Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Richard S said:
Laura said:
What do you mean about having "direct experience" and being able to be confident about it?

There might also be some 'resistance' felt to doing the program and even continuing to participate here because of the Predator Mind's exceeding distaste for being 'eliminated', so to speak

I have felt this resistance quite a few times and have had to overcome this somehow because I do the program late at night after work when I am already tired. I have seen other posts where people have mentioned this resistance and having felt it myself know it to be sometimes hard to get started with the program along with reticence to post at times. But, I have been forcing myself to post even though it is often difficult and have not missed a single day with the EE program. That is the "direct experience" I was referring to.

I'm glad Laura asked about this because I too was a bit confused by your post to Buddy. It sounded vague and all-encompassing, as if you had enormous depths of knowledge and direct experience that you were very subtly referring to, instead of giving direct and simple input. This response of yours to her question is much more direct and simple - in short, it makes more sense without the 'mysterious aura' of:

R said:
As others have stated, you must have something to give before you CAN give. [...] And, if one has 'direct experience' about something, they can be fairly confident in their knowledge of it and how it applies to 'others' too.

I am left wondering why you didn't speak to Buddy so simply and clearly, stating your short comings instead of subtly implying your strengths? It's especially interesting considering this part of what you wrote:

R said:
It's quite interesting how much you can tell about someone by what they say and how they say it (although sometimes we can be fooled, and this is something we all have to guard against).
Pete02 and Iron,
Thank you for the input. Though I'm still a little trapped emotionally, I understand intellectually your point (sad but true).
Pete02 said:
There are new people doing intros and asking every day and I think thats a good sign.
Yeah I did notice that of course!! That's wonderful :)

sleepermustawaken said:
Then I noticed a white-yellow bright light and then a not so bright greenish-blue, and then a dimmer purplish something –purplish-lightblue or purplish-green, as it came by really quickly ...
I understand the emotional state you describe (and you reminded me of a day I was reciting the prayer of the soul, and I got surprised to say "help me.. love you" instead of "grow in knowledge Lol") but I don't see how the colours manifest to you.
I do see some irregular green and purple discharge-like forms, very irregular, but I usually attribute it into some remanent neural activity in the optical system, some sort of dark noise bias in the eyes, and in any case do I attribute it to Chara manifestation? Is your experience different?
sleepermustawaken said:
Then I noticed a white-yellow bright light and then a not so bright greenish-blue, and then a dimmer purplish something –purplish-lightblue or purplish-green, as it came by really quickly ...
I understand the emotional state you describe (and you reminded me of a day I was reciting the prayer of the soul, and I got surprised to say "help me.. love you" instead of "grow in knowledge Lol") but I don't see how the colours manifest to you.
I do see some irregular green and purple discharge-like forms, very irregular, but I usually attribute it into some remanent neural activity in the optical system, some sort of dark noise bias in the eyes, and in any case do I attribute it to Chara manifestation? Is your experience different?


when doing the breathing program, it is different everytime, as once or twice there was nothing other than better and deeper breathing. I have heard Laura's voice more clearer at other times -as if she was in front of me. On this particular session I noticed the lights. Of course it could be anything (neurological and/or physiological) and I wanted to share my observations.

When doing the EE I tend to do it in the dark and to just pay attention to Laura's voice in her guidance.

Lets see what happens when I incorporate the Spinning first and then the EE program.

mkrnhr, hopefully this answers your question.



I still enjoy seeing your signature :D
I just wanted to point out that when i do the full program a few hours before bedtime and then read a book tell its time to go to bed then do the meditation before going to sleep is when the most intense stuff starts to happen.
from sleepermustawaken

had come across about Chakra balancing -right there and then I thought about the Spinning. I have not spun in about a year and half. So maybe I need to keep going with my spinning and I wanted to ask forum members: are you still spinning?

from Jhonny Radar

i haven't spun in about four months and this is a great reminder! i remember vividly the feeling of balance and focus that resulted from spinning 3x33 times a day, yet i fall asleep and totally forget to do it. who knows what could happen with the combination of the two (?)

Could you explain what you mean with spinning and what the benefit of it could be during EE meditation? Or is it not done during the meditation, like in Dervish dances?

from the thread called ´Spinning/Whirling Dervishes´

from john chang

According to Bringers Of The Dawn, they recommend spinning at least 33 times a day, and the more you can do, the better. I believe that the C's also confirmed this. Be sure to spin left to right - they were very specific on that. I'm not sure what happens if you spin the other way, probably nothing good, I suspect. They also mentioned that 99 times per day was ideal.

From Rhino:

C's wrote:

Q: (L) "Bringers of the Dawn" advised spinning, is this
advisable for all of us?
A: Major yes.
Q: (L) How many times a day?
A: 3
Q: (L) How many times?
A: 33
Q: (L) Is it ok to do it in the pool?
A: Okay.

Bringers Of The Dawn wrote:

Another activity we recommend for those of you who wish to move into a vast acceleration of energy is spinning. Move from left to right, spinning around and focusing your vision on your thumb, counting and spinning. We recommend that you spin thirty-three times at least once a day. You may build up to the thirty-three spins very slowly. If you are able to work up to thirty-three spins, three times a day, so that you are spinning ninety-nine times, well, we will see how long you stay on the planet-or at least in this dimension. When you complete spinning, however many times you spin, bring your palms together at chest level. Press them together, keeping your eyes open, and balance yourself with your feet a shoulder's width apart so that you feel anchored and still feel the spinning at the same time. This tremendously accelerates the spinning of the chakra systems inside your body, which tremendously accelerates the rate at which you can interpret and receive data.

there is this thread called ´The Spinning Survey` (from 2007) which asks the question to members in which way they spin,

from starsailer:

Remember, the gist of this exercise as the C's describe it, is to 'spin the chakras' and so assist in the changing of our DNA.

If this is what you mean with spinning? This looks close to starting to dance.

Or do you mean you spin during meditating? As far as my knowledge goes (and its limited regarding meditation) spinning during meditation is about visualizing a up side down pyramid in one of the chakras and circling it around its axe, either clockwise or counterclockwise. It is supposed to energize the chakra. For the moment, and as said this could be from ignorance, I don't understand how this is related with the EE breathing.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
from john chang

According to Bringers Of The Dawn, they recommend spinning at least 33 times a day, and the more you can do, the better. I believe that the C's also confirmed this. Be sure to spin left to right - they were very specific on that. I'm not sure what happens if you spin the other way, probably nothing good, I suspect. They also mentioned that 99 times per day was ideal.

Does this mean in the sense of clockwise? Thanks.
IronFloyd said:
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
from john chang

According to Bringers Of The Dawn, they recommend spinning at least 33 times a day, and the more you can do, the better. I believe that the C's also confirmed this. Be sure to spin left to right - they were very specific on that. I'm not sure what happens if you spin the other way, probably nothing good, I suspect. They also mentioned that 99 times per day was ideal.

Does this mean in the sense of clockwise? Thanks.

Have a look here for the spinning survey
RyanAM said:
I just wanted to point out that when i do the full program a few hours before bedtime and then read a book tell its time to go to bed then do the meditation before going to sleep is when the most intense stuff starts to happen.

Huh, interesting. I think I'll experiment with that next time. I usually do the full program and then read for about an hour before bed, as I'm not able to fall asleep after the program.

I am also finding myself more hungry than usual. For me, it's a case of my usual helpings not holding me over for as long as they used to. What would normally be a meal that would fill me up for 6-7 hours is now only holding me over for 3-4 hours. It certainly has me wondering what it means, and I would be interested in hearing what the C's have to say about all of us who have been experiencing a rise in hunger since starting the program.
Bohort (Namaste) said:
IronFloyd said:
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
from john chang

According to Bringers Of The Dawn, they recommend spinning at least 33 times a day, and the more you can do, the better. I believe that the C's also confirmed this. Be sure to spin left to right - they were very specific on that. I'm not sure what happens if you spin the other way, probably nothing good, I suspect. They also mentioned that 99 times per day was ideal.

Does this mean in the sense of clockwise? Thanks.

Have a look here for the spinning survey
Thanks Bohort (Namaste) :cool2:
Heimdallr said:
RyanAM said:
I just wanted to point out that when i do the full program a few hours before bedtime and then read a book tell its time to go to bed then do the meditation before going to sleep is when the most intense stuff starts to happen.

Huh, interesting. I think I'll experiment with that next time. I usually do the full program and then read for about an hour before bed, as I'm not able to fall asleep after the program.

I am also finding myself more hungry than usual. For me, it's a case of my usual helpings not holding me over for as long as they used to. What would normally be a meal that would fill me up for 6-7 hours is now only holding me over for 3-4 hours. It certainly has me wondering what it means, and I would be interested in hearing what the C's have to say about all of us who have been experiencing a rise in hunger since starting the program.

I have been feeling really hungry after the full program as well, I've also realized that when i don't eat afterwords i can't sleep, I figured maybe its related to an emotional attachment in some way?
Just an update of what's been happening since starting EE program. In the first few weeks, I was doing the whole warm up and full program average about 5 times a week, even for a while after it was suggested we all do the full program on Mondays and Thursdays only. I really loved doing the whole thing. It was very difficult to get through the Beatha (Ba-Ha)/round breathing/bioenergetic breathing part the first 4 or 5 times. And by the end of the Beatha portion, the tingling in the hands and feet and at times the flexing into claws of hands and feet were very intense.

Then as time progressed these became less and less intense (now these often don't occur at all). Also in the first couple of weeks, I was more irritable but able to control expressing it. It seemed I had many more negative emotions triggered with my interactions with certain people than I'd had in quite some time. But I was also able to self-observe longer without losing it and getting it back as often as before, and also able to notice more dynamics of manipulations of others in their interactions; it was just seeing more details and more in-depth of things I had noticed before.

Then starting the first week of September and continuing I've had this period of extreme calm. I seem to really grasp more, to understand more faster, to have more and deeper insights - sometimes they come in flashes, sometimes they unfold more slowly. Also toward the end of August, I cut down to doing the full program to Mondays and Thursdays only; and doing pipe-breath and meditation (before sleep) the rest of the days, most of the time without audio, but sometimes listening to Laura reciting the Prayer.

But as time went on, and doing the full program became easier (especially getting through Ba-Ha) I also started noticing resistance, the predator trying more and more desperately to distract and have me skip doing the nights other than Monday and Thursday, as on those nights my determination/motivation is way too high for the predator to even try. So now I have to occasionally struggle to keep patiently doing the program following the regular weekly schedule everyone else is following - full program Mon. & Thur. and Pipe-breath & Prayer rest of the week -and not give into the predator's attempts to have me skip the other days when I'm most often doing Prayer of the Soul without audio.

I think the important thing is just to continue patiently, without any anticipation or expectations, remaining as open as possible.
Update: I have done the full program Mon, Thurs, and Fri night.
Before I had no effects, but now I was feeling inside very irritable all day Saturday, especially around family.
It might be related to being constipated (shouldn't have had pizza at a party at work, doh!), or because I did it two nights in a row...

I have noticed that my mood at work has changed for the better. I feel way less frustration when things are disorganized (as they usually are mismanaged). So, it seems like it is helping me detach from my self-importance there... and I practiced external consideration by not expressing being irritable to family.
Heimdallr said:
I am also finding myself more hungry than usual. For me, it's a case of my usual helpings not holding me over for as long as they used to. What would normally be a meal that would fill me up for 6-7 hours is now only holding me over for 3-4 hours. It certainly has me wondering what it means, and I would be interested in hearing what the C's have to say about all of us who have been experiencing a rise in hunger since starting the program.

I second that. I thought it was just me or maybe my body was just burning energy faster now that I was doing the program but I see I'm not the only one. It doesn't happen to me all the time but quite often when I start the program, my tummy starts growling and I had just finished eating something not so long ago so it shouldn't be hungry. By the time I get into the round breathing tho its pretty much stopped and I go straight from there into meditation and sleep after that. I just find it kinda strange also.
Heimdallr said:
I am also finding myself more hungry than usual. For me, it's a case of my usual helpings not holding me over for as long as they used to. What would normally be a meal that would fill me up for 6-7 hours is now only holding me over for 3-4 hours. It certainly has me wondering what it means, and I would be interested in hearing what the C's have to say about all of us who have been experiencing a rise in hunger since starting the program.

I third that. I don't know if it's the diet or the breathing or what, but I've had days lately where I eat 5-6 meals, 3 major plus 2-3 minor. I'm not gaining any weight, so I have no idea where it's all going! :shock:
Galahad said:
It sounds to me like you are facing, perhaps for the first time in your life, the struggle between the predator and something real inside of yourself. We have all been programmed to believe that we are worthless. But it is difficult to live with that, so we have other parts of ourself that take the opposite approach and build ourselves up way beyond the truth. Both voices are false. We are neither worthless nor 'speshul'. Those are the voices of our predator's mind, of the negative introject. You're not alone in going through this. I know I am! Have you read the recommended books on narcissism? They discuss this in great detail.
forge said:
It's just i don't know, how to completely trust myself and how never ever doubt what i say. [snip]
Galahad said:
The thing is, we can't 'completely trust' ourselves. We can't 'never ever doubt' what we say. With the war going inside of ourselves, with the clever ways we have to fool ourselves, we always need the help of others to see ourselves. It is a complicated process! :)

There are different kinds of doubt. We need to fight against the doubt about posting, because how else will we get the help we need? But we need to doubt our thought processes and how they are influenced by our emotions. We have to learn to distinguish between emotions that are from a chemical bath and the purer emotions we may feel doing the EE exercises. As this goes on, we'll see that we aren't worthless, and we'll no longer have the need to pretend that the world revolves around us. We'll be able to let go and trust in creation rather than trying to control everything around us no matter the cost to ourselves and others.
Thanks to your insights sections of Trapped in the Mirror came to mind, i looked up quickly:
"Sense of self develops from interaction with people and from deeds that set you on the road." [p. 219]
"Positive self-regard is the opposite of what the narcissist knows. He is "in love" with himself precisely because he cannot love himself." [p. 20]

Laura mentioned how interesting is watching ourselves on video. Recently i recorded myself few times on camera for sculpting reference and it was powerful to observe my struggle. Micro-expressions, body-language, see that chap on film really tries to achieve the goals! I have to appreciate my efforts, i'm not a machine to be overloaded carelessly and if broken just replace a part! Need to network here, share thoughts, receive feedback. After completing a hard task ten times successfully i can say with confidence if asked by my supervisors - that i can do it the eleventh time. Just realized this was an old bug of mine in the program. In light of EE exercises i must revise old convictions and figure out new modes of operation in life again.
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