Unser „Leben“ im Hauptstrahl einer Mobilfunksendeanlage für
Victim Report presented at 1st Bamberger Mobile Telephony Symposium, in Bamberg,
Germany on 29th January 2005.
Speaker: Christine KIND
Our „Life“ in the Main Beam of a Mobile Phone Base Station for
Before I start my personal account of our experiences near a mobile base station, I would like to thank
the organisers, for the fact that this Symposium is taking place.
I know from personal experience that doctors are themselves afraid of not being taken
seriously if they have to diagnose health damage caused by Electrosmog (electromagnetic
frequencies) as a reason for different symptoms and that they are not educated about this
It is important that doctors ask about any exposure to mobile telephony [DECT, W-LAN,
Mobile Phone use, Mobile Phone Base Stations] at the medical consultation and if there is a
definite suspicion they should have emission measurements carried out before treatment
commences. The treatment is bound to be a failure from the outset if the cause of the
symptoms still remains in place. Once measurements have been provided, proof should be
deemed as present and no doctor should fear making the diagnosis ‘microwave syndrome’.
Now to my personal experiences.
Had someone told me a year ago that I would soon sleep in the cellar and that I would be
engaging myself with the topic of Mobile Telecommunications, I would have hardly believed
him. Until then, I had not concerned myself with this issue at all.
When, on 10.11.03, ‘No Parking’ signs were placed in front of our house, we thought of road
works. Then, on 13.11.03 a crane lifted up a shining construction on a roof in our immediate
neighbourhood. At first I thought that it was a stainless steel tube for cleaning the chimney
However, it remained on the roof and, on looking more carefully, I recognised that it was
indeed a transmitter for mobile telephony.
We were very puzzled that the Denkmalschutz (conservation authority) had permitted this,
since we live in a wood-constructed house in a purely residential area in which, up to this
time, building proposals had always been strictly regulated. Other planning applications
such as a conservatory on the rear side of roof of a wood-constructed house and a terrace to
the back to the garden had been previously refused.
Also, no one knew anything about it – that such a transmitter would be erected here.
Therefore, we presented objections to the Bauamt (planning authority), which then informed
us in writing on 3.12.03 that the site was not yet operational which was also confirmed
verbally by the Ortsleiteramt (mayor’s office) on 16.12.03.
View from the neighbouring house
In the last few weeks before Xmas we observed that our children looked sick and they had
the dark rimmed eyes that you get with an infection. We still thought nothing of it – it had
been a long term and we were all glad that it would soon be holidays.
At Christmas, none of us had a good appetite and we continually felt continually nauseous,
which at the beginning we explained by our increased intake of sweets. We attributed our
continued tiredness and lack of drive to the relatively late bed times and to sleeping late.
Then, my husband suddenly had problems with sleeping through the night and getting back
to sleep again.
It was clear that our normal spaghetti consumption had reduced and my whole family lost
weight over Christmas, some of them several kilos.
In the New Year, we then noticed, in addition, headaches which started immediately when
we got out of bed. That’s when we said to ourselves, ‘the transmitter must be already
On the Sunday 04.01.2004, the headaches suddenly reduced in the evening and when we
then used our measuring equipment, which we had bought in the meantime, to carry out a
measurement, we found that only 1-2μW/m² in the whole house.
We then knew that the levels we had found up to then, must have been caused by the
transmitter being in operation.
Up till then, we did not know the values which were previously present in our living area.
We therefore informed the Gesundheitsamt (Health authority) that the transmitter had been
turned ON. On 5-1-04, the Health Authority, after consultation with the Planning Authority,
informed us that the site was not yet operational.
Two days later, on 7th January 2004, there was an article in the local newspaper, in which it
stated that the site was operational since the 16th December 2003.
At our request, a representative from the mobile phone company came on the 9.1.04 to carry
out measurements. They found a field strength of 0.4-0.6 V/m and told us, that they would
not need to take action until 1.0 V/m was seen. I should clarify the reason for the headaches
with my doctor!
To my reply, that I had had the headaches only at home and only since the transmitters
started working they could only stare at me in disbelief, as if they had heard this for the first
They did not take up my suggestion, that they should turn the transmitter OFF and ON, and
I would tell them, on the basis of my headaches, whether the transmitter is functioning or
not, although at this time it was only a pilot-operation and so this simple test would indeed
have been possible.
By coincidence, we found out that six days after the measurement that of the already
transmitting UMTS mast that the GSM mast had also been brought into operation.
Later, my husband also developed sporadic disturbances in heart rhythm, tachycardia and
When I then also woke one morning with a pounding heart and an increased pulse, I told
myself, ‘that is enough’, and we moved with our mattresses into the empty flat on the
ground floor, since the measurements were much lower there.
Sleep in the ground floor was indeed better, but not as good as earlier, since tiredness and
headaches were already present when we got up. For that reason we moved our sleeping
quarters into the cellar from middle January.
Child’s drawing showing the mast
Achtung – attention/warning
okay = OK
schlecht = bad
schlechter = worse
am schlechtesten = worst
During our winter holidays away form home, we could finally recover and after two days
the headaches had disappeared, although there was good mobile phone reception in the
holiday resort.
After the 14 day holiday, we hoped that we would have recovered sufficiently, so that for the
first time, in a long time that we would have no problems.
This is how my son Reinhard sees the situation.
Letter from my son, Reinhard, to our Oberbürgermeister (Mayor) who had promised
us a speedy solution in the Bürgersprechstunde (Citizen’s Clinic).
„Dear Herr Rossberg
My birthday wish for 27.04.04 is that the mobile phone mast goes away and that I can be, sleep, play
and learn in my bedroom without having headaches. Please keep your promise of 21.1.2004
Reinhard Kind“
But when we came back home the headaches started again immediately.
In the next morning, we were so nauseous that we sat in the kitchen with the tasty smell of
bread but we could not eat anything. So, we also had to move the kitchen which was only
partly on the ground floor.
In March the sectors were tipped by 2 degrees, whereby, one must know that the antennae
have an electronically steered tilt of the transmitter beam of usually 0-14 degrees. On that
account, even after this adjustment was carried out, because of the recognition of a
previously unrecognised hill slope, our test measurement results were not lower and our
health effects remained the same.
On the 16th March 04 there followed measurements by the TU Dresden und des Staatlichen
Umweltfachamtes [Technical University Dresden and State Environmental Department],
which had never previously found such high values in the living area, namely about 1.6V/m
(6500μW/m²) in the childrens’ room and 0.9 V/m (2500 μW/m²) in the main bedroom.
The worst case calculation amounted to 4 V/m. that is to say, around 40 000 μW/m², whilst
only 0.0001 μW/m² are required for a mobile phone [to function].
Is that what the minimisation of radiation
exposure for the population looks like?
Since our state of health became increasingly
worse and the children in the meantime were
not only complaining of headaches but were also
complained of heart pains. My daughter in the
last 5 months had only had a weight increase of
100 grams, although her siblings at the same age
had a weight increase of 1-2.5 kg, which was
considered normal weight gain. I wrote to the
Staatsministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und
Familie [State Ministry for Social Affairs, Health
and Family].
On the 9th May 2004, we then had screening put
on one side of our house (photo, left), because
we believed that a reduction of 90% of the
electric field would help us.
We were in a good humour, but unfortunately most of the symptoms did not disappear, also
the blood picture, hormone values and gamma globulin did not become normal.
After the screening work at the height of the main beam, which was at a distance of only 40
metres, my husband developed a painful lymph node swelling.
The reticulocytes were never as low as they were on this day. Thus, again another clear proof
of a dose-effect relationship.
As a positive reaction to my letter of March 2004 to the Sächsische Staatsministerium für
Soziales, Gesundheit und Familie [Saxony State Ministry for Social, Health and Family], an
air analysis was carried out on 25.5.04, which told us that the symptoms were those of
poisoning by wood preservative.
It was explained to us that the human body can react with an endless number of symptoms.
According to the experts, the room air was in order and it was not taken into account as a cofactor.
In the meantime, by now we experienced headaches in the cellar and also in the town in the
proximity of mobile phone base stations, which was not the case in the New Year. Clearly,
we have already been so severely damaged that screening does not bring us any great
Table 1: Blood Analyses for Melatonin, by date (Melatonin pg/ml)
04.02.04 21.02.04
2.4 pg/ml 11.4 pg/ml 2.5 pg/ml
1.9 pg/ml 9.7 pg/ml 1.1 pg/ml
2.6 pg/ml 7.9 pg/ml 2.2 pg/ml
2.0 pg/ml 6.7 pg/ml 2.2 pg/ml
1.2 pg/ml 5.9 pg/ml 1.4 pg/ml
The Normal Reference Range for Melatonin is: Norm 8-18 pg/ml
Table 2: Blood Analyses – Reticulocytes, by date
04.2.04 21.2.04
27.3.04 2.6.04
6.9 15 10.5 9.7
8.4 18 8.3 9.5
7.6 26 8.0 9.4
8.1 17 9.5 10.1
15.2 15 9.7 8.1
The Normal range for Reticulocytes, Norm 5-25
Measure for bone marrow activity, red blood cell formation
[These traces for Power flux Density (PFD) were supplied by the Building Biologist Peter
IB Bauklimatik und Baubiologie, Dipl.-Ing. Peter Franck
[Translator’s note - Germans use a comma where the British use a decimal point.]
How does this compare to the proclaimed ‘treatment requirement’ from 1.0 V/m, that is
from around 2600 μW/m²?
Ecotest 2001 says that from 100 μW/m² there is a high exposure and building biologists say
there is a decontamination requirement.
I can only imagine that is due to political will that people are allowed to be damaged in this