Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Buddy said:
When I was a boy, I wanted to draw, but never progressed beyond cartoon strips to make family laugh. Eventually, I turned to music. Never progressed to the point of actually creating my own music though. I turned to writing, but never felt I had anything substantial and valuable to write about. In all these cases, I was afraid of two main things: the WORK required to develop something valuable, and the fear that, because I was showing my 'heart', I would die a terrible death if someone didn't like it and tried to tear it down. :(

Today, I know that's an immature attitude, and that creativity doesn't just mean traditional artistic endeavors. In fact, before your post, I hadn't even thought about the connection between my emotional center and blocked creativity urges.

Creativity is useful in so many things (if not all), looking for solutions, working stuff out and so on. And as you described it is also so easily blocked out, be it just internal consideration or the negative introject. Somehow in my own experience creativity is kind of a state, connected with a feeling and also trust in what I'm doing (maybe to let the energy flow where it belongs).

But have you considered drawing again, or is it "obsolete" to use this creativity for posting?

oh I just found that:

Buddy said:
I'm going to spend some time thinking about this. Now that 'things' seem to be opening up a little, I may be able to find my direction or purpose...if such a thing exists.

So eventually my question is "obsolete". :)
I just finished doing the EE program - (had to do it early today as no time later), and there was a release of emotion, crying etc. Haven't had all that much of that and it was good. And now I feel so clean - its the only word that sort of fits, like at least for the moment, all the negative stuff I'm carrying is gone.

I've got to say I can hardly imagine what life was like before we all started doing this program! In such a short time it has become such an essential part of my life that I so look forward to.
I just did some catch-up on some of the effects of the breathing program, and I've noticed a lot of similarities to things that i have been going through.

Bo said:
I am actually experiencing the opposite, in the beginning the EE program made me calm and more focused, but now my head has turned into a war zone, I am confused, depressed lately, I feel an enormous hatred towards this program, ( predator).

For me too. My mind has been in constant struggle, and depression seems to be going hand-in-hand with the the struggling. Although instead of feeling enormous hatred towards the program, a lot of it seems to be directed at myself or others, which I am working on. I realize that I am projecting, but as of late, a lot of deep seated emotions have been coming to the surface. Anger, sadness, frustration. Although at times clarity and understanding, but very short-lived.

During one session, I had a bout of sadness throughout the Pipe-Breathe, and in another session, I had uncontrollable giggles and laughter to an event from my past during Ba-ha that must have lasted for 5-7 minutes at least.

agni said:
Yesterday, after EE breathing I got new sensations. By the end of bio-energetic breathing along with feeling of being filled with electric-like energy, I've started experiencing laughter/giggles, was tough going into meditation as my face got pretty much got locked into smile and I did not want to resist that. If I understood correctly, people doing EE breathing should not restrict any kind of emotion raised from breathing. Had to take a small break to concentrate on meditation

As far as inner shocks and sensations, there has been an increase, or at least when they do occur they have been extremely noticeable. During one of these sessions, I did have a sensation around my solar plexus area that lasted a little while. It wasn't anything major, but it was noticeable. Also, a lot of pressure or tingling sensations in the middle of my forehead between my eyebrows, which a lot of members have already stated have been occuring to them as well.

Outside of the breathing there is constant sensations around my stomach, chest and throat area to varying degrees. It seems to travel back and forth, and I must ask, some members have stated to try and keep the sensations below the neck. Is this something I should try and do? When it goes to my throat is it my lower-intellectual centre usurping energy from my emotional centres?

RyanAM said:
After doing the meditation last night and going to bed i was nearly asleep when it i felt a great pressure come from the top of my head to my feet, I woke up and tried to fight it off. I am just finishing reading high strangeness and might immediate reaction was this isn't good.

It seems that i have something happening every monday night when i try going to sleep. This pressure going through me was very strong, when i first tried to fight it off it was like i was in an almost paralasys state. When i woke up this morning everything seemed normal, i still haven't had any strange dreams that i can remember, at times i am a little bit irritable.[/

Ryan, I've had similar occurrences. The past 3 Mondays in a row, something to that nature has been happening to me, but It started happening again after the 2nd time I did the EE program. It was strange that night, because the alarm in the house went off at 3am inexplicably, which spooked everyone, and I went back to bed and it felt like I was floating out of my body. Each and every time it happens I have to fight it off. Sometimes I float and have to fight to pull myself back, other times it feels like an oppressive force on my body.

anart said:
I would suggest that in cases like this, it's a good idea to listen to your instinct. Personally, I never assume such things are 'good' right off the bat. It's a jungle out there. So, if I get an instinctual 'danger' reaction to anything, I listen to it - especially if you're talking about energetic interactions. Your idea that it wasn't a bad thing just because you did the meditation is treading on dangerous territory. The meditation is a powerful tool for self-development but it's not some magical protective spell or something - because there is no such thing! Human beings have instinctive danger reactions for a very good reason - survival. So, this is just my personal take on it, but I would most certainly not discount the instinctive reaction in this case. fwiw.

Instinctually I feel a sense of danger each and every time it happens. I always get a sense of 'something' right before it occurs, like my spidey sense is going off.
Well... Today I found out what some had mentioned earlier about feeling like they got hit by a bus. I awoke this morning to do the E/E program but couldn't get going. Every bone and muscle in my body was hurting just like I had been run over. It took me about 20mins just to do my stretches and then start my breathing. I pushed myself to continue but nothing felt right. The breathing didn't seem normal and my meditation was a mess. My mind was wondering all over. :nuts: I've never been this outta tune. I thought it might have something to do with the UN delegations being in town (all these evil people in close proximity to me) but that just sounds crazy right?

On a separate note, I've also been noticing a lot of memories from my past just jumping into my head. Things I've forgotten and have been long buried but now I wonder, did some of those things cause bad karma? Is this why they keep coming back from a buried subconscious? I've been remembering things for a while now but it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. For some reason tonight when I remembered something I did in my teens, it had me thinking that some of this maybe caused bad karma and it needs to be released. I've also noticed that when I do pipe breathing now, my eyes tear uncontrollably. It actually feels good.

I'm thinking that even though my body wasn't up to it, pushing myself to do the program was still well worth it and still having a very noticeable effect. I'm thinking these are just more signs of the cleansing process and I'm catching up little by little. ;) Off I go to try again now!
anart said:
jacksun said:
As the breathing progresses, as your old programs and worn out veils wash off your back in the floodgates of the wave, you will understand, you will know; that all levels are veils to One. Thinking of One in terms of levels is a waste of energy in my opinion.

Jacksun, could you clarify this, please?

Please forgive my non considering. Think in these terms - separation is an illusion, time is an illusion, distance is an illusion, so there is no going to or coming from. Levels are discrete constructs relative to perception - they do not exist. There is only One, All. Divine Cosmic Mind. Here and Now in me and in you, if the term 'in' can be used at all. :D

Laura said:
jacksun said:
I am concerned for my apparent need for medical cannabis and its potential conflict with the ‘work’. All I can say at this point is that it helps me cope with the world; and that it is the only medication I take for my illness – does anyone else have some objective light for this concern of mine?

Thank you for being here with me on this Journey, all of you, for all of your thoughts, which I am taking a lot of interest in. Once again, thanks to Laura and the team - thanks to the Holy Awareness in All Creation. Lets take this Ship of Fools home.

Considering your mentioned medical condition, I would advise backing off the breathing exercises and just do the meditation. As for "herbal" issues, yes, there is a conflict with The Work. Such herbs tend to dull the emotional center.

So, like I said, back off the breathing program, just do a little pipe breathing occasionally during the day for 5 or 10 breaths, and do the meditation before going to sleep and allow the Divine Physician - the higher self - decide what needs to be done.

Thank you Laura for the clarification and the advice - things have been rather traumatic, but I would not have missed it for the world. I hope your kind advice and information will also benefit others reading this forum. In a way I am relieved that I can cut back, and now wonder how much STS behaviour was in my surge to gain the most benefit from the advice of the C's, I feel personally responsible about supporting the Growth of Knowledge, but perhaps I did take it a little too far.

jacksun said:
22 September

During my last experience of the round breathing on Monday, I totally 'zoned' out for the first time. This was for more than just a few seconds. it was for whole sections, blink, blank, like coming to after anaesthetic - how could all that time just disappear? Perhaps I have had enough round breathing for a week? I'll try again on Thursday.

There was no zoning out in my round breathing last night - but as we went into the meditation and I reached to increase the sound a little (teenagers in next door :/) I pressed the wrong button on the MP3 player - oh oh. I then made the executive decision to continue without Laura's voice. That was a good choice - but, I zoned out - how spooky is that? In for repair! Just like my car next week. "just park it here bud".
Last night full EE was to easy to finish and like was timeless,
my only experience is that i feel really nice after EE, immediately after
EE i sleep but i awake 3 times in the night like i was sleeping few hours.
Maybe i don't give enough or i am still blocked on some way or i need
more time but that is.
Remember, when the process is too fast or intense, the body will let you know. When that happens, just do the meditation and maybe a little pipe breathing during your daily activities if you need stress relief. Remember, the meditation/prayer portion of the program is SUPER important - that is the healing activity!
Laura said:
Remember, when the process is too fast or intense, the body will let you know. When that happens, just do the meditation and maybe a little pipe breathing during your daily activities if you need stress relief. Remember, the meditation/prayer portion of the program is SUPER important - that is the healing activity!

Thanks i will do that.
I did the full program early last night, to give myself some time to do other things before going back to bed. This seems to have helped quite a lot (I feel energised this morning, and I slept soundly).
I put more effort into the breathing this time, and did the round breathing sat up for a change....both of which seem to have had a more pronounced effect.
During the prayer section I thought I heard a loud 'pop' on the MP3.....I realised it was my head/ear as it feels like I can sort of breath through my ears now...most odd (clear my ears....that I may hear). I get the odd 'pop' in my head when I relax at night before sleeping, but this was really loud. :lol:
My ears/nose/through seem different, like they've been opened up. I was wondering about going to a chiropractor last week when I was getting tension in my neck/base of my skull.....last night whatever that problem was seems to have been corrected!
My thanks to the cosmic chiropractor! And my deepest gratitude to Laura again for making this available to us all :flowers:
I had a difficult time with the EE yesterday. I woke up a bit disgruntled, which is a change for me. I've been feeling pretting good lately, bee-bopping around the house and singing but I was sad yesterday. During the 3 stage breathing my eyes were watering and I felt the urge to cry. I started to get a bit more worked up during the warrior's breath and started thinking to myself, "I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of breathing." A feeling of anger and frustration built up and I kept picturing myself smashing my head through the computer screen or through a window. A feeling of rage came over me and I had to get up, go into my bedroom and scream and howl into a pillow a few times. I came back to continue but the rage was still there so I got up again and beat on a pile of clothes on the ironing board. If I could've stepped out of my body and fought myself I would have. I was that angry, at myself and my own stupidity and the state of the world.

Historically, I am an anger stuffer so it was probably just a matter of time before something like this happened. It didn't feel good and I was quite discombobulated for the rest of the day. I wasn't able to do the ba-ha and could barely concentrate enough for the prayer.

My ironing board seems to have suffered some structural damage. :-[
last night EE was difficult for me as well. i passed out right after the bio-energetic portion of the program and only heard about one verse of the prayer before the Z's set in and i slept like an infant. i think my problem has been doing it too late at night and not giving enough time or concentration to be able to stay awake for the whole program. so, this morning i repeated those last two portions of the program and i feel totally energized, clear and focused. it's really nice to start the day with the prayer of the soul at the forefront of the mind.
I couldn't push myself to do E-E until about 1:15 am this morning. Then, it went surprisingly easy compared to some of my past sessions.

One thing happened that was totally different. I do the E-E downstairs in my recliner so I don't wake my wife. Well, after I finished I was super calm and relaxed. But when I got up and shut down the laptop, etc. I got the creepy chills, hair standing up on my neck, and feeling of fear. It was a lot like being spooked by the dark as a child, but it was more general and not focused on the dark. This reaction is totally unlike me.

I kept having the feelings of fear and creepiness and hair standing up for at least 15 minutes after I went to bed. I was saying the Prayer for the Soul like crazy for protection and to help alleviate these feelings and reactions.
Hi DanielS !

DanielS said:
As far as inner shocks and sensations, there has been an increase, or at least when they do occur they have been extremely noticeable. During one of these sessions, I did have a sensation around my solar plexus area that lasted a little while. It wasn't anything major, but it was noticeable. Also, a lot of pressure or tingling sensations in the middle of my forehead between my eyebrows, which a lot of members have already stated have been occuring to them as well.

I also have experienced similar sensations in plexus / stomach area. Yesterday, after EE session, I felt really intense buzzing throughout the body, to the point I felt as if I was numb/paralyzed (similar to feeling when leg or arm feels asleep), though I still could move without discomfort. In plexus area I did not feel relaxed, it felt as if it was like some muscle spasms, though it was not painful, just tense. I did the whole program while I had bad migraine, not sure if that's the cause why I couldn't completely relax, but it went away after I was done with the program.

[quote author=DanielS]
Outside of the breathing there is constant sensations around my stomach, chest and throat area to varying degrees. It seems to travel back and forth, and I must ask, some members have stated to try and keep the sensations below the neck. Is this something I should try and do? When it goes to my throat is it my lower-intellectual centre usurping energy from my emotional centres?[/quote]

As far as keeping sensations below the neck, I think I've missed to read it. If it's not too much to ask, can you point it out ? Is it in regard to physical/inner sensations or in regards to feelings/behaviors/actions that arise & projected to external world (aka in work - keep your anger below the neck )?
agni said:
[quote author=DanielS]
Outside of the breathing there is constant sensations around my stomach, chest and throat area to varying degrees. It seems to travel back and forth, and I must ask, some members have stated to try and keep the sensations below the neck. Is this something I should try and do? When it goes to my throat is it my lower-intellectual centre usurping energy from my emotional centres?

As far as keeping sensations below the neck, I think I've missed to read it. If it's not too much to ask, can you point it out ? Is it in regard to physical/inner sensations or in regards to feelings/behaviors/actions that arise & projected to external world (aka in work - keep your anger below the neck )?

Ah, found it! I knew it was either Redfox or T.C that mentioned keeping it below the neck, well it turns out it was T.C writing in a thread Redfox started. http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=13580.0

T.C. said:
Firstly, you've observed what happened in you during this interaction, and how that made you act. Now you can be ready for these types of feelings. When they happen again, try to keep your cool. Feel it all happening inside you but apply some knowledge to the situation. You could say, "I can't change the way I feel, but I can stop those feelings from dictating my actions".

Have a look at the Depression as a Stepping Stone thread. When you start to feel these inner workings firing up their engines, experiment with them; try to keep them below the neck; try to figure out what it means to keep emotions in the emotional centre and not let the energy be usurped by the intellectual or moving centre.

The bottom line is, if you're reacting towards people based on how they make you feel, then you're not acting consciously, you're acting automatically. And nothing good can come of that.

But to answer your question agni, I think it's a matter of inner sensations that go together with feelings/behaviours/actions that are projected to the external world. Both are connected, you can't have one without the other, at least that's my take on it. But at some point I'm going read through Depression as a Stepping Stone thread again. http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=2832.0

agni said:
Yesterday, after EE session, I felt really intense buzzing throughout the body, to the point I felt as if I was numb/paralyzed (similar to feeling when leg or arm feels asleep), though I still could move without discomfort

I had an intense vibratory/buzzing sensation throughout my body too last night during the program. Only it was during Ba-Ha, and calmed down around the Prayer portion.
Thank you for clarification DanielS,

[quote author=DanielS] Outside of the breathing there is constant sensations around my stomach, chest and throat area to varying degrees. It seems to travel back and forth, and I must ask, some members have stated to try and keep the sensations below the neck. [/quote]

I was getting an impression you were talking about physical sensations. Just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly :)

[quote author=DanielS]I had an intense vibratory/buzzing sensation throughout my body too last night during the program. Only it was during Ba-Ha, and calmed down around the Prayer portion. [/quote]

Same here.
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