EMF Exposure

LQB said:
I understand about your environment. I'm here at a hospital with my mother and the place is an EMF nightmare. There are wireless repeaters in every room, all the equipment and electronics are wireless, and everyone has an iphone - a terrible environment for patients.

I hear you. It is the least ideal environment for healing and for clear thinking.
voyageur said:
LQB said:
That is a horrible situation with the SM at your friend's house, voyaguer!. Those are classic symptoms of the EMF-sensitive - his blood glucose is probably all over the place too. He must remove all electronics from around his head at night. Your sleeping place EMF environment should be the quietest you can get it.

A shield will work best if placed directly behind the meter - the bigger, the better in his case. But the quickest and easiest solution is to hang foil-backed cardboard on the inside wall centered on the meter. If I were in his situation, I would plan on moving the meter well off the house and shield in the direction of the house.

Just an update: My friends SO removed the alarm clock and portable phone and is trying to convince her partner to shield the meter and electrical panel (for her sake, too). I've managed to borrow a Gauss meter and will be picking it up on Thursday and plan to assess my place, theirs, and my mom wants her place swept also. So hopefully by next week i'll have some data on these spaces. Any advice; if so experienced, on using a meter to obtain the best data results would be appreciated.


Good to see your friends are taking some action. :)

If your meter has a 3-axis probe, then there is no need to move it around to get the max reading. If it has a single axis probe, then you will have to rotate it around and take the max reading as correct. It would be good to see all living space under 1 mG - but you will find areas around appliances (like electric stove) that will be very high. You can't shield these AC mag fields, but you can avoid them.

Check near the walls/floors where your electric lines run. If you get high readings there, you may have a wiring error that is exposing a large living area to high fields.

Check around the meter and panel box to see just how far away you need to be to get to 1mG.
For a conventional stovetop, wouldn't a copper or otherwise conductive heat spreader plate short out the stray field as it sits right above the burner? I wonder if a similar thing could be done by wrapping a conductive wire around the oven filament and then shorting it at the ends? It seems this could be simple to remedy.
Finally got around to getting our smart meter 'encased'. I basically had to cut around the damn thing so I could shield behind it and around. I used wire mesh, aluminum tape and some 1/2" plywood and made a box to cover it as best as possible. It was a larger job than I anticipated!

Having an RF meter helped to check its effectiveness and I'm happy to say it has much improved the levels at home. Before the shielding was in place I was getting peaks of 0.8 mW/m2 and after covering it up it is now about 0.02 mW/m2. I was hoping to get it down to less than 0.003 mW/m2 but it will suffice for now and apparently its difficult to get 100% with using mesh and other cheaper materials. Not sure if the utility company will notice anything as some RF is still leaking out so they may still be able to read it remotely.... I guess I just need to wait and see if they pay a visit :cool2:


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monotonic said:
For a conventional stovetop, wouldn't a copper or otherwise conductive heat spreader plate short out the stray field as it sits right above the burner? I wonder if a similar thing could be done by wrapping a conductive wire around the oven filament and then shorting it at the ends? It seems this could be simple to remedy.

No, the AC mag field arises due to the separation of the wires that must occur to power the elements. This creates localized net current, thus an AC mag field. It can be minimized by design but not eliminated. This is why I recommend a stove with controls at the rear as opposed to front. With controls at the front, your tummy gets a pretty heafty dose while you stand in front of it cooking.
fabric said:
Finally got around to getting our smart meter 'encased'. I basically had to cut around the damn thing so I could shield behind it and around. I used wire mesh, aluminum tape and some 1/2" plywood and made a box to cover it as best as possible. It was a larger job than I anticipated!

Having an RF meter helped to check its effectiveness and I'm happy to say it has much improved the levels at home. Before the shielding was in place I was getting peaks of 0.8 mW/m2 and after covering it up it is now about 0.02 mW/m2. I was hoping to get it down to less than 0.003 mW/m2 but it will suffice for now and apparently its difficult to get 100% with using mesh and other cheaper materials. Not sure if the utility company will notice anything as some RF is still leaking out so they may still be able to read it remotely.... I guess I just need to wait and see if they pay a visit :cool2:

Good deal fabric! You got about 16dB reduction - that's one order of magnitude plus another factor of 4 (40). It'll be interesting to see if the power folks come calling. :halo:
LQB said:
monotonic said:
For a conventional stovetop, wouldn't a copper or otherwise conductive heat spreader plate short out the stray field as it sits right above the burner? I wonder if a similar thing could be done by wrapping a conductive wire around the oven filament and then shorting it at the ends? It seems this could be simple to remedy.

No, the AC mag field arises due to the separation of the wires that must occur to power the elements. This creates localized net current, thus an AC mag field. It can be minimized by design but not eliminated. This is why I recommend a stove with controls at the rear as opposed to front. With controls at the front, your tummy gets a pretty heafty dose while you stand in front of it cooking.

On our stove the burners are pancake coils. I would think that the coil shape would strengthen the magnetic field beyond just a wire running to a control of some sort. Why would the control radiate so much more? Our stove is somewhat vintage looking with controls at the back.

However I just realized that while cooking you already have a conductive metal plate sitting on the burner. I'm not sure how the permeability of the pot would affect this since I haven't studied magnetics.
LQB said:
If your meter has a 3-axis probe, then there is no need to move it around to get the max reading. [...] It would be good to see all living space under 1 mG - but you will find areas around appliances (like electric stove) that will be very high. You can't shield these AC mag fields, but you can avoid them.

Check near the walls/floors where your electric lines run. If you get high readings there, you may have a wiring error that is exposing a large living area to high fields.

Check around the meter and panel box to see just how far away you need to be to get to 1mG.

Picked it up today, it is a TES 1393 Triaxial ELF (so yes, 3-axis probe) and started to unpack the various settings so i can properly record.

Thank you LQB and others also for your information and problem solving methods.
monotonic said:
LQB said:
monotonic said:
For a conventional stovetop, wouldn't a copper or otherwise conductive heat spreader plate short out the stray field as it sits right above the burner? I wonder if a similar thing could be done by wrapping a conductive wire around the oven filament and then shorting it at the ends? It seems this could be simple to remedy.

No, the AC mag field arises due to the separation of the wires that must occur to power the elements. This creates localized net current, thus an AC mag field. It can be minimized by design but not eliminated. This is why I recommend a stove with controls at the rear as opposed to front. With controls at the front, your tummy gets a pretty heafty dose while you stand in front of it cooking.

On our stove the burners are pancake coils. I would think that the coil shape would strengthen the magnetic field beyond just a wire running to a control of some sort. Why would the control radiate so much more? Our stove is somewhat vintage looking with controls at the back.

However I just realized that while cooking you already have a conductive metal plate sitting on the burner. I'm not sure how the permeability of the pot would affect this since I haven't studied magnetics.

Current running in a coil will create a very strong axial mag field running perpendicular to the plane of the coil. The +/- wires must separate to connect to the switches/controls and its the high current that then generates the field.

Unless your pot is made of polarized magnetic material, there will be little effect on the AC mag field (even cast iron).
voyageur said:
LQB said:
If your meter has a 3-axis probe, then there is no need to move it around to get the max reading. [...] It would be good to see all living space under 1 mG - but you will find areas around appliances (like electric stove) that will be very high. You can't shield these AC mag fields, but you can avoid them.

Check near the walls/floors where your electric lines run. If you get high readings there, you may have a wiring error that is exposing a large living area to high fields.

Check around the meter and panel box to see just how far away you need to be to get to 1mG.

Picked it up today, it is a TES 1393 Triaxial ELF (so yes, 3-axis probe) and started to unpack the various settings so i can properly record.

Thank you LQB and others also for your information and problem solving methods.

Good deal - that will make it easier.

Before checking the reading in the rooms and near the wall, turn on lights and such to get some current flowing in the circuits.

Also, plug a transformer into an outlet and measure the field around it. Even without a load you will see very high fields that drop off quickly with distance. Check your clocks both digital and analog.
I got my Q-link and I was a little bit boggled to feel a calm feeling in my solar plexus the moment I put it on. So I did a preliminary search and found some studies on it. I wonder if this is even possible or is it a placebo effect. I'll experiment with this gadget on and off to see if I notice a consistent difference. Right now I don't want to get it off...


Can the Q Link Ally, a form of Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT), attenuate acute mobile phone-related changes to neural function?

Twenty-four (24) subjects participated in a single-blind, fully counterbalanced crossover design in which subjects' resting EEG and phase-locked neural responses to auditory stimuli were assessed under conditions of either active MP or active MP plus QL.


The addition of QL to the MP condition increased resting EEG in the gamma range and did so as a function of exposure duration, and it attenuated MP-related effects in the delta and alpha range (at trend-level). The addition of the QL also affected phase-locked neural responses, with a laterality reversal in the alpha range and an alteration to changes over time in the delta range, a reduction of the MP-related beta decrease over time at fronto-posterior sites, and a global reduction in the gamma range that increased as a function of exposure duration. No unambiguous relations were found between these changes and either performance or psychologic state.


This pilot study suggests that the addition of the QL to active MP-exposure does affect neural function in humans, altering both resting EEG patterns and the evoked neural response to auditory stimuli, and that there is a tendency for some MP-related changes to the EEG to be attenuated by the QL.


Select Studies:

Biomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link Nimbus: Batch 01
Using advanced hardware and sophisticated software, test subjects had their electrical characteristics measured at common "meridian points". Baseline (before Q-Link Nimbus is activated - with or without an additional measurement of an added EMF stressor) and post Nimbus (after Q-Link Nimbus activated) readings are taken, with resulting averages ranging from 3.8% - 16.3% towards the ideal "balanced" zone.

Biomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link Nimbus: Batch 02
Using advanced hardware and sophisticated software, test subjects had their electrical characteristics measured at common "meridian points". Baseline (before Q-Link Nimbus is activated - with or without an additional measurement of an added EMF stressor) and post Nimbus (after Q-Link Nimbus activated) readings are taken, with resulting averages ranging from 4.7% - 15.8% towards the ideal "balanced" zone.

Biomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link CLEAR (formerly the "Mini"): Batch 01
Using advanced hardware and sophisticated software, test subjects had their electrical characteristics measured at common "meridian points". Baseline (before Q-Link CLEAR applied - with or without an additional measurement of an EMF stressor) and post Q-Link CLEAR (after Q-Link CLEAR applied) readings are taken, with resulting averages ranging from 8.1% - 31.4% towards the ideal "balanced" zone.

Biomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link CLEAR (formerly the "Mini"): Batch 02
Using advanced hardware and sophisticated software, test subjects had their electrical characteristics measured at common "meridian points". Baseline (before Q-Link CLEAR applied - with or without an additional measurement of an EMF stressor) and post Q-Link CLEAR (after Q-Link CLEAR applied) readings are taken, with resulting averages ranging from 4.6% - 11.1% towards the ideal "balanced" zone.

Sports Performance Testing of High School Distance Runners
Results displayed a positive direct correlation between those who wore a Q-Link® and those that scored greater on both total body strength and cognitive flexibility. A resultant average improvement in total body strength of 6.05% was noted for males and 5.72% for females tested.

New Modality for Increasing Strength, Energy and Cognitive Flexibility in Golf and Sports
Results of same day testing were substantial from three perspectives: (1) the overall increase in strength and available energy / decrease in fatigue curves, (2) the increase in cognitive flexibility / functionality in all tested areas, and (3) the appearance of data related to the specific sport of golf which qualified a consistent appearance of ambidextrous activity.

*Effects of Q-Link SRT Ally on Human EEG Responses
A blind research study of brain changes in 24 normal adults and conducted by Dr. Rodney Croft, in collaboration with Imperial College Medical School, London and The Brain & Behaviour Research Institute at the University of Wollongong, Australia, indicated Q-Link SRT Ally (an 'Active' SRT product) reduced the effects of mobile phones on human brain cells.

**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on the Blood and Biological Terrain
In two separate live blood, double-blind microscopy studies conducted by microbiologist Robert Young, PhD, live and dried blood tests are used to test for disturbances to the blood morphology. Results suggest that the Q-Link Pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product) helps to mediate the effects of stress by enhancing both the blood terrain and the integrity of human blood cells. Thus, significant improvements in blood morphology are seen with the Q-Link Pendant. The following are 2 panel microscopy images of blood morphology before, and 72 hours after wearing the Q-Link in a subject.

**Effects of Q-Link SRT Ally on Stress Tolerance of Human Tissue Cells
(PDF unavailable at this time)
An in-vitro study conducted at the University of Vienna shows that human tissue cells are more resistant and respond better to chemical stress when exposed to the Q-Link Ally with SRT (an 'Active' SRT product). Human tissue cells were stressed using a chemical toxin the study shows a significant decrease in the number of dead tissue cells under chemical stress with Q-Link. This suggests that in-vitro exposure to the Q-Link Ally with SRT helps the cellular membrane remain intact and more resilient against stressors.

**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Skin Conductivity Changes and Stress
In a clinical study conducted by Dr. Tyteeka Reye at the Acacia Whole Health Clinic in Denver, the energy states of 40 acupuncture points are tested in the presence of an EMF stressor. After two minutes, the Q-Link Pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product) increases by an average of 292% the number of acupuncture points which have optimal energy states and restored balance. Baseline readings are improved by an average of 41%.

University of Vienna Analysis of Skin Conductivity
Professor Michael Kundi, PhD, Institute of Environmental Health, conducted an independent, comprehensive analysis of Dr. Reye's clinical study which supports the significant findings and conclusions.

**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Human EEG Responses (conclusion)
**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Human EEG Responses (expanded)
A double-blind study conducted by Norman Shealy, MD and William Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, suggests that the Q-Link Pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product) helps to mitigate the disruptive effects of EMF on the electrical activity (EEG Patterns) of the brain. This published study demonstrates beneficial effects of the Q-Link Pendant in stabilizing EEG responses in the presense of transient (variable) EMF stressors.

**Effects of Q-Link SRT ClearWave on Anxiety Levels within the Classroom
A double-blind study conducted by David Eichler, PhD, Behavioral Consultant, indicates that the Q-Link ClearWave (an 'Active' SRT product), helps to reduce anxiety experienced in students while in the public school setting. The study involved a school district in Northeast Kansas. The implications of reduced anxiety can be improved classroom performance and improvement in overall attitude and well-being of the student.

Effects of QLink® Pendant on Muscle Weakness and other Chronic Symptoms Attributed to EMF Exposures
In a double-blind clinical study conducted by Dr Eric Pierotti, DC, muscle weakness related to acupuncture system imbalances and imbalances induced by exposure to EMF are negated when wearing the QLink® pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product). Dr Pierotti suggests that the QLink® pendant enhances the natural healing process as indicated by the reduction of chronic and long term symptoms in clinical patients.

**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Muscle Weakness Patterns in the Body
In a clinical study conducted by Dr. Robert Blaich, President of the International College of Applied Kinesiology, the Q-Link Pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product) consistently helps to improve acupuncture energy imbalances and to negate the recurrence of muscle weakness. The study also suggests that muscle weakness induced by the presence of EMF is negated when wearing the Q-Link Pendant in 95% of the cases. Based upon Applied Kinesiology testing, Dr. Blaich concluded that the Q-Link Pendant enhances the healing process based upon the marked improvement seen in long term symptoms.

*Published in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine VOL. 8, #4 (pp 427-435)
**Published in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine: RUBIK/SRT& trade PAPER, Vol. 8, #6 (pp 823-856), Scientific Foundation & Summaries of Biological & Clinical Studies. Beverly Rubik, PhD.
Hey Psyche, et all :)

I just got an earthcalm pendent (supposed to be good for the whole range of EMFs from cell phones to Wifi to appliances) - and I'm with you, it's hard to make any type of educated decisions about potential purchases, but I bit the bullet last week.

I immediately started to breath deep and regular (without consciously doing EE), and do it consistently (which has never been normal for me).

I cannot point to any other concrete affects on my misc discomforts. Regardless, I feel that this is significant and warrants comment. That was the last thing I really expected, so I don't believe it's placebo. Frankly, I was hoping for my ear ringing or headache to dissipate. I've had an oddly stressful week, so I'm in no position to describe other effects, such as on sleep.

Random tip - I like the look of the pendent somewhat, but it's not really my style, so what I'm doing now is putting a thick hair rubber band as a loop through the metal loop on it and putting that on a large safety pin on the inside of my pants, against my skin (although it works through clothes too).

I didn't trust that it wouldn't just slip out of my pocket, and some of my work outfits don't have pockets anyway. It's been super easy to pin it on my pjs at night, and I don't have to deal with a chain tangled in my hair overnight, ya know, annoying.

They do have a host of products that are 3rd party verified. I have not read the documents, so I'm in no position to defend or recommend.

One thing I did want to point out to the Canadians on this post is that I did notice a review of one of the products for a plug in home system which has had great success with removing the effects of that Smart Meter thing, I think it runs about $400, fwiw, I know, alllll of these products are pricey, and we've all been burned, thus hand shy.

BTW, I'm half way through the "Resonance - Beings of Frequency" video, and wanted to offer gratitude to the person who linked to it - thank you :) very, very interesting, and well rounded. Lengthy but worth it!

I believe it will help educate the public, those on the fence about this being "real." My understanding is that it only covers cell phones (which IS huge, not intended as a criticism, just an observation).

Maybe others can relate, the ONE thing I'm an utter nag about at home with my husband is "get that thing out of your heart pocket!" It's been super challenging to find legitimizing articles on this subject, or to explain it in laymen's terms.

It's not that my husband is ignorant or obstinate. It's also a question of time to wade through the internet garbage out there (just like health topics - I swear to god there's a learning curve of FIVE years to gain a foothold on any discernment!) So again, my heart goes out to people. There's also the issue of money and priorities, even though I've been reading on this topic for years, health/diet topics has been my priority intellectually and financially... so I'm just now coming around.

My next purchase is the cell phone plate from earthcalm, it can go under the case so no one will think you're goofy. My husband's cell is his business line and he's freelance, so there's absolutely no way he would ever due without it or put up with anything conspicuous - fair enough. Whereas I don't even carry mine on me, much less answer it.

Take care everyone!
Finally received an ultimatum from the Hydro Authority last week which reads basically:

As you requested, BC Hydro delayed upgrading the meter at your home...the provicial government announced the Meter Choices Program, offering you a chance between:

  • a standard smart meter at no cost {as if they did not charge everyone for these hidden in their bills}
  • a radio-off meter, {hmmm, and they can do what, turn it on at will?} for a one-time set up fee and monthly operating fee; and
  • keeping an old meter for a monthly fee.

If you choose to keep an old meter and:

  • you move - you will be able to choose a radio-off meter (at a cost) or a smart meter (free of charge) at your new home.
  • the old meter breaks or the accuracy seal expires - BC Hydro will provide a replacement meter as long as existing stock lasts.
Cost of each option

  • radio-off meter - a set up-up fee of $100.00 and a monthly fee of $20;
  • keeping an old meter - a monthly fee of $35.

yada, yada

How nice of them to side with people who said no, to give them a choice and then charge them up to an additional $400+ a year. They say this offsets the expense of adding infrastructure (as if it was gone) and for manually performing services now automated by smart meters (that replaced human beings they were already paying).

They say 250,000 people said no to smart meters in BC, and @ $400 + a year, well, that might just pay for their smart system - George Carlin might say the rest better than i could about corporate businessmen.
voyageur said:
How nice of them to side with people who said no, to give them a choice and then charge them up to an additional $400+ a year. They say this offsets the expense of adding infrastructure (as if it was gone) and for manually performing services now automated by smart meters (that replaced human beings they were already paying).

They say 250,000 people said no to smart meters in BC, and @ $400 + a year, well, that might just pay for their smart system - George Carlin might say the rest better than i could about corporate businessmen.

Disgusting corporate behavior - they profit big time on both sides of the issue.

Depending on where you are and the amount of outdoor space you have to work with, you can move the meter off the house and install a small ground plane behind it. Direct the face of the meter away from living space. The ground plane is as simple as a piece of plywood backed with sheet metal or even chicken wire. This will easily give an order of magnitude reduction in power density in the home - a little larger ground plane will get two orders of magnitude (factor of 100 reduction).

Just putting a ground plane behind the existing meter will help much for those areas of the home that are directly behind the meter.
LQB said:
Disgusting corporate behavior - they profit big time on both sides of the issue.

In this case, it is a Crown corporation (the public's), and the government of the day has been siphoning off all the revenue generated from Hydro to cover their shortfalls, and as usual, have left it in a financial mess. The Crown authorized Hydro to borrow capital and install these SM's and now rates, which were supposed to be protected for the public, are set to skyrocket.

Depending on where you are and the amount of outdoor space you have to work with, you can move the meter off the house and install a small ground plane behind it. Direct the face of the meter away from living space. The ground plane is as simple as a piece of plywood backed with sheet metal or even chicken wire. This will easily give an order of magnitude reduction in power density in the home - a little larger ground plane will get two orders of magnitude (factor of 100 reduction).

Just putting a ground plane behind the existing meter will help much for those areas of the home that are directly behind the meter.

I'll have to change the meter out or pay, and the present location is well away, so not a problem (for many others it is) and i'll use a ground plane regardless.

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