Experiment with the spirit board -lies coming through it & how to recognize them

François said:
I am sorry, perhaps my previous comments were not enough fine, I was not aware that 1 of the 3 is/was EE Teacher, and regarding the trust, there is an issue, I think for me as newbie or any new guest all that can seem surprising...

Hi François,

This is unrelated but could you please not use italic print for us older "folk"? It is hard on these "old" eyes. Thanks in advance!

:) :) :)
Seems to me many are now letting their emotions run amok. Please calm down and think before speaking emotionally. Think of what and how you say things. The prosecutor is no better than the defendant when subjective accusations are thrown in anger without facts. In my minds eye I can see fists being slammed on the table after a statement is made. Too many bad cop good cop television shows in my youth I guess. And as the saying goes... I may be wrong. But I can catch a fly with sugar, not arms flailing. They may deserve curt words. I don't know. But seems to me I feel much anger and of course, for myself, I would be fearful and withdrawl when people are carrying pitchforks and buckets of fire.

I just came off a thread where anart called it "programs on parade". :)
Is this different? How? This is only my observation.
Saša said:
RedFox said:
Saša said:
Laura said:
I'd like to know whose idea it was to do this and who encouraged it?

It was our mutual idea, no one encouraged it in any special way and no one is encouraging it now.

Someone had to have started the conversation. You can't make a (mutual) decision to do something without someone suggesting the idea. So who's mind was it on (or was it on all your minds?), and who suggested that you consider doing this - before the mutual decision was made?

Who was the initiator or the conversation where the decision was made?

If I remember correctly, one of the first times we had this kind of conversation was when Herr Eisenheim, on our FOTCM meeting in June, talked about his visit to Chateau and how he hoped that during that visit there would be a session with the Cs and how he would like to be present on that session. And then we started to talk about it. Herr Eisenheim conclusion was that we're not ready for it at that time although the idea was very attractive. The result as you have seen it was our mutual idea, as already said.

FWIW-I am surprised that some are attracted to the board and adventure with the denizens of other realms. I have enough problems trying to negotiate and understand the lessons of this world. I am grateful that Laura shares her channeling Work, which clearly requires great effort and integrity. Perhaps, the germ of this misadventure into other realms began with Herr Eisenheim's hope to witness a channeling event at the Chateau. The hope expressed, inadvertently planted the seed of thought in less informed or more impatient minds. The seed of suggestion is often planted without intention, as I find, when I think out loud. External consideration of the level of knowledge and being of others has been a slow and painful learning experience for me personally. From my limited understanding, knowledge of the details and the persons involved, it seems this account from Sasa may be close to the truth of the origin of this matter.
Laura said:
Peam said:
Could this amnesia of who first suggested they try the board be partly, and even subconsciously, caused by Ljubica and Saša, being so close friends to each other, are reluctant to point the finger at who it was? To me, that would make sense of all the “we” statements being made as well.

It would be a natural thing to do, but not very helpful to this network and to find out what was going on and to receive help.

I don't think it is in any way subconscious.

I don't too, to be honest. I mentioned the possibility of it being subconscious because I seem to have a 'be nice' program. What I really suspect at this point is there could be some sort of conscious back-pedaling, obfuscation and cover-up going on.

It reminds me of other threads where it was like having to pull teeth to try to get simple answers to the most straightforward of questions.
One thing that stands out is lack of thought proving questions as a means to promote a deeper level of thinking, as the C's have always done once the channel becomes grooved. This perhaps should have raised a red flag. Also the sequence of rapid fire question's, and answer's, especially of a personal nature tend to convolute the nature of the session, sort like mudding the waters, when one seeks clarity.

And may i ask why would any one, bring a loaded weapon to an invite too some ones home? That in it self speaks volumes of personal issues of fear,and paranoia, which i don't think is a very clear, or stable platform to do an under taking like this. :scared:

Coming clean at this time, was sound call on your part, and you should feel very luck, that nothing determental came about this, and perhaps wait for further instruction's on how to go about something so dangerous, in the proper way.

But i will say that least you brought the activity's to light, and now know the truth, that playing with fire only Leed's one to being burnt.
Laura said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
Sasa please, this is painful for me to watch.
Go for a walk alone, do some pipe breathing and then re read slowly Joe's and Laura's replies.

Sasa, what is clear to me is that your mind is somehow being corrupted by the energies around you. We are actually witnessing something that most of us on this forum have seen way too many times: the deterioration of thinking capacities because a choice has been made to believe a lie. Now, what IS that lie? Read the following from Lobaczewski:

One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis. {...}

Any human group affected by the process described herein is characterized by its increasing regression as regards natural common sense and the ability to perceive psychological reality. Someone treating this in traditional categories could consider it an instance of “turning into half-wittedness” or the growing of intellectual deficiencies and moral failings. A ponerological analysis of this process, however, indicates that pressure is applied upon the more normal part of the association by pathological factors in the person of their carriers.

Laurentien said:
My impression is that Ljubica, Zo and Saša are protecting someone or something under which spell they have fallen. Until they expose it, they will remain under it influence and after reading all of this tread, they appear to have lost most of their rational and critical thinking already. It is time to remember yourself, put the ego aside, and to bring light , knowledge so we can help you. Can you see where you were leaded to do. Haven't you read in the last few week the forum and the attack upon it. Couldn't you see where your decision to publish this could fuel more attack upon the FOTCM.

It is time to silence your ego and to remember your self and regain control of your self.

This is I think a good example of this saying; the road to hell is paved with good intentions

It is emotionally disturbing to see what Ljubica, Zo an Sasa have to say about all this, because, even if they don't say much, the reaction feels so familiar. The qoute from Lobaczewski fits quite well. And also the qoute about the path to the temple of secrets from Alana:

Alana said:
I am also reminded of the story about the path to temple of secrets, from the Wave:

The Temple of Secrets is located on a high mountain, and everywhere thorns are covering the path leading to the Temple. The inconceivable, mysterious height of the mountain is the reason why many people doubt the existence of the Temple of Secrets. Some think of it as a Fairy Tale, some consider it an old Myth and others believe it to be the Truth.

“At the entrance of the narrow path stands Ignorance, with her sisters Stupidity and Laziness, and they tell awful tales to the travelers and of horrible adventures the travelers will encounter if they set foot on this path. That is how lazy Human Beings and fearful Human Beings can easily be persuaded to turn back.

“There are a few Human Beings on which ignorance attempts her deceptions in vain. They climb up the first part of the thorny steep path, and when they are about half way up the mountain, they reach a plateau on which they find the Temple of Self-Love. Next to this Temple stands Self-Conceit, Pride and Know it-All and they offer the traveler a cup, out of which he drinks his own Self in great gulps and thereby becomes intoxicated with himself, with his own “I”.

“These travelers then become so intoxicated with themselves that they imagine that their Temple, the Temple of Self-Love is the Temple of Secrets and there is nothing, but nothing, above them. The inscription on this temple, the Temple of Self-Love, reads as follows: The Sanctuary of the Wisdom of the World.

“Desires, passions and wantonness are the servants of these priests. However, those whose heart searches for the truth will not find any satisfaction with this and they will keep on searching.

“A few thousand steps from this Temple you will find a very secluded little hut, inhabited by a hermit, with the following inscription above the door: The Residence of Humility.

“The man who lives here guides the strangers to the residence of humility, which in turn leads them to Self-Recognition. This Divine Beauty becomes the traveler’s companion, and with her, he conquers the inaccessible mountain. Whosoever tries to reach the Temple of Secrets without this Divine Beauty can very easily be misled by his Self-Love, and as a result, will follow the wrong path. His greed for knowledge will lead him to the Temple of Curiosity. The inhabitants of this Temple are: fraud, seduction and deception, the founders of most of the secret societies, and those Human Beings who, in search for the Truth and for the Temple of Secrets will, if they join these Secret Societies, be robbed of the ability to see with their Soul. They are then led to the top of the mountain, where they fall into the abyss or into the labyrinth or maze, in which they will walk in circles for eternity without finding the Truth.

Humility alone is the best guide. This alone will lead the seeker to the Master of Teachers of all secrets. This Master Teacher is the pure will.

“This pure will becomes the friend of the highest of knowledge and they enter into a bond of eternal union.

“The knowledge of the effects of the Eternal Light of godliness in all created beings is True Magic in Theory.

“The conception of this Light, or the transition from the intellect to the will, is True Magic in Practice.” (von Eckartshausen, 1788/1989)

It reminds me, that the battle is through us and maybe this three people realizing now that the poison of the ego was way more dangerous as suspected and now, while the battle is there, the decision about what role in this great drama of our lives they decide to play, had become much more painfull than ever.

I would like to say, if one of them read this, it is not what you're mind is telling you, it's a lie. I also get the feeling that you trying to hide something, maybe out of fear, a false fear, the fear of the predator who don't like to be spotted. Take time and think about your feelings and maybe you will realize that this a great chance for all of you to make a huge leap.

Enough people pointed out what is necessary to take that leap, what is necessary so that the network can help you and so you can help the network. It isn't that much if you think about it clearly. The question is just honesty. A statement about what dynamic was on work from you're personal perspective, without to deflect the answer in a "we" because there is no "we" in the details, only an "I" as in "I saw".

The decision is up to you.

edit: quote fixed
You three "boardwalkers" may be to engrossed within the current situation to look at other new threads on the board. But here is my final thought for you three:

Al Today said:
So many times a person is an adventurer. In pursuit of an idea, or mode of thought. Be they correct or not, they develop a mindset of theories and knowledge that they cannot keep to themselves. Because as others come into contact with that adventurer, they become inspired to join in, collaborate and further the cause of this new mindset, if you will.. This initial adventurer is the group core, the mentor, adviser, teacher for lack of words. More research and information is coalesced to provide others with opportunity for them to become involved. This mindset flourishes into a community of like minded people. More and more continue to join in to participate within the individual common goals and good of the community. And the community reaches out to support the individual. Without each other, one is nothing. Just think of the sheer numbers of people that over time can become part of this growing community.

The body of information begins to build into a massive database. As more join, accumulating the sheer amount of data available becomes harder for the individual. Although many people search, items may be missed, items of information may not "sink in", or perhaps even the items may merely be ignored because "some" may consider redundant information. Some may even think searching on their own is not necessary. Oh, what diamonds and gems may be missed.!.!.!

And then eventually...

Some… Through studies and experience, begin to consider themselves as equals to those who began this movement. Some… Will even begin to think that they themselves have the same potential for knowledge as those who have been involved for years. These people may be blinded by group acceptance or position, but nevertheless will begin to think and act on their own. Assuming that what they do is for the good of the group. They take it upon themselves to assume they are knowledgeable enough, important enough, perhaps even self-authorized to perform actions that others could consider renegade. And when confronted with this renegade term, they in being puffed up, may still consider what they do as correct. And either pollute the group, or break off into another group. This can and does happen. I have seen this with mine own eyes. Can a student become more knowledgeable than the teacher? Yes. BUT… Always respect your teacher, and be thankful, for without that teacher you would still be ignorant. Do not forget the predators within us all and around us all. "They" do not want you to succeed...
c.a. said:
And may i ask why would any one bring a loaded weapon to invite to some ones home. That in it self speak's volumes of personal issues of fear,and paranoia, which i don't think is a very clear, or stable platfrom do an under taking like this. :scared:

The crux of the matter is why would anyone do a session on their own without even running it by Laura and the Forum first?

The session and the subsequent actions of (or rather lack of) the trio is like bringing a loaded weapon to someone's house. The session by the trio and the posting of it on The Matrix website and Facebook is like a loaded weapon that has the potential to cause much harm to Laura and Company (and this Forum).

Not saying that they brought a "loaded gun" with the specific criminal intent to harm. Nonetheless, their actions should be held accountable and no second chance given imho. A huge digression has been committed and while they can perhaps be forgiven, second chances... no.

Pretty objective analogy of the situation.

Edited for clarity
The only way I would believe for a second that these "transcripts" were from '6D' is if they said "Don't contact us. End."

They give off a compleatly different 'vib' than do the C Transcripts. The C's rarely answer with short answers, and often warn Laura that it won't be that easy, that she has to look and see, and discover more and likely she would find out the answers on her own.

Aside from all of that, one has to be a clean receiver with countless years of heart wrenching work even to come close to that sort of communication. And in my mind Why Even Try It? If Laura never makes another session, there is more than enough information to study and then confirm. Not that that is the real point, the real point is going public outside of the forum. I'm really astonished on that one. I just wonder how the discussions went. Did they plan to write a book? What was going to be the outcome in their minds? A "new" Laura? Maybe the inner doorway into her personal life? Implanting themselves near her house? Mind boggling.

That should have been a giant clue from the get go. Instead the trio proclamed their love and ease for either their subconscience or worse, something much darker and nastier.

Scary. In fact, there could easily be some spirit attachments going on at this point. Yummy feeding frenzy could be further clouding their disernment at this point. (Not that there was much of that going on to begin with this mess).

I feel very sorry for them and hope they get out of the hole they dug - with an intact mind in the very least. At the most, a valuable lesson learned. (But I kinda doupt it with the lesson learned part.)
April said:
Not saying that they brought a "loaded gun" with the specific criminal intent to harm. Nonetheless, their actions should be held accountable and no second chance given imho. A huge digression has been committed and while they can perhaps be forgiven, second chances... no.

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone."

There are many members here who've got their second, third, and fourth chance. As long as one wants to learn there is a place for them in this forum. It would be rather empty otherwise by now. We haven't turned the last page of this book yet, far from that. We're still at the introduction. Every and anything is still possible, OSIT.
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