EMF Exposure

fabric said:
LQB said:
There is one thing you could try (depending on cost/hassle). If you can shield the room where it is at so it cannot close the link, then you can probably get the power people to relocate for you at no cost to you - outside and away from the house.

It's definitely a smart meter. I was looking at it and I don't know if I can get it into a box as that would require me to disconnect it. Currently it's in a sorta wall cabinet with the breaker panel. I think I can get the sides and the front cabinet door, but the back part (in behind the red panel) is hard to access... although I might be able to get the wall on the other side.... I put a pic up for ref.

fabric, Question: What living space is on either side of that electrical service area?

The power company must have access to their meter. They should not have access to the rest of that hardware - that is yours.

Here's what I would try with regard to the meter. Shield that entire electrical area - use foil if necessary. It looks like you should be able to get some foil behind the red mounting board (loosen it if needed - a good-sized piece of foil on the back wall behind the meter might work as well). Once you shield the room, the smart meter will not be able to communicate, and you'll get a visit from the power folks. Invite them in and show them the shielding that you have installed for health reasons. You can remind them that they do not have access to your home on demand. At this point you can "request" that they help you move the meter outside the house. Negotiating a cost-share may also work. It should be in their interest to get that meter outside the house.
LQB said:
fabric, Question: What living space is on either side of that electrical service area?

The power company must have access to their meter. They should not have access to the rest of that hardware - that is yours.


Behind the red wall is the basement TV and stereo, infront is the stairway upstairs and above it is the dining/living area.

As for being inside, I once lived in a place where our meter was indoors and we would have to arrange with the utility company a time so they could read it... so I didn't think too much of it when we moved in here. It kinda just dawned on me that we had never let anyone in to 'read' our meter so that should have been a clue.

So initially I wanted to get it out of the house, but if not then enclose it as best as possible. I didn't get that far with my thinking but I like your suggestion. Definitely worth a shot...
fabric said:
Behind the red wall is the basement TV and stereo, infront is the stairway upstairs and above it is the dining/living area.

Good - those aren't living areas where anyone will be spending time close to the meter or panel box (the concern is the AC mag field). That meter, though, will blast RF all over the place. If you can center a 3'X3' foil-backed mirror (or picture frame) on the TV wall behind the meter, it will reflect the majority of the RF back into the service closet - you should get an order of magnitude reduction in RF power into the basement living area.

fabric said:
As for being inside, I once lived in a place where our meter was indoors and we would have to arrange with the utility company a time so they could read it... so I didn't think too much of it when we moved in here. It kinda just dawned on me that we had never let anyone in to 'read' our meter so that should have been a clue.

That means that even being inside the house, it is still closing the link with another meter. It also means that the meter transmitter is probably transmitting near its highest power level. This is not good at all for the indoor environment.

fabric said:
So initially I wanted to get it out of the house, but if not then enclose it as best as possible. I didn't get that far with my thinking but I like your suggestion. Definitely worth a shot...

Before you try shielding, take a look at the terminals on the meter. I can't tell from the pic but the terminals look exposed. If they are, that is a code violation. If they are exposed, tape them up well - before trying to line the closet with foil. Take a close look around to make sure there are no exposed wires/connections that could come in contact with the foil - if there are any, tape them first.

If your shielding is successful it will bring the power company guys out - then its negotiation time. I'm not saying this will work, but its worth a try. See if you can engage them in figuring out the easiest and best place for the meter outside the house.

Added: If you are going to line the closet with foil for shielding, then do the best you can behind the meter (in the closet) and size the foil on the TV wall to be a few inches bigger and centered on the closet. That should give you the best shielding.
Was at a friends house two weekends ago and the couple were describing how the husband was coming home from work and for the last month or more he has been getting headaches that do not quit. He says he has to go and lie down on the couch as soon as he gets home and does not sleep well (we talked about seeking medical attention also). Anyway, they had a "No Smart Meter" sign posted at their farm and the SM operator came to change the old one out and were told by this couple, sorry, no dice, not here. When they were away, the SM-guys came back and did it anyway. :mad:

After telling me of this problem, we all went to check the location and it was really bad. The SM was directly at bed level approximately 4 ft (a little >1 meter) away through the wall. On top of that, he had a clock radio and portable phone on his nightstand immediately by his pillow. Checked the meter outside and luckily the wires run straight down the wall to feed the basement connection, so they can shield it.

So we talked about what is being learned about these SM's and other frequencies, the effects on people, and offered to send them some information, which they wanted and I did, along with a few video links quoted pages ago here. I don't know yet what they have done to limit exposures, and it will be interesting to see if this has bearing on what he is feeling, and hope they take some protective measures.

Anyway, appreciate the information that is being collected here as it may help others, and if so, they also intern may well help others to learn and protect.
voyageur said:
Was at a friends house two weekends ago and the couple were describing how the husband was coming home from work and for the last month or more he has been getting headaches that do not quit. He says he has to go and lie down on the couch as soon as he gets home and does not sleep well (we talked about seeking medical attention also). Anyway, they had a "No Smart Meter" sign posted at their farm and the SM operator came to change the old one out and were told by this couple, sorry, no dice, not here. When they were away, the SM-guys came back and did it anyway. :mad:

After telling me of this problem, we all went to check the location and it was really bad. The SM was directly at bed level approximately 4 ft (a little >1 meter) away through the wall. On top of that, he had a clock radio and portable phone on his nightstand immediately by his pillow. Checked the meter outside and luckily the wires run straight down the wall to feed the basement connection, so they can shield it.

So we talked about what is being learned about these SM's and other frequencies, the effects on people, and offered to send them some information, which they wanted and I did, along with a few video links quoted pages ago here. I don't know yet what they have done to limit exposures, and it will be interesting to see if this has bearing on what he is feeling, and hope they take some protective measures.

Anyway, appreciate the information that is being collected here as it may help others, and if so, they also intern may well help others to learn and protect.

That is a horrible situation with the SM at your friend's house, voyaguer!. Those are classic symptoms of the EMF-sensitive - his blood glucose is probably all over the place too. He must remove all electronics from around his head at night. Your sleeping place EMF environment should be the quietest you can get it.

A shield will work best if placed directly behind the meter - the bigger, the better in his case. But the quickest and easiest solution is to hang foil-backed cardboard on the inside wall centered on the meter. If I were in his situation, I would plan on moving the meter well off the house and shield in the direction of the house.
LQB said:
That is a horrible situation with the SM at your friend's house, voyaguer!. Those are classic symptoms of the EMF-sensitive - his blood glucose is probably all over the place too. He must remove all electronics from around his head at night. Your sleeping place EMF environment should be the quietest you can get it.

A shield will work best if placed directly behind the meter - the bigger, the better in his case. But the quickest and easiest solution is to hang foil-backed cardboard on the inside wall centered on the meter. If I were in his situation, I would plan on moving the meter well off the house and shield in the direction of the house.

Thank you for your valued advice LQB - i've known him and his family a long time and am very worried about him, have never seen him like this or ever complain, and as such, have been urging he and his partner to do some reading and make changes (i still don't know if they have yet). You are right in the final "situation" about moving the power supply to an external portion of the property (still shielding too), and he does indeed have the room, so will discuss this with him after he hopefully takes immediate interim measures - i just hope he/they can see this connection and decide to take action and not just brush it off.
voyageur said:
You are right in the final "situation" about moving the power supply to an external portion of the property (still shielding too), and he does indeed have the room, so will discuss this with him after he hopefully takes immediate interim measures - i just hope he/they can see this connection and decide to take action and not just brush it off.

The cheapest way to move the SM is to find an electrician that wires a lot of new homes - he/she will know the local electrical inspectors and the "smoothest" method to carry out the move. My best to your friend.
LQB said:
The cheapest way to move the SM is to find an electrician that wires a lot of new homes - he/she will know the local electrical inspectors and the "smoothest" method to carry out the move. My best to your friend.

A friend of mine (here in the US) had her lawyer send the power company a letter stating that the digital meter was adversely affecting her health and that if it was not moved they would have to take legal action, and the power company came and moved the meter from the side of her house to the side of her garage at the very edge of her property.
Guardian said:
LQB said:
The cheapest way to move the SM is to find an electrician that wires a lot of new homes - he/she will know the local electrical inspectors and the "smoothest" method to carry out the move. My best to your friend.

A friend of mine (here in the US) had her lawyer send the power company a letter stating that the digital meter was adversely affecting her health and that if it was not moved they would have to take legal action, and the power company came and moved the meter from the side of her house to the side of her garage at the very edge of her property.

Now that sounds like the right approach!
Someone brought these sites to my attention:

A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)


Then this site about protection products and how to become a distributor:


I admit my brain is too dense for this particular subject. Is this something that might actually work? It sounds somewhat bogus to me. It doesn't say how and why it would work. But I don't understand much of these technologies. :huh:

Why do you need a Nevvus World Bioharmonizer?

We are being exposed to 100 million times higher level of electromagnetic radiation than our grandparents. According to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), in the last 20 years, physicians began seeing patients reported that electric power lines, televisions and other electric devices caused a wide variety of symptoms. By mid 1990’s, it became clear that patients were adversely affected by electromagnetic fields and becoming more electrically sensitive. With the advent of wireless devices, there has been a massive increase of radio-frequency (RF) exposure from wireless devices as well as reports of hyper sensitivity and diseases related to electromagnetic fields and RF exposure.

This increased overexposure to EMF has been creating imbalances in the body. In fact, medical science documents that 9 of the top 10 diseases killing Americans can be linked to EMF radiation. Millions of people around the world are now suffering from hypersensitivity to EMF radiation. The sources of EMF exposure are many such as cell phones, laptops, computers, gaming equipment, and electrical wall currents in the homes and places of work. Let’s just say that ALL electrical and wireless devices are potential TASER guns and assault the body.

Do the BDORT (BiDigital O-Ring Test) and see if you have imbalances and are hypersensitive to EMF radiation. {video of the BDORT coming soon}

What is The Nevvus World BioHarmonizer?

This patent pending device energizes the body to BALANCE and it energizes electrical devices to bio-balance. It is similar to unlocking imbalanced cells so that they can REPOSITION and balance in your body. Electrically,they work to transform the energy of electrical devices to simulate the electrical forces of the body.

This is WHY this nano technology is so revolutionary. You can wear on the body or use it on your electrical devices to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequency radiation, on contact, to keep the body BALANCED. It is an ultra thin, 1 inch square that functions as a “FLAT BATTERY” for sustainable human energy. It is energized with natural frequencies that balance the body and bio-balance electrical devices to give you the MOST amazing nanoenergetic experience that you ever had.

What is The Nevvus BioHarmonizer made from?

The Nevvus BioHarmonizer is made from a patent pending fabrication called, NanoBioGenics™. The technology is the 2011 INPEX Gold Medal winner in Environmental Innovations (Engineering) for the USA in a 44 nation competition. It was also named in the TOP 25 Inventions in America for 2011

What makes them unique?

The difference is the nano energetics for BALANCE. At the INPEX competition, when users of other types of technologies were able to maintain BALANCE as long as they were NOT holding their cell phones. As soon as they held their cell phones they quickly lost balance.

The NanoBioGenic™ BioHarmonizers supported BALANCE in the body while under the stress of being irradiated by a cell phone. They were the only technology that could achieve this task and thus WON the INPEX Gold Medal.


On the Body

They are engineered to work with water and enzymes in the body. Thus, it is recommended that consumers eat at least ½ an apple or ½ cup of raw fruits & vegetables daily as well as drink adequate fluid to stay hydrated.

The packaging preserves them so they can last long. When you remove them from the packaging,they activate to lose their energy like a battery.

Why are they engineered to lose ENERGY?

The Nevvus BioHarmonizer works like an exerciser. They are manufactured to lose energy to support the systems that help you maintain balance and strong immunity. When the body has the same frequencies all the time, it can actually weaken immune defenses.
Psyche said:
I admit my brain is too dense for this particular subject. Is this something that might actually work? It sounds somewhat bogus to me. It doesn't say how and why it would work. But I don't understand much of these technologies. :huh:

I don't know enough about it either to say whether it's bogus or not, but there seems to be an increase of EMF therapy devices that are coming out on the market. One that was recently recommended to me is this one:


Most Powerful Cell Phone Radiation Protection on the Market Today

Not just another sticker, button or magnet! The Quantum Cell contains powerful technology for cell phone radiation protection that has been on the market for years.

Why you need a Quantum Cell

Although there is great controversy about whether our phones are hazardous for our health or not, there are now dozens of independent research studies that clearly conclude that cell phone radiation is extremely dangerous. Why take chances with your health, while waiting for researchers to come to a consensus?

It’s especially important if you find yourself feeling irritable, fatigued, or fighting a headache after being on the phone for awhile. These are symptoms of radiation exposure–and they can lead to something much more serious.

With the Quantum Cell, you are fully protected from cell phone radiation.

Benefits you will feel:

more relaxed & grounded
more alert & clear-headed
more productive
more energized, with greater stamina
free from cell phone headaches
safe from health risks your phone creates

I know someone who ordered this and swears by it, but I'm in the same boat where I don't know how to really evaluate it without actually ordering one and trying it. It does make general sense, though, that EMF pollution affects us and that there should be something technological that can be done about it. Looking at this part of the last session:

5/28/13 said:
Q: [...] (Belibaste) Quick question. Is there a connection between information and electricity?

A: Very close.

Q: (Belibaste) So the more information in the body, the higher the electric charge? Is there a correlation?

A: Close.

It seems like there is more to this that needs to be explored. For example, I'm about half-way through Colin Ross's book Human Energy Fields, and I thought this was interesting:

For there to be a biologically meaningful interaction between the earth's magnetic field and human life, there must be a trickle-down mechanism. The effect of the earth field on the human EM field must initially be at the quantum mechanical level. This must cause changes in the body's field that change the EM environment of individual atoms and molecules. This must in turn cause changes in ionization, membrane polarization, and bonding between atoms that are then translated into meaningful biological signals, such as the release of hormones, neurotransmitters, second messengers inside cells, and so on. Likely, genes can be turned on and off [think of the discussion of EM effects of comets in Horns of Moses] by external EM fields.

[...] The limitations of biological-chemical models are apparent in biological psychiatry. There, psychiatric drugs are said to interact with receptors in the brain through a lock-and-key mechanism (the same logic is used in immunology to explain antibody functions). Diagrams of drug-receptor-neurotransmitter interactions show the drug fitting into the receptor based on the physical shapes of the receptor and drug. An SSRI antidepressant (a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor), for instance, blocks serotonin receptors because it fits into them, but not into noradrenalin or dopamine receptors.

This model is intuitively pleasing and easy to teach, but it is scientifically impossible because the physical structures of the different SSRI medications are extremely different from each other. They cannot be physical keys specific for the serotonin lock. In general, I would say, the physical shape (the conformation) of a signal molecule has little to do with its interaction with a target receptor. It is more likely, I think, that the SSRI-receptor interaction is electromagnetically specific -- this could be proven by showing that the EM signatures of all SSRI medications are similar, while their physical shape varies [this may be related to the principles behind why homeopathic remedies are supposed to work].

Once a quantum mechanical model of biology is in place, then there is nothing mysterious or surprising about EM fields playing a crucial role in biology and physiology. Biology and chemistry reduce to EM interactions between the electron cloud of atoms. I was taught in medical school, for instance, that the uptake of oxygen by hemoglobin depends on the operation of a quantum mechanical law (called the Pauli Exclusion Principle) in the outer electron shell of the iron atoms in the hemoglobin [...]
Shijing said:
It seems like there is more to this that needs to be explored. For example, I'm about half-way through Colin Ross's book Human Energy Fields, and I thought this was interesting:

Sounds interesting! I'm not sure if I will ever understand all the implications, but a start is a start. I still regard these technologies with a grain of salt, but if there are credible testimonials and a science behind it, I'm open minded to it :)
Psyche said:
Someone brought these sites to my attention:

Then this site about protection products and how to become a distributor:


I checked out the site/info on that device, and like so many others, they do not define their "airy" terms and provide no measured data to back up their claims. They say you can put one on your cell phone. You would be wrong to assume that this magically redirects the RF away from your head - its likely that the cell phone's radiation pattern won't change a bit.

To reduce the power density on your head by about 100:1, just hold the phone at arm's length and use the speakerphone.

At least the Claris Q-Link folks have measured data that demonstrates the protection from high levels of noisy RF via Bev Rubick's RBC clumping study. The Q-Link uses about 75' of gold wire connected to a crystal network that resonates at bio/earth frequencies - in a passive pendant. I'm not advocating it - just saying that at least they have measured data to back up their claims.
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