Laura said:I notice that many of you have past experiences with meditation and breathing and are able to help those who don't. Also, others are learning very fast - seem to have a knack for figuring things out and then explaining to others and helping them. How many of you think you would be able to teach the techniques and lead/moderate group breathing and meditations in person?
If only, Laura, my wishes would be fulfilled, but I feel I am probably suited to a more supportive, rather than an active role in teaching/leading. At the beginning of Eiriu Eolas on this forum, I really wanted to spread the word - how missionary of me - but I do still try every opportunity I get, to introduce the concept of E.E. to my loved ones and all could definitely use it - the time will come for some of them I pray. When it does I stand ready and willing. 'til then, I continue my own practice, resting in the knowledge that my 'work' can only but effect my world and those that abide therein - entry by the unguarded window, like a thief in the night.
Just one other thing I have noticed with the breathing program - I am unable to listen to songs with vocal content any more - most of them make me feel too sad, and the others are full of STS lyrics and make me angry. Music is wonderful, has always been my friend - thankfully, jazz is fed nonstop on our digital network so I can listen to that in the background.