EMF Exposure

LQB said:
This is why I think grounding yourself in the home for long periods habitually is not good.

I admit to not really having a good understanding of all of this (not even a bad understanding, really) but I'm wondering if lowering the ambient "frequency noise" in your environment via filters and other EMF lowering devices will stop it from seeing your body as a resistor while using grounding technology? Would it make a difference having your ground mat plugged into a filtered versus unfiltered outlet? I'm assuming the answer to that question is yes, but what about it you're using Stetzer filters without ground filters?

Any opinions on these technologies?:
LQB, the parallel resistor is to drain off any residual charge from the capacitor right after it is unplugged, so it's not dangerous; it does not provide any filtering function. If the filter were a series RC network, it could damp those troublesome resonances, which might be more valuable than just a capacitive short. Capacitors don't dissipate energy so they can't drain EMF, just shift it elsewhere. Relying on the wiring loss to dissipate the energy drawn by the capacitors is a gamble at best.

Dugdeep, even if those products work in some way, it's unlikely you'd measure a significant decrease in EMF around them. Any device not obscuring a significant amount of the "line of sight" from you to a radiator is unlikely to do much; objects with no connection to the house wiring can only affect EMF in their very close vicinity. It is very unlikely to affect magnetic radiation even if between you and the source unless the radiation is of very high frequency. Based on my understanding of the science, I would look for something designed to be applied to the source of the EMF.
dugdeep said:
LQB said:
This is why I think grounding yourself in the home for long periods habitually is not good.

I admit to not really having a good understanding of all of this (not even a bad understanding, really) but I'm wondering if lowering the ambient "frequency noise" in your environment via filters and other EMF lowering devices will stop it from seeing your body as a resistor while using grounding technology? Would it make a difference having your ground mat plugged into a filtered versus unfiltered outlet? I'm assuming the answer to that question is yes, but what about it you're using Stetzer filters without ground filters?

When you lower the high frequency noise, you are just attenuating it. Whether your body looks more like a resistor or a conductor depends on the frequency only. EMF lowering devices do not change the frequency. The best thing you could do is to shut off all circuits that pass power through the bedroom - but for this you need access to the panel box. When you open the breaker, the ground circuit maintains its connection to house ground so you can still use it. [Many ES folks routinely shut these breakers/circuits down before going to bed at night.]

On the filtered vs unfiltered ground, I would guess that using the filtered ground provided by the GW filter would be better but since I have seen no measured data characterizing the noise on the ground wire relative to the noise on the hot/neutral, I don't know. It may not even be an issue since you are essentially connecting your body in parallel, and any high frequency current will take the low resistance path to ground as opposed to a higher resistance path through your body. I assume that the GW folks decided to filter the ground circuit for good reason, but I don't know what that reason is. The GS filter may also have the effect of reducing the noise on the ground circuit, but I've seen no data or claims about it.

dugdeep said:
Any opinions on these technologies?:

Edit: fixed quotes

I'll take a look.
monotonic said:
LQB, the parallel resistor is to drain off any residual charge from the capacitor right after it is unplugged, so it's not dangerous; it does not provide any filtering function. If the filter were a series RC network, it could damp those troublesome resonances, which might be more valuable than just a capacitive short. Capacitors don't dissipate energy so they can't drain EMF, just shift it elsewhere. Relying on the wiring loss to dissipate the energy drawn by the capacitors is a gamble at best.

If I remember right from a circuit diagram I saw a few years ago, there were series RCs in parallel with the 60Hz line - in any event it was quite the capacitive network. I'll see if I can find the diagram again. I could be wrong on the configuration.

monotonic said:
Dugdeep, even if those products work in some way, it's unlikely you'd measure a significant decrease in EMF around them. Any device not obscuring a significant amount of the "line of sight" from you to a radiator is unlikely to do much; objects with no connection to the house wiring can only affect EMF in their very close vicinity. It is very unlikely to affect magnetic radiation even if between you and the source unless the radiation is of very high frequency. Based on my understanding of the science, I would look for something designed to be applied to the source of the EMF.

Yes, the only sure way to eliminate the electric field coupling is to drape a conducting sheet over and around the bed (with you lying under it). AC magnetic fields are another issue and conducting sheets will have no effect on them. Luckily, these magnetic fields are spatially confined to the source unless there is a circuit wiring error.
I just got notice from GW that they now have their own meter available:

The Greenwave™ Broadband EMI Meter

The Greenwave™ Broadband EMI meter is a revolutionary device that measures electromagnetic interference (EMI) on AC circuits (also known as dirty electricity) across the broadest spectrum of frequencies available. Greenwave is the first to offer a plug-in EMI meter that provides an easy-to-read display which returns measurements in standardized electrical units: millivolts. The Broadband EMI™ meter also alerts users to the percent (%) reduction of dirty electricity in your environment. Finally the Broadband EMI™ amplifies the dirty electricity signal and produces an audible signal you can actually hear!

• Broadest spectrum measurement available: meter measures from 2 Kilohertz to 10 Megahertz. Other plug-in meters only measure from 20 – 500 Kilohertz. These meters are not measuring much of the dirty electricity in your environment. Greenwave measures EMI signals 10 times lower and 20 times higher than other meters.
• Measures in Standardized Units. Greenwave’s revolutionary plug-in meter is the first EMI meter that measures using internationally accepted electrical units. Greenwave measures dirty electricity in millivolts. Other meters have invented proprietary, non-standardized units.
• Percent Reduction: As important as it is to know the overall levels of dirty electricity is to measure how much dirty electricity you have actually reduced. The Broadband EMI™ shows the percent reduction of total noise on the line.
• Audio Function: you can hear the dirty electricity. The Greenwave Broadband EMI™ amplifies the sound of dirty electricity on your circuits. Plug in our filters with the Broadband EMI™ and hear the electrical noise disappear.

Greenwave™ EMI Meter Instructions

This meter works by simply plugging it into an outlet of any AC system worldwide. Note: you must have the correct plug, corresponding to your electrical system. The Greenwave EMI Meter measures and shows readings for:

• Initial levels of EMI on the circuit, which is listed first in millivolts (mV). The reading will flash until an average reading is calculated. (EMI levels may vary greatly)
• The second number will reflect new levels of EMI after filtration.
• Unless your circuit is already operating at low-levels of EMI, you will be alerted to the % reduction of ‘total EMI” which is the total noise reduced between 2 Kilohertz and 10 Megahertz on the circuit.
• Audio function: please notice the this meter converts EMI signals into representative audio which should decrease with filtration of EMI on the AC-Line.

* Please note that % reduction refers to the total EMI reduced on the circuit. If you would like to calculate the % reduction of voltage between measurements, please subtract “new levels” from “initial levels” and divide by “initial levels”
dugdeep said:
Any opinions on these technologies?:

The first one is quite the load of BS (imo):

ADR-3 Home Shield is made of bio-ceramic materials and infused with ADR-Technology® propriatery solution that enables it to act as nutralizer of high intensity of geapathic and electromangentic radiation.

Notice they lump geo energy with EMF and have a terrible time with spelling.

The second one is the Q-link. I discussed this one some where in the forum. I have a full copy of the dark field microscope study done on this by Bev Rubick - it is very interesting. There may be something to it since it is a coil/quartz crystal resonator. It did show relief of RBC clumping due to high level EMF noise exposure, but that's all it really demonstrated. I talked with another dark field practitioner about it and he said the results could not be repeated - I think what he was really saying was that he could not repeat it. I really don't think it can be effective but the double blind study was interesting - I can send you a copy if you like.
monotonic said:
LQB, I would like a copy too if possible. That sounds very interesting.

I'll PM you the study pdf.

Here is a very good video by Magda Havas that talks to some EMF sources and some devices that are being used to combat ill effects of man-made EMF.


Keep in mind that she is not advocating these - just reviewing their use. This is a good video to pass around.
monotonic said:
LQB, I would like a copy too if possible. That sounds very interesting.

Here's the link - I found it.

Here is the latest from Powerwatch: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20130106-bioinitiative.asp

06/01/2013 - Important New 2012 BioInitiative Report

The new report concludes that we have far more evidence than is necessary to require us to immediately take more precautionary action to protect ourselves, our children and all life of the planet.

In twenty-one chapters of this 2012 update, 29 independent scientists and health experts from 10 countries assess about 1800 new research papers (from 2006 to 2011) regarding possible risks from wireless technologies and electromagnetic fields. They hold 10 medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MSc, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS. One distinguished author is the Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation. Another is a Senior Advisor to the European Environmental Agency.

The last five years worth of new scientific studies tell us the situation is much worse than thought in 2007 and yet people around the world have so much more daily exposure than even five years ago. Exposures are linked to a variety of adverse health outcomes that may have significant public health consequences. Overall, there is reinforced scientific evidence of risk where there is chronic exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic fields and to wireless technologies that surround us 24-7(radiofrequency radiation including microwave radiation). No argument for no-action can be persuasive now.

The levels of exposure we face in 2012 are higher, and have crept into every day life, even for children. The levels at which undesirable effects on health and well-being are seen is much lower that levels we are regualry exposed to. There is much greater involuntary exposure, and it is nearly unavoidable even for people who choose not to "go wireless" (second-hand radiation effects). Safe forms of communication by land-line telephone are being phased out without general public knowledge or agreement. There is no informed consent for consumers (warning labels on cell phones, for example, have been defeated by telecom industry lobby groups).

There is more evidence in 2012 that such exposures damage DNA, interfere with DNA repair, evidence of toxicity to the human genome (genes), more worrisome effects on the nervous system (neurology) and more and better studies on the effects of mobile phone base stations that report adverse health impacts. There has been a big increase in the number of studies looking at the effects of cell phones on the belt, or in the pocket of men on standby and from wireless laptops on sperm quality, motility and sperm death, affecting fertility and reproduction.

The range of possible health effects that are adverse with chronic exposures has broadened. The most serious health endpoints that have been reported to be associated with extremely low frequency (ELF) and/or radiofrequency radiation (RFR) include childhood and adult leukemia, childhood and adult brain tumors, and increased risk of the neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Recent studies largely reinforce the potential risks to health (rather than reducing our concerns, or providing actual indications of safety). In addition, there are reports of increased risk of breast cancer in both men and women, genotoxic effects (DNA damage, chromatin condensation, micronucleation, impaired repair of DNA damage in human stem cells), pathological leakage of the blood-brain barrier, altered immune function including increased allergic and inflammatory responses, miscarriage and some cardiovascular effects. Insomnia (sleep disruption) is reported in studies of people living in very low-intensity RFR environments with WI-FI and cell tower-level exposures. Short-term effects on cognition, memory and learning, behavior, reaction time, attention and concentration, and altered brainwave activity (altered EEG) are also reported in the scientific literature. Biophysical mechanisms that may account for such effects can be found in various articles and reviews.

It includes brain tumor risks from cell phones, damage to DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention; sleep disruption and cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's disease. It also include effects on sperm and miscarriage (fertility and reproduction), effects of wireless on the brain development of the foetus and infant, and effects of wireless classrooms on children and adolescents is addressed. Therapeutic use of very low intensity EMF and RFR are addressed.

Downloads of the chapters and supporting papers are available at: 2012 BioInitiative Report.
Powerwatch also recommends the movie Resonance - Beings of Frequency at: _http://vimeo.com/54189727. Unfortunately I can't watch it - it chokes my sat ISP. Its an hour and a half long but looks very good.
LQB said:
Powerwatch also recommends the movie Resonance - Beings of Frequency at: _http://vimeo.com/54189727. Unfortunately I can't watch it - it chokes my sat ISP. Its an hour and a half long but looks very good.

If it's helpful, there are various programs that can capture streaming video for replay later. I use Replay Media Catcher which works most of the time. There are also a couple of FF plugins but they are tied to certain formats usually, like ANT which works for Flash videos. You might be able to start capture as you go to bed at night.
ignis.intimus said:
LQB said:
Powerwatch also recommends the movie Resonance - Beings of Frequency at: _http://vimeo.com/54189727. Unfortunately I can't watch it - it chokes my sat ISP. Its an hour and a half long but looks very good.

If it's helpful, there are various programs that can capture streaming video for replay later. I use Replay Media Catcher which works most of the time. There are also a couple of FF plugins but they are tied to certain formats usually, like ANT which works for Flash videos. You might be able to start capture as you go to bed at night.

Thanks i.i, I'll give it shot if you think it will help. I'm using Moz Firefox for a browser and Exede (former Wildblue) is the sat ISP. YTs are no problem but others fail or hang the browser. I'm pretty sure its the ISP because with the older/slower Wildblue had no problem.
You can watch the documentary 'Resonance - Beings of Frequency' on Youtube, just do the search there with these keywords "resonance beings frequency" (without the quotes) and check the video length to be just one hour and 28 minutes.

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