottled up inside you?

Q: (P) It means I have to express rage, this rage and anger that is inside me...

A: There are several nondamaging ways to do this, also. It would do absolutely no good to express it overtly toward your mother, though it would be helpful for you to limit interactions strictly for the duration of the process.

Q: (L) So in other words, they're not saying, "Dump on your mother." That's not a good thing. (Ark) What did we learn about nonexpressing of negative emotions. (L) You have to find a way of channeling them out without creating more damage. (Craig) Would regular Kriya help this?

A: Very helpful, yes!

Q: (Ark) You see, the first thing I think is just to admit facts about your feelings, admit that you ARE enraged, and then to look objectively at the whole situation and find the best solution without hiding. (L) You're going around hiding this, like your arm. (Allen) The very first thing you thought of was loving and forgiving her - just pushing the whole thing under the rug. (P) Yeah. (L) The way a dog returns to its vomit. (P) I wasn't sure [about the memories] because I was so young. I had glimpses and hints. Now I am more sure and I can do something with that. Otherwise I'm not sure, and feeling guilty to have such bad thoughts about my mother...

A: Guilt is part of the problem.

Q: (L) So in other words, you are feeling guilty because you wrote what you wrote about your mother ... For thinking it, for talking about it! (P) Is it that I feel guilty because often in {child abuse}, you see the victim feeling he was guilty, he was responsible... (J) But P, you were a child then. (P) I know, but...

A: Sexual feelings are natural. It is the duty and responsibility of the parent and all adults to not take advantage of the young in this respect.

Q: (J) They said there was a strong physical predisposition. I was wondering if there was anything he could take that would help him...

A: The old injury that has been discussed.

Q: (L) So, they're probably related. (Chu) So, working on that injury would help the process?

A: Yes. It might also help to get "Rolfed".

Q: (L) Deep tissue massage.

A: It can help to release emotions held in the tissues.

Q: (L) So you're gonna have to get rolfed and do Kriya at the same time! (Allen) And express rage. (L) Believe me, if you get rolfed, you'll express your rage! (laughter) (Craig) Would it help for P to do an advanced course [of the Art of Living]?

A: Yes.

So, my question is if it's possible that in some individual circumstances other techniques to release emotional blockages in addition to the breathing program may be helpful or even necessary?

Part of me thinks this may be true in some extreme situations, where there was serious trauma inflicted on a person at a very young age for instance, immediate relief might be very helpful (like the recommendation for "Rolfing" in the section above). On the other hand, part of me thinks that the breathing program may be all that's required for most people, but the process takes awhile to unfold. Other techniques (such as EFT) may create a "shortcut" to emotional healing, but they don't allow one to experience the process of digging out these repressed feelings from oneself so as to fully learn from them.

RyanX said:
So, my question is if it's possible that in some individual circumstances other techniques to release emotional blockages in addition to the breathing program may be helpful or even necessary?

Part of me thinks this may be true in some extreme situations, where there was serious trauma inflicted on a person at a very young age for instance, immediate relief might be very helpful (like the recommendation for "Rolfing" in the section above). On the other hand, part of me thinks that the breathing program may be all that's required for most people, but the process takes awhile to unfold. Other techniques (such as EFT) may create a "shortcut" to emotional healing, but they don't allow one to experience the process of digging out these repressed feelings from oneself so as to fully learn from them.


I don't think the EFT techniques provide any emotional healing, let alone a shortcut. I think what the C's said and my understanding or interpretation may be wrong, but I think the session reply to EFT was that it basically was a keep busy activity and it was counter-productive to the emotional healing provided by the Eiriu-Eolas program.

I think it is possible that other techniques may be of help in specific circumstances - like the rolfing example which was a very specific context for a very specific person and circumstance and even in that the C's said it "may" help. I think a lot is dependant upon the receivership ability and working on all the other aspects - giving back for balance, continuous input of knowledge, and probably several other aspects of detoxing, debugging the universe.

[quote author=August 5, 2009 - EFT reference]
Q: (laughter) (L) Are the EFT techniques a valid method?

A: EFT is merely a keep busy activity designed to hold focus. It is the attention that "works". It would be counter to the purposes of the program you have presented.

I am not sure if your post here is just trying to clarify some things on your mind adding to the understanding as it were or if you are concerned about your own specific circumstance perhaps, that maybe you feel you have some very deep childhood traumas that may need more help.

Why I wonder about this (why you are enquiring about other methods), is that I noticed that you cut out some very important words of Laura's from one of the quotations that you used.

Specifically Laura's post #94582:

You got this part:

[quote author=Laura]I want to suggest that you do not try to "jump the gun". I sorta suspect that if the Cs had thought that anyone needed to do more than the breathing and meditating right now, they would have said so.

Keep in mind that, the instant any system is formulated for a positive purpose, there will be a whole raft of "thoughts" or "novel ideas" that just appear in the mind that seem to be useful, but can be due to either the predator's mind, programming, or thought wave transmission from STS sources with the intent of destroying your ability to actually make positive progress.[/quote]

But you left out the next couple of sentences:

[quote author=Laura]The Cs did not suggest using Reiki with the breathing/meditation, or anything else. So please, for now, all of you just follow the program as it is.

ADDED: Clearing emotional blocks/burdens and karmic blocks/burdens is the prerequisite for doing anything else. Notice also that the main OTHER thing that is continued throughout this process is "knowledge input on a continuous basis."

Your ability to discern is based on being able to remove your blinders and increase your knowledge. The very fact that you still think that you can think with the way you think is evidence that you are not free of emotional blocks nor have you increased your knowledge.

Think about it. [/quote]
Last week was intensive. On sunday I started to feel sick and by Monday afternoon I felt pretty bad. My head was heavy, I felt tired and a fever started with periods of cold sweat. As I live for the moment in a malaria prone area, I did tests, but they were negative. Deep down inside I knew it was not malaria. I felt that my body was trying to tell me something. People around me tried to put me on medication, but taking the post of Pepperfritz on her dislocated shoulder at heart, I refused and started to do the breathing instead. Despite feeling very sick on Monday, I did the whole program, dedicating it to Pepperfritz and the whole group. What about the others, that was the question that came to my mind, and as soon as I realized that I had been doing the breathing all the time for myself, in hope of some progress and salvation, I started crying in shame and regret of this selfish behavior. I felt the group and suddenly it did not matter any longer who 'I' was and what 'I' was expecting. What mattered was the group, the connectedness, the mutual support and the commitment to help each other to wake up. I felt my back was covered, just like I was covering the back of others.

The following days I started sweating like I never sweat before, changing soaked T shirts every couple of hours. The sweat kept coming. Tests for malaria were negative again. A doctor wanted to do blood tests but I said no. On Thursday I did the program and committed again to the group with all my capabilities. The feeling of connectedness was even stronger then on Monday. What would happen with 'me' did not matter, I felt that the group would progress and that gave me joy and inner peace. That night I slept very deep and dreamless and the next morning the sickness was over. My head was clear, the sweating was over and I felt energized.
gaman said:
After going to bed, I've been doing a session of pipe breathing before the prayer meditation. I wear a CPAP mask and I'm wondering if the extra pressure in the throat when breathing out in the mask during the exercises would be detrimental or less effective for vagus nerve stimulation. Does anyone have any ideas about this since I don't have enough knowledge of physiology?
You stimulate the vagus nerve with the pipe breathing and the belly breathing. I understand that the out-breath is longer than the in-breath, in order to expel the "extra" air that gets retained from a "superficial breathing". This is why the breathing exercise is so useful in problems like asthma and other "out breath"-obstructive pulmonary dis-eases where there is always retained air.

The CPAP mask physiology is different. I'll do some searching and post it here if I find something relevant. But if you have an indication to wear a CPAP mask, then the CPAP mask will prevent your lungs from collapsing during the prolonged out-breath, but you will still be bringing plenty of oxygen to your lungs with the breathing exercises and your vagus nerve will still be stimulated.
Windmill knight said:
That's interesting. Something rather similar has happened to me a few times, but the shock-provider has been Laura's voice. When I reach the meditation part I am already very relaxed. In between each phrase of the prayer I am calm, and sometimes the next phrase will kind of 'surprise' me - it's usually "clear my eyes..." or "of all creation" - and my body feels like lightening up with energy for a second, or emotion at what is being said. No swaying of the whole house, though.
Hi Windmill Knight, I have a very similar experience with Laura's voice. It is like a bolt of energy that comes with "clear my eyes", "clear my ears" "cleanse my heart" . At first I thought maybe it was all words that started with a c, but after much attention to this, it was these three phrases. The feeling goes throughout my body and dissipates at my feet.

Also on Monday's exercise, Ba Ha brough three episodes of tears of sadness and I also had some anger release.
Thursday I experienced tears during Ba Ha part and they were of joy.
During the Prayer meditation on Thursday, the feeling of extreme joy was felt throughout my body and I could almost feel like it was on a cellular level. Lots of tingling.
Thank you all for sharing your experiences here. So many useful insights and advise. Looking forward to tonight's work.

Xman said:
I don't think the EFT techniques provide any emotional healing, let alone a shortcut. I think what the C's said and my understanding or interpretation may be wrong, but I think the session reply to EFT was that it basically was a keep busy activity and it was counter-productive to the emotional healing provided by the Eiriu-Eolas program.

I think it is possible that other techniques may be of help in specific circumstances - like the rolfing example which was a very specific context for a very specific person and circumstance and even in that the C's said it "may" help. I think a lot is dependant upon the receivership ability and working on all the other aspects - giving back for balance, continuous input of knowledge, and probably several other aspects of detoxing, debugging the universe.

You are correct. This was a very specific example and very context specific. Reading over it again, I do see the use of the word "may", whereas the question regarding the breathing is a definite "yes". So I should have concluded that the "Rolfing" is merely a secondary recommendation and may be specific to "P"s physical symptoms mentioned in the session, whereas the breathing is a must. I should have been more observant in my reading.

Personally, I have never tried EFT, nor do I have any ambition to. The literature on it that I have read sounds rather strange and my first impression upon reading about it made me think it induced a placebo effect of sorts. This may be why the C's commented that it was a "keep busy" exercise. You are correct, it is not a "shortcut" by any means, I had forgotten the exact wording the C's used in that session.

However, I do enjoy a good massage, although I have not been "Rolfed". I have a hard time imagining that the C's would recommend Rolfing if it was counter to the breathing program. Then again, maybe it is counter to certain individuals since the recommendation was for one person.

Xman said:
Why I wonder about this (why you are enquiring about other methods), is that I noticed that you cut out some very important words of Laura's from one of the quotations that you used.

I appologize, I was hoping to keep my post short, but this might just be my own rationalization to keep from really "seeing" what she wrote. I see now that the remainder of Laura's post is very much relevant to this discussion, so I have edited my original post and included this.

RyanX said:
However, I do enjoy a good massage, although I have not been "Rolfed". I have a hard time imagining that the C's would recommend Rolfing if it was counter to the breathing program. Then again, maybe it is counter to certain individuals since the recommendation was for one person.

Rolfing is a treatment suitable for specific conditions, whereas the breathing program is a more universal exercise, which has the potential to help anyone.

RyanX said:
I've noticed that eliciting past childhood memories of mine tends to cause different sensations in my arms. The feel ranges from a tingling to a stiffness and at times a slight paralysis. I've noticed this while doing the breathing exercises and at other random times (usually stressful situations). This happens in both arms though, not just one. I don't understand why this is and I thought that this session regarding "P" might hold some clues for me. But I realize my situation is probably different than "P". My hope was that the recommendation for "Rolfing" might be broader than just a single individual, but this is probably wishful thinking on my part.

It is quite likely that childhood memories hold the key to various traumas and stresses that can be carried in the body - the physical and emotional parts of ourselves can be very intertwined, and the breathing exercise has the potential to bring them up, to allow you to process them.

A couple of interesting (and I think important) parts of the session were the ideas of 'learning to grieve', which could cover many aspects of ourselves that we need to come to terms with, and also the part about 'learning to communicate without fear'. These were directed at 'P' in the session, but I tend to think they can be useful for many (myself included).

RyanX said:
The fact that I used the word "shortcut" above really stands out to me now that I think about my post. There must be some part of me that is hoping for a shortcut in the process of emotional healing, where this simply is none. I have been struggling through some pretty powerful emotions since starting this program and a part of me must be looking for a quick end to this instead of truly focusing on the process and healing. I think part of me is scared because I'm starting to realize how few "feelings" I've had for most of my life and this part of me wants to go back to the way things were (numbness). I now don't think that is possible or beneficial at this point. I need to learn to live with this new emotional side of myself.

A common wish for a shortcut! ;)
As Laura has said in the past: there is no free lunch, and if you think there is, then YOU are lunch!
I think, for many people it will take time to adjust to the things that come up during this program, so it important to do it 'at your own pace', but I also think that it's potential for healing is huge, for those who are prepared to stick with it.
Nomad said:
A couple of interesting (and I think important) parts of the session were the ideas of 'learning to grieve', which could cover many aspects of ourselves that we need to come to terms with, and also the part about 'learning to communicate without fear'. These were directed at 'P' in the session, but I tend to think they can be useful for many (myself included).

fwiw it may be useful to others to mention what I've learnt about 'learning to grieve'. I have a very strong program that stops me from expressing sadness, as well as anger. They are some of my core programs, and when in full swing I feel nothing. They lock me down.
When emotions (sadness/anger) come up in me and want to be expressed they get locked down. I think it is related to the 'be nice' program.....it is a fear (greater fear than the emotions) of 'upsetting' others. I live with my parents at the moment, so being able to cry (heavily) while they are in the same house (with thin walls) I feel unable to do so.
Friday afternoon I put on a emotional CD on my cars CD player. I had an hours drive on quiet roads. I do not recommend this whilst driving but I did sob almost uncontrollably (driving at the time so couldn't let go completely). What has been on my mind to do is to find a quiet spot to drive to and to listen to a good emotional piece of music to let go these things that are coming up.

So what may be useful for others to notice is, do they feel incapable of expressing past griefs because of social programming? Learning to grieve is kinda tricky.
Yesterday i did the pipe breathing and the meditation.

Let's say that 30 minutes later i went to bed hoping to have a good night.

Well, i lived something very weird. At each times i was going to fall asleep, i was feeling like a little electrical shock passing through my body which had the effect to awake me.

It last a couple of hour.
RedFox said:
fwiw it may be useful to others to mention what I've learnt about 'learning to grieve'. I have a very strong program that stops me from expressing sadness, as well as anger. They are some of my core programs, and when in full swing I feel nothing. They lock me down.

I tend to experience something similar to this. While I am capable of expressing anger, sadness is something that shuts down immediately once it starts. During my experimentation with the breathing program, I've noticed at specific intervals of the program certain things that Laura says during the Prayer of the Soul tends to invoke a deep emotional response. The ending of the prayer specifically, 'Divine Cosmic Mind Bless You All' hit's something deep every time and I want to cry....and let go....but I can't....I feel weak...because weakness and crying was not tolerated in my household.

RedFox said:
I live with my parents at the moment, so being able to cry (heavily) while they are in the same house (with thin walls) I feel unable to do so.
What about in the shower? The water running helps to drown out the sound. In the past I have used the shower as my escape so no one in my household would know what I was doing.
Maybe it'll help, but I've learned a lot about controlling and expressing my emotions in the proper time and place. One exercise I've used is to picture an adult me talking to a small child me. The child is the one who's got these intense emotions he needs to express and the adult consuls on the child on when and where it's appropriate. For instance, I almost broke down at work when I heard of PF's Passing. I immediately felt the need to go cry, told myself I'd give myself time to, got through the pressing work things I had to do and then went outside, found a quiet corner behind my building and let it all out.

Redfox mentions driving, and I know at least one other person who used this as a way to get some a lone time and to process her emotions, whether they be anger, sadness or general anxiety. I have some pretty intense anger flare ups, so it isn't a good idea for me to express that particular emotion while driving. What I do is give myself time, each week, whether if it's at the gym, in a martial arts class, or during the breathing program - to let myself really feel and vent that powerful anger. It helps me to do something physical, so I can put the energy of the emotion into that action, and release it.

RedFox said:
fwiw it may be useful to others to mention what I've learnt about 'learning to grieve'. I have a very strong program that stops me from expressing sadness, as well as anger. They are some of my core programs, and when in full swing I feel nothing. They lock me down.
When emotions (sadness/anger) come up in me and want to be expressed they get locked down. I think it is related to the 'be nice' program.....it is a fear (greater fear than the emotions) of 'upsetting' others. I live with my parents at the moment, so being able to cry (heavily) while they are in the same house (with thin walls) I feel unable to do so.
Friday afternoon I put on a emotional CD on my cars CD player. I had an hours drive on quiet roads. I do not recommend this whilst driving but I did sob almost uncontrollably (driving at the time so couldn't let go completely). What has been on my mind to do is to find a quiet spot to drive to and to listen to a good emotional piece of music to let go these things that are coming up.

So what may be useful for others to notice is, do they feel incapable of expressing past griefs because of social programming? Learning to grieve is kinda tricky.

Some general experiences I've been having with the breathing program include the 'faces' thing. They seem rather indifferent sometimes other times I get the feeling that I'm getting looked over, like a mechanic looks at a car with its engine popped. The first time it happened, which was before I read about it happening to anyone else, I got the impression that I was getting 'worked on'. I wasn't sure if it was me or something else doing the working, but since it happened I just noted it and continued with the program.

I also go through a range of bizarre emotions, when I start I'm hesitant, during the three stage breathing I get nervous sometimes indifferent others. I notice it's difficult for me to hold my arms in the proper position for the second stage, if i need to I'll take a break from the arms bit and just do the breathing for a breathe or two. I feel energized after the warrior's breath, and quite happy. Then the bio-energetic breathing comes and it feels like all hell is breaking loose. This is where i get whacked with loads of anger/hate, and sense of largeness and a feeling of being powerful. Its really bizarre because I see/feel it happening and let it flow through me, but it doesn't feel good, in fact it's kinda scary. I calm down during the meditation and out of the four times I've done the complete program each one has been a bit different. Laura's voice is quite soothing, and I feel very safe/guided while listening to her give instructions/recite the prayer.

I dont really have the time on mondays, and I'm usually wiped after my martial arts/yoga class. So I've been doing it tues/fri which I feel is okay for now. I'm also going through Fletcher Prouty's JFK book, which has been quite full of interesting info not to mentioned emotionally turbulent discoveries. Also working on my forum activity, since it hasn't been the greatest. Hmph re-reading the above, that's longer then I would have liked - pardon the length.
Hi everybody.

Well, i have just experience tonight the meditation audio.

When the BA-HA breaths ends, i believe that we are invited to do pipe breathing... but i didn't undertand if that ones are in spite of recovery a normal breathing or we must go on with them...... it's just before Laura brings us "The Prayer of the Soul". I'd like to have some confirmation about it because of my listenig is even worst that my reading or wrinting and i don't know exactly if i ended the process or not.

I felt something in all my head (brain?), and at the end of the BA-HA y felt something in my belly.

I'm actually in the 11th page in this sub-forum so i don't know if this question has been asked before.

Thanks and greetings !!
pirataloko said:
When the BA-HA breaths ends, i believe that we are invited to do pipe breathing... but i didn't undertand if that ones are in spite of recovery a normal breathing or we must go on with them...... it's just before Laura brings us "The Prayer of the Soul". I'd like to have some confirmation about it because of my listenig is even worst that my reading or wrinting and i don't know exactly if i ended the process or not.

At the beginning of the last section, Laura invites us to do a few pipe breaths. She counts off two of them, and then suggests that we continue the pipe breathing until our bodies naturally begin to breath normally. As I see it, the pipes breaths help us to relax after the more strenuous BA-HA breathing. It is preparation for the Prayer of the Soul.

The breathing during the recitation of the Prayer of the Soul is not pipe breathing. So the way I do it is to continue the pipe breathing until I feel relaxed, and then when Laura begins reciting the Prayer of the Soul, I breath normally.

At least that is how I understand it.
Galahad said:
At the beginning of the last section, Laura invites us to do a few pipe breaths. She counts off two of them, and then suggests that we continue the pipe breathing until our bodies naturally begin to breath normally. As I see it, the pipes breaths help us to relax after the more strenuous BA-HA breathing. It is preparation for the Prayer of the Soul.

The breathing during the recitation of the Prayer of the Soul is not pipe breathing. So the way I do it is to continue the pipe breathing until I feel relaxed, and then when Laura begins reciting the Prayer of the Soul, I breath normally.

At least that is how I understand it.

Ok, thank you. When I ended the BA-HA breathings , pipe breathings help me to recovery, it looked like if i were exhausted and having problems to return to a nomal breathings i felt some "cramps" (i don't know exactly how to define it) in my belly.

Thanks for your quick answer.

Greetings !!
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