EMF Exposure

They're worried about Wi-Fi in schools when the kids have cell phones? That's an odd set of priorities.

I am reading Devra Davis' Disconnect, about cell phone radiation. When I finish it, I am going to have to find something fun to read. Or maybe I just won't read anything for a while.
Megan said:
They're worried about Wi-Fi in schools when the kids have cell phones? That's an odd set of priorities.

I am reading Devra Davis' Disconnect, about cell phone radiation. When I finish it, I am going to have to find something fun to read. Or maybe I just won't read anything for a while.

I think the issue is that Wi-Fi, being "on" continuously is the greater potential threat. Also a wired solution is easy to implement and transparent to usage. If you can bring public awareness to the Wi-Fi issue, then maybe cell phones will follow.
LQB said:
Megan said:
They're worried about Wi-Fi in schools when the kids have cell phones? That's an odd set of priorities.

I am reading Devra Davis' Disconnect, about cell phone radiation. When I finish it, I am going to have to find something fun to read. Or maybe I just won't read anything for a while.

I think the issue is that Wi-Fi, being "on" continuously is the greater potential threat. Also a wired solution is easy to implement and transparent to usage. If you can bring public awareness to the Wi-Fi issue, then maybe cell phones will follow.
Megan said:
LQB said:
Megan said:
They're worried about Wi-Fi in schools when the kids have cell phones? That's an odd set of priorities.

I am reading Devra Davis' Disconnect, about cell phone radiation. When I finish it, I am going to have to find something fun to read. Or maybe I just won't read anything for a while.

I think the issue is that Wi-Fi, being "on" continuously is the greater potential threat. Also a wired solution is easy to implement and transparent to usage. If you can bring public awareness to the Wi-Fi issue, then maybe cell phones will follow.

I can see where that might be a concern, especially in the absence of meaningful studies. My hunch, though, is that the cell phones do so much damage that the additional effects of Wi-Fi won't matter much.

Either way, I think it is a good idea not to get kids hooked at an early age on the "convenience" of Wi-Fi (which I say as a recovering Wi-Fi junkie). Of course it depends on whether they are carrying around tablets and notebooks, or whether the computers are secured in a lab. In a lab, it would be pointless to use Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, I think they are more likely to be carrying the computers with them now and going forward, and wired won't be an option. Cellular data will.
Megan said:
Unfortunately, I think they are more likely to be carrying the computers with them now and going forward, and wired won't be an option. Cellular data will.

Yep, most of the tablets and e-readers and ipod things are only usable via wifi now and those are the devices most kids have.
anart said:
Megan said:
Unfortunately, I think they are more likely to be carrying the computers with them now and going forward, and wired won't be an option. Cellular data will.

Yep, most of the tablets and e-readers and ipod things are only usable via wifi now and those are the devices most kids have.

The form factor of mobile devices (thin and light) would make it awkward to use an ethernet port. You would need some sort of dongle, if you could even find a device that supported it. And as a MacBook owner, I know only too well how inconvenient these adapters can be, although thus far (and thankfully) they have kept the standard ethernet jack.

Convenience + ignorance = health hazard.
The Wi-Fi is an extremely dangerous EMF source, too. It must not be underestimated. It depends on how many and whether data is being transmitted, how close you are to the access point, how strongly it radiates, and so on. It is by EMF folks considered an aggressive EMF source (according to experience rather than research presently). I can only confirm that.

Megan said:
The form factor of mobile devices (thin and light) would make it awkward to use an ethernet port. You would need some sort of dongle, if you could even find a device that supported it.
Everything is feasible if only demanded. Nintendo Wii is one of the best examples: It has two (or so) USB ports but not Ethernet like other consoles but uses WiFi for Internet connection by default. It's not that slim either (about four centimetres). You have to buy an extra adapter for using Ethernet (USB male to RJ-45 female). Ill!

Megan said:
And as a MacBook owner, I know only too well how inconvenient these adapters can be, although thus far (and thankfully) they have kept the standard ethernet jack.
That's past, they've removed it since the 2012 Retina models! They don't have an Ethernet port any longer, instead they use Thunderbolt as a sort of universal port where you have to buy expensive adapters for almost everything. The DVD drive is gone also (which was exceptionally a good idea due to aesthetic and space reasons).
It's not an entirely wrong concept to have universal ports (USB 3.0 is also available in the new models) but their drivers aren't perfectly working yet, and it's way too new and doesn't work well as far as I've read. How they draw money by requiring and selling adapters is obvious (no adapters are included, of course). They (we speak of Apple) have dozens more ways of ripping-off customers. For example, all hardware components are fixed to the main board and cannot be replaced. First they did it only with the CPU and graphics card but since 2012 they've applied this to everything, including the RAM and hard drive which is an SSD now by default. If a component does no longer function, you have to buy another model. They can't be repaired either. One year warranty, extended support for a few hundred euros available. Ill!

BTW: The latest Mac EFI includes a feature called "netboot over Wi-Fi", see here _http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=419674 for technical information.
The problem: Every time you power on your machine, the EFI system searches briefly for available Wi-Fi networks and gives you an EMF shot. It is not possible to turn this feature off (I haven't found a solution yet), another boot loader does not help. The EFI firmware installs on older Macs, too. Ill!
I found this the other day. It's a podcast with Nora Gedgaudas where she talks about (amongst other things) protecting yourself from EMF exposure. I haven't listened to it yet but thought it might be of interest :)

Barrie Trower, former MI5 agent, that was mentioned here is interviewed by white.tv. He talks about how agencies target groups and individuals, but also talks about genetic EMF damage.

Thanks Megan, LQB and Sirius for your answers on last page.
parallel said:
Barrie Trower, former MI5 agent, that was mentioned here is interviewed by white.tv. He talks about how agencies target groups and individuals, but also talks about genetic EMF damage.

Thanks for that parallel, very enlightening interview, but also harrowing.
We do know of some of the things he's talking about, including how absolutely anyone can be targeted and controlled, the Cs have said it themselves, but hearing that described with such detail was very disheartening.... awful, honestly, just awful!

The interview starts with a description of how agencies have been experimenting with mind control techniques for decades through the use of different wave lengths, leading an individual to do basically whatever they wish them to. These scientists as well as all involved the the experiment are above any law and have, according to Trower, killed hundreds of thousands.

The same techniques are, apparently, now being used in shops...how about that?? Basically if the owner is rich enough to buy one of these little gadgets, he installs it in his shop and can use it to instil you to buy. A shop somewhere in the states, if I remember well, was put to court for for using the method but wasn't charged since this wasn't found to be illegal! So, if I'm getting this right, someone gets inside my brain without my knowledge nor consent, creates thoughts and makes me act in a certain way, and that's all fine because, as they said, music lyrics also influence you similarly???????........ I'll skip any comments (we could have a smiley hitting a punch bag real hard)

He then goes on to explain how EMF is having extremely disturbing effects on people's DNA, particularly children, since are still developing, and therefore highly susceptible to any form of EMF.

Although very distressful to watch, at least for me, I found it well worth it.
Along the lines of EMF mind control there is

Tek Nath Rizal's 2009 Book Torture, Killing Me Softly Delivers the Coup de Grace
by Cheryl Welsh, Director, Mindjustice.org
December 2009

The 2009 book Torture, Killing Me Softly by Tek Nath Rizal alleges government mind control torture with secret electromagnetic radiation (EMR) mind control weapons. Tek Nath Rizal was a prominent government consultant to the South Asian country of Bhutan, before he exposed corruption in high places. He became a popular political figure and internationally recognized human rights activist. His book is about his experience of several years of imprisonment in Bhutan with an emphasis on the EMR mind control torture. The U.S. Department of State and Amnesty International regarded Rizal as a political prisoner and won his release from prison. Rizal has written several books, some of which included his accounts of mind control torture. The books have been very successful in Southern Asia.

Against all odds, he published this book, Torture, Killing Me Softly. Mindjustice.org extends our deepest thanks for his great effort and sacrifice. I highly recommend this well written, concise and ground breaking book. For the first time, a variety of medical, government and military professionals publicly acknowledge secret EMR mind control weapons for interrogation and torture in prisons and on POWs, prisoners of war.

Free download of the book is available here: http://teknathrizal.com/

It is his heart-breaking account of what he went through and the permanent damage to the body/mind. When I read it I got the strong impression that Bhutan (and other places) were used as operational testing grounds for these devices placed in the hands of some truly ugly rulers. Interestingly he attributes his case of vicious diabetes to the EMF/EMR.
Here is a horrible account of a German family's experience living in the main beam of a cell "tower" installed on the roof of a home in their neighborhood! I highly recommend the pdf that shows pics of what they were dealing with. Its at: http://www.tetrawatch.net/papers/bamberg_kind.pdf

Unser „Leben“ im Hauptstrahl einer Mobilfunksendeanlage für
Victim Report presented at 1st Bamberger Mobile Telephony Symposium, in Bamberg,
Germany on 29th January 2005.
Speaker: Christine KIND
Our „Life“ in the Main Beam of a Mobile Phone Base Station for

Before I start my personal account of our experiences near a mobile base station, I would like to thank
the organisers, for the fact that this Symposium is taking place.

I know from personal experience that doctors are themselves afraid of not being taken
seriously if they have to diagnose health damage caused by Electrosmog (electromagnetic
frequencies) as a reason for different symptoms and that they are not educated about this

It is important that doctors ask about any exposure to mobile telephony [DECT, W-LAN,
Mobile Phone use, Mobile Phone Base Stations] at the medical consultation and if there is a
definite suspicion they should have emission measurements carried out before treatment
commences. The treatment is bound to be a failure from the outset if the cause of the
symptoms still remains in place. Once measurements have been provided, proof should be
deemed as present and no doctor should fear making the diagnosis ‘microwave syndrome’.
Now to my personal experiences.

Had someone told me a year ago that I would soon sleep in the cellar and that I would be
engaging myself with the topic of Mobile Telecommunications, I would have hardly believed
him. Until then, I had not concerned myself with this issue at all.

When, on 10.11.03, ‘No Parking’ signs were placed in front of our house, we thought of road
works. Then, on 13.11.03 a crane lifted up a shining construction on a roof in our immediate
neighbourhood. At first I thought that it was a stainless steel tube for cleaning the chimney

However, it remained on the roof and, on looking more carefully, I recognised that it was
indeed a transmitter for mobile telephony.

We were very puzzled that the Denkmalschutz (conservation authority) had permitted this,
since we live in a wood-constructed house in a purely residential area in which, up to this
time, building proposals had always been strictly regulated. Other planning applications
such as a conservatory on the rear side of roof of a wood-constructed house and a terrace to
the back to the garden had been previously refused.

Also, no one knew anything about it – that such a transmitter would be erected here.

Therefore, we presented objections to the Bauamt (planning authority), which then informed
us in writing on 3.12.03 that the site was not yet operational which was also confirmed
verbally by the Ortsleiteramt (mayor’s office) on 16.12.03.

View from the neighbouring house

In the last few weeks before Xmas we observed that our children looked sick and they had
the dark rimmed eyes that you get with an infection. We still thought nothing of it – it had
been a long term and we were all glad that it would soon be holidays.

At Christmas, none of us had a good appetite and we continually felt continually nauseous,
which at the beginning we explained by our increased intake of sweets. We attributed our
continued tiredness and lack of drive to the relatively late bed times and to sleeping late.
Then, my husband suddenly had problems with sleeping through the night and getting back
to sleep again.

It was clear that our normal spaghetti consumption had reduced and my whole family lost
weight over Christmas, some of them several kilos.

In the New Year, we then noticed, in addition, headaches which started immediately when
we got out of bed. That’s when we said to ourselves, ‘the transmitter must be already

On the Sunday 04.01.2004, the headaches suddenly reduced in the evening and when we
then used our measuring equipment, which we had bought in the meantime, to carry out a
measurement, we found that only 1-2μW/m² in the whole house.

We then knew that the levels we had found up to then, must have been caused by the
transmitter being in operation.

Up till then, we did not know the values which were previously present in our living area.
We therefore informed the Gesundheitsamt (Health authority) that the transmitter had been
turned ON. On 5-1-04, the Health Authority, after consultation with the Planning Authority,
informed us that the site was not yet operational.

Two days later, on 7th January 2004, there was an article in the local newspaper, in which it
stated that the site was operational since the 16th December 2003.

At our request, a representative from the mobile phone company came on the 9.1.04 to carry
out measurements. They found a field strength of 0.4-0.6 V/m and told us, that they would
not need to take action until 1.0 V/m was seen. I should clarify the reason for the headaches
with my doctor!

To my reply, that I had had the headaches only at home and only since the transmitters
started working they could only stare at me in disbelief, as if they had heard this for the first

They did not take up my suggestion, that they should turn the transmitter OFF and ON, and
I would tell them, on the basis of my headaches, whether the transmitter is functioning or
not, although at this time it was only a pilot-operation and so this simple test would indeed
have been possible.

By coincidence, we found out that six days after the measurement that of the already
transmitting UMTS mast that the GSM mast had also been brought into operation.
Later, my husband also developed sporadic disturbances in heart rhythm, tachycardia and

When I then also woke one morning with a pounding heart and an increased pulse, I told
myself, ‘that is enough’, and we moved with our mattresses into the empty flat on the
ground floor, since the measurements were much lower there.
Sleep in the ground floor was indeed better, but not as good as earlier, since tiredness and
headaches were already present when we got up. For that reason we moved our sleeping
quarters into the cellar from middle January.

Child’s drawing showing the mast
Achtung – attention/warning
okay = OK
schlecht = bad
schlechter = worse
am schlechtesten = worst

During our winter holidays away form home, we could finally recover and after two days
the headaches had disappeared, although there was good mobile phone reception in the
holiday resort.

After the 14 day holiday, we hoped that we would have recovered sufficiently, so that for the
first time, in a long time that we would have no problems.

This is how my son Reinhard sees the situation.
Letter from my son, Reinhard, to our Oberbürgermeister (Mayor) who had promised
us a speedy solution in the Bürgersprechstunde (Citizen’s Clinic).

„Dear Herr Rossberg
My birthday wish for 27.04.04 is that the mobile phone mast goes away and that I can be, sleep, play
and learn in my bedroom without having headaches. Please keep your promise of 21.1.2004
Reinhard Kind“

But when we came back home the headaches started again immediately.
In the next morning, we were so nauseous that we sat in the kitchen with the tasty smell of
bread but we could not eat anything. So, we also had to move the kitchen which was only
partly on the ground floor.

In March the sectors were tipped by 2 degrees, whereby, one must know that the antennae
have an electronically steered tilt of the transmitter beam of usually 0-14 degrees. On that
account, even after this adjustment was carried out, because of the recognition of a
previously unrecognised hill slope, our test measurement results were not lower and our
health effects remained the same.

On the 16th March 04 there followed measurements by the TU Dresden und des Staatlichen
Umweltfachamtes [Technical University Dresden and State Environmental Department],
which had never previously found such high values in the living area, namely about 1.6V/m
(6500μW/m²) in the childrens’ room and 0.9 V/m (2500 μW/m²) in the main bedroom.
The worst case calculation amounted to 4 V/m. that is to say, around 40 000 μW/m², whilst
only 0.0001 μW/m² are required for a mobile phone [to function].
Is that what the minimisation of radiation
exposure for the population looks like?
Since our state of health became increasingly
worse and the children in the meantime were
not only complaining of headaches but were also
complained of heart pains. My daughter in the
last 5 months had only had a weight increase of
100 grams, although her siblings at the same age
had a weight increase of 1-2.5 kg, which was
considered normal weight gain. I wrote to the
Staatsministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und
Familie [State Ministry for Social Affairs, Health
and Family].

On the 9th May 2004, we then had screening put
on one side of our house (photo, left), because
we believed that a reduction of 90% of the
electric field would help us.

We were in a good humour, but unfortunately most of the symptoms did not disappear, also
the blood picture, hormone values and gamma globulin did not become normal.

After the screening work at the height of the main beam, which was at a distance of only 40
metres, my husband developed a painful lymph node swelling.

The reticulocytes were never as low as they were on this day. Thus, again another clear proof
of a dose-effect relationship.

As a positive reaction to my letter of March 2004 to the Sächsische Staatsministerium für
Soziales, Gesundheit und Familie [Saxony State Ministry for Social, Health and Family], an
air analysis was carried out on 25.5.04, which told us that the symptoms were those of
poisoning by wood preservative.

It was explained to us that the human body can react with an endless number of symptoms.
According to the experts, the room air was in order and it was not taken into account as a cofactor.
In the meantime, by now we experienced headaches in the cellar and also in the town in the
proximity of mobile phone base stations, which was not the case in the New Year. Clearly,
we have already been so severely damaged that screening does not bring us any great

Table 1: Blood Analyses for Melatonin, by date (Melatonin pg/ml)
04.02.04 21.02.04
2.4 pg/ml 11.4 pg/ml 2.5 pg/ml
1.9 pg/ml 9.7 pg/ml 1.1 pg/ml
2.6 pg/ml 7.9 pg/ml 2.2 pg/ml
2.0 pg/ml 6.7 pg/ml 2.2 pg/ml
1.2 pg/ml 5.9 pg/ml 1.4 pg/ml
The Normal Reference Range for Melatonin is: Norm 8-18 pg/ml

Table 2: Blood Analyses – Reticulocytes, by date
04.2.04 21.2.04
27.3.04 2.6.04
6.9 15 10.5 9.7
8.4 18 8.3 9.5
7.6 26 8.0 9.4
8.1 17 9.5 10.1
15.2 15 9.7 8.1
The Normal range for Reticulocytes, Norm 5-25
Measure for bone marrow activity, red blood cell formation

[These traces for Power flux Density (PFD) were supplied by the Building Biologist Peter
IB Bauklimatik und Baubiologie, Dipl.-Ing. Peter Franck
[Translator’s note - Germans use a comma where the British use a decimal point.]
How does this compare to the proclaimed ‘treatment requirement’ from 1.0 V/m, that is
from around 2600 μW/m²?
Ecotest 2001 says that from 100 μW/m² there is a high exposure and building biologists say
there is a decontamination requirement.
I can only imagine that is due to political will that people are allowed to be damaged in this
It's the Christine Kind case which took place in Dresden. Among EMF folks it is rather famous.

You can find more raw data in the following PDF file which shows more figures and photographs of the affected site and buildings (though the text is in German).

The case is one of those very extreme ones where the victims were exposed to 6 mW/m² GSM and UMTS radiation. Probably no one would survive that in the long run. But the same occurs below 1 V/m very well and does somewhere day by day.
Thanks for the additional link Sirius. It is an extreme case - its just crazy that someone can take a cell base antenna designed for a tower and mount it on the roof of home.
[quote author=Gertrudes]
[quote author=parallel]
Barrie Trower, former MI5 agent, that was mentioned here is interviewed by white.tv. He talks about how agencies target groups and individuals, but also talks about genetic EMF damage.

Although very distressful to watch, at least for me, I found it well worth it.

Watched this last night and as you said, it was, for me too, very distressful. Seems this interview followed a conference in Sweden and i made a few point notes (these are not actual verbatim quotes and did not continuously take notes - likely some errors here):

- Gives some history over the last 60 years.

- Target people at low levels over 16 months – 2 years.

- Dangerous frequencies – all countries were experimenting, as they are today – had list of 50 indices - hertz/pulses per second - 6.6 = sexual aggression et al. Glands, Heart. I knew then about 30 pulses, now there are 600.

- Delivered (simple he says), to anybody, anywhere, by any government, day or night, while you are sleeping...

- Through walls, concrete, almost anything.

- Hundreds of thousands are targeted. It is incredibly easy, breaking the average person down in just 30 hours – you are hallucinating. Synthetic telepathy (microwaves) to the brain – can say anything - plant voices about anything in anybody – you will come to rely on this voice – like heroin.

- Can’t prove anything – you are just mad, locked away.

- Discussed someone he knew who was killed; possibly this way. [reminded me of Dr Kelly (who knows)].

- There are people who can resist.

- % who can or can’t? I know that they took 500,000 people – they did not publish (10% not, 80-90% can - not really sure).

- 1960’s – 30,000 soldiers (English) injected with toxins – much suffering in life and then agenizing death. The few (handful) that remand, sued the English government and not one scientist can be named – they have total anonymity – they can kill for the government and never be named. Same with CIA, MKUltra program et al.

- About Princess Dianna – he says MI5/MI6 would never allow, via the monarchy, her to marry or have child with a Muslim – the Monarchy is a business.

- To deflect waves – the only way is to have something like an enormous gravitational field – really something (speed of light) would be a black hole around your neck. Possibly something to jamb, sending something out, can neutralize or deflect.

- Discussion about Neutrinos...

- Cell Phones & Routers = our brains are like water, effect ripples - beams change the cells, the induction (33:00min.).

- Microwaves effect bees and ants – navigational fields collapse in the brain – animals get lost or leave the field. There are mass agricultural implications.

- Experiments carried out with pregnant woman – miscarriages 57 % at low levels. In schools, on girls (WiFi), they will have later risks; dna disruption; their eggs suffer 10 times more than any other dna. It carries along down the line until there is no more line. Boys are slightly different because of production at intervals, but sperm can be damaged.

- Scalar waves collect neutrinos – new systems; if it does work. (related to new technologies).

- The perfect sports drug – produces adrenalin; cortisone. Target adrenals and other glands. Use gun/scope type apparatus - Just takes a few seconds to produce these effects – discusses thinking while watching the Olympics why England so excelled…

[...] stopped notes.

- He ends with what we should do and blasts our systems of controls and the lies upon lies that have become the norm.

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