EMF Exposure

ytain said:
You can watch the documentary 'Resonance - Beings of Frequency' on Youtube, just do the search there with these keywords "resonance beings frequency" (without the quotes) and check the video length to be just one hour and 28 minutes.




Just watched this also - thanks for posting it. Frightening, very troubling for society:

- 5 million masts have been erected
- “most of the cancers which will arrive, haven’t arrived yet…”
- electromagnetic pollution destructive to our (Pineal Gland) Melatonin production.
- We no longer have a control population as the technology is so widespread.

(too bad about the unscientific smoking references that were interjected a few times)
voyageur said:
Just watched this also - thanks for posting it. Frightening, very troubling for society:

Absolutely. And more so, I'dd add that this is not only a danger for society but also for all life on this planet. As they have well put in the documentray, all life depends on the interaction with the earth's natural field in a way.

What we have done is simply radically changed that interaction. That might even explain some of the mass extinctions as well imho, or at least be one of the factors.

And on top of that, if we add the mind control stuff as related by Dr. Barry Trower, the picture starts to get really ugly. Sickening literally.

Take care y'all!
Sirius said:
It fits into the concept of a global control system quite well.

Oh yes, quite indeed. They seem to have a pretty solid network so far (masts, cell phones, sattelites etc). The big question is what can't they do with this?

On another note, a friend of mine asked me to check this website which is about "quantum tecnology" using electromagnetic radiation to purify water, the air, and make you car run better and more fuel efficient.


So basically they are selling those devices that are to be installed in your car, in your kitchen, on your wall, in your camping shack and then they will radiate EM energy and ionise basically everything (water, air, fuel, all car fluids, name it) to make them better for your health, your water conducts and your car (this is what they are saying, not me).

I can't seem to be able to find who's behind all this. Can't seem to find anything basically (all sections about research and references are empty). So besides the evident scam, do you think there could be more behind this? I mean, why would they sell such devices (that radiates EM energy around you all the time)? Simple lack of consideration for human health or darker agenda?

Anyhow, I told him this is mostly a scam and could be even very hazardous.

Am I missing something?
Any of you techies that could think of a way to extrapolate approximate radiation data from the information available though a netcard or mobile device? Programs such as netspot (mac) give a lot of information that could perhaps be used to give information on an areas radiation, don't know if it's even remotely possible. I ask because of the radiation visualization app I mentioned earlier in the thread; which would mainly be pitchable to the schoolproject team I could be doing this with, if it didn't necessitate connection to databases with specific and proper area measurements. The point is to make a visual point and hopefully raise awareness on the abnourmous levels of radiation we are 'swimming' in.
parallel said:
Any of you techies that could think of a way to extrapolate approximate radiation data from the information available though a netcard or mobile device? Programs such as netspot (mac) give a lot of information that could perhaps be used to give information on an areas radiation, don't know if it's even remotely possible. I ask because of the radiation visualization app I mentioned earlier in the thread; which would mainly be pitchable to the schoolproject team I could be doing this with, if it didn't necessitate connection to databases with specific and proper area measurements. The point is to make a visual point and hopefully raise awareness on the abnourmous levels of radiation we are 'swimming' in.

Using an 802.11 NIC you can view the frequencies that card is capable of communicating on, which is a relatively thin slice, but still will show you a good deal of RF radiation in a typical urban environment. You can demo tools from Fluke Networks that run using a standard WiFi card that offer spectrum analysis on 802.11 bands.

I know what you mean. It is possible to detect EMF sources with certain communication cards channel-wise. With those cards it is possible to detect and monitor WiFi, Bluetooth and cordless phones even (did you know BTW that a lot of cordless phones still utilise an unencrypted data channel?) selectively.

It is not possible to obtain reliable physical measurement because those cards are not calibrated. Selective measurement is only possible with real spectrum analysers.
Here's a good (recent) article with focus on smart meters: (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/03/07/the-great-smart-meters-hoax-electromagnetic-fields-are-real-and-dangerous-to-our-health/)

The Great “Smart Meters” Hoax – Electromagnetic Fields Are Real And Dangerous To Our Health

Just when you thought modern technology in the wrong hands of profit driven companies can’t possibly destroy your health, soil, air, food and water any worse than it already does…something even more monstrous is cooking in their “money making oven”! This time it is called SMART METER! The only “smart” thing about it is that the utility providers found a dirty way to measure (and in the future control) your use of gas, electricity and water, by ensuring bigger profits, more control and power for them and a high cost for you.

The reality is that this action caused a large number of people reporting health effects, privacy violations, safety and security dangers, environmental damage and much bigger bills.

Utilities across the country are installing the so-called wireless ‘smart’ meters. Take a look at the shocking short video below to quickly grasp the whole picture:

How Does The Smart Meter Technology Work?

These meters operate in a wireless mesh network with your neighbors’ Smart Meters and transmit intense bursts of non-ionising, microwave radiation, 24 hrs/ day. This radiation (also known as RF EMF) is the same kind emitted by mobile phone masts. More than 5,000 studies show RF EMF radiation is harmful to humans, plants and animals.

Smart Meters can expose the body to 160 to 800x times as much microwave radiation as mobile phones. Smart Meters can emit intense pulses of radiation more than 14,000 times each day! (as stated by Senior Nuclear Policy Lecturer at UCSC, Daniel Hirsch).
How Do Smart Meters Affect Your Health?

Thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, allergies, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ‘smart’ meter was installed. An increasing number of people are developing “electro-sensitivity”. There are also reports of ‘smart’ meter interference with pacemakers and other implants.

European surveys have shown at least 1 in 20 people are moderately or severely sensitive to RF EMF radiation, experiencing one or more of the symptoms above. Human, animal and cell culture studies indicate long term systemic health effects from radiation, including hormone disruption, DNA damage, leakage of blood-brain barrier, sperm count reduction and damage, sleep disorders, learning difficulties, ADHD, dementia and cancer. There is concern that pregnant women and children are particularly vulnerable.

In this eye opening video by renowned Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, you can actually see how low level pulsed microwave radiation causes insects to “jump” off the leaves! Imagine what this can do to your own cells, every hour of the day and night! This is a must watch video to fully understand the implications such technologies have, how they can affect your health if you don’t remove yourself from the source and what the safe alternatives are.

What Can You Do To Avoid Smart Meters?

Smart Meters are voluntary! YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SMART METERS. Although you might encounter some opposition from your utility provider, remember they can not breach your withdrawal of consent. Get educated and active, inform other people in your neighborhood and create a smart meter-free environment. Write letters to your utility provider and ask for removal of your smart meter. You can find more useful tips and information by checking out the websites under “resources” below.

Remember, if you can’t actually feel it, see it or smell it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and so it can’t possibly affect your health. Radiation is real!

Also in the article is a video by Dr. Dietrich Klinghard in which he addresses quite a bit more than just smart meter RF. He also talks about his Seattle practice in which he specializes in EMF/toxins-related chronic conditions. I think everyone should hear what he has to say from his own experience. If you want to go straight to the video, it is here:

I have an inductive amplifier (aka probe), model Progressive Electronics 200EP, that I have been playing around. Its meant to be used with a toner (tone/pulse generator) to trace telecom cabling, but the probe can also be used to detect EM fields by itself. Its useful for example for tracing AC wiring in a wall or for checking if a circuit is live. It provides an audible translation of the frequency of a circuit. Although I'm not sure of what the frequency range is, I can definitely detect differences in certain cabling types. An Ethernet PoE circuit sounds like a very high-pitched buzz, as does (where I assume) the antennae on my cell phone is. Here are some samples I have taken:

Base line, the 60hz hum of an AC circuit. It gets a bit louder as I move the probe right up against the light switch:


The sound my cable modem AC/DC transformer makes. I have the probe an inch or so away, and then move right up against the box. Note the "dead" spot on a certain portion of the box:


Here is sound the fluorescent lights in my kitchen gives off. I turn them on and off several times, note the nasty sound when they first kick on. Readings taken at about head-level:


And this was one was particularly interesting to me (not knowing much about electricity). These are readings from my wife's computer, about 10" away from the LCD screen, and a few inches above the USB keyboard. Note that both the PC and LCD were unplugged from the power-strip. The sound dropping off and picking up is me unplugging and replugging the CAT5E network cable from the computer - the probe stayed in the same position. It was surprising to me how much of an EM field the entire PC setup (keyboard, USB mouse, everything) was generating just from having the network cable plugged into my switch:

LQB said:
Here's a good (recent) article with focus on smart meters: (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/03/07/the-great-smart-meters-hoax-electromagnetic-fields-are-real-and-dangerous-to-our-health/)

Thanks for the article, and had seen the longer linked documentary video listed - oh boy.

Received my second notice from Hydro that they are on the final stages of installs, and as you (me) have "expressed concerns" we are letting you know that this install needs to be done now, type of thing, and then started to read from the canned propaganda.

There are apparently 85,000 people in BC who have refused and taken steps to say no. In the end, knowing they would come while i was away, made it clear, again, for the record, that they are not to install this meter. What will they do, turn off my power, give me a court order (here it is in the Green Act legislation i think)? My recent billing for the prior two months was > $600.00, which is way out of line considering the mild temperatures and using wood heat almost exclusively. The bill says the meter was "read", yet from my understanding the readers have been let go.

All so very frustrating.
ignis.intimus said:
And this was one was particularly interesting to me (not knowing much about electricity). These are readings from my wife's computer, about 10" away from the LCD screen, and a few inches above the USB keyboard. Note that both the PC and LCD were unplugged from the power-strip. The sound dropping off and picking up is me unplugging and replugging the CAT5E network cable from the computer - the probe stayed in the same position. It was surprising to me how much of an EM field the entire PC setup (keyboard, USB mouse, everything) was generating just from having the network cable plugged into my switch
Of course, because those devices were unplugged from the power-strip and thus not grounded, at the same time connected to a powered device, I assume your router.
Do the same with a MacBook Pro or a server which have metal bodies and stroke it with your hand, electricity can be sensed then (PoE). ;)

voyageur said:
Received my second notice from Hydro that they are on the final stages of installs, and as you (me) have "expressed concerns" we are letting you know that this install needs to be done now, type of thing, and then started to read from the canned propaganda.

There are apparently 85,000 people in BC who have refused and taken steps to say no. In the end, knowing they would come while i was away, made it clear, again, for the record, that they are not to install this meter. What will they do, turn off my power, give me a court order (here it is in the Green Act legislation i think)? My recent billing for the prior two months was > $600.00, which is way out of line considering the mild temperatures and using wood heat almost exclusively. The bill says the meter was "read", yet from my understanding the readers have been let go.

All so very frustrating.
Well, I'd say: Keep fighting!
voyageur said:
Received my second notice from Hydro that they are on the final stages of installs, and as you (me) have "expressed concerns" we are letting you know that this install needs to be done now, type of thing, and then started to read from the canned propaganda.

There are apparently 85,000 people in BC who have refused and taken steps to say no. In the end, knowing they would come while i was away, made it clear, again, for the record, that they are not to install this meter. What will they do, turn off my power, give me a court order (here it is in the Green Act legislation i think)? My recent billing for the prior two months was > $600.00, which is way out of line considering the mild temperatures and using wood heat almost exclusively. The bill says the meter was "read", yet from my understanding the readers have been let go.

All so very frustrating.

Indeed! But if you end up with one, there are a couple of options that I described for Megan above.

1) If your service comes in from underground, its a fairly simple matter to dig it up and move the meter away from the house. If you get an electrician who is used to doing new homes, he can probably do the whole job in a few hours. The nice thing about this is it makes it easy to shield the damn thing.

2) Install a 3'X3' ground plane (metal plate) behind the meter. This will get you at least an order of magnitude reduction in the radiated power into the home.
ignis.intimus said:
Here is sound the fluorescent lights in my kitchen gives off. I turn them on and off several times, note the nasty sound when they first kick on. Readings taken at about head-level:

i.i, do you have living space above the kitchen? If so, this is not a good place to be when those fluorescents are on - the AC mag fields will be very high up there. I generally think that all home fluorescents should be replaced with something more conventional.
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