Experiment with the spirit board -lies coming through it & how to recognize them

Peam said:
Alana said:
Yes, and this amnesia that all seem to exhibit about what exactly happened, is not helping at all. Ljubica and Saša, it would help us a lot, but also your memory, if you start thinking and writing instead of in "we" in "I" for this istance, eg. "This is what I remember, this is what I said at the time", etc. This way we will be able to help you protect yourselves.

Could this amnesia of who first suggested they try the board be partly, and even subconsciously, caused by Ljubica and Saša, being so close friends to each other, are reluctant to point the finger at who it was? To me, that would make sense of all the “we” statements being made as well.

It would be a natural thing to do, but not very helpful to this network and to find out what was going on and to receive help.

I understand what you are saying, but taking into account that this is happening with two members of our forum, who have been with us for a while now and participated in different projects, they must be aware that honesty, with themselves and the network, is how Work is done around here. Another thing that comes to mind is that, if they are aware of whose suggestion first started this experiment, then one is covering for the other and depriving their "friend" of their lesson, while the other is covering for themselves behind their "friend's" back...

I am not exactly sure what is going on right now though, because they haven't given their independent personal accounts yet as requested.
What I would like to know is: who is this Vicky O'Hara/psychic woman, and what's her role in this affair?
Peam said:
Could this amnesia of who first suggested they try the board be partly, and even subconsciously, caused by Ljubica and Saša, being so close friends to each other, are reluctant to point the finger at who it was? To me, that would make sense of all the “we” statements being made as well.

It would be a natural thing to do, but not very helpful to this network and to find out what was going on and to receive help.

I don't think it is in any way subconscious.
This is so unbelievable I can hardly imagine how it all got started. You lie to yourselves, to each other, to "your FB audience", and you still think you can discuss it amongst yourselves before posting a reply here. That "we" is just freaky.

You took this whole ridiculous and EXTREMELY dangerous experiment lightly, but then you heard the answers as if they were the words of God. Pleeez, stop saying you wanted to help others by showing them how not to channel. That is pathetic. It is self-importance even in the way you go about that.

Read this from your incredibly stupid session:

LJ: Laura PMed us that this information about your communication with us ... S: That is us with you ... LJ: That is us with you, to publish it on our part of Croatian board of Cassiopaean forum, is that okay?
A: Yes
Z: No need for suspicion. LJ: It is always good to communicate with our higher selves. (Laughter.)
Z: Has Laura already contacted you regarding our board?
A: Yes

[The group is happy. Laughter]

LJ: Has Laura checked about our communication with you?
A: Yes
Z: Are we on the right track with this board?
A: Yes
LJ: Have you, former Cassiopeans and Pleiadians, now Leo 6 confirmed that you have been communicating with us and Laura at the same time?
A: Yes

And this:

Q: Will Laura and company be safe also?
A: Yes
Q: Will Laura move from France to here?
A: Yes
Q: Which year?
A: 2015
Q: Does she already know that she won't permanently live in France?
A: Yes
Q: Will our FOTCM house be in Loviste?
A: Yes
Q: Does Laura already know that?
A: Yes
Q: Does Laura in 3D, does she already know that she will live in Loviste?
A: Yes
Q: When did you communicate with her about her living in Loviste?
A: Today
Q: How long was the session?
A: 1 h
Q: (S) Is there some cause because I haven't posted on the forum about this communication?
A: Yes
Q: Higher cause?
A: Yes
Q: My Higher Self didn't want this post to be posted today?
A: Yes
Q: When do you think it would be wise to post it?
A: 2
Q: Do we need to tell Laura more about our communication with you?
A: Yes
Q: Is it optimal that Sasa sends an e-mail with more info about it?
A: Yes
Q: Do we need to tell Laura about this evening's session so she can understand the seriousness of our communication with you?
A: Yes

So you thought you could teach Laura a few things, eh? And while you are at it, know what goes on in her mind and her life, eh? And while you are at it, not check absolutely anything about this source, eh? And while you are at it, induce an answer about how special you and your higher selves are, and assume that THAT is the reason for not posting about it earlier? Can you get more ignorant, arrogant, gullible and self-important than that?

It strikes me that you seem to be very delicious food for someone or something (by your own choice!), and that you are so and full of yourselves that you still believe there is some value in those sessions. Your few posts and rare explanations read as minds deteriorating by the minute. But then again, that could be a choice you've made. After all, it's more fun and yummy for the ego to do what you did and to ignore all the information that you already HAD about the dangers of this kind of experiment. But why is it so hard to look at yourselves now, after the fact at least? Are you looking for a way out, so that you can keep doing what you are doing? If so, don't ask us to tell you to do that, be adults and make your own choice, at your own risk, and not associating yourselves with this network. If not, then be honest, for once!!! You have been asked simple questions, and given the opportunity to provide us with simple fact. But so far, you have failed miserably at answering.
Seems like all 3 of you have some serious ego problems,

Seems like you haven't learned much from your ''falls and rises'', now have you sasha? I have read your very early posts where you have mentioned how you suffer from a program called ''perfectionist'' , it seems to me you never suffered from being a perfectionist, because if you were , you would have networked with the group before even trying such a thing.

I mean come on dude, you are an EE teacher, you are aware of your responsibilities, you are not stupid, you KNOW this, don't you? , now stop acting like little kids and speak up on who started with this idea and stop protecting eachothers illusions.
Ailén said:
Read this from your incredibly stupid session:

Z: Has Laura already contacted you regarding our board?
A: Yes

[The group is happy. Laughter]

Rather than being "happy" the group should have realised how idiotic they were to take as a given an answer from this supposed 'source' rather than ask Laura herself. Why in GODS name would you be happy about a 'confirmation' like that when you had NO idea if it was true or not and could have first checked by sending an email and asking.

I'm totally flabbergasted by your ignorance, self-importance and hubris. I only know Sasa personally, and that's the only thing that's stopping me concluding that all involved in this little adventure are complete half-wits, literally.
Aragorn said:
What I would like to know is: who is this Vicky O'Hara/psychic woman, and what's her role in this affair?
It was only my guess that this FB personality has to be the psychic woman Violeta who has been long term friend of Ljubica's family.
I am too wondering what is her role in this affair. But only Ljubica and Sasa can tell us more about this.
According to Ljubica she was there at the same time as Sasa, if I understood correctly Sasha arrived there around 20th of July.
I am sorry, perhaps my previous comments were not enough fine, I was not aware that 1 of the 3 is/was EE Teacher, and regarding the trust, there is an issue, I think for me as newbie or any new guest all that can seem surprising...
The strangest thing to me is that a majority of the "channeled" material is either Yes or No, with all of the leading and disinformation coming from the group itself. In other words they could have been flipping a coin and wound up with just as many lies. What went wrong?
Laura said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
Sasa please, this is painful for me to watch.
Go for a walk alone, do some pipe breathing and then re read slowly Joe's and Laura's replies.

Sasa, what is clear to me is that your mind is somehow being corrupted by the energies around you. We are actually witnessing something that most of us on this forum have seen way too many times: the deterioration of thinking capacities because a choice has been made to believe a lie. Now, what IS that lie? Read the following from Lobaczewski:

One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis. {...}

Any human group affected by the process described herein is characterized by its increasing regression as regards natural common sense and the ability to perceive psychological reality. Someone treating this in traditional categories could consider it an instance of “turning into half-wittedness” or the growing of intellectual deficiencies and moral failings. A ponerological analysis of this process, however, indicates that pressure is applied upon the more normal part of the association by pathological factors in the person of their carriers.

Laurentien said:
My impression is that Ljubica, Zo and Saša are protecting someone or something under which spell they have fallen. Until they expose it, they will remain under it influence and after reading all of this tread, they appear to have lost most of their rational and critical thinking already. It is time to remember yourself, put the ego aside, and to bring light , knowledge so we can help you. Can you see where you were leaded to do. Haven't you read in the last few week the forum and the attack upon it. Couldn't you see where your decision to publish this could fuel more attack upon the FOTCM.

It is time to silence your ego and to remember your self and regain control of your self.

This is I think a good example of this saying; the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Fwiw, my impression has also been that they are protecting someone or something. Because they have doged all questions, and when asked who started all this, the answer came with pointing the finger at Herr Eisenheim who was said to have been the initiator of the idea at some FOTCM meeting.

My other thought was that while we have somewhat heard from Saša and Ljubica, Zo is nowhere to be found? Unless I've missed it?

It's also baffeling why all of this seems to be taken very lightley, and not serious at all, and all of you seem to be going through amnesia. Saša keeps repeating, "If we need to do anything more, we'll gladly do it."

Well we need answers- straight forward answers, and so far none has been given, which just makes me think that ya'll are either hiding something or protecting something/someone. Just what is going on guys?? :huh:
yes you missed it- Zo doesnt speak very good English, and they were not pointing the finger at me they were deflecting which is equally bad.
Deedlet said:
Laura said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
Sasa please, this is painful for me to watch.
Go for a walk alone, do some pipe breathing and then re read slowly Joe's and Laura's replies.

Sasa, what is clear to me is that your mind is somehow being corrupted by the energies around you. We are actually witnessing something that most of us on this forum have seen way too many times: the deterioration of thinking capacities because a choice has been made to believe a lie. Now, what IS that lie? Read the following from Lobaczewski:

One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis. {...}

Any human group affected by the process described herein is characterized by its increasing regression as regards natural common sense and the ability to perceive psychological reality. Someone treating this in traditional categories could consider it an instance of “turning into half-wittedness” or the growing of intellectual deficiencies and moral failings. A ponerological analysis of this process, however, indicates that pressure is applied upon the more normal part of the association by pathological factors in the person of their carriers.

Laurentien said:
My impression is that Ljubica, Zo and Saša are protecting someone or something under which spell they have fallen. Until they expose it, they will remain under it influence and after reading all of this tread, they appear to have lost most of their rational and critical thinking already. It is time to remember yourself, put the ego aside, and to bring light , knowledge so we can help you. Can you see where you were leaded to do. Haven't you read in the last few week the forum and the attack upon it. Couldn't you see where your decision to publish this could fuel more attack upon the FOTCM.

It is time to silence your ego and to remember your self and regain control of your self.

This is I think a good example of this saying; the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Fwiw, my impression has also been that they are protecting someone or something.

that's also my impression.

Deedlet said:
Because they have doged all questions, and when asked who started all this, the answer came with pointing the finger at Herr Eisenheim who was said to have been the initiator of the idea at some FOTCM meeting.

to be fair that wasn't what Sasa said:

Saša said:
It was our mutual idea, no one encouraged it in any special way and no one is encouraging it now. Like written in initial post of this thread all we wanted, and were said to do, was to show what kind of mistake we did and to show to people what not to do.
Like Herr Eisenheim said in his posts, we talked about this idea when we were all together during our FOTCM gathering in June. After studying T.C. Lethbridge work a little bit further we just decided to give it a try. And the results are shown here.

but it sure looks like they try to deflect and put the responsibility on Herr Eisenheim too.
François said:
I am sorry, perhaps my previous comments were not enough fine, I was not aware that 1 of the 3 is/was EE Teacher, and regarding the trust, there is an issue, I think for me as newbie or any new guest all that can seem surprising...

The whole thing is bananas!! How can he be a good teacher if he can't make responsible and smart decisions!

EDIT: Or how can he be trusted with the responsibilities of being an EE teacher?!
dannybananny said:
But I also think it will be a sad thing to not give people a second chance, but I know what kind of people exist and that caution is never enough and know that Laura and crew probably had to go through hell and are still there, and that through one member all members can be jeopardized, so this was a good lesson about responsibility and discernment, But the mistakes are also part of the progress, no one didn't came to where they came without falling before learning how to stand, and people are different. I think this was a good lesson for us all in the end and that judging won't do anything constructive, what is done is done, but if nothing isn't learned from lessons, then there's a problem, but I think this isn't the case here.

I strongly believe that it would be a grave mistake to view this as merely a "mistake" or "lesson" to be forgiven and for the trio to be given a second chance.

Laura and the Chateau folks have enough on their plates as it is with the goings on with the French Police.

Asking Laura and Company to give Ljubica, Zo and Saša another chance is completely asinine imho. It is akin to asking Laura to give them another chance after they brought a loaded gun to the Chateau that went off.
April said:
dannybananny said:
But I also think it will be a sad thing to not give people a second chance, but I know what kind of people exist and that caution is never enough and know that Laura and crew probably had to go through hell and are still there, and that through one member all members can be jeopardized, so this was a good lesson about responsibility and discernment, But the mistakes are also part of the progress, no one didn't came to where they came without falling before learning how to stand, and people are different. I think this was a good lesson for us all in the end and that judging won't do anything constructive, what is done is done, but if nothing isn't learned from lessons, then there's a problem, but I think this isn't the case here.

I strongly believe that it would be a grave mistake to view this as merely a "mistake" or "lesson" to be forgiven and for the trio to be given a second chance.

Laura and the Chateau folks have enough on their plates as it is with the goings on with the French Police.

Asking Laura and Company to give Ljubica, Zo and Saša another chance is completely asinine imho. It is akin to asking Laura to give them another chance after they brought a loaded gun to the Chateau that went off.

April, I agree, they had the forum for a reason, they choose not to network, and they made a very stupid choice. I personally don't trust them nor believe their ansewers.
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