Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Buddy said:
At the time that I am writing, and for awhile afterwards, I feel I was on target; that I said exactly what I wanted to say. Now, however, I look back over certain posts and I think "No, no, no. That's not what I meant. Well, ok, that's what I meant, but that's not the way I wanted to describe or say it. Something about the beauty or the spirit not being fully translated, or fully expressed, and that may be an entirely subjective and presumptuous observation.


So many times I'm just about to hit the post button, re-read it and then abandon it all together, but while writing the response I was so sure I could get over the points I wanted to. It's reassuring - in a sort of positive way for me :) - to know one as accomplished as yourself sometimes feels the same frustration. If I get to your level I will indeed have made progress. Meanwhile I keep trying to learn my lessons.
Iron said:
RyanAM said:
After doing the meditation last night and going to bed i was nearly asleep when it i felt a great pressure come from the top of my head to my feet, I woke up and tried to fight it off. I am just finishing reading high strangeness and might immediate reaction was this isn't good.

It seems that i have something happening every Monday night when i try going to sleep. This pressure going through me was very strong, when i first tried to fight it off it was like i was in an almost paralyses state. When i woke up this morning everything seemed normal, i still haven't had any strange dreams that i can remember, at times i am a little bit irritable.

RedFox said:
I think if it is happening near sleep and your instinct is "this isn't good" then go with the instinct. You could try repeating the prayer of the soul at this point, or perhaps 'Divine cosmic mind, live in me now'.

Yes, calming yourself down is important, but how to know that this "instinct" is accurate and not the predator frightened?
I have a hard time explaining these things :/, I had just finished the meditation and was falling asleep, it almost felt as if a great energy like jumped inside of me, my reaction was to fight it, I usually do the complete program and then read for several hours afterwards and then do the pipe breathing and meditation before going to sleep. Now that I've thought about it for awhile, i don't think it was a bad thing at all only because i did the meditation before going to sleep, however i could be wrong about that.
RyanAM said:
Yes, calming yourself down is important, but how to know that this "instinct" is accurate and not the predator frightened?
I have a hard time explaining these things :/, I had just finished the meditation and was falling asleep, it almost felt as if a great energy like jumped inside of me, my reaction was to fight it, I usually do the complete program and then read for several hours afterwards and then do the pipe breathing and meditation before going to sleep. Now that I've thought about it for awhile, i don't think it was a bad thing at all only because i did the meditation before going to sleep, however i could be wrong about that.

I would suggest that in cases like this, it's a good idea to listen to your instinct. Personally, I never assume such things are 'good' right off the bat. It's a jungle out there. So, if I get an instinctual 'danger' reaction to anything, I listen to it - especially if you're talking about energetic interactions. Your idea that it wasn't a bad thing just because you did the meditation is treading on dangerous territory. The meditation is a powerful tool for self-development but it's not some magical protective spell or something - because there is no such thing! Human beings have instinctive danger reactions for a very good reason - survival. So, this is just my personal take on it, but I would most certainly not discount the instinctive reaction in this case. fwiw.
Thank you anart :), as i posted earlier i did fight it at the time and treat it as if it was "not good" at the time it happened its now afterwards that i was questioning it and thought maybe it wasn't a bad thing after all.
RedFox said:
It appears that Every program I have is the avoidance of true emotional feeling, avoidance of the terror felt that bottles the emotions from correct expression/experience. Not only does my mind usurp the trapped emotional energy to run these programs, but I also think that the emotional energy actually seeks expression (rather than just being trapped) and one of the outlets is the programs.....the emotional centre perhaps projects emotional energy onto other centres in order to express itself. osit

Well that was a bit of an 'ah-ha' moment, thanks for that.

It would make sense that if we're used to running broken machines where every centre steals runs on the energy of every other, then that might go some way to explaining the reactions folk are getting. If the emotional centre is asleep and/or its energy is habitually diverted to the intellectual center or moving centre, you can understand why when that energy is increased things start to go south.

As we are, day to day we can cope with this strange way of living, we don't see it of course, running programs that become habitual it al seems normal. But wake the emotions and perhaps those 'circuits' where emotional energy has previously been diverted can't handle the charge. They weren't built for it. It works as a bad hack job for getting through life, but its not suitable for anything real.

So, we're getting amplified versions of our coping mechanisms trying to run when emotional debris gets stirred up but the dodgy wiring can't handle it. Somethings got to give I guess, we stop the process or let go the old ways. Least, that's how it seems at the moment.
Nathan said:
Mr. Scott said:
I third that. I don't know if it's the diet or the breathing or what, but I've had days lately where I eat 5-6 meals, 3 major plus 2-3 minor. I'm not gaining any weight, so I have no idea where it's all going! :shock:

I fourth that.
I guess I 'fifth' that. Sometimes I get hungry after only the meditation.
However, this comes and goes. Haven't been experienced this for about a week or so now.
Would be interesting to hear what the C's would say about it, if it's really important enough to ask that is.
22 September

I began my journey with Eiriu Eloas as it emerged in the forum, and I have evolved from there in strange and unexpected ways - not ways that I would have desired, not ways that I necessarily understand, and though the journey has been emotionally tumultuous its promise has remained true.

I had been breathing the Mouravieff 4/4/4/4 system for a month prior to starting Laura's 6/3/9/3 almost as soon as it was released. During those formative days of Eiru Eolas, when the 3 stage breathing technique was being investigated, I even tried the Bastrika referenced by Laura...heady stuff!...but disastrous combined with a little late stage HCV with Cirrhosis, and a total withdrawal of medical cannabis.

Actually, in retrospect, it wasn't a disaster, it was a pressure point about to burst, but the herbs were maintaining a useful stability. The energy behind that wall was fit to burst no matter what! It had been building for a few years and what my macro situation needed was a shock from the inside and my God, that was what was delivered, in white hot emotional heat, platinum fire, and spectacular cascading molts of psychokinetic release. There were no survivors in the flow of lava from that ruined mountain. Just one wanderer, gasping for breath and clawing his way back into the light.

And that is when the visioning and dreams began, while I continued with the 6/3/9/3 and the prayer for the soul, attendant on each and every marvelous word, enrapt in a kind of holy psychic mist, constantly talking to my beloved, playing over and over in my mind the presence of those timeless moments on the granite hill when I did gain access again to small amounts of the herb. This magical state was not to last but, I got to learn the full Eiriu Eloas just weeks before the 'shit hit the fan'...and the negative pressure of the world took me into spiraling experiences that in retrospect could only be described as a vortex of insanity, but which has had the most exquisite filtering affect, inasmuch as my discernment between what is good for me and not, and my ability to make decisions, are both improved.

This more harmonious interaction with life is an effect of Eiriu Eloas I read here now. This notion is implied in this thread in many ways and Laura makes note of it too. So as we continue to sustain the effects of Eiriu Eloas, as our old programs and blockages fall away, there is more energy available for Being and Doing. More cognition, more awareness, more will - building a symphony.

Those old programs and blockages may just fall away indeed, or they may wrench you asunder in a crescendo of manic torture - if this happens to you, just don't give in, keep on breathing, keep on saying that prayer for the soul and trusting in the Divine Awareness In All Creation. That is more or less what Laura has said, so I won’t bore you with my journey, except to say it is a trip I don't want to repeat.

After 2 months of trial by emotional fire, I feel like I am in better tune, even though my irregular tiredness may put me to chair at times, and my personal life is in a process of hurricane like change as my wife and step daughter move out with the dogs. Just a few days ago I thought it was I who was without known shelter, but the Universe has unexpectedly moved, and I am staying after all, the recipient of what the I Ching refers to as, "you cannot throw away that which belongs to you". The universe wants me to stay right here on the Granite Belt for now. All are served.

The dreams have faded away and I believe it is said here that they are the product of the lower emotional centre. Why does that give me comfort? I am staying wary of subtle flicker-like lies and useless programs that reside just beyond my light and enjoy prolonged times of union with a higher self endure that continues to intrigue. I have now caught up with the 79 pages of this post, which I must admit I ignored to my detriment. May I comment that so much now been written about the micro effect/affect of Eiriu Eolas it must be providing analytical minds a feast of implications: But we have yet to see about macro effect/affect, which I am sure is going to surprise us all even more. Hold on to your seats!

In the Eiriu Eolas passages, from the first knee bending surge of self abnegation, to this quiet beachside ebb and flow of life's sunlit spirit cafe, my Beloved has unveiled within me both a disfigured monster and a beautiful angel of light. Once these two learned to accept and love each other as one, and to let things just be, my Beloved just stepped in and we are happy to say, has not moved out again.

During my last experience of the round breathing on Monday, I totally 'zoned' out for the first time. This was for more than just a few seconds. it was for whole sections, blink, blank, like coming to after anaesthetic - how could all that time just disappear? Perhaps I have had enough round breathing for a week? I'll try again on Thursday.

I am concerned for my apparent need for medical cannabis and its potential conflict with the ‘work’. All I can say at this point is that it helps me cope with the world; and that it is the only medication I take for my illness – does anyone else have some objective light for this concern of mine?

Thank you for being here with me on this Journey, all of you, for all of your thoughts, which I am taking a lot of interest in. Once again, thanks to Laura and the team - thanks to the Holy Awareness in All Creation. Lets take this Ship of Fools home.
Ana said:
Can you compare what is happening to you, with this:

Hi ana. I never noticed your post until now. My apologies, and thanks for that quote.

I hadn't considered the creativity/commitment angle, so there is something there, I believe.

When I was a boy, I wanted to draw, but never progressed beyond cartoon strips to make family laugh. Eventually, I turned to music. Never progressed to the point of actually creating my own music though. I turned to writing, but never felt I had anything substantial and valuable to write about. In all these cases, I was afraid of two main things: the WORK required to develop something valuable, and the fear that, because I was showing my 'heart', I would die a terrible death if someone didn't like it and tried to tear it down. :(

Today, I know that's an immature attitude, and that creativity doesn't just mean traditional artistic endeavors. In fact, before your post, I hadn't even thought about the connection between my emotional center and blocked creativity urges.

I remember one of the things that attracted me to the study of Dianetics back in 1991. Somewhere in there was a promise that once one attained, at least, the level of emotional 'clear', one would 'remember' what one's purpose was - what one was 'here to do'. That was a powerful motivator for me, yet I never progressed with that either.

I'm going to spend some time thinking about this. Now that 'things' seem to be opening up a little, I may be able to find my direction or purpose...if such a thing exists.

Thanks a million! :)
atiil said:
If I get to your level I will indeed have made progress. Meanwhile I keep trying to learn my lessons.

Hi atiil. I'm not sure what you mean by 'my level.' Sure, I've got over 600 posts, but if that's what you're thinking about that, please be cautious about judging by appearances. Most of my stuff...especially in the early history, is suspect in one way or another.

I created a "worker I" to avoid any real work. It's easy to do. That's why this network is so important! :)
Buddy said:
atiil said:
If I get to your level I will indeed have made progress. Meanwhile I keep trying to learn my lessons.

Hi atiil. I'm not sure what you mean by 'my level.' Sure, I've got over 600 posts, but if that's what you're thinking about that, please be cautious about judging by appearances. Most of my stuff...especially in the early history, is suspect in one way or another.

I created a "worker I" to avoid any real work. It's easy to do. That's why this network is so important! :)

As the breathing progresses, as your old programs and worn out veils wash off your back in the floodgates of the wave, you will understand, you will know; that all levels are veils to One. Thinking of One in terms of levels is a waste of energy in my opinion.

Remember, 'awareness in all creation' - this means you my friends
jacksun said:
As the breathing progresses, as your old programs and worn out veils wash off your back in the floodgates of the wave, you will understand, you will know; that all levels are veils to One. Thinking of One in terms of levels is a waste of energy in my opinion.

Jacksun, could you clarify this, please?
jacksun said:
I am concerned for my apparent need for medical cannabis and its potential conflict with the ‘work’. All I can say at this point is that it helps me cope with the world; and that it is the only medication I take for my illness – does anyone else have some objective light for this concern of mine?

Thank you for being here with me on this Journey, all of you, for all of your thoughts, which I am taking a lot of interest in. Once again, thanks to Laura and the team - thanks to the Holy Awareness in All Creation. Lets take this Ship of Fools home.

Considering your mentioned medical condition, I would advise backing off the breathing exercises and just do the meditation. As for "herbal" issues, yes, there is a conflict with The Work. Such herbs tend to dull the emotional center.

So, like I said, back off the breathing program, just do a little pipe breathing occasionally during the day for 5 or 10 breaths, and do the meditation before going to sleep and allow the Divine Physician - the higher self - decide what needs to be done.

I just wanted to share this.

Doing chores in the house today, feeling a bit anxious, Gave up smoking (2nd time) about 7 weeks ago and was thinking wistfully of smoking, When I got this feeling of being 'pulled' around my Solar Plexus , kind of like a magnetic pull. It feels like an inner vibration. As if I was orientating to something. I'm not describing this well!

Anyway then I had this vision in my head of Laura and the rest of the group in France all doing their evening stuff, talking, cooking, laughing smoking and felt so connected to everyone even though we've never met physically, which made me sad.

Then I remembered that it's Thursday and breathing and meditation night and I got that feeling of vibration again, kind of like an anticipation, excitement almost but not quite, more subtle, a physical sensation.

I thought I share it as it's new to me and quite noticeable, I'm sorry I don't describe it well, when I read what I've written it doesn't seem to convey it. It's like a longing from some deep part of me that I haven't felt before but an energetic vibration as well.

Looking forward to connecting with you all doing EE tonight.
mada85 said:
[quote author=Mouravieff]
The principle of this method is simple. One must remember Plato’s proposition by which like can only be perceived and understood by like. Extending this, we say that exterior influences cannot act on the individual, except by mediation of similar elements which form part of his interior world: the interior world of the individual is also subject to ‘A’ and ‘B’ influences. The accumulation of the latter within him forms the magnetic centre, which in some way forms a new centre of consciousness.

I have to say thank you mada85 for posting this quote. When I first read it I thought that it relates directly to my own experiences. The whole idea about your inner world or mental thoughts being subject to ‘A’ influences describes myself well. Even though I may not be externally doing these influences, they will pop up in my mind and distract me. It seems if left to run alone on a thought loop, they will eventually lead to some form of external action. So of course these inner thoughts can manifest into full blown external actions.

What I've been doing because of this realization is "calling them out". When one of the thoughts comes to mind I'll say mentally "Internal ‘A’ influence". So it helps to stay on track and recognize what and where the thought is coming from. I think I just need to make sure that they don't go unchecked and begin manifesting into an external action, even thinking about them for too long is physically draining and wasteful. This will help in keeping my aims by not giving energy to things that I don't even intend to do. So, thanks again for the nice quote. One of these days I hope to get around to reading the esoteric books, but I'm focusing on the diet part now.
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