Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Thanks Bear, for the link to the transcript for this program.

Affer going back here:
Pipe breathing stimulates your vagus nerve and this is extremely important and you can even get the pipe breathing to the point where you make almost no sound at all while you are doing it so that you can even do it even at your desk at work. If your boss comes in and puts a deadline on you, you have to work late or he tells you that your pay is going to be cut 20%, or your vacation has been cancelled, you can immediately begin this pipe breathing exercise and reduce your stress.
And relistening to Laura demonstrate the method (with headphones on and volume up pretty good), one is able to discern more nuances to the sound of the production of the in and out breaths and she demonstrated quite clearly how to breathe only and to even make the effort to "keep it down". I listened closely for an indication of any vocal stimulation and it was pretty clear that it's not really involved.

So a more objective focus on the proper technique (without the mental distractions as to whether sounds need to be produced to go along with it :/). Thanks for helping to clear this up.
I have a doubt, if I feel desire to cry in the middle of the ba-ha, do I need to stop the respiration, crying and continue? or just stop?
Well, it's about time I do this. I've been doing EE since it was first advised to do on Mondays and Thursdays. I was overwhelmed at the quickness of this thread reaching multiple hundreds of replies. I haven't read all of them, but started somewhere around page 50 and am up to date from there. So I'll finally add my experiences now.

First off I must say thank you to Laura and the team for making the video and audio portions. The program has been in the least relaxing for me, although I haven't been doing the stretches and a few pages back it was recommended to do them to release tension. So I can probably get better results if I add them.

My experiences with EE have been mild, nothing too wild like some of the forum has reported. It's pretty cool some of the things that are reported, but I don't think I'm overly anticipatory of results. I've just had some bodily sensations and light "flashes" during the program. Nothing visual or weird has happened. Laura has said that some of the symptoms are just physiological and that the "real" stuff happens after doing the program. I daydream a little too during the program, but I return fairly quickly. I at first thought this was what some have referred to as "zoning out", but I think I'm just dissociating. More focus and intent I'm sure would help this.

Like some have explained, I think I fall into the category of a sleeping emotional center or blockages. I haven't had much emotional release or cleansing during the program. A few of the past weeks I've felt emotionally numb, just very basic feelings. At times I knew that I should feel more, but it was just an intellectual thing and little emotion. I guess it's just where I am at the moment.

But just today I had probably my first significant shock. I've been aware of this material for months now and I don't think it ever really set in. I knew that we aren't the top of the food chain, psychopaths rule the planet, and the comets are coming. But I never really expressed too much dread. Sure, it prompted me to join the forum, get some of the books, and make a lot of life changes. But that oh so referenced shock seems to have finally come to me, the horror of the situation. I've read the depression as a stepping stone thread and know that you are supposed to use the feelings to propel yourself into action. But I guess my former depressive states weren't enough shock.

This new talk about the soul smashing was a real shock to me. Probably a sacred cow from my Christian upbringing is that "a soul always lives, while the body dies." While going back to 1st density isn't total annihilation, it is effectively so and it's hard to believe that all that learning would be lost. Comets, planetary disaster, and Earth changes weren't enough for me I guess. But to actually threaten each of our souls and all of our learning experiences is beyond comprehension. This realization has allowed me to release emotionally with a good short, whimpering, crying session. Before I could only muster up a few tears. I hadn't really cried like that in many months; I don't specifically remember the last time I did. Hearing this has put it all into perspective for me and I think I have a reason to live, to exist. To imagine that it could all be lost and reset back to zero... I just must not forget every moment why I continue to breathe, the objective condition of our reality, and what I must Be and Do in order to not let this happen.
RedFox said:
One last observation....has anyone else noticed that the things they are reading are making way more sense than before. That somehow your learning more/faster than before from almost everything??

Now that you mention it, yeah, I've been noticing that and been meaning to mention it. I've been having, in the last few days, a real feeling of accelerated learning and elevated mood - just looking forward to lessons and life, regardless of the terror of the situation.

All thanks to Eiriu-Eolas and all that QFG has done and continues to do!
Galaxia2002 said:
I have a doubt, if I feel desire to cry in the middle of the ba-ha, do I need to stop the respiration, crying and continue? or just stop?

If you feel the need to cry, just stop and cry. If you feel anger, stop and punch a pillow. You'll be fortunate if you can release these things incrementally this way. Those who have very strong "I'm in control" programs and who do not release things incrementally may find your higher self taking over and doing it anyway and that can be a real ordeal!
Hello folks. I've got some kind of virus or other infection going on, and I can't get through the breathing without coughing hard enough to see stars. :(

Can I just listen and commune? :-[

I did start out with using MMS solution for this bug, but the reaction was worse than not taking it at all. (Too many toxins at once? Probably.) We made Laura's Dahl over the weekend and wow, is that ever wonderful when ya don't feel good!

Apologies for rambling, I can't lie down right now.

Gimpy said:
Hello folks. I've got some kind of virus or other infection going on, and I can't get through the breathing without coughing hard enough to see stars. :(

Can I just listen and commune? :-[

I did start out with using MMS solution for this bug, but the reaction was worse than not taking it at all. (Too many toxins at once? Probably.) We made Laura's Dahl over the weekend and wow, is that ever wonderful when ya don't feel good!

Apologies for rambling, I can't lie down right now.


Gimpy, are you taking Vit. C powder and cod liver oil?

If not, you may want to get some and get on it. You can start out with 1 tsp. (5 grams) of vit. C powder, and take 1/2 tsp of it every 2 hours after the initial dose until you hear a gurgling in your stomach. This usually comes right before diarrhea starts up (which you don't want to go that far). :) This should be done every day until you start feeling better. Also, your body will tell you when to start backing off on the amount. I am on a maintenance of vit. C powder of 5 gr. morning and night. And I take cod liver oil 3 days a week and fish oil every day.

The cod liver oil is full of vit. D. Of course, everyone is different and you may not need as much of these or more depending on a lot of different things. But you probably already know all of this since you regularly read the diet and health section. Just wanted to remind you in case you don't have any stickies up about it. :P
Just a caveat on the use of cod liver oil as a source of Vitamin D:

Cod liver oil has large amounts of Viramin A in the form of retinol which can be toxic. Since the recommendations for Vitamin D are now 5 to 25 times the original RDA, cod liver oil could propose a problem without taking into account the toxicity level for retinol.

[quote author=Wikipedia]Retinoid overdose (toxicity)

see Hypervitaminosis A for details

The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin A, for a 25-year old male, is 3,000 micrograms/day, or about 10,000 IU.

Too much vitamin A in retinoid form can be harmful or fatal, resulting in what is known as hypervitaminosis A. The body converts the dimerized form, carotene, into vitamin A as it is needed, therefore high levels of carotene are not toxic compared to the ester (animal) forms. The livers of certain animals, especially those adapted to polar environments, often contain amounts of vitamin A that would be toxic to humans. Thus, vitamin A toxicity is typically reported in Arctic explorers and people taking large doses of synthetic vitamin A. The first documented death due to vitamin A poisoning was Xavier Mertz, a Swiss scientist who died in January 1913 on an Antarctic expedition that had lost its food supplies and fell to eating its sled dogs. Mertz consumed lethal amounts of vitamin A by eating the dogs' livers.[8]

Vitamin A toxicity occurs when an individual ingests vitamin A in large amounts more than the daily recommended value in the threshold of 25,000IU/Kg or more. Often, the individual consumes about 3-4 times the RDA's specification [9] Toxicity of vitamin A is believed to be associated with the intervention methods used to upgrade vitamin A levels in the body such as food modification, fortification and supplementation, all of which are employed to combat vitamin A deficiency [10] Toxicity is classified into two categories: Acute and chronic toxicities. The former occurs few hours or days after ingestion of large amounts of vitamin A accidentally or via inappropriate therapy. The later toxicity (Chronic) takes place when about 25,000IU/Kg or more of vitamin A is consumed for a prolonged period of time. Symptoms associated with both toxicities include, but not limited to nausea, blurred vision, fatigue, weight-loss, menstrual abnormalities etc.[11]

If eaten in one meal, 30 to 90 grams of polar bear liver is enough to kill a human being, or to make even sled dogs very ill.[12]

Excess vitamin A has also been suspected to be a contributor to osteoporosis. This seems to happen at much lower doses than those required to induce acute intoxication. Only preformed vitamin A can cause these problems, because the conversion of carotenoids into vitamin A is downregulated when physiological requirements are met. An excessive uptake of carotenoids can, however, cause carotenosis.

The carotenoid beta carotene was interestingly associated with an increase in lung cancer when it was studied in a lung cancer prevention trial in male smokers. In non-smokers, the opposite effect has been noted.

Excess preformed vitamin A during early pregnancy has also been associated with a significant increase in birth defects.[13] These defects may be severe, even life-threatening. Even twice the daily recommended amount can cause severe birth defects.[14] The FDA currently recommends that pregnant women get their Vitamin A from foods containing beta carotene and that they should ensure that they consume no more than 5,000 IU of preformed Vitamin A (if any) per day. Although Vitamin A is necessary for fetal development, most women carry stores of Vitamin A in their fat cells, so oversupplementation should be strictly avoided.

A review of all randomized controlled trials in the scientific literature by the Cochrane Collaboration published in JAMA in 2007 found that supplementation with beta-carotene or vitamin increased mortality by 5% and 16%, respectively.[15]

Contrary to earlier observations, recent studies emerging from some developing countries(India, Bangladesh and Indonesia) have strongly suggested that dosing expectant mothers in the population in which vitamin A deficiency is common and maternal mortality is high can greatly reduce maternal mortality ratio [16] Similarly, dosing newborn infants with 50,000IU(15 mg) of vitamin A within 2 days of birth, can significantly reduce neonatal mortality [17][/quote]

Because cod liver oil has a very high level of Vitamin A, it is possible to exceed the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin A. Vitamin A accumulates in body fat, and can reach harmful levels sufficient to cause hypervitaminosis A.[17] Pregnant women may want to consider consulting a doctor when taking cod liver oil because of the high amount of natural forms of Vitamin A (Retinol). High doses of synthetic Vitamin A (Retinoids) have been shown to cause birth defects.[18]

The risks of hypervitaminosis and of exposure to environmental toxins such as mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, and other contaminants, are reduced when purification processes are applied to produce refined fish-oil products, which consequently contain raised levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA.[19]

A high intake of cod liver oil by pregnant women is associated with a nearly five-fold increased risk of gestational hypertension,[20] although this study did not control for mercury, which can be present in harmful amounts in fish[19] and which is another cause of hypertension.[21]

Some urge caution when taking cod liver oil and other fish-based supplements since they may contain elevated levels of toxins such as mercury and PCBs found in fish.[19] Some supplement companies regularly test cod liver oil for purity, while others do not. Consumerlab.com tested 44 fish and cod liver oil supplements and found that all were free of detectable levels of mercury.[22]

All things considered, cod liver oil is still an excellent supplement.
Hi all.

This is more a question of personal curiosity since i had not expected anything from the breathing program the first few times and i was quite surprised by the results. Things just don't work that way for me. (it takes me a lot longer to catch on)

I finally managed to stay awake for three breathing program sessions. Each time at the point during the faster round breathing
my body starts to 'vibrate' and continues through the first Prayer of the Soul.
(gradually diminishes at that point)

I need to mention that most of my adult life i have had a constant ringing in my ears, but am pretty much oblivious to it unless something brings it to my attention. It is a
fairly high pitch in both ears and i have gotten used to it long ago.

When the vibration starts, the ringing in my ears seems to lower in frequency
until it melds with the vibrations. The vibration is not a physical tremble but quite noticeable and not unpleasant. Difficult for me to put into words.

I take a few supplements including niacin, but this is nothing like a niacin 'tingle'.

i was wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this.

Hi glenmain -- something similar for me regarding the vibration -- not really vibration but more of a restless-leg type thing in which I lose some muscular control at the same point you describe. Quite annoying, but keep practicing. It's a bit difficult to get through the full program but I feel great afterward.

Just noted this in Bringers of the Dawn, which had escaped me before:

It is very important for everyone who wishes to be in complete balance with their physical being to practice, on a regular basis, some kind of deep-breathing program. This is a program in which breath is very important and oxygenation is practiced so that oxygen is brought into the body.

humans [can]... use the vehicle of breathing to take them into an ecstatic state.

So maybe a temporary side-effect of adjusting to more oxygen, or ecstatic state!
Ugh, today while practicing EE (only did the meditation last night so decided to do the full version this morning) I became *really* tired at the end and fell asleep for about 1.5 hrs. No biggie, as I had the entire day free, but meanwhile, my landlord came into the building without notifying us (he only has to if he comes into individual apartments) and left the door wide open while showing some empty places. Meanwhile, my bike, which has been safely stored in the hallway for nearly a year without problems, got swiped by someone while I was having my EE nap. Well, can't say I wasn't warned ("be vigilant") :(
Lucas said:
we have 21 month to work :) that is LOTS OF TIME:)

Hi Lucas,

21 months is not lots of time. Remember that we need to raise the awareness of an appreciable portion of humanity to have any hope of breaking this Matrix. And we only have a few thousands on this forum. So we don't have that much time.

[quote author=Lucas]
I DON'T LOOK at dates But .
But remember Don't worry just DO what you must to DO :)

That's a good way to approach it :)
Neinna Eluch asked:

Gimpy, are you taking Vit. C powder and cod liver oil?

Just wanted to remind you in case you don't have any stickies up about it.

Thank you. When its my lungs that get bad, I cut back on everything but the most essential: magnesium, buffered C, and vitamin D. The last batch of buffered C that came in had a broken safety seal. It looks like a manufacturing defect, but I haven't taken any yet. (yeah, I'm a little paranoid) A sore throat can make some of the pills stick in my throat and I choke, so I stick to those that either go down really well or can be put in a shake.

Hubby took me to a clinic today, and we both were tested for strep, and that came up negative. (Which was a relief) The doc didn't like the sound of my lungs or the look of the ears, and sent me home with an antibiotic. I've marked a calendar for another regimen of anti-candida herbs for after the course.

In the meantime, I'm doing what I can with the program, as much as I can do without breathing too deep or talking. ;)

Thanks for being here guys, it helps a lot.
Well i doing regularly "Eíriú-Eolas" Monday and Thursday and it is really positive experience in my life,
i think i found my self in this, if i can say "school" in many "ways" and i still learning.
A: Oh yes. You do not yet fully realize the power of spiritual truths given to those starving for them. For the first time in her life Victoria felt satisfied in her heart.
I like that ansever from C'S, I am satisfied in hart but i cant say that is first time {maybe i will be in wrong}
in my life on the other side my life have drastically changed when i found Laura's work and rest on this forum
and other forums in my language's which follows Laura's work and her team. Thanks again.
I want to ask when i do pipe breathing every day i do it with prayer in mind is it good or better to concentrate only on breathing?
Beside that i have prayer many times in my head during day.
Andrew said:
RedFox said:
One last observation....has anyone else noticed that the things they are reading are making way more sense than before. That somehow your learning more/faster than before from almost everything??
Yes I've noticed this as well. BUT with the additional side-effect of there being, what seems to be, an opposing and equal effect of mental laziness and NOT wanting to read anything and apply what I've learned and to just go back to sleep. The C's comments on "Effort" to gain and apply knowledge seems rather relevant in this regard. But, perhaps that's just me?
Now you come to mention it, yes I'm experience an increase in the laziness etc.....or perhaps maybe we are just noticing what was already there more?? I have noticed that the increase in laziness is starting (very slowly) to diminish......

D Rusak said:
Ugh, today while practicing EE (only did the meditation last night so decided to do the full version this morning) I became *really* tired at the end and fell asleep for about 1.5 hrs. No biggie, as I had the entire day free, but meanwhile, my landlord came into the building without notifying us (he only has to if he comes into individual apartments) and left the door wide open while showing some empty places. Meanwhile, my bike, which has been safely stored in the hallway for nearly a year without problems, got swiped by someone while I was having my EE nap. Well, can't say I wasn't warned ("be vigilant") :(

Hi D Rusak
It might be worth considering the symbolic nature of this. As with the pan handle breaking being a message from Laura's higher self....perhaps having the door left open and your bike stolen is also a message to yourself?? What parts of you do you leave 'out in the public view' that can 'be taken' without you noticing? Who in your life (or past) leaves 'doors open' in you so that this can happen?? What is being 'stolen' from you??
Bikes being a form of transport could symbolise transport, greater freedom, facility to provide for yourself - get to work/food/friends (independence)...it may also symbolise your 'carrage' - body, or 'horse' - emotional centre. But these are just my interpretations.
If it was your own personal apartments door that was left open by the landlord (and not just the apartments communal door) I would take this as quite a major warning. fwiw
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