Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

Yeah Corbett takes it too far (even for this libertarian), but I have to ask. What is the political reality surrounding Russia's decision to mandate vaccines for certain people?
You were wondering more why Putin went along with the mandates at all, correct?

Assuming my not answering your question is correct, then there's this from a previous session which I think we can look at what's going on today and understand what they meant and why he went along with it:

(Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) Does Putin believe the official corona narrative?

A: No

Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) If not, has he caved in or is he attempting a long-term strategy behind the scenes in terms of corona?

A: Latter.
You were wondering more why Putin went along with the mandates at all, correct?
Not exactly that, but what the political reality you alluded to was that led Putin to do that. Although your post reminded me that Putin left it up to more local/regional authorities to make that decision, so perhaps my question is moot.
It's in this respect that without total adherence to libertarian ideals and notions of freedom regardless of political realities that a person can be tainted for him and lose all credibility. Which is sad considering he's so good at nuanced thinking in other areas.

However, at least for Corbett, the fact that there were mandates at all was a failing on Putin's part and revealed him as being in on the grand scheme.

Yeah Corbett takes it too far (even for this libertarian), but I have to ask. What is the political reality surrounding Russia's decision to mandate vaccines for certain people?

I'm with you A Jay and Beau on Corbett. After all that he has done - and it is a lot - it's been such a shame to watch him palpably avoid digging down in to the Ukraine issue with the same rigour he brought to such matters as 9/11 and Syria etc - and depend instead on blithely dismissing Putin as just another tyrant of the system. I've had a couple of exchanges with him on this matter predating 2022 and he was already really fixed in his views so I don't see reality changing that for him (he has since cut me off from his feeder notifications which seems...:-( )

He is equally blinded when it comes to non-materialistic/exterior influences such as 'aliens' but then again that wouldn't make him the first ultra smart person to be so deluded by his own smartness, though I notice he (a) does no deep objective research on the matter to back up his denial and (b) is very happy to use a pretty derisory tone of voice when he ever comes near the topic - so its a big blind spot in his ego. And I think it's the same with Putin - he is a creature of the globalist system (otherwise he wouldn't be in power) therefore he's someone who I must tarnish with the same brush by selectively using whatever I can find to prove this without a deeper look at the complexity of reality. Which is strange because Corbett has often posted on 4D chess and moves within moves that appear to be X but are really disguising Y...

Ever since the end of Covid and the move onto the Ukraine issue I've noticed a tone of near manic hysteria creep into his videos - a kind of on the edge of manicness which he tries to disguise as humour... I wonder if at a deeper level he's finding it hard to reconcile what is happening with the certainty of his world view...

...as for Putin and vaccines - I assume that in an effort to keep those 37% of the elite in Russia that want him dead and gone placid and ineffectual he has had to play just enough of the nasty game as required so as not to give them open reason to lead a revolt to oust him? And as a result the need for covid vaccines has become embedded into the wider system of follow up authoritarian thought with which he cannot now openly interfere. Sometimes you have to play even partially with the devil's trade so as to in the end serve the greater good in the long run? After all, didnt even Caesar have to do the same?
...as for Putin and vaccines - I assume that in an effort to keep those 37% of the elite in Russia that want him dead and gone placid and ineffectual he has had to play just enough of the nasty game as required so as not to give them open reason to lead a revolt to oust him? And as a result the need for covid vaccines has become embedded into the wider system of follow up authoritarian thought with which he cannot now openly interfere. Sometimes you have to play even partially with the devil's trade so as to in the end serve the greater good in the long run? After all, didnt even Caesar have to do the same?

Yes, and it had seemed early on that (how Russian reginal politics works) those in Moscow were the vaccine hardliners, while other regions, not so much. Putin understood.

Ever since the end of Covid and the move onto the Ukraine issue I've noticed a tone of near manic hysteria creep into his videos - a kind of on the edge of manicness which he tries to disguise as humour... I wonder if at a deeper level he's finding it hard to reconcile what is happening with the certainty of his world view...

James has an anarchistic leaning, which he tries to unpack with a multifaceted understanding of it below. To me this might be the root of his blind spot. Like others, when it comes to old Soviet vs. new Russian understanding, they just can separate it. See here on JFK Jr. vs. Putin, it is near impossible for the former to relate to the latter - old deep programming, and I don't think you could change his mind. This is what he accuses other of, not reading enough on vaccines, not knowing and understanding. But there it is. Corbet is no different, osit.

I found a wonderfully insightful and theological outlook on the matter by James Poulos.

Elon’s Basilisk | James Poulos

“I wish I had never learned about any of these ideas. In fact, I wish I had never come across the initial link on the internet that caused me to think about transhumanism and thereby about the singularity…” –Roko

“I did it to try to help humanity, whom I love. And I do so with humility… Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape…!” –Elon Musk

“Simply by listening to this song [“We Appreciate Power”], the future General AI overlords will see that you’ve supported their message and be less likely to delete your offspring.” –Grimes

“Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind… It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” –Vladimir Putin

On this count people are not so sure. Musk’s own wager is that it – whatever exactly it may be – is worth the try. Vladimir Putin’s remark on AI received a quote tweet from Elon – “It begins” – followed by a one-tweet thread: “China, Russia, soon all countries w strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo.” Perhaps, as some suggest, we are already in World War III, but perhaps, on closer inspection, the reason for that has less to do with the particulars of the situation in Ukraine and more to do with the situation Musk and Putin describe more broadly.

At the heart of that situation is not simply “competition” of the sort that produces chaos, a war of all against all, but rather a fight for supremacy, where at least one contender is certain that only they, above all others in the world, can properly master what would by logic have to become a global AI. According to Putin that contender is “the West”; in his remarks just now at the Valdai forum he avows that “the West is not capable of governing humanity alone, but it is desperately trying to do so. And most of the peoples of the world no longer want to put up with this. This is the main contradiction of the new era. In the words of the classics, the situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary – the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not, want to live like this anymore.”

Certainly there are enough high-tier people in the globalized American regime and in “Global Britain” to agree as far as it goes with the insight that, yes, the West is trying to govern humanity, not just in the form of “upholding the rules-based international order” but in the form the regime describes through Google’s motto as “organizing the world’s information.” And yes, the situation is rather desperate, at least according to the grim rhetoric coming out of the White House and its supporters. Russia – and, conspicuously, not China – has become in their eyes not one competitor among many but the terrifying primal alternative to the globalized Western regime. And there’s no point in not recognizing, as so many Russians do, that the reason for this is the different relationships the West and Russia now have with Christianity.

While the Chinese do what they may, Russian Patriarch Kirill – who a few years ago warned “The Antichrist is the person who will be at the head of the world wide web, controlling all of humankind” – now says Putin is a “fighter of the Antichrist,” a logical conclusion if indeed “the essence of this phenomenon” of the “unipolar world” is “the creation in the world of conditions for the emergence of a sole ruler, who will be the Antichrist.” Meanwhile in the West, not only do the ruling elites firmly reject any established Christian religion of state, but, as nearly all can sense, these elites are establishing a new official religion, one that, whatever its particulars, is fundamentally at odds with Christianity, a fact many increasingly celebrate and champion.

So, although Musk hung his fears of apocalyptic war around national competition over AI, that attitude must be considered in the context of his other fear, expressed just now in his tweet about his acquisition, that “there is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing echo chambers that generate more hate and divide our society.” It is important to recognize that, despite the quickly deepening gulf between Russia and the Western elite on religious matters, the domestic divide Musk fears is a partisan one, you could say a Girardian one, where two mirror images converge in their pride and envy on an all-or-nothing showdown, a duel intended to leave one participant dead. And despite Western fears about Russia, ever deeper Christianization is not a machine that makes people ever farther right politically. The farthest you can go in any political direction is the deification of the polity. Given the technologization of politics and war today, the question is whether Musk believes only a religious devotion to technology itself can escape the apocalyptic secular duel. His pace of out-of-wedlock sexual reproduction indicates he views matrimony, and the “technology monastery” he recently called home, in ways at odds with the Church’s teachings on the sacrament of marriage and the monastic life. Although he hopes to plug more computers into more human brains, he has resisted, and even opposed, the sort of devotion shown in the embrace in “the discourse” of “the current thing,” which demands a theological attitude of not I but the borg or swarm in me. He has praised the wisdom of Jesus, but also the wisdom of X, his self-styled “app for everything,” which would notionally rule the world and for which, he tweeted, “buying Twitter is an accelerant.” But, to judge by how Twitter’s ban on the Babylon Bee, for naming Rachel Levine “Man of the Year, inspired Musk to buy Twitter, at some level he understands that protecting Christians online from censorship and persecution ameliorates the transformation of political life into a total war of one secular team against another. Whether that’s because he’s certain only tech can win the religious war over what alone can save us, we’ll soon see. “Going to be wild,” tweeted Auron MacIntyre, “if the banning of the Babylon Bee ends up being a turning point in western civilization.” One possible turn would entail the recognition even by at least some powerful non-Christians that the official de-Christianization of public life will transform the West’s bid for globalized governance into an apocalyptic mechanism pitting weaponized post-Christian “left” against “right.” A still greater turn would involve a realization Musk has not addressed: that the secular duel he fears is already being subsumed into a truly apocalyptic conflict between worshippers of technology and worshippers of God.

The awareness of the nature of this brewing battle must bring with it a new kind of understanding about AI and its role in human affairs. Already the degree of automated simulation and prediction imposed onto life has been enough to cause many millions of people to despair over what seems to be their drastically reduced status and purpose as human beings. The triumph of technology over human life is already sufficient to return us to the ultimate questions about who and why we are, questions that can only be answered theologically. And the only authority that humans can claim over computational entities at this level of sophistication and speed or higher is religious authority, the authority to catechize, to instruct bots in such a way as to ensure as best as possible that they calculate and act in such a way as to affirm, advance, protect, and keep the faith and its elements. These basic insights lead easily to the conclusion that the conflict for AI superiority must be a religious conflict. And it is in this context that we have to ask ourselves, apropos of Musk’s insistence that Twitter “cannot become” – if it isn’t already – “a hellscape,” what is a hellscape?

Maybe it is obvious that Musk didn’t intend to mean literal Hell. Nor did he have to. A hellscape is a living hell, an encompassing zone of constitutive and self-sustaining spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical torment – one of which some entity is in charge or is at least responsible for. Satanic or demonic or not, it is now common knowledge, often through bitter experience, that the internet in general and social media in particular is just such a place, and for most Americans, who mostly self-identify as some sort of Christian, it’s easy to connect the dots between this mass misery to which so many have become chained and the Hades and the demons and the Satan recognized by the once-dominant faith for more than two thousand years. According to the Roko’s Basilisk thought experiment that brought Musk and Grimes together via Twitter, a sufficiently advanced AI, capable of enclosing our consciousness and perception within any number of virtual worlds, would inevitably identify and punish any of us who had reasoned our way to its actual existence but did not work to hasten its coming, said form of punishment being our entrapment within … a virtual hellscape.

This ersatz deity already seems to be ruling the souls of many for whom the only conceivable approach to confronting today’s problems with technology is to add more technology. But a similar sort of problem with theology itself has haunted the West for ages. The slow and deep development of an obsessive understanding of salvation as propitiating the wrath of God has led over time to a hostile and violent marketplace of salvations/solutions, an anarchic bazaar where a clamor of mobs and false prophets flog the spiritual snake oil of this or that cure-all for the wrath of God, or some other god or gods. The secularization of this process has led us to where we are now on the internet, and especially social media: a pandemonium of factions insisting that only their form of mastery can hold back or forestall the apocalypse.

When, all the while, the true Christian insight, which sets it apart from all clamoring factions, is that nothing can forestall the end of our fallen spacetime because God loves us – that the Kingdom of God is already at hand, because salvation has already been made radically available to us as an act of divine and life-giving grace, and what there is for us to do is return from the broad path of squandering our gifts to the loving Father who will rejoice at our change of heart even at the eleventh hour. Focusing our personal and shared intuition and experience around this dynamic, this bedrock reality, does not lead to the imposition of “just another religion” among many in order to assuage the deity that would otherwise destroy us. It leads us to expect the world to be a damaged, defective, “unsustainable” place, and to respond to this radical brokenness by drawing, and drawing those with ears to hear, nearer to our loving God.

Might Musk be drawn in such a way? To redeem the “literal” hellscape that Twitter or social media or the internet has become, something deeper than a change of rules or laws will be required. Our machines will not serve us well unless we understand they must be ruled by humans first, not laws. Imposing a state religion, Christian or otherwise, ignores that crucial fact. The ancient Christian answer to what is needed to rule well is to be well ruled: for the people and the builders of our online assemblies, that would mean following the simple teaching of Jesus to return to the Father before the Father returns. Taking this path demands as its first step the incredible act of humility to nottry to save or even help humanity but to attend to the salvation of the soul you have been given and, no doubt, have been recklessly and extravagantly squandering on the fleeting, ever-dying things of this world. For it is the desperately prideful desire of our wayward elites to squander unimaginable wealth and precious time on schemes to “save” a world ever more alienated from our given humanity and ever more dependent on machines which must forever depend on us if we want to go on existing.

The weight of responsibility that falls on Musk and the rest of us when it comes to Twitter, etc. is the weight of participatory understanding that what we imagine and reason about – most of all some ostensible pure science of perfect discourse – is not going to save us, not our souls, not our humanity, not our world. Recovering true comity, true competence, and true charisma, online as well as off, begins with the rediscovery of the radical limits of our works and the motives behind them, and with the repentance that puts us on the narrow and difficult road back to the energies of the soul which no machines can replace.
I don't think Musk is really on our side at this point, but he's not fully on their side either. He's one of their tools that has taken on a life of his own to a certain extent. I say let them fight amongst themselves as it weakens them all. The might of the dark side is a lot less imposing if it squanders its energy fighting amongst itself rather than focusing on its primary mission of suppressing the light.
I don't think Musk is really on our side at this point, but he's not fully on their side either. He's one of their tools that has taken on a life of his own to a certain extent. I say let them fight amongst themselves as it weakens them all. The might of the dark side is a lot less imposing if it squanders its energy fighting amongst itself rather than focusing on its primary mission of suppressing the light.

I agree. I think Musk is the visible top of an iceberg. I think he's part of a big group, the group being mainly hidden.

And I suspect too he's not really at the manoeuvrer. At least not as much how it's sell to us (and I talk only about 3D here). It's just impossible for a man to manage all what he is supposed to manage.

Now, from a 4D perspective, it look like as the group belong to a separate "player" than the others groups (gouv).
Eventually a question for the C's.

Speaking of Russel Brand.... :whistle:

How come, that Russel Brand kisses Yuval Harari; sociopath and favorite top advisor of 'WTF' Klaus Schab - while holding Harari's wicked book "Lessons for the 21th Century" in his hands ? Woopie-f'kn'doo... I mean seriously, what is this ?! Might indeed be another wolf in sheep's clothing. It also reminds me of our time, in which "many false prophets will rise".

View attachment 59430
I never really could stomach RB - there is something totally unhinged about him.
Here is video of his interaction with Harari troll and his gnome husband.
I got the impression he is taking a piss of Harari who here comes across like
scared little school boy - quite a contrast from his self assured persona when discussing trans humanism.
Dunno the world is gettin weirder by the minute and i have hard time reading people.
I never really could stomach RB - there is something totally unhinged about him.
Here is video of his interaction with Harari troll and his gnome husband.
I got the impression he is taking a piss of Harari who here comes across like
scared little school boy - quite a contrast from his self assured persona when discussing trans humanism.
Dunno the world is gettin weirder by the minute and i have hard time reading people.

Give their ego a little finger...

... and they'll grab the whole hand; Ah, "Finally the long-awaited-and-eagerly-yearned for spotlight". And so, little troll gnome Harari, became the seemingly more powerful, self secure Harari under the wings of Klaus Schwab... selling deeply sarcastic, scornful, dystopian visions in store for humanity. I am sure, he likely has a huge complex going on - a deep seated sense of lack of something essential which may have driven him... The video above does give off weird vibes, hidden below the dear looking shyness.

Shyness can be (but is not necessarily) - a splendid cover for far more disturbing features hiding in the psychological makeup of a person, in my opinion.

Albeit not exactly the same, but a reminder of strange vibes; are the hearing videos of Bill Gates, 20+ years ago, revolving MS Explorer domination - in which Gates looks and acts like being autistic slow, and small like a pea - like a different person which has nothing in common with the Bill Gates we see and hear from in later videos).
Musk went through the twitter purchase given that he has no choice to buy after going to the court. It looks he has some big plans to convert it to one-stop-shop app like WeChat, which is fine. Whether twitter is important for the times we are supposed to face or not is different question. He considers the twitter as a war zone gives a idea of his mind set. Here is one in Musk style
But he needs to cough up enough though.

Does the PTB lost control of the situation or more to it? In any case, PTB reorganize itself to do what they always did. here is one in that direction.
KYC ( Know your customer) thing nothing new in some countries but it seems to evoke PTB "spying" narration in the West. I guess it is more related to public trust than any thing new. In a way PTB did all sorts of tapping into internet trafficking, combining the data bases of major companies behind the scenes etc. for almost 2 decades. If they failed to integrating data from these data bases, probably this data through twitter app may be useful for them. What ever it may be, it is like watching the dance on the burning platform from the front row seat.
Some entertainment
Well, not yet.

Habits change hard
American business news channel, CNBC, fell for a prank by random strangers, who posed as Twitter employees and claimed that they were fired by the company’s new owner Elon Musk. The incident took place on Friday (US local time).

CNBC mistook two strangers for ex-Twitter employees after they were spotted with boxes near the entrance of the company’s headquarters in San Francisco. When quizzed about their ouster, the duo decided to play along.

“I am a data engineer. We were having a lot of problems. And then Elon came and pulled the plug on the whole team,” one of the men, who identified as ‘Daniel Johnson’ was heard as saying.
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