Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Thanks for the info on teeth Trevrizent

In my case it seems to be the bottom right set that's effected, although I must be doing something right as they seem to be healing ever so slowly.
I wonder if the full session is actually detoxing fluoride from the body (I'm thinking of the pineal gland here), so maybe also removes the fluoride from your teeth??
The eight teeth on the lower right side are tied in with the solidification of something, such as work; a problem with one of these teeth therefore indicates a problem with making concrete plans or getting one’s self on solid ground.
I dread to think what a problem with 5 of them indicates then! Interestingly it seems to be bringing up quite a few emotions/memories focusing on this....

Flashgordonv said:
I must confess to some confusion here. People are referring to doing the only "breathing and meditation" and then also to doing the full program. I have diligently searched the EE web site and read the replies in this thread and as far as I can see the guided meditation is the full thing, or is the full thing the guided meditation, the pipe breathing and the prayer?

I have been doing the breathing and the prayer every night for the last few weeks and I find I zone out going through the prayer - I find it incredibly difficult to get past "Help me grow in knowledge Of All Creation" - takes a real concerted effort to get through the prayer. Also, for the last two days I have been really angry, emotional and depressed so I'm thinking I am startting to see some effects.

Hi Flashgordonv

My understanding is the full program is the warm up (or a warm up), 3 stage breathing, warriors breath, bioenergetic/round breathing (Ba-Ha), pipe breathing then the prayer of the soul. This has been recommended to be done only on Mondays and Thursdays.
For every other night, pipe breathing followed by the prayer of the soul. If you've not got the hang of reciting the prayer yourself internally yet (took me a while to get it), just skip to the end of the full program MP3 just after the Ba-Ha section (I use to do this - I can't remember the timing off the top of my head, but it may be around 36 minutes into the MP3), and following the pipe breathing and prayer.
If your having trouble getting through the prayer (I presume you mean when listening to it?) just try doing it earlier in the day, I tend to zone out a lot more when I'm tired.
Helle said:
MetaDjinn said:
I want to ask specifically if you think that my last post, by itself, was written in a way that conveys "stress, many thoughts and a high demand of self"?

There are a few things in your post, that makes me see you as high demanding on yourself. You tend to speak somewhat negative about yourself, making me conclude that you don't feel, you're living up to you own 'standards' in some way. Which in turn could cause some stress.

MetaDjinn said:
I guess that my machine is so dirty that its gauges don't work - I cannot recognize my own limits or needs.
I don't know how dirty your machine is, but I doubt it's any more dirty than many of us here. I also don't believe that you don't recognize your own limits or needs! I actually think you're doing quite well.

MetaDjinn said:
I feel like I am starting to ramble and that I am just posting noise, so I'll leave it at that
IMO you neither ramble or make noise. Have some confidence in yourself. :)

To me it seems you have some wrong assumptions about yourself?

Cass Glossary on Assumptions said:
Hasty or habitual thinking, the opposite of 'thinking with a hammer,' often involves unconscious assumptions. This is necessary for efficiency in situations requiring rapid response but detrimental otherwise. Assumptions are also linked to anticipation.

So it's nothing you do deliberately, I am aware of that. But maybe something you could think about? I could be terribly wrong here, as this is my own interpretation of 'you'.

Hi Helle,

OK, thanks for the input. Of course, I know these things that you have pointed out about me. I am just trying to see myself as others see me. It is hard here: we don't physically "See" each other, but we sure do "see" each other in other ways.

Hey, yesterday I had some experiences that helped me to gain some confidence in myself. I was trying to be more open and honest with my wife and she reciprocated. However, something she said threw me into a tailspin (be careful what you ask for, right?). So I started to shut down and I left the house to "get away and think". I broke down. I came back and felt defeated, like I will never be able to do this, but then I said "no - these thoughts are just the traps that I have always set for myself and I am not giving in this time"! I then tried to do the EE program. I got about 3/4 through it and completely broke down - you really can't sync your breathing with the Prayer of the Soul when you are sobbing uncontrollably. Not giving up, I just started reading posts here and replied to some just to keep my lifeline intact. In another thread, Laura posted that "you should really watch The Trap". I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or someone else or all of us in general. I started watching the first part and stopped after a few minutes: I didn't think it applied to me or what I was going through at the moment. I then went back and read the thread from the beginning - the message was that we all need to watch it so I did. Oh boy! I am glad I did. It hit me on so many different levels and actually gave some clarity to the original situation I had with my wife. I told myself that no matter how frightened I am of the truth, I must face it along with my responsibilities. I went back to her to talk again and we talked all night. The thing that originally upset me was rehashed and I learned that half of it was actually something that I had to agree with after reflection and the other half was a complete misunderstanding on my part. What I took from it was that it is better for me to face life head-on instead of twisting my perceptions of events in my own head. I felt that the times when I feel like I am going to die if I have to act when my thoughts tell me to run and hide are the times that I can benefit the most by pushing forward. I also learned that even though my wife and I always boasted about how we "communicate" with each other openly, we often misunderstand each other. I found that it is beneficial to reply to statements with something like "When you say... do you mean that..."? I was shocked to learn that for many conversations in the past, we both interpreted each other incorrectly and buried the misunderstanding within ourselves which colored subsequent conversations. It is one thing to talk openly and it is another to understand completely. If I can continue having these types of experiences then I will have a history of positive outcomes that can give me more confidence for the next occurrence.

Flashgordonv said:
I must confess to some confusion here. People are referring to doing the only "breathing and meditation" and then also to doing the full program. I have diligently searched the EE web site and read the replies in this thread and as far as I can see the guided meditation is the full thing, or is the full thing the guided meditation, the pipe breathing and the prayer?

By full I think the consensus mean using the audio for guidance and doing all the breathing exercises ( 3-stage breathing, warrior breath, round breathing) and the meditation after the breathing exercises.
This is the program as done on Mondays and Thursdays. On other days is suggested to do some pipe breathing and the meditation.
I suggest you to read the transcript of the last session for more advice on meditation and frequency of.
I concur with Iron, what he has written is what I refer to as 'Breathing-Meditation programe, or full.
Trevrizent said:
An update for the last week of experiences whilst I was doing the Breathing-Meditation programme and the meditation, and in-between.

On Monday, whilst breathing out doing the three stage breathing I had a painful stomach (centre of the emotions?), neck pain on the left hand side, and wet eyes from the beginning of the tape.

Strange, I also had neck pain on the left hand side and stomach problems. The neck pain was gone after day or two. The stomach issue is now moving upwards and affects the solar plexus and chest bone area. It's a bit nasty as it disturbs the breathing rhythm. I hope it will stop before it reaches my throat....

I also notice less noise in my head. With this I mean extended calm periods and much less nasty thoughts of nasty little i's. This seems to be a nice progress.
broken.english said:
I also notice less noise in my head.

Speaking of that, I also noticed something similar in myself after the last session. I was going to try to explain it as some part of me disappearing or melting away or something, but I couldn't find the right words to describe it.

What broken.english said sounds closer to what it feels like.
Broken-English's experience sounds almost
like Neo when he touched the broken mirror...
only it, started with the finger tip and
worked it's way up to the mouth...
Buddy said:
broken.english said:
I also notice less noise in my head.

Speaking of that, I also noticed something similar in myself after the last session. I was going to try to explain it as some part of me disappearing or melting away or something, but I couldn't find the right words to describe it.

What broken.english said sounds closer to what it feels like.

I am actually experiencing the opposite, in the beginning the EE program made me calm and more focused, but now my head has turned into a war zone, I am confused, depressed lately, I feel an enormous hatred towards this program, ( predator).

Old emotions have surfaced, making me almost go crazy, I actually feel like perhaps I was still attached to certain emotions about my past, and now that they are coming up, I need to learn to let it go, instead of hanging onto them.

I also experienced what seemed like ''attacks'' , one mp3 player, which plays every mp3 perfectly , but somehow turned Laura's voice into a heavy scary male voice.

So I bought a new mobile with mp3 functions, but guess what, the included new earphones which worked perfectly with other songs , somehow started to get weird irratic noise after listening to the EE programming, so I got myself another pair of earphones, and so far it works.

But at the moment I am going through a very depressed state, this depression has really delayed me a lot in doing The Work, or contributing at the moment.

Although I am trying to DO all the time and not dissociate, hopefully this depressed state will be gone soon...
Bo said:
I am actually experiencing the opposite, in the beginning the EE program made me calm and more focused, but now my head has turned into a war zone, I am confused, depressed lately, I feel an enormous hatred towards this program, ( predator).

Old emotions have surfaced, making me almost go crazy, I actually feel like perhaps I was still attached to certain emotions about my past, and now that they are coming up, I need to learn to let it go, instead of hanging onto them.

I also experienced what seemed like ''attacks'' , one mp3 player, which plays every mp3 perfectly , but somehow turned Laura's voice into a heavy scary male voice.

So I bought a new mobile with mp3 functions, but guess what, the included new earphones which worked perfectly with other songs , somehow started to get weird irratic noise after listening to the EE programming, so I got myself another pair of earphones, and so far it works.

But at the moment I am going through a very depressed state, this depression has really delayed me a lot in doing The Work, or contributing at the moment.

Although I am trying to DO all the time and not dissociate, hopefully this depressed state will be gone soon...

I was in the same situation, machines were breaking, problems everywhere, pipette which was supposed to take 1 microliter took 10 in our group's turn in an experiment, destroyed everything, not to mention problems emerged from the beginning, we hurt each other with our words unconsciously etc. All of that going on and the depression resembles the one you mentioned.

It was going too fast for me, I slowed down a little, read Drama of the Gifted Children and stopped doing bio-energetic part. It seemed to me all of those things were result of Mercury Retrograde so I am not going to do bio-energetic part until Mercury goes direct. It helped me focus my energy on the problems from the past instead of constant frustration about depression.

I am not saying this is the case for you, maybe you are able to keep up with emerging stuff better than me, I wouldn't say I have a strong will. I just wanted to point out you can try it, after all, C's recently said:

Q: (L) So there's a lot more hope for people than they even suppose. Even more than they suspected?

A: Just remember that the slow breathing and the meditation and prayer are the most important components. If things move too fast then cut out the round breathing doing it only occasionally.

Q: (L) If things move too fast… (PL) That's exactly what I noticed. In the beginning I was doing round breathing, meditation a lot. And since I had trouble to get to sleep, I was praying one hour or two hours until I went asleep. That's when I got all those very bad dreams about getting stabbed and shot and cut and tortured. It was going too fast. Apparently, the more you do it, the faster the purging of those memories and illusions goes. (L) So, you can gauge your own process by how uncomfortable you are. And if you're uncomfortable, back off the round breathing and just do the meditation. The meditation and the prayer are the gentle, subsurface healing process I think. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Just my two cents, fwiw.
Bo said:
Buddy said:
broken.english said:
I also notice less noise in my head.

Speaking of that, I also noticed something similar in myself after the last session. I was going to try to explain it as some part of me disappearing or melting away or something, but I couldn't find the right words to describe it.

What broken.english said sounds closer to what it feels like.

I am actually experiencing the opposite, in the beginning the EE program made me calm and more focused, but now my head has turned into a war zone, I am confused, depressed lately, I feel an enormous hatred towards this program, ( predator).

Old emotions have surfaced, making me almost go crazy, I actually feel like perhaps I was still attached to certain emotions about my past, and now that they are coming up, I need to learn to let it go, instead of hanging onto them.

I also experienced what seemed like ''attacks'' , one mp3 player, which plays every mp3 perfectly , but somehow turned Laura's voice into a heavy scary male voice.

So I bought a new mobile with mp3 functions, but guess what, the included new earphones which worked perfectly with other songs , somehow started to get weird irratic noise after listening to the EE programming, so I got myself another pair of earphones, and so far it works.

But at the moment I am going through a very depressed state, this depression has really delayed me a lot in doing The Work, or contributing at the moment.

Although I am trying to DO all the time and not dissociate, hopefully this depressed state will be gone soon...

Thanks, Bo, for giving us an outlook on what might be in next for us. I trust you will stay the course and we will too.
Do you have last night problem with Start EE program ?

My computer just "Freez" cant do anything ( I'm IT secialist :cool: ) .
I just watched Spirit bouard video - 50% and computer "freez" out.

Then I decide to make EE program and go sleep .

Today computer is working ;] and all seems be fine.

broken.english said:
Trevrizent said:
An update for the last week of experiences whilst I was doing the Breathing-Meditation programme and the meditation, and in-between.

On Monday, whilst breathing out doing the three stage breathing I had a painful stomach (centre of the emotions?), neck pain on the left hand side, and wet eyes from the beginning of the tape.

Strange, I also had neck pain on the left hand side and stomach problems. The neck pain was gone after day or two. The stomach issue is now moving upwards and affects the solar plexus and chest bone area. It's a bit nasty as it disturbs the breathing rhythm. I hope it will stop before it reaches my throat....

I also notice less noise in my head. With this I mean extended calm periods and much less nasty thoughts of nasty little i's. This seems to be a nice progress.

Since last Thursday I've been getting increasing tension/pain/pressure in the back of my neck/head as if I'm getting a migraine headache. Pipe breathing works but only seems to alleviate it for half an hour or so, then its back. It comes and goes through the day, it disappeared entirely when I watched the Knowledge and Being video yesterday, and didn't come back until this morning.
Today it feels like its moving between the base of the skull and the top.....its almost like brain fog, but it comes and goes so quickly its really weird. It started today in the centre of my forehead and moved down and back (through sinuses, base of the skull and finally the back of my neck) over the course of several hours today.
It does seem linked to some of my programs.....possibly.

Sometimes I can think clearly and my mind is quiet....but when the tension/pain/pressure wells up my mind goes blank like I've lost half my cognative abilities (reading/understanding becomes a problem)...its most frustrating!! :mad:

Any suggestions would be great. Going to take a magnesium bath tonight to see if that helps.

I have also noticed that since starting the program, the right side of my body seems to have problems, similar sort of pain/tension in the middle of my right leg/arm. I noticed also that I was breathing more with my left side (both in and out). I need to look up what they may represent I think.
rrraven said:
Quote from: Perceval on Yesterday at 07:09:39 PM
Quote from: rrraven on Yesterday at 10:46:04 AM

bringing me to another question...should we try and work out how and where to meet to dance?

I would like to offer my bush property on the mid north coast where forum members could meet and camp by the creek and dance under the new moon anyone interested?

Hi rrraven, the dances will evolve as things progress and be developed by Laura et al. At the moment focus should be maintained on the breathing program. As a general rule, impromptu in person meet-ups between members are a bad idea and discouraged. Such meetings lack the protection of the many eyes of the network here and would provide a perfect opportunity for predators to take advantage. Remember, no matter how close we may feel (and be) to each other here, it's still a jungle out there and the forum is not immune to wolves in sheeps clothing.

yes I know that...that's why I posted here and did not try and send PM s to other Australian forum members and I am not suggesting a ''impromptu'' meeting with complete strangers or ''making up'' our own dances ,I was wondering about the logistics of getting 7 to 8 people from this forum to the same place once a month(new moon)in this huge country of ours----when the time comes
As I live half way between Sydney and Brisbane and have a lovely creek flat perfect for camping,with clean running water,no mobile phone /tv reception or grid power and no nosy neighbours to worry about ,I felt that maybe I can contribute that to the ''cause''(being asset rich but cash poor)rather than scraping together some cash and turning still ok AU dollars into collapsing US dollars
what would be a good way then to sort the woolly wolves from genuine members?
long time members only? so many posts? leave real life name and address with Laura?
application for the dancing camp only thru forum? fully detoxed and taking supplements?
owns and uses sauna blanket? has read the big 4...? got the meditation/prayer down pat?

any suggestions,especially from aussie members who understand the distances involved here in OZ,are very welcome

Old mate, the dangers are real, but you have my interest. I am up on the Granite Belt in Queensland, not far from you, on top of all that Granite filled with lovely little crystals, almost similar to those of Stonehenge. I am sure the stone has had a major affect on my meditations - especially this massive granite ampi-theatre Ive found. Unbelievable massive granite boulders just stacked, and some with what I'd swear was old writing - I'd love to hear what the 'Mob' elders would say about its history. Spooky I tell ya!

When the 'time' comes I'd love to join you in the Dance. And when we do Eiriu Eloas on Monday and Thursday we are close in Time and Space, couldn't get much better than that for now. eh?

Keep up the interest, don't let the bloody soft machine get you down, you'll soon have your dancers, and the bush will be blessed with holiness.

Kurrawong songsters on your doorstep :)
Galahad said:
Many traditions speak of the importance of the sage position. But for the EE breathing/meditation the advice has been to just be comfortable. Some people doing it standing, others lying on their backs, some in chairs, some in the lotus, half-lotus, or just cross-legged.

I have the same problem you do when I stay cross-legged for any length of time -- the numb feet and aching ankles. I started doing the breathing exercises that way, but after a few weeks, I tried it on a chair. Not sitting back against the chair, but sitting on the front edge, maintaining my back as erect as possible.

I would say it is more important to do it than to do it in a particular posture. If you are uncomfortable, then that is an extra reason not to do it. So be comfortable and see how it evolves over time.

manitoban said:
msasa said:
So, I'll try Galahad's advice, and sit on the edge of my bed, and see how it works..

Yeah, I think the main thing is to be comfortable. I have tried various positions, standing, sitting, but have settled on reclining for everything but the warrior's breath part. It goes more smoothly for me that way.

I've been sitting on the edge of my bed/couch during EE sessions this last week and surely seen the difference. As you all repeatedly pointed out, main thing is to be comfortable. Even started to "feel" :) something... Somewhere in the middle of the week (smashing of the soul discussion was going on) during POTS meditation, felt tremendous joy, and a thought spontaneously appeared in my head: all suffering due to overall cleansing of "myself" is "nothing" to endure as I "know" what is to come after that.

I would like to share something (SAO's two posts in In Memorium: Pepperfritz thread, which are most probably known to all the elders on this forum, but maybe some of the newbies (like myself) didn't get a chance to read it) that has made enormous influence on me and has been constant source of insight and inspiration.
Thanks PepperFritz, where ever you are...

mada85 said:
msasa said:
So, I suspect that all the thrill about EE program in "sage position" may be just reflection of my wishful thinking (maybe program that "I'm something special, because I've been doing it for so "long", and now even implemented something new in it" has been activated).

I hope this doesn’t confuse matters, but it may also be that you feel most comfortable sitting with your spine straight and unsupported, and that you’re using that as a focus for self-importance.

Thanks mada85 for pointing this out for me. I've been carefully observing "my responses" regarding body posture during this last week and, although I can't claim that I understood fully and properly what did you want to say, it seems that there could be something in this what you wrote. I'll continue to further "investigate"... ;)
Bo said:
Buddy said:
broken.english said:
I also notice less noise in my head.

Speaking of that, I also noticed something similar in myself after the last session. I was going to try to explain it as some part of me disappearing or melting away or something, but I couldn't find the right words to describe it.

What broken.english said sounds closer to what it feels like.

I am actually experiencing the opposite, in the beginning the EE program made me calm and more focused, but now my head has turned into a war zone, I am confused, depressed lately, I feel an enormous hatred towards this program, ( predator).

Old emotions have surfaced, making me almost go crazy, I actually feel like perhaps I was still attached to certain emotions about my past, and now that they are coming up, I need to learn to let it go, instead of hanging onto them.

I also experienced what seemed like ''attacks'' , one mp3 player, which plays every mp3 perfectly , but somehow turned Laura's voice into a heavy scary male voice.

So I bought a new mobile with mp3 functions, but guess what, the included new earphones which worked perfectly with other songs , somehow started to get weird irratic noise after listening to the EE programming, so I got myself another pair of earphones, and so far it works.

But at the moment I am going through a very depressed state, this depression has really delayed me a lot in doing The Work, or contributing at the moment.

Although I am trying to DO all the time and not dissociate, hopefully this depressed state will be gone soon...

The depression comes at me in waves sometimes. To work through it, I clean something, or do mild exercise. (Mild because I'm laid up at the moment, if you can, do a good ol hard work out) It helps rid you of toxins through sweating, and can help work through problems as you exercise. :)

Working with clay is good too. Terra cotta clay can be found at Joann's and Michael's hobby stores: shape the clay into whatever shape or form the depression/anger/issue is....let it dry....then smash it up and get rid of it.

It sounds ridiculous, even silly. But I've found it works well to help release emotional blocks, even those caused by depression.

I just wanted to offer a few ideas on coping with some of the issues that come up from doing EE.
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