Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I've had to overcome a lot of resistance in getting started with the program, but I've managed to get in the habit of doing it fairly regularly. I do the meditation every night now, still struggling with resistance to doing the breathing exercises regularly :/ The cool, damp weather here in the eastern US has produced a record crop of mold, so in the past couple of weeks I haven't been able to do the breathing at all without breaking into fits of coughing, and feelings of hopelessness and despair, which the breathing exercises had all but vanquished, have returned with a vengeance - a clear lesson showing me how much hope and faith these practices produce.

I have not had any unusual experiences while doing the exercises, but have broken down sobbing while I was singing (I'm a singer/songwriter), so something is clearly happening.

Thank you so much for this program!
Oxajil said:

No need to try to control these dreams imo. Maybe understanding them... All I can say is, be careful with who you are in contact with, be vigilant, please be so. Remember!:

"Dark man dreams are wake-up calls. They say: Pay attention! Something has gone radically amiss in the outer world. ....The threat of the 'dark man dreams' serves as a warning to all of us -- if you don't pay attention, something will be stolen from you! The dreamer needs to be initiated so that whatever has been robbing her can be recognized, apprehended, and dealt with.

I guess it could be different for each person, so this is just fwiw (doesn't mean you shouldn't be extra extra vigilant!).

Thank you Oxajil, I will consider this.
Oxajil said:
Smaragde said:
I have the same experience with the prayer as well. Lately (past two full sessions i did) during the pipe breathing and baha portion, i feel unable to focus and relax. My mind keeps wondering off while my body performs the breathing. I detect this early and try to bring my focus back inside my body but again and again it goes off. I have been feeling so frustrated in my inability to control my mind, that i believe that the tears i shed during breathing come from this frustration, and not some inner pain :cry:

Imo, no need to be angry at yourself for that. I remember how me being angry at myself for making the same mistake over and over again resulted in my body feeling very sick. I learned that I shouldn't be angry, of course, we should maybe be a bit for a second, to remind us that this is not what we ''want'', but we shouldn't continue feeling this anger. Feel instead maybe happy, that you know that you wondered off and that you choose to ''fight'' it in a gentle and natural way. See this braveness instead of you failing.
If you ''fail'' again, that's okay, just remember that this is all natural and that one day you will do this without wondering off or only a few moments.
Don't be trying to push yourself, be kind to yourself :).

I know you are right Oxajil, and thank you for this reminder. We all need somebody to remind us what we know and forget when we are in a certain "state" ;) i am grateful for this forum and all of you. And though i am having a hard time keeping up with all the threads going on here, i never regret doing so! I am learning so mush from all of you guys, i hope i can contribute my own whatever little i can, as often as i can.

I'll make sure to remember your words, and Buddy's one, next time:

buddy said:
My trick is to not let negative experiences accumulate - try to see each moment and experience as a 'first time'. Just take it easy.
I have been doing the complete breathing exercises and meditation everyday since July. Usually I do this in the afternoon. Then I will meditate again before I sleep. I also started spinning at the same time (gluten for punishment I suppose ;)). When it comes to exercise, I stick with a schedule pretty easily and feel irritable if I miss a day or more. I guess it is my blood type O that drives me.

Initially I experienced zoning during the meditation portion. Now I have stated to zone during the baha portion. It is like a thought grabs my attention and I forget to breathe and notice right away. But I can't seem to ever remember what the thought was that got my attention.

I have read the online version of the "Wave" and "Adventure" series two years ago. This time since starting the breathing exercises and meditation, I started reading the book version 1 through 7. I seem to be able to concentrate on the reading material much better and gained many new insights.

I have had a couple of anger and crying sessions that lasted about 15 minutes each. Had a strange experience in early August while sleeping. I awoke with a vision of a light flash in my mind that filled my whole view and began to encompass my whole body. I felt a chill sensation and felt my body was frightened.

My main difficulty during the meditation is concentrating on the meaning of the prayer. This is proving to be quite a challenge! I tend to repeat the prayer mechanically while thoughts try to intrude. The thoughts are mainly replays of events during the day or plans for the next day.

Anyway, I will continue the exercises keeping in mind the Divine Cosmic Mind.
I've been reading this epic thread from the start and have found it rewarding to go back and re-read many of the early first experience reports. This thread is a remarkable chronicle and reference source.
So here are my thoughts on Eiriu-Eolas and its effect to date, at least my very subjective report.

The most 'difficult' part for me is always BAHA or round-breathing, though it is getting easier with practice. Warm-up stretches and mental preparation beforehand really help. Taking a deep belly-breath each time during the faster parts is intense. It requires some serious stamina plus relaxation to really do this part of the breathing to the max through all 3 rounds. When energy is low, I am tired or stressed, I find I have to back off the throttle and do less pumping- ie: one or two rounds instead of three. When I have energy, I can push up the intensity level and do it all the way through. The ideal time for me to do EE is after the work day but before evening meal. Ready to relax but still with energy. The Prayer & meditation part work for me at bedtime, but not the breathing. It always takes me at least 2 or 3 hours to physically process whatever it is that happens with round breathing. The BAHA round breathing ALWAYS lowers my body temperature, and even when it was quite warm out I still felt cold after one round, and I do not usually have problems feeling cold. That goes away during the meditation. I was getting the paralysis effect- frozen claw-hands and mouth at first somewhat, but that has gone away. This is something I have experienced before with breathing techniques, so it didn't cause me any alarm. I have tried standing, sitting on a chair, lying down and sitting cross-legged with abundant pillow support. I prefer the last choice for all the breathing, and usually lay down for the meditation because of the impulse to rest, but I may soon stay sitting for all of it I think. I like to get into the right posture which allows me to have no restriction in moving my diaphragm down and lower belly out. If sitting in a chair, I can really only get there if I'm sitting on the edge of the chair and high enough off the floor that my legs are a little angling down, not up. I have to have my back straight and relaxed and my lower abdominal area slightly forward. Standing eliminates all the restriction issues, but I prefer zoning from a sitting position since I'm closer to the floor. I haven't ever actually fallen over, but I like feeling prepared...

It was a couple weeks into doing the program before I stayed conscious enough to actually hear how many times Laura repeats the Prayer. I thought for some time she only said it twice, because after some point during the start of it, the next thing I would be aware of would be long after. I have only done the program a few times when I did not zone. Usually I feel irritable after EE for an hour or two, but calm-irritable. My life in general is slowly reorganizing itself in a new way and that feels very much related to doing this practice.

One of the effects which I have noticed since starting this practice is that I have a much better time catching my reactions to things in general and in real-time. Instead of being pulled into an emotional response to something challenging, I am aware of my reaction while it is still unexpressed, and more often choose to exhale and then take a deep belly breath instead of reacting externally. This has given me much greater opportunity to observe myself, others and the dynamic of situations than I had before, and has allowed me to choose my responses much more carefully and consciously. It has allowed me to practice being externally considerate more successfully, at least so far as I am able to do at this time, because I am not just caught up in my own limited viewpoint as much. I'm more aware of the other, and if I'm not, I stop and check to see how I might become more aware instead of just going on about me. This is such a simple thing and yet makes a huge difference. This is the sort of dynamic system-change that I suspect could deliver big payoffs as time goes by, a real incentive to keep practicing.
It's been so great reading everyone's experiences, and it seems like some of my experiences aren't too far off from the norm around here. :) But I really wanted to share a bit about things have been going for me lately with this because EE has really led to a lot of realizations about myself that I think are very important.

When I first started the program, I began to have many more interesting dreams. One in particular that I thought was interesting involved someone trying to get me and my mother to go back to Catholicism (I used to be a very devout Catholic). The man who approached us was saying that he could see how special we were, and I remember thinking it didn't quite sound right, but my mother was very enthusiastic and so I went along with it for her sake. As the dream went on I started to feel so trapped by this until I came to the realization in the dream that my mother wasn't really my mother. It was here, but I saw that she was allowing herself to be controlled somehow - That is the distinct feeling I had. So I went outside the church and back out into the world and a voice said to me something like, "Look. You will do/are doing much better out here than you ever would have in there." But I think this was important because my mom and I passed a church a few days ago and she made a comment that she misses the community of the church. But I would like to note that she was never really able to fit into the community of the church because she never quite meshed with the other members. Why this sudden nostalgia for the church? I don't want to ramble on that though.

I also had one experience during the meditation where I was zoning out, but heard a door slam in the house, jolted awake quite painfully and saw this "loose spiral" kind of shadowy rope(?) extending from what seemed my forehead through the ceiling, which I started at for maybe 2-3 seconds before blinking and it was gone.

I have also started to notice improvements in how I react to the world. I am able to respond in more appropriate ways to emotions that may pop up in me. Just as an example, I realized that in interactions with my boyfriend I sometimes will be disappointed when he doesn't want to do something I want to do, so I will be disappointed. I think this is a natural response, but then I noticed I not only get disappointed but SHOW it to a point that makes him feel guilty and give in to what I wanted to do. I was not doing this on a conscious level before, but I realized that even though the intent was "hidden" from me, I was still manipulating him to my wants, which is definitely STS, something I am trying to avoid.

Here is the biggest thing for me though, I think... little that I have read in the Wave has really shocked my sensibilities per se because it's one of the only descriptions of this reality I have read that begins to make any sense to me. Not to say I have not spend a lot of time in reflection, contemplating being food for 4D STS, or rather how not to be, and other things of that nature, but I have always had this idea since I was a child that I was not really in my normal element. And I have often had the very real feeling that I am not fully in touch with this physical body, which led me to do a lot of things that I regret in hindsight to get me more "in touch" with physicality. I was pretty good food for a while when I was younger I am sure. But as I began to reflect in the last few months about my circumstances growing up and how I have always felt, it sort of clicked with the concept of the Wanderer. Now, I say this to say that of course my ego was leading me to think about what my mission is in being here or in this life. Did I come back to this point for a reason/purpose?

Ok, so here is what I have realized, I believe due to the focus that the meditation brings with it, that I cannot and will not focus on whether or not I am "this" or "that". It does not matter if I am indeed a "Wanderer" as it were because I obviously still got caught up in the physical 3D reality, although at one point it was simply because I did NOT feel part of it. But what I am saying is I realized that what I have to do is still the same as all the rest of you who want to wake up. It is still going to be a very difficult task, which will only be made more difficult if I let my ego take charge and demand attention. I am realizing that answering the call does not make me "special" or "better" than anyone else, but that this is just where I am at right now on the cycle. I am not "perfect" but I "am the way I am" and it is the only way I can be and BECAUSE it is the only way I can it is nothing to get all worked up over trying to put myself in a position of some kind of importance, etc. I have to just BE without having an expectation as to where it will get me. I will either learn my lessons and move along or I will miss something and have to do this again. But I choose to work anyway, even knowing I might not make it to 4D this time around.

THAT is what this program has lead me to realize along with all the rest Laura has shared with us. And I cannot be more eternally grateful.
I want to ask for an advice and if someone had similar experience? I don't know this is the right topic for it. Yesterday, I was doing meditation, I started with prayer and finished with normal relaxing meditation. I felt some heat in area of my throat, and like some energy in my hands(I was sitting in a normal meditation position), then like I was losing myself so I stoped. Reason for that is that I could hear vibration of some kind coming from my head so I didn't want to become some meal or something, and if I meditate longer it's stronger and clearer, and that is especially in the evening like the energy is stronger. This wasn't the first time because I was doing meditation before prayer and similar things happened, but i done more meditations for concentrating and was trying to be in the moment in my daily life so maybe I should do more relaxing. And I can fell for some quite time some pressure in my head, sometimes when I meditate, and that's pressure is here for a longer time. It feels like the scene from Matrix when Morpheus says you can feel it in your head it's like a splinter making you mad. It's like something is in center of my head. Maybe this is something I got to rid of? this maybe sound funny but in the evening I can see when I look in the empty space something like the space is accelerating like it's fluid, I don't know how to describe it because you can't describe it, like you can se little particles acclerating, and there is often flickering of bulbs. Any ideas?
Hi dannybananny

dannybananny said:
Yesterday, I was doing meditation, I started with prayer and finished with normal relaxing meditation.

Can I ask, are you using a different meditation technique to the guided one with the prayer?? The reason I ask is because my understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong) is the meditations without a seed to focus on (in this case, the prayer is the seed), or by focusing on 'nothing'/emptying your head, you may be opening yourself up to having that space invaded by something else....
So it may be worth just sticking to the prayer, and if you want to meditate yourself, recite the prayer as you go. The idea being that you eventually reach the point where you can focus less on the words and more on the meaning.....

dannybananny said:
I felt some heat in area of my throat, and like some energy in my hands
dannybananny said:
And I can fell for some quite time some pressure in my head, sometimes when I meditate, and that's pressure is here for a longer time.

I have felt this during the prayer, and others have reported it too....as far as I know its quite normal.

dannybananny said:
This wasn't the first time because I was doing meditation before prayer and similar things happened, but i done more meditations for concentrating and was trying to be in the moment in my daily life so maybe I should do more relaxing.

Stick to the pipe breathing and the prayer in the evenings, that's all you need to do. The prayer is a meditation, and can be recited as many times as you want for as long as you want. On Mondays and Thursdays just follow the full guided program. Try putting aside any other meditations you may be doing and just stick with this....it needs no add ons or alterations....especially when you don't know if the add ons are helping or hindering progress.

dannybananny said:
It feels like the scene from Matrix when Morpheus says you can feel it in your head it's like a splinter making you mad. It's like something is in center of my head. Maybe this is something I got to rid of?

If its occurring during the prayer, then its quite normal (its your pineal gland being stimulated as far as I know).

dannybananny said:
this maybe sound funny but in the evening I can see when I look in the empty space something like the space is accelerating like it's fluid, I don't know how to describe it because you can't describe it, like you can se little particles acclerating, and there is often flickering of bulbs. Any ideas?

Probably best not to worry about/focus on such things....take note and move on. :)

I'd like to expand on a past observation I had....

Gawan said:
RedFox said:
Last night was quite interesting. I did a set of pipe breathing followed by the prayer before sleep. I woke up at 3.45am needing the toilet, I also noticed that I had an intense sense of fear (the sort that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck and shivers go up your spine) of the dark. I'm not normally afraid of the dark, however this has happened quite a bit in the past at anywhere between 2am and 4am on certain days of the week - mostly Wednesday nights (I have a working hypothesis it may be 4D STS related....but its only a hypothesis).
So on returning to bed (and generally getting quite annoyed at the 'fear' from nowhere) I did a full set of pipe breathing (with my eyes open), followed by the prayer of the soul (with the aim of repeating it 12 times).
For some reason I was able to do it more clearly than I've been able to do it before (perhaps this is to do with tiredness then?). I did zone out a few times, and came back (like I've done with the audio) to find that I'd moved on a few words/a complete sentence! Now that's truly weird.....usually if I zone out and I'm doing it I stop saying it internally....but this time part of me carried on while another part of me zoned out.

Something similar happened maybe two weeks ago, while I have been doing the beatha part of the full program. I started to be (really) afraid and didn't know from where and what, it just felt strange. Later on I made some notes in my journal and considered, that fear is also a feeling, not a positive one but still a feeling and said to me, when it is happening next time, I try to watch and accept it... Couple of days later, a similar feeling reoccurred also during the beatha-part, and I "saw" critters and monsters and thought to hear noises out of the kitchen (but that's a part I'm not sure if I really heard something).
And since then my mind is a little bit boggling, also of the reason because I'm at the present time alone at home.

But I try to remember your posted quote next time!

Now, here's the kicker: if the displeasing feeling is coming from within the self - if the self finds that there is rage or anger or hate or jealousy or pettiness or whatever is considered negative - when a person is operating from the primitive defense mechanism, that feeling must be denied as part of the self and will be experienced as coming from "out there." (Projection.)

Well I had a revisit from this sensation last night. I payed strict attention to it as best I could and was able to pick out a few things....
I managed to allow my fear to be there and acknowledged it, and kept it below my neck (i.e. allowed it to be but not run my thoughts).
So after unpicking it some more and breathing deeply and slowly something interesting happened....I could sense two things instead of one....my fear and something external in my environment triggering it. A sense of being watched (having someone stood behind you).
I rechecked and checked and could see a distinct line between my fear and an external trigger. That's not to say I wasn't mistaken but it was definitely not in the 'unsure whats causing it' category any more.

I kept getting the thought reoccur with this that 'someones in the house' or 'theres someone stood there' when I was looking at nothing. Real 'intruder' senses tingling. The sense of feeling that if I opened the bathroom door there would be 'something' stood there that would get me. All the while I was deep breathing I thought about this logically...

If there is something there what would I do....I mentally bopped it on the nose and promptly burst out laughing. Heck I'd had enough of it. I would most definitely defend myself if there was an intruder (I should note that the intruders in my minds eye where not the human kind). So I stopped again and thought with as much logic as possible...
Sense of intruder.....fear thoughts/programs poked....focusing time/energy onto these thoughts/loops....nothing there. If my senses where correct and there was 'something' there then there was only one thing it could be (4D STS) and it must be there to feed off this. A directed attack.....well that sure had an interesting effect. It felt like I'd finally closed a door that had been left open far too long.
If it was in my head and my senses where faulty then it was still a waste of energy. The idea of it being an attack with the aim to feed from me....combined with not being afraid of feeling my fear and to defend myself should I have to stopped the whole thing dead.

I went to bed and followed the prayer section of the program and had one of the most relaxed nights sleep in years.....these fearful feelings have plagued me on and off for most of my life....so it is like a huge weight is leaving me. :)

I dreamt of standing under a tree whilst someone in a yellow digger/crane tried to knock the tree whilst I wasn't looking (I told him to not do so)...and eventually did so whilst I where. They extended a grapple on the machine towards something past the tree...it had a rope on the end that it was going to hook something with. So I swung a branch of the tree and timed it so that the rope from the machine wrapped round and stuck on the branch. The look of frustration on the guy running the machine was priceless as it ground to a halt and he had to get out and 'go untangle it'.....I told him he shouldn't have tried, I had told him not to and I would stop him if he did so again.

All that being said mind, I do hope I'm not sailing into a trap of my own wishful thinking here... :lol:
Regarding the tingling feelings that people are experiencing in the head and forehead area, I came across something about this in the Ra Material. I am not sure what to make of this as I am not too familiar with the material so it may be noise, but fwiw, here's what Ra said:

Questioner: Each of us feels, in meditation, energy upon the head in various places. Could you tell me what this is, what it signifies, and what the various places in which we feel it signify?

Ra: I am Ra. Forgetting the pyramid will be of aid to you in the study of these experiences. The in-streamings of energy are felt by the energy centers which need, and are prepared for, activation. Thus those who feel the stimulation at violet-ray level are getting just that. Those feeling it within the forehead between the brows are experiencing indigo ray and so forth. Those experiencing tingling and visual images are having some blockage in the energy center being activated and thus the electrical body spreads this energy out and its effect is diffused.

And here is what the Cassiopaen glossary says about Ra:

"In general usage, Ra is the ancient Egyptian solar deity. In the present context, Ra refers to the channeled entity of the Law of One books, channeled by Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim Mc Carthy in 1981-84. The material was suggested by the Cassiopaeans as a primer for the Cassiopaea information. The Ra material's greatest usefulness is in giving general definitions to the concepts of density, service to self vs service to others, free will and presenting a general cosmology.

We often quote Ra in the present work for definitions having to do with higher densities, the polarity of STO and STS and other more metaphysical matters.

Chakras and other aspects of the human being are discussed but QFS generally finds the 4th Way concepts to be clearer and better applicable to modern humanity. The Ra material may have suffered from a bias to predominantly see the good in things, although the long-term infringement of human free will by 4th density STS forces is also discussed. More commentary is available in the Wave series. The material itself is at _http://www.llresearch.org/ "
Lately I've been having like so many others here pressure in the forehead area almost like a headache, only it's not.
Also the dreams have been really vivid lately. I had a couple of darkman dreams where some entity attack me in the shape of a serpent and even my own mother only it doesn't look anything like her. With the serpent I had to fight back as he would have killed be if I hadn't.
Last night I had a strange dream, I'll try to give what I remember.
The first thing I remember is standing outside my old school thinking that it looked just like when I was a kid.
Then I figured out that I had traveled back in time to my childhood years and decided to go down to the street we all gathered around.
To get to that street (in real life) one have to walk through a small forest that stands in the way of this street and the school.
But instead of a forest it was a lake with a dragon-like sea serpent in it guarding the entrance to the street.
I don't remember how, but I distracted this being and managed to slip past it and got out on the street.
And there we all were, myself as a young boy and all my friends from back then, I walked up to myself as a kid which was sitting on a curb between
two of my best friends growing up but I couldn't see the face. The light kinda split and I could only see the outline with bright light where the body should be.
Then the other kids started to want to channel using a board for some reason I don't know and it was me answering the questions, getting tired that they never asked anything useful. I was invisible to them, but still standing among them.
Then the scene changed and I was sitting in the childhood room of one of my oldest friends who lived on that same street watching tv with all my old friends and we started talking about that time when we were children and used that board. The last thing I remember was that I tried to explain to them that I felt that it was me talking to us that time, but no one could grasp the concept. Then the dream ended.
What this mean, well... I dunno. Thought I could share it before I forget it. I was feeling emotional the whole morning when I thought about this dream.
Buddy said:
Buddy - I think it's important to try to stay focused on the breathing, but to be gentle with yourself. Don't get upset with yourself in any way, and if you do, acknowledge what you experience and just gently bring your attention back around to what you're doing.

Gertrudes said:
I agree with Buddy here Ben.
Years ago I read something about being able to meditate and clear the mind. It was expressed more or less in these words: don't resist your thoughts, but don't feed them either. Observe them without fighting or paying them attention. They will get tired and will eventually leave.
It could probably be applied the same for your negative introject. Let it talk without listening and gently bring yourself back to the program. It is important that you respect your own process and the fact that you will be diverted from EE, and accept it a such.

Ok thanks guys, this does make a lot of sense to me and I will practice it tonight! Of course, trying to *suppress* negative thoughts or mental chatter in general is counterproductive in my experience, and focusing of the exercises and stopping my mind wandering just requires more effort (makes me think - "Just do it"!)

Gertrudes said:
Something similar used to happen to me as well very, very often when I was a small child. I would stop and feel completely awake, but at the same time completely estranged from myself. I would look at my hands (usually the hands) and think: are these mine?
As I grew older those events stopped completely

Yes that sounds exactly the same, strange that I haven't considered it for so long but like you say it completely stops as you get older.
I first felt the sensation in the "third eye" location in the forehead after my first meditation 46 years ago, when I was 13. I had obtained a book on Chinese meditation practices through the inter-library loan system (my main source of information before the internet, and a great source still) which involved concentrating on the "third eye". Now, after many years of spiritual practice, it is more or less constant, whenever I turn my attention inward, and spontaneously throughout the day (it's there now). I don't ascribe too much significance to it, it's become just a part of my daily experience.
Today on the BA-HA part, i felt a strong urge to vomit.
Lots of saliva and everything... all was going well until sudently this urge.

I fought it back and eventually felt better and finished the BA-HA and posterior meditation.
I would like to share my experiences with the program and mostly the meditation. I have breathing difficulties so for the most part have been unable to do the breathing part of the program. For a short period I was able to and I will share my experience. I in general feel like I have a hole in my chest around the xiphoid and while doing the breathing I would feel like some emotions would be coming out of that hole and I would have flashes of old forgotten memories like of some obscure memory in sixth grade that I had forgotten but had a strong emotional effect on me. In this case it was buying a gift for my parents and I realized that I was not loving them enough and I felt bad for holding resentment towards them for the events that had transpired in my past. I realized that I needed to reconnect with them and it was fairly influential on me.

I have been doing the meditation almost every night since it was released and the main thing that I have felt is an increase in energy, which feels like I am more present in my body. I feel like I have more power and a much stronger presence and appearance in pictures and a mirror. I would say that maybe I am more connected to my higher self or my higher self can come use my body better? When I listen to the meditation portion I find it hard to focus on the words. I have had trouble with meditation programs since I started having serious health problems. I get headaches when I try to focus like I physically don't have the brain power to focus on the words. I usually can focus on it for a while and then I start thinking of something else. I have had the experience of zoning out quite a few times. Sometimes I have quick and strong experiences like being in a vivid dream state which is very energizing and feels really good and then I will snap back. Also I find that even if I don't focus on the words that much I will be filled with a noticeable energy just by listening to the track once. I am often surprised how energized, focused, and meditative I feel after just listening to the track. Also lately I have been looping the track before I go to sleep and I have been having very vivid dreams. More vivid than I can remember having any time recently. I love dreaming so I am happy for this. Thanks again to everyone for this program and for sharing your experiences. :)
I notice that many of you have past experiences with meditation and breathing and are able to help those who don't. Also, others are learning very fast - seem to have a knack for figuring things out and then explaining to others and helping them. How many of you think you would be able to teach the techniques and lead/moderate group breathing and meditations in person?
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