EMF Exposure

I was wondering whether a two-sided blank PCB would be more or less effective than a single-sided one? I'm not sure about the rules for effective EM shielding, but I do know they are not straightforward. For instance a double ground plane might become a resonator at certain frequencies and make the problem worse. Of course my initial thought was that a double ground plane would be mutually reinforcing.
I was wondering how Psyche and HifromGrace are getting on with their Q-Link and Earthcalm products. Are you still receiving benefits from them? An update on your findings would be greatly appreciated as it will help me to decide whether or not to invest in something.

Thanks in advance.
I was using it mostly during night shifts when I was immersed in a lot of pollution and slept 2-3 hours with my cell phone next to me. The first night I slept with my phone I barely slept and had nightmares. Then when I got the Q link, I did noticed a difference, I could sleep deeply and even had vivid dreams. Placebo effect? I don't know. I would like to think it works though.

It's being awhile since I last used it as I'm currently not making night shifts. I would wear it when I go out to see if I notice anything.
Psyche said:
I was using it mostly during night shifts when I was immersed in a lot of pollution and slept 2-3 hours with my cell phone next to me. The first night I slept with my phone I barely slept and had nightmares. Then when I got the Q link, I did noticed a difference, I could sleep deeply and even had vivid dreams. Placebo effect? I don't know. I would like to think it works though.

It's being awhile since I last used it as I'm currently not making night shifts. I would wear it when I go out to see if I notice anything.

I appreciate it, Psyche. Thank you.
monotonic said:
I was wondering whether a two-sided blank PCB would be more or less effective than a single-sided one? I'm not sure about the rules for effective EM shielding, but I do know they are not straightforward. For instance a double ground plane might become a resonator at certain frequencies and make the problem worse. Of course my initial thought was that a double ground plane would be mutually reinforcing.

I think the only sure way to know would be to test before and after using a RF meter.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but metal will either reflect if ungrounded, or shunt to ground if connected to earth. Whereas the carbon based RF paints actually absorb the energy w/o needing to be grounded. Might be something to consider when installing any sort of metal shielding - paint it to absorb some/most of it, then ground to shunt the rest.
ignis.intimus said:
monotonic said:
I was wondering whether a two-sided blank PCB would be more or less effective than a single-sided one? I'm not sure about the rules for effective EM shielding, but I do know they are not straightforward. For instance a double ground plane might become a resonator at certain frequencies and make the problem worse. Of course my initial thought was that a double ground plane would be mutually reinforcing.

I think the only sure way to know would be to test before and after using a RF meter.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but metal will either reflect if ungrounded, or shunt to ground if connected to earth. Whereas the carbon based RF paints actually absorb the energy w/o needing to be grounded. Might be something to consider when installing any sort of metal shielding - paint it to absorb some/most of it, then ground to shunt the rest.

A ground plane will reflect/scatter the energy whether or not it is grounded. The dual ground plane suggested by monotonic will have no additional effect unless a resonant condition is set up due to the effective separation (accounting for dielectric) between the planes. This is a narrowband (resonant) effect which will cause the edges of the plane to re-radiate the RF at very particular wavelengths. In general, a single metal layer ground plane will work just fine - even chicken wire will work well at 900MHz.
Darva Davis and her book Disconnect pull together research both old and new to indite cel phones as producing brain damage by mitochrondia leakage and high blood pressure.
Now science has 'discovered' a connection to mitochrondia leakage and the malfunction of the heat shock protein that protects it Hsp60 whose failure seems to be due to the harmone leptin regulator. This is yet another discovery in diabetes. As she pointed out in her book The Secret War on Cancer, there are no control populations available now. Cel phone use is ubiquitous in NA. So is diabetes. So is obesity. So how do we determine if cel phone radiation is causing diabetes and the brain damage? And the obesity?
If one wanted a population that was controllable by the mass media would not the undetectable cel phone radiation damage be the best way?
katesisco said:
Darva Davis and her book Disconnect pull together research both old and new to indite cel phones as producing brain damage by mitochrondia leakage and high blood pressure.
Now science has 'discovered' a connection to mitochrondia leakage and the malfunction of the heat shock protein that protects it Hsp60 whose failure seems to be due to the harmone leptin regulator. This is yet another discovery in diabetes. As she pointed out in her book The Secret War on Cancer, there are no control populations available now. Cel phone use is ubiquitous in NA. So is diabetes. So is obesity. So how do we determine if cel phone radiation is causing diabetes and the brain damage? And the obesity?
If one wanted a population that was controllable by the mass media would not the undetectable cel phone radiation damage be the best way?

Pretty close to my view as well - and good questions. And cell phones/towers are only one of the EMF sources that have these effects. Unfortunately, like you note, there is little hope of isolating the risk with confidence due to confounding factors of EMF exposure, diet, and toxin exposure.
We have moved recently into a house we now own. It was built in the 1930's so most of the wiring is pretty old, but we can do pretty much anything we want. I was told the old wiring is only safe at 240W-480W and that it should be replaced. I was wondering what you guys might suggest for controlling EMF? I know "armored" cable exists that could perhaps be used as shielded cable. We have a smart meter on the side of the house in its own metal box.
monotonic said:
We have moved recently into a house we now own. It was built in the 1930's so most of the wiring is pretty old, but we can do pretty much anything we want. I was told the old wiring is only safe at 240W-480W and that it should be replaced. I was wondering what you guys might suggest for controlling EMF? I know "armored" cable exists that could perhaps be used as shielded cable. We have a smart meter on the side of the house in its own metal box.

If you are going to replace the wiring, you can use BX cable - its shielded against the electric field and is not too expensive.

If the meter is really a radiating smart meter, it won't be in a metal box.
The face of the meter comes out of a metal electrical box. I can tell it's a digital meter, so I assumed it was a smart meter. Is there a difference?
monotonic said:
The face of the meter comes out of a metal electrical box. I can tell it's a digital meter, so I assumed it was a smart meter. Is there a difference?

Yes, the transmitting smart meter will have an FCC approval statement on it. A digital meter need not be a smart meter.
Very good Corbett interview on smart meters and how to stop them:


Josh Del Sol joins us once again to talk about his award-winning documentary, Take Back Your Power, documenting the smart grid / smart meter agenda and how it is being implemented in municipalities around the globe. We discuss the privacy, safety, and health implications of this technology and how people can (and are) acting to get the smart meters blocked from their communities.

The movie/film they talk about is at http://www.takebackyourpower.net/

Apparently folks are organizing film screenings for city councils to get smart meters banned at the local levels.
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