Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Hello Everyone,

I have been wanting to post in this thread for a while now, but it is a bit overwhelming. I will just say that I am doing the program and have been for a few weeks. My experiences are the same as most of what has been written here. I guess the one thing that has been difficult is that I now see what Laura has written about how round breathing can really speed up the process or how one can slow down by reducing how often round breathing is done. I have been teetering between "push through it" and "slow down". I have been experiencing some intense emotional stuff - part of me wants to increase the breathing and meditiation so all the stuff that is brewing just beneath the surface will finally spill over. I want to pay, to burn, to learn and to earn. Another part of me feels like it is all too much, too soon and that I should slow down. I guess that my machine is so dirty that its gauges don't work - I cannot recognize my own limits or needs. Now that I am writing this, yes, this is one of my problems - much of my life has been "all or none". I have two modes - stand still or full blast. OK, I should try to seek balance and practice patience.

I feel like I am starting to ramble and that I am just posting noise, so I'll leave it at that.... I just wanted to say that I am here and that I am doing this with you guys and that I am very grateful to Laura and the team for all of this - it is very powerful!

MetaDjinn said:
Hello Everyone,

I have been wanting to post in this thread for a while now, but it is a bit overwhelming. I will just say that I am doing the program and have been for a few weeks. My experiences are the same as most of what has been written here. I guess the one thing that has been difficult is that I now see what Laura has written about how round breathing can really speed up the process or how one can slow down by reducing how often round breathing is done. I have been teetering between "push through it" and "slow down". I have been experiencing some intense emotional stuff - part of me wants to increase the breathing and meditation so all the stuff that is brewing just beneath the surface will finally spill over. I want to pay, to burn, to learn and to earn. Another part of me feels like it is all too much, too soon and that I should slow down. I guess that my machine is so dirty that its gauges don't work - I cannot recognize my own limits or needs. Now that I am writing this, yes, this is one of my problems - much of my life has been "all or none". I have two modes - stand still or full blast. OK, I should try to seek balance and practice patience.

I feel like I am starting to ramble and that I am just posting noise, so I'll leave it at that.... I just wanted to say that I am here and that I am doing this with you guys and that I am very grateful to Laura and the team for all of this - it is very powerful!


Hi Christopher ;D

I get such an overwhelming feeling reading your thoughts, a feelings so tight in my stomach, of stress / too may thoughts / too high a demand of self. I am not sure if it's YOUR feelings you're projecting straight to my tummy, or if it is indeed my own. I think I recognize some of my own issues in you.

I just feel a need to say (to Me and You): let is flow, relax.. You're doing fine, have faith that your emotional issues are working themselves out under your surface ;) Do the full program Monday and Thursdays, and the meditation and prayer as often as you feel like it, maybe every night before sleep if you wish. Do the pipebreath when you get overwhelmed by thoughts, which I guess you do quite often? That will help center your thoughts, to more clearly see and feel what you need, in regards to taking it slower or going full blast.
Helle said:
MetaDjinn said:
Hello Everyone,

I have been wanting to post in this thread for a while now, but it is a bit overwhelming. I will just say that I am doing the program and have been for a few weeks. My experiences are the same as most of what has been written here. I guess the one thing that has been difficult is that I now see what Laura has written about how round breathing can really speed up the process or how one can slow down by reducing how often round breathing is done. I have been teetering between "push through it" and "slow down". I have been experiencing some intense emotional stuff - part of me wants to increase the breathing and meditation so all the stuff that is brewing just beneath the surface will finally spill over. I want to pay, to burn, to learn and to earn. Another part of me feels like it is all too much, too soon and that I should slow down. I guess that my machine is so dirty that its gauges don't work - I cannot recognize my own limits or needs. Now that I am writing this, yes, this is one of my problems - much of my life has been "all or none". I have two modes - stand still or full blast. OK, I should try to seek balance and practice patience.

I feel like I am starting to ramble and that I am just posting noise, so I'll leave it at that.... I just wanted to say that I am here and that I am doing this with you guys and that I am very grateful to Laura and the team for all of this - it is very powerful!


Hi Christopher ;D

I get such an overwhelming feeling reading your thoughts, a feelings so tight in my stomach, of stress / too may thoughts / too high a demand of self. I am not sure if it's YOUR feelings you're projecting straight to my tummy, or if it is indeed my own. I think I recognize some of my own issues in you.

I just feel a need to say (to Me and You): let is flow, relax.. You're doing fine, have faith that your emotional issues are working themselves out under your surface ;) Do the full program Monday and Thursdays, and the meditation and prayer as often as you feel like it, maybe every night before sleep if you wish. Do the pipebreath when you get overwhelmed by thoughts, which I guess you do quite often? That will help center your thoughts, to more clearly see and feel what you need, in regards to taking it slower or going full blast.

Hello Helle,

Hmmm.... I think that your feelings about my post are likely due to a mixture of our previous interactions and the issues we share in common. I am always grateful for your replies and I want to ask specifically if you think that my last post, by itself, was written in a way that conveys "stress, many thoughts and a high demand of self"? Of course, we both know that these are my current issues, but I just wanted to know if the last post on its own portrayed all that. I didn't think that it did but if you and others see that it does, I should think about it. I want to make more meaningful posts and be less hysterical.

I have been doing pipe breathing when I feel overwhelmed. You are right, my thoughts are much clearer afterwards. Looking back over the last week, it seems that the thought/feeling I am left with after doing pipe breathing is that I should push on! Maybe "full blast" is a bit much for me right now, but I feel confident that my impression about which direction I need to take is the road that leads to "more" and not "less". I knew that before I my original post. Maybe I was just seeking validation? I know I have found support - in you and all the others. Thank you so much, Helle!

MetaDjinn said:
I want to ask specifically if you think that my last post, by itself, was written in a way that conveys "stress, many thoughts and a high demand of self"?

There are a few things in your post, that makes me see you as high demanding on yourself. You tend to speak somewhat negative about yourself, making me conclude that you don't feel, you're living up to you own 'standards' in some way. Which in turn could cause some stress.

MetaDjinn said:
I guess that my machine is so dirty that its gauges don't work - I cannot recognize my own limits or needs.
I don't know how dirty your machine is, but I doubt it's any more dirty than many of us here. I also don't believe that you don't recognize your own limits or needs! I actually think you're doing quite well.

MetaDjinn said:
I feel like I am starting to ramble and that I am just posting noise, so I'll leave it at that
IMO you neither ramble or make noise. Have some confidence in yourself. :)

To me it seems you have some wrong assumptions about yourself?

Cass Glossary on Assumptions said:
Hasty or habitual thinking, the opposite of 'thinking with a hammer,' often involves unconscious assumptions. This is necessary for efficiency in situations requiring rapid response but detrimental otherwise. Assumptions are also linked to anticipation.

So it's nothing you do deliberately, I am aware of that. But maybe something you could think about? I could be terribly wrong here, as this is my own interpretation of 'you'.

Now It isn't funny ...
I SEE what is going on and I don't know what is true .....what is real ....
I'm gathering myself to my centre I start SEE Myself it is very hard. :cool2:

RyanAM said:
Heimdallr said:
RyanAM said:
I just wanted to point out that when i do the full program a few hours before bedtime and then read a book tell its time to go to bed then do the meditation before going to sleep is when the most intense stuff starts to happen.

Huh, interesting. I think I'll experiment with that next time. I usually do the full program and then read for about an hour before bed, as I'm not able to fall asleep after the program.

I am also finding myself more hungry than usual. For me, it's a case of my usual helpings not holding me over for as long as they used to. What would normally be a meal that would fill me up for 6-7 hours is now only holding me over for 3-4 hours. It certainly has me wondering what it means, and I would be interested in hearing what the C's have to say about all of us who have been experiencing a rise in hunger since starting the program.

I have been feeling really hungry after the full program as well, I've also realized that when i don't eat afterwords i can't sleep, I figured maybe its related to an emotional attachment in some way?

I have some nightmares when I sleep immediately after the full program. I believe it might be for this and should give me some time before falling asleep, someone else was this happening? :cool2:
IronFloyd said:
Bohort (Namaste) said:
IronFloyd said:
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
from john chang

According to Bringers Of The Dawn, they recommend spinning at least 33 times a day, and the more you can do, the better. I believe that the C's also confirmed this. Be sure to spin left to right - they were very specific on that. I'm not sure what happens if you spin the other way, probably nothing good, I suspect. They also mentioned that 99 times per day was ideal.

Does this mean in the sense of clockwise? Thanks.

Have a look here for the spinning survey
Thanks Bohort (Namaste) :cool2:

This spinning technique seems very interesting. I'm thinking of doing it, but I am confused on which way to spin. Seems like the person deciedes which way is the best way for them to spin based on the survey thread(You can go from left to right both ways). I will try both ways or maybe I just need to buy the Bringers Of Dawn material :/.
An update for the last week of experiences whilst I was doing the Breathing-Meditation programme and the meditation, and in-between.

On Monday, whilst breathing out doing the three stage breathing I had a painful stomach (centre of the emotions?), neck pain on the left hand side, and wet eyes from the beginning of the tape. From the start of the Ba-Ha breathng I had tears in my eyes, whilst during it I had a vision of a long finger pointing down from my shoulder to my groin. During the meditation I an image of a notebook of white pages, popped up, with each page then opening and drifting off to the left. On Thursday, after meditating, I was aware of a light blue image in my field of vision.

During the Breathing-Meditation, in the meditations and during the ‘sleeping’ meditations, the zoning out has increased, requiring me to keep starting over again as I can’t remember where I’ve got to. During one of these sessions I was aware a bright image of a green ‘flower with blue edges. I concentrated on holding on to this, and it eventually drifted off.

The nights of the Breathing-Meditations and the following nights are characterized by sleeplessness, waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble getting back to sleep.

Between sessions, I feel as if my abilities to SEE and to remember are going backwards. Also, one day last week a tooth filling popped out.

For those of you experiencing ‘teeth problems’ that have ‘popped up’ since starting the Breathing-Meditation programme, the following quote may or may not help.

Teeth Problems

Physical block
The following conditions are considered problematic: pain that comes from decayed or broken teeth, [… ]

Emotional block
As teeth are used to pulverize and pound food, teeth problems indicate difficulty pondering new information, ideas or situations. Hence, problems with teeth indicate fear of making incorrect decisions. Teeth are also used to bite; therefore, a person with a tooth problem might feel incapable of defending himself.

According to Dr Michelle Caffin, a prominent French oral surgeon: The eight teeth of the upper right side are linked with the desire to express one’s self outwardly; a problem with one of these teeth indicates difficulty in finding one’s place in the outside world. The eight teeth in the upper left side are linked with the desire to show what a person carries outside; a problem with one of these teeth therefore expresses difficulty in fulfilling one’s desire to be. The eight teeth on the lower right side are tied in with the solidification of something, such as work; a problem with one of these teeth therefore indicates a problem with making concrete plans or getting one’s self on solid ground. The eight teeth on the lower left side are linked with the realization of a person’s emotional sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates lack of emotional recognition within the family. […]

Mental block
The right side of the body controls the male aspect and is linked to our relationship with our father. Dental problems on the right side indicate unresolved father issues. Start ot see your father in a different light – interact differently with him. Dental problems on the left side, however, are an indication of unresolved issues with your mother.

The upper incisors (four front teeth) represent the spot you want to occupy in relation to your parents, whose position is represented by the lower incisors. Dental problems in this area indicate an inability to sink your teeth into what you are doing in order to achieve the outcomes you desire. Learn to look at events as they are. If need be, accept the help of others to sharpen your discernment. Instead of having a grudge on someone, focus on what you want and reconnect with your power that will help you defend yourself more efficiently.

If the incisors are worn or eroded, you are letting people close to you down. If you can identify with this, it is because you have low-worth and difficulty expressing yourself. Don’t be so critical of yourself. You also want others to change. The best way to stop wearing yourself out is to love and accept yourself and those close to you.


This may, or may not help.
Trevrizent said:
Between sessions, I feel as if my abilities to SEE and to remember are going backwards.

Yes, I have had this experience also. Quite disconcerting with the comments of people getting smarter! :huh: But just writing about it seems to have helped though, maybe its the intellectual centre running on emotional energy brought up by the process? Which comes out in my case as being more dissociated, irritable, quick to anger, doubtful and mistrusting of others… emotional thinking in other words. Its hard to see when there's so much fog in the way.

Things seem to be improving though, much better now than a week/ten days ago. Hang in there. :)
Mr. Scott said:
I third that. I don't know if it's the diet or the breathing or what, but I've had days lately where I eat 5-6 meals, 3 major plus 2-3 minor. I'm not gaining any weight, so I have no idea where it's all going! :shock:

I fourth that. And thirsty during the program too.

I've also noticed a sore left arm and left jaw that persisted for a few days, despite no physical exercise prior to this.
Trevrizent, thanks for that quote from Lise Bourbeau.

I don't know if my situation confirms the validity of that stuff or not (it sure seems to :-[), but for what it's worth, I have definitely had troubles in all these areas and with most all those teeth. In fact, due to lack of education, neglect and other factors (more :-[), I steadily lost all my upper teeth and all my lower except for the six lower ones directly in front. I have to wear dentures to replace the missing ones.

So, it sure looks like there's something to it based on my life. I don't mind the transparancy so much any more since I've come to accept my "Idiot status". :shock:
MetaDjinn said:
Hello Everyone,

I have been wanting to post in this thread for a while now, but it is a bit overwhelming. I will just say that I am doing the program and have been for a few weeks. My experiences are the same as most of what has been written here. I guess the one thing that has been difficult is that I now see what Laura has written about how round breathing can really speed up the process or how one can slow down by reducing how often round breathing is done. I have been teetering between "push through it" and "slow down". I have been experiencing some intense emotional stuff - part of me wants to increase the breathing and meditiation so all the stuff that is brewing just beneath the surface will finally spill over.
yes it is overwhelming, we don't want to face it. part of us don't want to face it. it simply wants to run away. documenting how you feel reduces this over whelming feeling. some times we don't know what to write , just start some where, hopefully it makes sense at a later time,

I want to pay, to burn, to learn and to earn. Another part of me feels like it is all too much, too soon and that I should slow down.

our predatorial part can play infinite tricks until we are able to discern consistently which is real part and which predatorial part. until that point, we will have the difficulty. This is common and I my self no where near that. only consistent data input helps this process. forum is good place to search for predator, negative introject etc. for more of these tricks.

I guess that my machine is so dirty that its gauges don't work - I cannot recognize my own limits or needs. Now that I am writing this, yes, this is one of my problems - much of my life has been "all or none".
this is standard narcissistic trick. search on the forum for narcissism. Many of our machines are dirty.

I have two modes - stand still or full blast. OK, I should try to seek balance and practice patience.

balance is important. but at the same time , matrix will try to stop any progress through predatorial programs . we need to be watchful of this. YOU are not the only force is action for your progress. Almost all the tactics 4D STS and their 3D minions do to us can be found in our programs. Identifying them in action is a good way of catching them and one day they will stop , after repeated observations.

I feel like I am starting to ramble and that I am just posting noise, so I'll leave it at that....


I too have this feeling, when I write. but when you write, many people correlate to their situation, many feel you are putting words to their observations and many times new input and solutions crop up. so, you are not alone.
hey all

I have so much experience now that just WOW.

Last night I want to make only breathing + meditation, but something tell me to do FULL .
I noticed that I lost fear for the live , for the darknes , for the "obe" , etc. Just it Gone do fear any more.
I notice that I SEE what is going on and i can remember Who I'm Are .

Last meditation Full EE I fell different calm calm calm , I zoned out just after BA-Ha and "woke up" just after meditation end ( because have other mp3 )
that is strength because I just Do breathing Dont remember PRAY selection hmmm and I don't know DO I DO IT or hmm I zoned out . But Timing is good I have check at start and end :)
I must confess to some confusion here. People are referring to doing the only "breathing and meditation" and then also to doing the full program. I have diligently searched the EE web site and read the replies in this thread and as far as I can see the guided meditation is the full thing, or is the full thing the guided meditation, the pipe breathing and the prayer?

I have been doing the breathing and the prayer every night for the last few weeks and I find I zone out going through the prayer - I find it incredibly difficult to get past "Help me grow in knowledge Of All Creation" - takes a real concerted effort to get through the prayer. Also, for the last two days I have been really angry, emotional and depressed so I'm thinking I am startting to see some effects.
Flashgordonv said:
People are referring to doing the only "breathing and meditation" and then also to doing the full program. I have diligently searched the EE web site and read the replies in this thread and as far as I can see the guided meditation is the full thing, or is the full thing the guided meditation, the pipe breathing and the prayer?
I suppose that by "full" they mean the loosening up excercises as well as the breathing and meditation.
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